
Bloodborne 60 FPS Dream Is Long Dead

Bloodborne is a fan favorite action RPG from the critically acclaimed studio Form Software. It is one of the only Souls-like game released this generation that is exclusive to a single platform unlike the Dark Souls series. This means that those who prefer the Souls game in 60 FPS were out of luck.

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freshslicepizza2531d ago

"It is one of the only Souls-like game released this generation that is exclusive to a single platform unlike the Dark Souls series. This means that those who prefer the Souls game in 60 FPS were out of luck."

Yup, but some think it's better this way because it defines a platform without thinking beyond that inner circle that maybe the game could be enjoyed by more and on a better performing platform.

Cmv382531d ago

Again, when Sony has am exclusive, people spin it negative. But when other platforms have exclusives its celebrated. I don't get it. That's like saying xbx should only have 8gb of ram because that's what the pro has, money should be spent else where. So Sony shouldn't spend money to benefit their system as well?

LiamKreptic2531d ago

What I don't get is this is an article about a known PS4 exclusive, yet, the xbox lovers come to spit and trash on it. However, its ok when they do it to Playstaion, but once someone even brings up a valid point against xbox then it is absolute chaos and "Sony Fanboys back at it again" situation. I guess its only ok if xbox gets exclusives, but as soon as Sony makes a deal its a betrayal to humanity. Pffft.

morganfell2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

Well, what trumps all of this is I have played it. And the DLC. I own it too. Played it. Love it. I can play it whenever I want. 30fps for this game isn't an issue. I think about the enjoyment I am having not the frame rate. And I say that as someone running a PC with a Kaby Lake 4.2 on a Maximus 9 Mobo, with SLIed Asus Rog Strix GTX 1080tis and 64GB of DDR4.

freshslicepizza2531d ago

"Well, what trumps all of this is I have played it. And the DLC. I own it too. Played it. Love it. I can play it whenever I want. 30fps for this game isn't an issue. I think about the enjoyment I am having not the frame rate. And I say that as someone running a PC with a Kaby Lake 4.2 on a Maximus 9 Mobo, with SLIed Asus Rog Strix GTX 1080tis and 64GB of DDR4."

And if you played it at 60fps you would probably love it even more, don't lie. This is not to say the game is unplayable at 30fps but even you would agree 60fps would be better.

"What I don't get is this is an article about a known PS4 exclusive, yet, the xbox lovers come to spit and trash on it. However, its ok when they do it to Playstaion, but once someone even brings up a valid point against xbox then it is absolute chaos and "Sony Fanboys back at it again" situation. I guess its only ok if xbox gets exclusives, but as soon as Sony makes a deal its a betrayal to humanity. Pffft."

What does the Xbox have to do with this topic? If you cannot take constructive criticism (this topic is about 60fps) then perhaps this forum is not for you.

morganfell2531d ago

I do not love it less because it is 30fps.

I do not avoid playing it because I can play some other game at 60fps.

And most of all I do not love it more because it is a PS4 title.

You think I built a very fast PC because frame rates matter to me. Wrong.

You understand none of this.

Fail Fail Fail Fail.

You are the first poster into one Sony thread after another attempting to tear down anything PlayStation.

You do not understand that everyone, EVERYONE sees you for what you are.

If you do make a valid remark, by accident no doubt, no one cares because that comment is buried under the mountains of insecurity, jealousy, and hate visible in every post you make. You can try to speak objectively but everyone sees you for what you are and they comprehend clearly your ever so transparent motivations.

EatCrow2531d ago

Exclusives are bad for gamers but good for competition.

freshslicepizza2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

"I do not love it less because it is 30fps.
I do not avoid playing it because I can play some other game at 60fps.
And most of all I do not love it more because it is a PS4 title."

Well just like Naughty Dog said for The Last of Us remastered, once you play in 60fps it's hard to go back

"You think I built a very fast PC because frame rates matter to me. Wrong."

Well you're the first person I know who likes to cap their gaes at 30fps with their GTX 1080ti cards, but hey, you learn something new every day here.

