dericb115728d ago

I saw this in Joystiq about 20 min. ago. They said the GBA slot is gone which sounds bad. I don't know for sure what this does but is seems weird. if you want to see they're news too.

mikeslemonade5727d ago

I rather have a smaller screen if all the DSi does is crop the image and make it bigger. It would be way better if there are games that have a bigger screen mode for the 3.25 inches. I rather have a crisp and more clear 3 inch orginal image. I am such a purist like that.

Xiru5728d ago

Please tell me this is more than a DS Lite with a camera... If so, I will be horribly dissapointed. At least PSP is getting something that matters, a better screen. I was hoping for a new DS that could at least compete with PSP graphics.

TruthbeTold5728d ago

The DS is just getting to the point where it has been selling huge amounts of games all the way around, and that is due to the install base being so huge. It looks to me that they've added a few nice little features to the existing DS, will charge 50 bucks extra for it, and continue to maximize profits.

Lelouch V Brit5728d ago

Excellent I'm going to sell my original DS.

RareNimbus5728d ago

lol...ima buy this next new dsi when release date, first day buy for me.

PeterGriffinSays5728d ago

In the words of Carlton Banks: "Tsk Squared."

GiantEnemyLobster5728d ago

Totally owns the PSP! Woot go Nintendo!

HairyBrownSack5728d ago

lol, PSPee is GARBAGE!!!!

back to SH5. bye

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