
G4 is finally no more in Canada

The channel is finally being taken behind the shed.

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Soulst0rmer2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

Many memories as a kid. I wish there still was a Video Game channel

Goldby2534d ago

i drive by their HQ every morning on my way to work, its gonna be weird not seeing that sign any more.

yeahright22533d ago

Yeah, been a fan since the zdtv days

PurpHerbison2533d ago

G4 was great. Used to watch it every morning before school. I remember watching that old school one called "Starcade" and my Dad walking out into the living room getting hyped to see it finally on TV again. So many good shows... until it became a rerun station for Ninja Warrior and Cops. RIP.

trouble_bubble2533d ago

Sadly, G4 died a long time ago. Someone just finally decided to bury the corpse.

Aurenar2533d ago

I thought this closed ages ago.

dumahim2533d ago

I didn't know G4 was more anywhere.

The_Scholarly_Gamer2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

As one of the last writers at G4@Syfygames (the last vestige of their online games journalism), I felt this was coming for a while. I'm honestly surprised that it's taken this long, with how it was treated by the higher ups who own the channel.

Doesn't change the fact that it's a huge bummer though. :(

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