"You are the first poster into one Sony thread after another attempting to tear down anything PlayStation."

This topic is about 60fps and why that dream appears to be dead.

"If you do make a valid remark, by accident no doubt, no one cares because that comment is buried under the mountains of insecurity, jealousy, and hate visible in every post you make. You can try to speak objectively but everyone sees you for what you are and they comprehend clearly your ever so transparent motivations."

Oh, so I am the insecure one for preferring my games at 60fps while you try and tell the world you invested in dual GTX 1080ti cards because you don't like to play games at higher frame rates. All while trying to take personal jabs. Yup, its me who's insecure while you can keep you emotions in check.

"Way to state the bloody obvious. The Last of Us was an incredible game at 30fps and, yeah, it's more enjoyable at 60fps. The same can be said for Uncharted 1, 2, and 3. Obviously, any game would perform objectively better at 60fps and would be more enjoyable, but we experienced those games for the very first time at 30fps. Guess what? They still have critical acclaim. They're still solid games worth playing several times. They're still games providing a solid experience. Suddenly, you're hung up on "gold standard" performance and why the game is being "held back". Here's a thought: what if the game wouldn't even exist without Sony's influence? It's a great game at 30fps. Play it or don't. Christ..."

Then why are you in a topic about the game being 60fps if you don't want to hear about it?

DarXyde2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )


Your reply to morganfell:

"And if you played it at 60fps you would probably love it even more, don't lie. This is not to say the game is unplayable at 30fps but even you would agree 60fps would be better."

Way to state the bloody obvious. The Last of Us was an incredible game at 30fps and, yeah, it's more enjoyable at 60fps. The same can be said for Uncharted 1, 2, and 3. Obviously, any game would perform objectively better at 60fps and would be more enjoyable, but we experienced those games for the very first time at 30fps. Guess what? They still have critical acclaim. They're still solid games worth playing several times. They're still games providing a solid experience. I'm friends with women who look better than my significant other, yet I'm not about to "trade up" because of I might find them more enjoyable. Suddenly, you're hung up on "gold standard" performance and why the game is being "held back". Here's a thought: what if the game wouldn't even exist without Sony's influence? It's a great game at 30fps. Play it or don't.

Christ, who is this man?

JunMei2531d ago

That's only when it's a third party exclusive. 3rd party exclusives are kinda' stupid unless it was the ONLY way a game would have been made.

morganfell2531d ago

"Well just like Naughty Dog said for The Last of Us remastered, once you play in 60fps it's hard to go back "

Get a clue in life, please for once locate a very simple clue. I am not Naughty Dog. I am however Honored that you have mistaken me for a member of ND but like everything you post on this board you are wrong...again. I have my own likes and dislikes and they actually quite often do not coincide with ND.

"Well you're the first person I know who likes to cap their gaes at 30fps with their GTX 1080ti cards, but hey, you learn something new every day here. "

This remark demonstrates a simple lack of perception and a predisposition for a very narrow view. I never said I liked to cap my games at 30fps.

You made that up like everything else.

And you cannot read.

I said that frame rates were not the reason I built a fast system. See how ridiculous your assumptive comment is when you shine the light of elementary reasoning and deduction. You fail again.

"This topic is about 60fps and why that dream appears to be dead. "

Your remark refers to the title but that is hardly the debate. Your take is a shallow one to say the least. You apparently believe the article is 100% correct when it is not. You believe the debate is about 60fps only. Against what standard might I ask? Would that be 30? So the debate must include 30. Like you, in this instance only and not referring to Xbox titles, 30fps is not sufficient. Because they gauge 60 against 30 the debate naturally includes the current version of 30 fps. That is why the article exists in the first place.

"Oh, so I am the insecure one for preferring my games at 60fps while you try and tell the world you invested in dual GTX 1080ti cards because you don't like to play games at higher frame rates. All while trying to take personal jabs. Yup, its me who's insecure while you can keep you emotions in check. "

You are actually referring to a game that runs at 30fps, which is Bloodborne the subject of the article.

So you are again wrong.

And for the second time you assume I do not like playing games at higher frame rates. And again you are wrong.




