
PS4 Dominates Ubisoft Sales in Latest Quarter; Xbox One and PC Follow

Ubisoft releases its financial results for the past fiscal quarter, from April 1st, to July 30th, 2017. As usual, PS4 versions of the publisher's games are on top of sales.

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ArchangelMike2520d ago

Wow! That chart really shows that Sony have taken dominance in North America. I thought their main territory was Europe, but that chart shows the opposite. Microsoft really did fall asleep at the wheel.

JaguarEvolved2520d ago ShowReplies(1)
yeahright22520d ago

NA was always Sony's main territory if you look at it as where they sell the most consoles. If you're looking at it from a marketshare point of view, then yes I think it becomes Europe, as NA is more xbox land as far as last gen goes anyway and Japan is split with Nintendo. But Europe I don't think Sony has much competition (excluding UK who no one seems to count as part of Europe when talking gaming territories for some reason.)

PhoenixUp2520d ago

Sony has always sold the most PS products in Europe since PS2

uptownsoul2520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )

Its so weird that I keep hearing that "PS4 owners don't buy games" or more specifically, "PS4 owners don't buy games at the same rate of Xbox One owners".

I guess the only 3rd party publisher who publicly releases software revenue by platform proves otherwise

dcbronco2520d ago

Soul last quarter they bought at the same rate. Sony has twice the install base. But if you look at the previous year Sony doesn't double the Xbox sales. Therefore whatever Ubisoft released at that time was bought by a bigger percentage of owners on Xbox than on PC.

S2Killinit2520d ago

I agree that North America might be the most competative domain, but its by no means the home turf of one console over the other. Playstations do extremely well in NA.

S2Killinit2520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )

Even if true, It may also have to do with the fact that there are many more games on PS4?

dcbronco2520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )

If that is true it may be the case. We would have to have overall game sales to really know. But can you name any major exclusives PlayStation had last year that did major volume? A bunch of games that sell 350,000 copies would take a lot of games. But if the numbers were similar across all of the major publishers last year it pretty much means Sony fans don't buy games. It's a matter of attach rates. In the 360 generation Xbox had a much higher attach rate and that's where the idea came from that PlayStation fans don't buy games.

P_Bomb2520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )

Last year? MLB17, R&C, UC4, SFV, NMS, TLG all did over a million. I own 3 of those. Didn't buy a single ubi' game cuz why would I? Got more to choose from. No need to attach rate myself to cr@p.

RacerX2520d ago

Hopefully, Microsoft takes this as a challenge and really picks up the pace with the X1X. It will take a lot more than just a powerful console to gain market share.

rainslacker2519d ago

I can't remember the last Ubisoft game I brought. Not sure I've brought one all year....

I have brought about 15 games this year though from various other publishers.

dcbronco2519d ago

Lol! Hey PBomb. So each of those titles sold over a million. If people really bought games then with an install base of over 60 million they all sold at least 5 million copies, right? At 60 million a million in sales is well under 2% which doesn't make it a blockbuster. Uncharted sold well. Did baseball? Even if it's the best baseball game. Street Fighter? It just seems the attach rates are lower than last generation period. No need to get the defense force in high gear. Last generation, despite all of your exclusives and RRoD, 360 had a much higher attach rate. That means Xbox owners spent more on games and Sony fans got a reputation. It's ok. You go prove 'em wrong. Go buy those other exclusives. Defy Sony's president when he says most exclusives lose money. He can rest easy knowing you'll buy 'em all.

Trez12342519d ago

Dcbronco, is it really hard to understand that 60million plus of gamers like different games ? Some buy the PlayStation to play popular games and there are various small groups that buy the PlayStation to play their favourite genre. I mean...its not even hard to understand especially when you see how different parts of the world buy different games/genre more than the other.

yeahright22519d ago

@phoenix. Yes you're right. For some reason I thought only the PS3 sold more in Europe. Sorry, I was working with bad info.

