
Destiny 2’s Beta Continues the Pattern of Two Steps Forward One Step Back | JPS

There are countless reasons to be excited for Destiny 2 and only a few not to. Losing our progress and gear, most notably emblems, was a massive blow to the community. - JPS

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Christopher2515d ago

***Losing our progress and gear, most notably emblems, was a massive blow to the community***

Yeah. That's kind of how these games work. Being MMO like doesn't make it an MMO and Destiny 2 is a standalone game, not an expansion.

Elwenil2515d ago

It didn't have to be that way but from the beginning, Bungie screwed up whatever "plan" they had for this game series, if there ever was one. If they had really planned this out to be a "ten year game" or series or whatever, all of this wouldn't have been such an issue. But I think it's pretty obvious with how Destiny 1 was handled that Bungie is great with gameplay as far as the actual movement and gunplay but woefully inept at how the framework that supports all of that works in the background. From what I have seen of Destiny 2 so far, they still seem to be lacking a coherent and focused direction and instead still seem to be "playing it by ear'. Just my .02

Lavitz19892515d ago

Not that it matters, but Deej confirmed, around the time Destiny originally released, that the plan was to have this stuff continue forward. For one reason or another, this did not pan out, but it was something Bungie said over something people assumed.

jugo142515d ago

this was never confirmed around the time of the first games launch. What a load of bull shit

Lavitz19892515d ago

@ Jugo14



"Update: Bungie has clarified with IGN even further saying that yes, your progress will 100% carry over to the sequel. Original story below."

"Dague also expressed the studio's plans about progress carrying over to an eventual Destiny sequel, noting that the studio intends to allow it and recognizes the attachment players form with their guardians."

What do you have to dispute this?

No Way2515d ago

Jugo14 - well, you just kinda look stupid now..

jugo142515d ago (Edited 2515d ago )

ah sorry for my earlier comment. I misread yours. I thought you said bungie said it wouldn't carry over. I agree with you that they did in fact state it would carry over. Apologies.

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spicelicka2515d ago

Although I'm happy you lose progress because I never finished Destiny 1 fully and would hate to start on unequal footing, I still think it feels more like an expansion. It looks like Destiny 1 with small improvements, the MP specially seems to be using the same assets. The gun you start off with doesn't even reflect any light as you spin your character around, it bothered me.

Christopher2515d ago

Most oft released shooters feel like the same thing with different skins (CoD, BF, etc.). This one just forgoes the whole reskinning process.

spicelicka2515d ago (Edited 2515d ago )


Umm that isn't exactly reassuring, it's a terrible way to justify it. Even if it did a reskin it would be something. Improving graphics doesn't just mean "reskinning". That's like saying Halo 5 is just a reskin of Halo CE, by your logic is should've just stayed the way it looked in 2001.

Christopher2513d ago

You'll notice I didn't mention Halo at all...

spicelicka2513d ago

You'll notice I gave an example to make a point. That's sorta how examples work.

Christopher2510d ago

Your point is meaningless as Halo is story driven throughout, not an annual release, and not in the category of third party shooters.

And you completely missed that looking different isn't the issue, it's playing the same no matter how they look.

spicelicka2509d ago (Edited 2509d ago )

Being story driven or not shouldn't impact the graphics (also Halo has a HUGE multiplayer component, it's not just story driven), not should it being third party. The graphics are part of the overall experience, being third party doesn't mean a game is allowed to use the same outdated assets for a sequel, specially considering how much money D1 made.

What I got from your statement is that a change in graphics is just reskinning and the gameplay remains the same, so why not just forego that process and use the same graphics. Which makes no sense because graphics add to the experience along with gameplay changes and features.

It sounds like you're justifying the bad graphics, which I don't understand why you'd need to. if they're bad then they're bad. The reason i gave Halo as an example is because it's a prominent FPS that's been around for a long time created by the same developers. By your logic Bungie would have said hey let's "forego the reskinning process" for Halo 2 because it will play the same as Halo 1 anyway, less work for us. Then do they do same thing for Halo 3, Reach? Then 343 does the same for 4, 5?? Where is the line drawn? Is every game that supposedly "plays the same" supposed to do this? Do you really want to play games that look like they're made for the PS2?

At this point I can't tell if I'm playing an expansion or a sequel, that is not a great sign.

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thorstein2515d ago

They broke the narrative.

If this is how the story works (that the tower fell), shouldn't I be able to keep the stuff that is on my back?

Shouldn't I still have the weapons I carry around with me?

How does that get taken away?

It was a fun game, don't get me wrong, but I am less than enthused about the sequel.

Christopher2515d ago

They destroyed where you store all your weapons and caught you off guard while also destroying the source of your power. You are left with what you had on you in the attack.

This is pretty standard stuff for resetting powers, equipment, and abilities in sequels.

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Nesflix2515d ago

More like one step forward, 2 steps backwards.

Knushwood Butt2515d ago

Yeah, that's the correct expression.

In terms of language, 2 steps forward one step back doesn't make any sense because it's still making progress.

FITSniper2515d ago

The last things I give a damn about are emblems. Honestly I wish they'd remove them from the game. Or at least make them not be an inventory item. I hated having to delete them to make the space for new ones I didn't care about.

spartan112g2515d ago

Nothing to see here. Just a Hunter whining who doesn't understand his own class.


Destiny 2 just isn't doing it for me I don't care how much they put into D2 or how much they balance weapons because of pvp it's just not exciting at all..And having to start over again feels depressing, because the time invested in D1 was all for nothing and starting over made me personally lose interest!! The beta is in my opinion a lackluster experience with 0 wow or nostalgic feelings


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