I simply do not allow 30 fps to prevent me from enjoying a title. You had better be on your knees praying no X1X titles run at less than 60 fps because then you will not be able to enjoy them. What about current X1 titles that do not run at 60fps?

How many times have you defended this game? https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Bear in mind I own QB and like it a lot. And I like it even though it only runs at 30fps.

Here, http://www.rif.org/

Perhaps that will be of some assistance when you next decide to open your mouth and reply to someone while you commit a multitude of errors in your failed deductions. And I do keep my emotions in check because I am not driven against reason to enter one thread after another posting first in order to attempt (and fail) to belittle a piece of hardware I view as a threat.

Game, Set, Match. Now you can go console yourself, pun intended.

freshslicepizza2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

"Get a clue in life, please for once locate a very simple clue. I am not Naughty Dog. I am however Honored that you have mistaken me for a member of ND but like everything you post on this board you are wrong...again. I have my own likes and dislikes and they actually quite often do not coincide with ND. "

You are so polite, I enjoy talking to you.

"This remark demonstrates a simple lack of perception and a predisposition for a very narrow view. I never said I liked to cap my games at 30fps."

Then why did you invest in such a nice PC if you don't care about gaming over 30fps? See, if you were just honest from the get go we wouldn't have this run around.

"I said that frame rates were not the reason I built a fast system. See how ridiculous your assumptive comment is when you shine the light of elementary reasoning and deduction. You fail again."

I would love to have this conversation in person, you are such a delight to talk to.

"Your remark refers to the title but that is hardly the debate. Your take is a shallow one to say the least. You apparently believe the article is 100% correct when it is not. You believe the debate is about 60fps only. Against what standard might I ask? Would that be 30? So the debate must include 30. Like you, in this instance only and not referring to Xbox titles, 30fps is not sufficient. Because they gauge 60 against 30 the debate naturally includes the current version of 30 fps. That is why the article exists in the first place. "

More rambling, this is fun. The breakdown is 60fps would be a lovely option, that's it.

"You are actually referring to a game that runs at 30fps, which is Bloodborne the subject of the article.
So you are again wrong."

Wrong about what, that some would enjoy this game in 60fps including PS4 pro owners while you mask your GTX1080ti's investment reasoning?

"I simply do not allow 30 fps to prevent me from enjoying a title. You had better be on your knees praying no X1X titles run at less than 60 fps because then you will not be able to enjoy them. What about current X1 titles that do not run at 60fps?"

Why bring up the XB1, is this game going to be ported over? I also never said you couldn't enjoy this game at 30fps, so maybe you should learn to read.

"How many times have you defended this game? https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Bear in mind I own QB and like it a lot. And I like it even though it only runs at 30fps."

What does QB have to do with this and I have played QB on the PC, I didn't enjoy it but I could however run the game beyond 30fps so I fail to see your point.

"Perhaps that will be of some assistance when you next decide to open your mouth and reply to someone while you commit a multitude of errors in your failed deductions. And I do keep my emotions in check because I am not driven against reason to enter one thread after another posting first in order to attempt (and fail) to belittle a piece of hardware I view as a threat."

How would I view a $300 console as a threat? That makes no sense at all. This is about the possibility of playing Bloodborne at 60fps but that dream (to PS4 Pro owners) seems to be dead in the water. Why you spend so much time trying to defend 30fps is beyond me.

jc122531d ago

@CM, your comment doesn't make sense to me. Sony is lauded - particularly on this site - for their library of exclusives. Its been a celebrated strength of theirs for some time now.

Realms2531d ago

No it's just moldy always trying to spin any negativity he can against Sony PC gamers cry and moan about how they can't play certain games i.e. Bloodborne, Nioh etc. While claiming they wish to enjoy them in 60 FPS. Knowing full well that some of these games would not come if Sony didn't support them. MS takes no risks that's why some developers go with Sony.

LiamKreptic2530d ago

You directly implied that it would have had 60 fps with it was on a quote "better performing platform." I don't think you were talking about PC so it must have been xbox.You just come and love to sh** on Playstation. Maybe this forum isn't for you.

