
First Images Of Ataribox Revealed

TSA writes: "A little while ago Atari confirmed it was working on a new console, with the machine being called the Ataribox. Today Atari has revealed the first images for the console, and it does look very sleek."

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UCForce2513d ago

It does. Good to see more competitors to join in. Because we need more options for consumers to choose.

FreddyFazbear2513d ago

It may seem that way more options but the problem will be, Multiplats and 3rd party devs will take a lot longer since they need to code for another console. its quite long enough as it is developing for PC, PS4 and XboxOne. now a 4th entry?? And remember, the 80's videogame crash was not only due to bad games but also there are many consoles at the time colecovision, intellevision etc. More Consoles doesnt always mean a good thing. People need games not vatiety of machines. PC for people who wants it for graphics, console for people who want exclusives to it unless ataribox has its own exclusive, not counting the classics

bouzebbal2513d ago

This is how a remake should look like.
2600 must be proud of the sexiness of her younger sister

MrSec842513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

It actually depends entirely on which hardware vendor, type of processing architecture and how straightforward the operating system and API(s) are to work with.
If the base specs of this system use AMD technology, with performance around XB1 and PS4 or somewhere between PS4 and Pro/1X, while using Vulkan with a semi-custom FreeBSD OS devs would be porting their games in Days to Weeks.

With Atari Box if the specs and system software are good then it'll depend more on if they can move 3rd Party games, which will depend on their messaging, the kinds of exclusives the system has (it'll mainly need titles targeted at the gamer that buys western 3rd Party games, because that's the biggest audience in the dedicated gaming device market), online network existing and being of a good quality.

TBH if Atari have partnered with the right External Publishers to help them get this Platform started and they show the goods they could be in a position to get a place alongside Sony as the Platform Holder who brings both the Exclusives and Multiplats.

Atari needs to have been building a stable of talented Studios who will have a guaranteed stream of interesting games that will appeal to a decent sized audience.

TBH, right now Sony and Nintendo are the only 2 companies bringing the exclusive games in the console market, Microsoft are relying more heavily on 3rd Party, with just a few Exclusives sprinkled in their lineup each year, which can now be bought on PC for the most part.

If Atari launches a machine that gets a bunch of unique games that you can't buy elsewhere, as well as classic titles, exclusive indies and the major Multiplats they would be one of 2 Platforms this gen doing so.
Quite frankly it's actually a good time to strike, because Sony are the only company who are really doing it and Nintendo are focused on a more portable/hybrid segment of the market.

It may seem flooded, but 3 platforms isn't the market limit, if a new company can bring the competition that could cause market growth, plus we're not at the sealing for potential sales, which is probably in the region of about 210 Million consoles based on 7th gen systems sold to the real console audience, this gen PS4 is around 60 to 62 Million units sold, XB1's at between 25 to 30, Wii U is at 13 to 14 and Switch about 4 to 5, so all in there's no more than 110 million dedicated gaming devices in the console space, Atari could eat a portion of the remaining 100+ Million left over and also attract more people if they have their own identity.

We can't really say it's doomed or guaranteed to succeed because other companies are established and doing something similar, we need more specific information and the thing needs to actually release, with Atari actually delivering the goods to know for sure.

Ju2513d ago

I don't think it is wise to yet release yet another custom OS. Android could qualify as a real good baseline. Custom launcher and market and a 199 price with a strong third party line up and a mobile processor which can deliver a great experience should suffice. Android has a good sdk and tools, and yes Vulkan only would just work in that environment and make games portable

Bobafret2513d ago

There is more than enough talent out there clamoring for a chance, this is a good thing and will create jobs and expand the industry.

2513d ago
DJStotty2512d ago

depends on the developmental tools this will use. Could be as simple as a direct port which would be minimal work for a talented development studio

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2512d ago
THamm2513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

With all these minis coming out, my tv definitely needs an extra hdmi socket up front lol. What are the "current games??"

DJStotty2512d ago

Id say by "current" they are meaning non-4k games. That is what i suffice as current games, so i would expect performance to be around base xbox one/ps4

segamaniaco2513d ago

No competition here, its just a retrobox that will play some indies eventually

Lets not treat this console like a ps4 competitor

Omnislashver362513d ago

Exactly, as much as I'd like to see a 3rd console competitor, this just isn't it.

frostypants2513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

Yeah but Atari's console history since the 2600 has been unbelievably rough (though admittedly that was largely a different company). This is totally out of left field for me...I had no idea they were releasing a console.

rainslacker2513d ago

That was a pretty sleek looking device.

I'm curious what "recent games" it will play. I'm not expecting a next gen console though.

2513d ago
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Relientk772513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

I really like how both versions look. Hard for me to decide which I like better nostalgia wood or the cool red

DJStotty2512d ago

the red and black does look cool

hamzilla2513d ago

I'm curious as to what the specs will be in this. If it's anything recent I wonder if alot of 3rd parties will jump on atari.

Father__Merrin2513d ago

i think an atari reboot would sell millions initially, if they can gather software support then it should do well, i predict it will be digital only

DJStotty2512d ago

looks that way i dont see any indication of an optical drive in the photos

Inzo2513d ago

I have a feeling that this will be a direct competitor of the Switch.

curtis922513d ago

@Inzo, Uh... how? Is it portable? Does it have IPs that are in the same galaxy as Nintendo that are in any way still relevant?

rocketpanda2513d ago

How so?

Unless it can magically transform into a tablet, then I find it hard what it will be competing with. I reckon it will try to compete on the lower spectrum of current consoles like the standard PS4 and Xbox One.

I doubt Atari will risk selling it at a higher price than current available systems.

Inzo2511d ago


I am referring to specs and the casual market.

Ju2513d ago

Same. Wonder if x86 or ARM. And if one gives it 8GB at least. Open top end mobile ARM based CPU with plenty of memory would be cool. I want to see what such a "beast" could delivered if it doesn't need to run in mobile mode.

XStation4pio_Pro2513d ago

Wow. Looks awesome and a nice homage to the 2600.

frostypants2513d ago

Wood grain. Early 80s all over again. Very cool.

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The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

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Skuletor21h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde16h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast16h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows15h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 14h ago
Hotpot13h ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear2115h ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.

Lightning7711h ago

Still baffling they cancelled Twisted Metal, Factions 2 and Spider-Man Multiverse LS game but thought Concord looked good enough.

Chocoburger11h ago

Ape Escape, Parappa / Lammy, Gravity Rush, good times. Always hoping for them to make a return, or at least similar type games, such as the newly-announced Astro Bot, but one game isn't enough. Bring back the joyfulness of the 90's era of gaming.

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