P_Bomb2519d ago (Edited 2519d ago )

What's the rant for? You asked a question, I answered it. Re-read what you wrote including the part about selling 350,000. I gave you examples and a scenario. You gave me some nonsense about Sony's president.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2519d ago
yomfweeee2520d ago

Just looking for clarification, but how did you come to the conclusion out of those 2 charts that Sony is dominating NA? The regional chart says nothing about platforms.

Chevalier2520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )

Sony doubles the sales of Xbox. PS4 accounts for 44% of sales, Xbox only accounts for 22%. PS4 sales also beats out the Xbox One+PC combines sales.

yomfweeee2520d ago

Chevalier that is worldwide, but doesn't prove they are dominating North America.

Chevalier2520d ago

Yeah, that may be true, but, the U.S. is the biggest market so its not unreasonable to assume that it is the case. Regardless, Sony dominates sales yet here we have more than a few people suggesting attach rates are higher on Xbox. Companies ONLY care how many more millions of copies PS4 is selling.

yomfweeee2519d ago

It is very likely that Ubisoft sells more in NA on PS4 than the X1 because we all know Sony has won almost all NPD months.

But my point still stands. Based on these charts, you can make no conclusion on PS4 vs X1 in North America (let alone that they are dominating them). So, "Wow! That chart really shows that Sony have taken dominance in North America." makes no sense.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2519d ago
trooper_2520d ago

Sony's straight up bodying the competition.

ModiJi2520d ago

Indeed. Ps4 > Xbox + PC

BiggerBoss2520d ago

If you're into online gaming, Ps4 must be hard to resist seeing as games will have twice the user base.

InTheZoneAC2520d ago

pc too busy pirating games and trying to kill the industry

Kribwalker2520d ago

Where does it show that? It showed PS4 was 44% to MS 22% which aligns with user base of both consoles and that North America sales were 50% of Ubisoft totals. There was no breakdown on sales per console per region

UCForce2520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )

It doesn't matter now. It's seem PS4 dominated USA.

BiggerBoss2520d ago


It's funny that Xbox is selling way fewer consoles AND way fewer games than Ps4? I mean I guess so...

gangsta_red2520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )


Oh no! Sales put downs! *holds chest* I've been mortally wounded.........

What's funnier is you think I care.

trooper_2520d ago

@ gangsta

You wouldn't be here if you didn't care.


Kribwalker2520d ago


Where do you see that? Because last time I saw anything in the USA PS4 and Xbox one were within 1-2 million consoles of each other. So once again, where are you getting that info?

uptownsoul2520d ago

@Kribwalker - "It showed PS4 was 44% to MS 22% which aligns with user base of both consoles"

Its so weird that I keep hearing that "PS4 owners don't buy games at the same rate of Xbox One owners". I guess the only publisher who releases software sales numbers by platform proves otherwise

Kribwalker2520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )

Thats because in the past Xbox consoles have had higher attach rates. Still true this generation if you go by the past Ubisoft revenue figures. They say, for a console by console basis (doesn't mean more sales total, but attach rate per console) that for every $1 spent on a PlayStation game the avg Xbox user spends $1.25.



Chevalier2519d ago (Edited 2519d ago )

Past attach rates are the past. Its nice to see that it seems every contested point only has garbage numbers from the past. Here and now NONE of that matter. PS4 has higher sales for software, hardware and the most exclusives currently. Not like Xbox is giving any meaningful numbers any more. Those 'engagement' and garbage metrics don't change that. Also publishers would rather measure how many more millions of copies are being sold on PS4 over Xbox. Attach doesn't mean much.

Its like saying that Xbox had a sales increase of 200% and they sold 3000 units from 1000 whereas PS4 at 50,000 and only had an increase of 100% from 25,000. Guess what 50,000 >>>>>> 3000. Its why MS ALWAYS list percentages rather than units sales because big percentages sound much more better than listing off embarrassingly low numbers.