WilliamSheridan2530d ago

@eddienx the pro has 8GB of RAM straight from their website. I'm not sure what made you think 9GB was a thing...

Aenea2530d ago


8GB GDDR5, 1GB DDR3 RAM = 9GB total

nitus102530d ago


WOW 29 disagrees when you are 100% correct. http://wccftech.com/crytek-...

To those that disagree. The PS4pro has 8GB of GDDR5 and 1GB of DDR3 memory.

CoryHG2530d ago

I played this on my pro and the frame boost from boost mode was very helpful. At the same time you want exclusives, buy a playstation. Don't complain because you only have an xbox and want to play gears of war 12 in 4k.

freshslicepizza2530d ago (Edited 2530d ago )

"8GB GDDR5, 1GB DDR3 RAM = 9GB total"

The available memory on the PS4 Pro is actually 5.5GB of fast ram and 1GB of slow ram. The PS4 has up to 5GB of available ram for game developers.


morganfell2530d ago

"You are so polite, I enjoy talking to you."

You act rudely here. When you begin acting politely you will receive the same in kind. You reap that which you sow.

"Then why did you invest in such a nice PC if you don't care about gaming over 30fps? See, if you were just honest from the get go we wouldn't have this run around. "

I have never seen an individual post here who, once shown they are in error, doubles down on their mistake with such intent.

I am well off. I never have to work again. I do not have a gaming budget. If I want something I get it. I purchased a Shield TV. It requires an Nvidia card to stream to the Shield in my living room. I was running Crossfired ATI cards. I looked around for the best new Nvidia card so I purchased the Asus ROG Strix cards. It is my nature to buy the best of something so when I upgrade those I give my old items to friends and they receive something still of worth. As long as I get 25 - 30 fps I could care less. I do not play competition twitch shooters. I do not freak out over a frame drop and blame my MP death on that issue. I play MP for fun, not a kill count. Even my desktop monitor is a 4K TV. I could care less about response time and frame rates. So again, you were wrong.




"I would love to have this conversation in person, you are such a delight to talk to."

You are not a delight and I would never want to talk to you. Your view is narrow-minded built around defense of a hardware platform. How absurd. I enjoy good games from all sources whereas you hate anything of Sony origin.

"How would I view a $300 console as a threat? That makes no sense at all. This is about the possibility of playing Bloodborne at 60fps but that dream (to PS4 Pro owners) seems to be dead in the water. Why you spend so much time trying to defend 30fps is beyond me."

You and your actions are one. An old zen axiom. You have thousands of posts that show without a doubt that you fear a $300 console. Do not bother responding otherwise because you cannot overcome your post history. It reveals your nature quite clearly. First into so many threads attacking that which you are obviously afraid to like. A game console. It is laughable really and everyone sees you as a joke. A joke in the form of an annoying fly at a picnic. No one takes your opinions seriously. Personally I feel sorry for people like you that do not understand how to enjoy something that brings many of us so much pleasure. Games. Instead your own actions and thousands of posts here show you mired in your hate on one piece of plastic and the defense of another. Sad really.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2530d ago
P_Bomb2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

That's not even what the article is about.

It's not asking BB to go multiplat and recognizes the franchise started out as an exclusive (demons souls).

It's more about why the devs didn't boost it/patch it for ps pro. My guess is they've moved on and are working on something else. It's been a couple years.

Allsystemgamer2531d ago

The souls games physics are tied heavily to the CPU. The CPU in the consoles isn't very strong. To get 60 fps in DS3 on pc you need a fairly decent CPU.

It's the same engine so I'd imagine it would be the same.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2531d ago

PS4Pro and Xbox One X have the same issues. The CPU frankly just isn't good. Which is why neither will see 60fps patches for most games.

nowitzki20042530d ago

But he found a hole, let the moldy troll go through that hole.

AspiringProGenji2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

"... without thinking beyond that inner circle that maybe the game could be enjoyed by more and on a better performing platform."

And why should I care that others can't enjoy an exclusive? Actually They can, if they get the console it is being designed for, like those who wanted to Play BB did. But some loyal console bashing PC users stood by their ground and rather bashed Sony and FromSoft for it. Not every publisher and developer must appease to you. No trade, no game. Welcome to Earth!

As nice and 60 FPS would be, the game still plays really good on PS4.

PlayableGamez-2531d ago

No it doesnt. The frame pacing is a huge problem on PS4. Go check out Digital Foundry's video.

AspiringProGenji2531d ago

Already did. It meant nothing and didn't affect my game. I have beat it more than I can count with no problem. Some framerate issues yes, but that's it

Now you go watch DF if you can't play the game. You are missing out

nitus102530d ago


Have you played Bloodborne?

Yes, there are frame rate dips and the best example is the Lecture Building where you do get significant dips but you are not there long so it's not that big a deal.

I won't deny there are dips elsewhere but unless you are monitoring for dips you would hardly notice.

Of course it would be nice if Bloodborne played at a steady 60fps but I can't see that getting fixed or ported to the PC where you may have additional troubles.

SpaceRanger2531d ago

"...maybe the game could be enjoyed by more and on a better performing platform."

Better performing platform? You're still playing on the Xbox One and will continue playing on it (with 25+ million) others from here on out. In no way is it the better performing platform. I don't know how lies like this are okay for you to post.

freshslicepizza2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

"You're still playing on the Xbox One and will continue playing on it (with 25+ million) others from here on out."

I don't have an Xbox One, so please try again.

"And why should I care that others can't enjoy an exclusive? Actually They can, if they get the console it is being designed for, like those who wanted to Play BB did. But some loyal console bashing PC users stood by their ground and rather bashed Sony and FromSoft for it."

I'm not bashing the game or the system it is on, I am just elaborating on the article that if it was on the PC then it could do 60fps. So why should that bother you? They should at the very least have made a decent PS4 Pro update for it.

"As nice and 60 FPS would be, the game still plays really good on PS4."

I'm sure it is but as you said, 60fps would be nice.

AspiringProGenji2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

This article isn't even about PC port begging, and yet you used it to try to start shit for it being exclusive.

It is a shame that Pro can't do bloodborne at 60 fps, but that doesn't matter. The pro was made with 4K in mind. It is what it is. Until then, we will have to wait and see what Fromsoft will do about it

Dark_Knightmare22531d ago

Oh you didn't hear moldybread isn't an Xbox fanboy no more he's a pc gamer now lol

ShadowWolf7122530d ago


So you spend all your time openly shilling for a console you don't even own???

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2530d ago
DarXyde2531d ago


You should probably look at the history of these types of games released by From Software. King's Field has always been a PlayStation series which is really the foundation for Demon's Souls. Dark Souls is multiplatform and definitely has its own formula. Bloodborne is far more similar to Demon's Souls than anything. More importantly, though Sony published Bloodborne, I believe they also co-developed it. You know what makes no sense? Remember Tenchu Z? Why was that exclusive to the Xbox 360 when the ONLY Tenchu game From Software made prior to that on Xbox was Wrath of Heaven and all the others were on PlayStation platforms? And where's your bitterness towards Remedy for favoring Xbox? You act like From Software has forsaken other platforms. It's two games: Demon's Souls (last generation) and Bloodborne (this generation)....like Alan Wake and Quantum Break.

Oh, and, you assume PS5 will not be backwards compatible with a boost mode to do something about that; it might be unlikely since that would cut into the PS Now business model, and yet it might not if the PC consumer base is big enough.

2531d ago
Legatus2531d ago

LOL, this moldybread is a type of guy that always says pacifist stuff like: "all excusive games should come to PC so that more people can play it" and, if that would happen, he would be the first one to downplay it with the standard mantra: "why would i buy a xy console when i can play all of games on my PC".
Thing is he deep down knows that exclusives ALWAYS was, ALWAYS are and ALWAYS will define any console. That's why he gets so super salty on any exclusive game threads, like this one.

freshslicepizza2531d ago

Actually no, I have always said c onsoles have their place and will continue to thrive even with the PC. Consoles have the cost factor, the ease of use and most importantly a unified closed system where all your games work right away and your friends/trophies and all that sort of stuff is easy to use from game to game.