Millions more copies get sold on PS4, why do you think PS4 keeps getting publisher deals? Fifa 18, Destiny 2, COD WW, Red Dead 2, SW BF2 for example.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2519d ago
MegamanXXX2520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )


Why did you get an inappropriate comment is beyond me lol

InTheZoneAC2520d ago

ms drove off the cliff and fell in a volcano, there is no coming back

Chevalier2519d ago

" Lol! Hey PBomb. So each of those titles sold over a million. If people really bought games then with an install base of over 60 million they all sold at least 5 million copies, right?"

Okay which Xbox exclusives even sold over a million in the last year? Gears 4? Halo Wars 2 sure in the heck didn't. Sony had Nier Automata, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, MLB and Persona sell over a million within a month of release this year. Newsflash those games STILL are selling. Recore, Sunset Overdrive and pretty much EVERY Xbox exclusive has struggled to do the same. 5 million for the vast majority of Xbox exclusives would be a pipedream. Why do you think Scalebound got canceled and Phantomdust was given away free.

This gen is the only gen where Xbox has given their top AAA free so often in promotion. At my work we had buy Halo 5 get Tomb Raider free during launch month. Buy Xbox One get Forza free and buy Xbox get Gears 4 free or Halo and 'Free' for Xbox counts as units sold!

Also notice I didn't need to list Uncharted, TLOU, Infamous, Killzone. Other than Halo, Gears, Forza which to reach a million sold involved giving them away with EVERY bundle sold at times. Also notice Nier, Nioh etc. didn't even need to be released in the fall Christmas seasons to even do amazing sales. Can you name 5 exclusives outside Gears, Halo, Forza to move a million in under a month on Xbox? Doubt you could though because there are none. Those 'niche' games literally have outsold every exclusive on Xbox pretty much so what does that make Xbox exclusives? Super niche?! Love your goalpost shifting! Its pure desperation at its best! Will wait to see your non answer since you won't be able to list those mega sale Xbox exclusives.

Major_Glitch2519d ago

Looks like JaguarEvolved spoke too much truth. Seriously mods, what's your excuse this time? And we just had that nice article where you guys said you'd try to enforce the rules more evenly. SMH.

ON TOPIC: This gen belongs to Sony.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2519d ago
ModiJi2520d ago

Uhm wow! PS4 has shown huge growth for Ubisoft YOY. No wonder PS4 is developer's darling this gen. That is impressive growth. Sony must be really happy and I can't wait to see what Sony has for us gamers in future.

LP-Eleven2520d ago

Precisely why it will continue to see the majority of games made with the PS4 in mind. Yes, the One X will receive 4K upgrades (and it should, given the specs), but as far as the base for game development, that will remain the PS4 as it is the most feasible thing to do. Think last gen and the 360.

MegamanXXX2520d ago

5 points is not a lot. Still hanging in there

Razzer2520d ago

I mean, it hasn't dropped to single digits, but 5 points from 26 to 21 isn't insignificant. It will jump back up with Far Cry 5 though.

yeahright22520d ago

I would think PC numbers as less strong dollar wise than they are units sold wise due to things like steam sales, though I may be wrong. Lord knows that's also where you'll find the most pirating, and I'm sure that plays a negative role on PC sales also.

indysurfn2520d ago

5 out of 26 is 19% a nineteen percent drop is a large drop. The bigger the participant the more massive it is. And people keep trying to say Console will die off?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2520d ago
Mr Marvel2519d ago

Who cares about PC, other than the obese 40 year old virgins still living in their parent's basement.

TC7312519d ago

Cry harder about your weak consoles with hardly any game mods.

Relientk772520d ago (Edited 2520d ago )

PS4 versions doing great


Elda2520d ago

PS4 is the console to have & play!

shinrock2520d ago

Your right, its Is a console to have and play!

King_Lothric2520d ago

Your left, it's a console to have and play!

Mr Marvel2519d ago

Why can't anybody spell these days?

Do they not teach proper English in schools anymore?

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