You guys are the ones who think withjout exclusives there is no need to buy consoles, i have never implied that.

2pacalypsenow2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

Wanna play it? Buy a PS4 it's that simple.

Funny when Nintendo releases a Mario or Zelda game I don't see you crying about it not being a multiplatform game...

freshslicepizza2531d ago

You see people atlking all the trime about the lack of power in Nintendo consoles, where have you been? In fact you probably said the same thing before. However Sony should be leveraging the PS4 Pro more than they are.

2pacalypsenow2531d ago

I never mentioned anything about the power of the Switch lol. All I'm saying is when Sony has exclusives = Bad for gaming. When Nintendo has Exclusives = Great for gaming. The double standard is retarded.

freshslicepizza2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

"I never mentioned anything about the power of the Switch lol. All I'm saying is when Sony has exclusives = Bad for gaming. When Nintendo has Exclusives = Great for gaming. The double standard is retarded."

There is no double standard here though so I am not sure what you are going on about. Many people would love to play games like the new Zelda at higher frame rates and/or a higher resolution. The game is still great, same with Bloodborne. We are simply talking about the fluidity and how gameplay feels much better at 60fps, but thanks again for changing the topic to deflect when even Nintendo sees the importance of 60fps in games like the new Mario coming and Arms and Mario Kart. Which they try to do on much weaker hardware.

2531d ago
2531d ago
2531d ago
InTheZoneAC2531d ago

more could enjoy it if they bought the better platform, common sense, you know?

rainslacker2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

Yeah, curse Sony for funding and publishing this game. How dare they keep this game from more players by funding the entire project, and even putting their own in house studios on the development team. Shame Sony....shame. Sony should indeed open this game up to other platforms after investing so much money into it. That would be the right thing to do. I think Sony should realese Horizon on other platforms and PC as well. MS should release Halo, Gears, and the amazing Forza on PS and Switch, because they shouldn't be trying to define their platforms after spending all that money on the production of the game.

I'll also throw in there, since it's being discussed elsewhere, I didn't enjoy TLOU more or less at 60fps than I did at 30fps. Both versions were equally enjoyable. Not everyone cares about fps, and to me, 30fps is perfectly acceptable. 60fps is fine, but I don't sit there obsessing over it when it's there. I just play the game, and if it's enjoyable or not is more up to the game itself, rather than it's frame rate.

2530d ago
Dragonscale2530d ago

@moldy, The PS4 is successful enough that Sony doesn't need to prostitute its first party games to other platforms unlike a certain other console you so obviously love.

BlackTar1872530d ago

Just ignore moldy almost positive he is paid for his comments

trooper_2530d ago


From the times I've seen you post, you never have a valid argument for anything.

Realms2530d ago

I have come to the conclusion that moldy must be on the N4G payroll to drum up drama because some of his arguments make no sense. He goes on and on about how if Bloodborne was on PC it would be better without acknowledging that Fromsoft made Bloodborne because Sony helped them so they either would have done another Soul's game or something different but Bloodborne exists because Fromsoft pitched Sony the idea and Sony green lighted them to make it happen. Consoles have limitations that's why Bloodborne isn't 60FPS and when consoles hit 4K 60FPS PC's will be pushing way more so this never ending cycle continues.

XanderZane2530d ago

A bit crazy that Dark Souls 3 & Bloodborne can't run at 60fps on the PS4 Pro. Should be able to do this in 1080P with no problems I would think.

Aenea2529d ago

"The available memory on the PS4 Pro is actually 5.5GB of fast ram and 1GB of slow ram. The PS4 has up to 5GB of available ram for game developers. "

Yes? What's your point? I replied to william who said there was only 8GB total (system + games) when he was trying to correct EddieNX's claim of 9GB.

There IS 9GB total memory in the PS4 Pro.

Why you decided to add what is available for games is beyond me...

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2529d ago
SilverDemon2531d ago

"It is one of the only Souls-like game released this generation that is exclusive to a single platform unlike the Dark Souls series"

nioh is a souls like
this can be seen as dark souls is the only souls like IP that isnt exclusive (looking at nioh,bloodborne and demon's souls)

its a sony's IP so why its bad when they keep their IPs exclusive to their platform
Nintendo does it(smash4 is exclusive to wii u and 3ds)
microsoft does it(gears4 is exclusive to x1 and win10)
so why do people single out sony?

DARK_WOLF2531d ago

Most likely because sony fanboys give so much shit to everyone else.

What goes around comes around.

Im not trolling or condoning but it keeps happening over and over every gen back and forwards.

Its pretty lame tbh

AspiringProGenji2531d ago

Couldn't you think of an actual username?

DARK_WOLF2531d ago

Im sorry is it not an actual username? What is it then.. a bowl of fruit?

Aenea2530d ago

And yet, here you are in an article about a Sony exclusive...

Typical *shakes head*

Dragonscale2530d ago

Yeah nearly as much shit as the fanatx.

DARK_WOLF2530d ago

Wait.. so am i not allowd to come into an article about bloodborne because i prefer xbox?

I love bloodborne and the all souls games.

Pft typical sony fanboy

Aenea2529d ago

Sure you can come in on a Sony article as an Xbox fan, but why is the only thing you then decide to post about Sony fanboys? That isn't very constructive, it's also rather hypocritical of you to call Sony fans out while doing the exact same thing, right here, you so dislike!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2529d ago
Elda2531d ago

Folks still play Bloodborne today why it hasn't received a patch is beyond me knowing it's a PS4 exclusive.

SilverDemon2531d ago

becuase the devs(FROMsoft) moved on to other games(dark souls3, armored core and more) they are not first party so sony cannot make them go and patch the game (3rd party game have the option to patch or leave their games)

Elda2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

Sucker Punch had moved on from Infamous:SS & doing new things but it was patched for the Pro after being out for over 2 years.Months later Insomniac patched the latest R&C for the Pro.FS is a second party studio/developer though they've moved on they were probably lazy or didn't feel the need to patch it.

SilverDemon2531d ago

sucker punch is 1st party so sony can make the do it
insomniac are currently working with sony on spiderman (its also possible that a patch for the pro was already part of the deal when they were making R&C)

IIFloodyII2531d ago


Sony have more control over Sucker Punch, so them doing it makes sense and isn't too surprising. Insomniac is a good point though, but they probably had a much better idea of what the Pro was going to be when developing the game, so could plan it better. R&C released 5 months before, whereas BB came out 18 months before it, and From had already released another Souls game in that time.

Surprised From didn't do it when they did the Dark Souls 3 Pro patch though.

sk8ofmnd2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

Dont matter, it sure as hell didnt stop the almost 3 million fans from loving the game. Im confident bloodborne 2 is along its way. The game was too succesful to not warrant a sequel with the ps4pro in mind.


What better performing console? Performance aint poop if noones buying your console or games... Fight the good fight bruh

rainslacker2531d ago

While I know a lot of people are really hoping for a BB2, but could you imagine if they made some other souls type game in a different kind of genre. Something not in the vein of dark medieval badassary. Some kind of lighter fantasy, or wierd off beat steam punk sci-fi....just to list a couple examples.

I appreciate the love that souls type games get, but I would love to see that extended to other genre presentations. Help expand that kind of stuff to new people who may not be into the dark fantasy motif.

on_line_forever2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

i hope sony announce Bloodborne for PC with 4k & 60fps some day soon

Dark souls 3 was so great on PC

Bolts2531d ago

The PC is sadly how Souls games are ment to be played. Rock solid 1080p 60 fps all day. If you're a Souls fan and you're not playing Soul games at 60 fps then you're missing out and a definitive experience. The privilege to play Soul games at 60 fps might not arrive until the PS5, which can't come soon enough.

AspiringProGenji2531d ago

Im a fan and I'm fine at 30 fps. I still enjoy them as they are on PS.

Ragthorn2531d ago


That's great man! Honestly, props to you because I also am not THAT affected by 30 FPS. But there's nothing wrong with asking for more now, especially with the PS4 Pro. For a game like Dark Souls, playing it on 60 FPS for the first time was a dream on PC, especially after playing Demon's Souls and Dark Souls on PS3 before finally transitioning to playing the game on PC after the first game's Prepare to Die Edition. Bloodborne I can manage because it is an incredible game, but I would have LOVED to play it at a rock solid 60 FPS as more FPS in a game like that is ALWAYS better - timing attacks, dodging, etc. Still, great you can enjoy them as is, it's a privilege to just play these games :)

cartoonx12530d ago

@AspiringProGenji - 30fps is not very bad except u cant achieve 30fps lock on any soul/bloodborne on ps4.

nowitzki20042530d ago

One day with emulator in 10-20 years. until then only way to play it at all is PS4.

NerveGearneeded2530d ago

i just kind of looked it up ps3 came out 2006 1st emulator was 2012-2013. probably wont take 10-20 years for ps4 emulator

nowitzki20042530d ago (Edited 2530d ago )

Came out 2012-2013.. did you see if many games work properly or no?

Domovoi0ng2525d ago

Look at the console cancer downvotes xD xD Hahahaha man i agree with you completely. It wont be some day soon but probably years on when we build our ps4 emu .

Domovoi0ng2525d ago

People say that "im fine with 30fps" They will apologize for their shit box any way they can. Of course you will be fine with your honda if you dont own a Ferrari !

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2525d ago
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CrimsonWing6913d ago

How about sequels instead of just replaying the same games with better performance and fidelity?

I would’ve taken a Dead Space 4 over Dead Space 1 Remake, especially knowing the sales on 1 Remake killed anything for the future.

xHeavYx12d ago

I agree, but there are some games that would really benefit from the new tech though, like the first 2 InFamous games. Some of the old Tenchu games (for us old people)

darthv7213d ago

No remasters needed... things can be upgraded with post release patches and DLC. There should be more new games or at least sequels that people have been asking for. Give me Bloodborne 2 over a remaster any day.

anast13d ago

I agree. But, sadly, at this point, I would day 1 a Bloodborne remake or remaster.

neutralgamer199213d ago

There are many new games being released monthly so there is space for remakes and remasters

MinnesotaFatts13d ago

You say that, but the only way I can get 60fps on Bloodborne is with a cracked console.

D0nkeyBoi13d ago

This is the most boring console generation yet. I can only ever find new games on Steam. PS5 and especially Xbox are boring right now. Less more remakes please.

anast13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I enjoy renting a new janky CRPGs on PC from time to time. But, I've been playing new games on the PS5 since it came out, and a lot of those games people want to come to PC because the game selection sucks over there.

Fishy Fingers13d ago

PC game selection sucks?

Come on bro, its cool to like your console but but no need for the obvious passive aggressive comments. PC and Nintendo are basically the only platforms with exclusives these days. PC is getting all the big console (PS5/XB) games sooner or later.

anast13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

All the CRPGs I care to play/rent have come to console for the most part. No need to use my gaming PC much these days. Now, those old games are severely overpriced on console which would be a point to argue.

slayernz12d ago

what you on about mate???? lol, i never said anything about AAA only being on console, i replied to original post from donkey saying heaps of games out there, ....just chill out bud

slayernz13d ago

think you should open your eyes mate, there are a ton of games to play, i havent played a so called 'AAA' game in about a year, been having way too much fun with indies

anast13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I play Indies on console. My eyes are open. You might need the eye opening if you think only AAA games are on console.

Friendlygamer13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Remasters are interesting for less accessible titles, things like silent hill 4 the room, alundra, viewtiful joe... remastering stuff that's already avaliable is a bit of a waste. I would love a kings field/shadow tower collection

truthBombs13d ago

A simple update or port on more powerful hardware is enough. Improve framerates to 60+ and that's good enough. I would love to play Bloodborne on Steam Deck.

anast13d ago

If they optimized Bloodborne like they did with Doom. I would have that game on every device in the house.

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