
7 PlayStation 1 Classics Worthy Of HD Remakes On PS4

The PlayStation 1 has one of the best gaming libraries ever. Find out which titles Screen Critics Shaun believes deserve modern remakes.

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FallenAngel19842524d ago (Edited 2524d ago )

Legend of Dragoon

naruga2524d ago

Parasite Eve 2 for me .....the game is a hugely underated gem and the true spiritual successor of the og RE1 (as the RE writer and inspirator worked as Parasite Eve 2 director) ..

_-EDMIX-_2524d ago

That's an amazing game but just hypothetically speaking I would expect the first game to get a huge remake before the 2nd but I would definitely love to see that series get revived.

I think now is the right time for Parasite Eve to get a remake.

jreeves822524d ago

I was also going to say Legend of Dragoon.

arkard2524d ago

3rd for going to mention Legend of Dragoon

Hozi2524d ago

4th Legend of Dragoon is such a classic.....

That and Vagrant Story, Mega Man Legends, and Chrono Cross.

1Victor2524d ago

Tobal # 1,jumping flash VR,battle arena toshinden philosoma VR are my picks

Retroman2524d ago (Edited 2524d ago )

@ 1 Victor

If only we could get reboot of Battle Arena Toshinden and Ridge Raaacer .

MunchMiller002524d ago

Good god. The LoD goggles strike again. Crap graphics, galactically crap music, worthless characters, retarded story, hilariously crappy combat, and the worst offender of all, the cringe inducing narration. "SPINNING SLASH!"

Pour fire on this pile of s**t, light it up, and watch it burn.

Take the goggles off bud. This game is the very definition of digital garbage.

DogJosha2524d ago

@munch "cheap graphics" Why are you reading an article about PS classics that need to be remade when you clearly aren't old enough to have grown up with them, and are too spoiled to play something that old? Clearly old games are not your thing and that is alright. Games would suck if each game was made to appease everyone instead of just appeasing the few that want to play them. Go back to enjoying your interactive movies and let us older folks daydream about remakes of the games we loved back in our day.

Retroman2523d ago

@ munch

if you feel these die hard classic games pile of s**t why are you here on this article ?????

We Old Skool gamers dying to play these games once more.
The Thrill of Fun . Nooooooooooo open world she-it , but Pure beautiful colorize Fun.
You son , type in YouTube all these titles above, below.
Buy yourself Snes,ps2 play these games.

Hroach6162524d ago

First comment and I have nothing else to say. Good one! Fuck I would love that. The only reason I even have my vita is so I can play that from time to time

BoriboyShoGUN2524d ago

No Syphon Filter?? No Soul Reaver ??? terrible just terrible!!

DragoonsScaleLegends2523d ago

The Legend of Dragoon, MediEvil, Ape Escape, and Twisted Metal.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2523d ago
Soulst0rmer2524d ago

N2O: Nitrous Oxide would be such a great game to come back. I think it would be a really awesome indie and it would give The Crystal Method an opportunity to do a new soundtrack to go onto added levels and such. Would love this Tempest inspired game redone in full HD cuz it was really cool.

corroios2524d ago

Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Vagrant Story, more crash games, Spyro, Gran Turismo, Ridge Racer,

Eidolon2524d ago

MediEVil, Dino Crisis. FF8-9. Grandia.

BoriboyShoGUN2524d ago

Syphon Filter, Soul Reaver, Dino Crisis

txboy052523d ago

Dino Crisis was too short I thought but man I played it to death

NapalmSanctuary2524d ago

Definitely a proper Silent Hill trilogy and Gran Turismo Trilogy, along with a Twisted metal Trilogy (MK trilogy style), Tenchu 1&2, Bushido Blade 1&2, Ace Combat trilogy, Armored Core trilogy, Medal of Honor & MoH: Underground, FF7,8,&9(if we're talking near 100% faithfulness to the original), Colony Wars 1&2, Chrono Cross & Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, parasite Eve, Front Mission quintet, Strike series Quintet (like Soviet Strike), and like Eidolon said, Dino Crisis. Add Resident Evil trilogy to that if RE2 remake doesn't turnout as faithful to the original as REmake was.

Godmars2902524d ago (Edited 2524d ago )

Amazing how the modern game industry has become unable to make these games.

4U2NV2524d ago

I feel you there it seems everyone nowadays seems to think its all about photo realism and graphics in games now instead of great game and art design and the story telling of games.
Its mainly these new age gamers that grew up on call of duty instead of experiencing the vast range of diverse games that came years before

2524d ago
MunchMiller002524d ago

Unable? Likely not. Unwilling? Definitely.

Whole different market today, with a tidal wave of cement heads to try and siphon money from.

Godmars2902523d ago

Between two console gens leaning on 3D mechanics and the mentality towards social based gaming, I'll argue for unable. Not that there aren't indie titles that do 2D and mimic classic gameplay, the point is that they mimic rather than come up with new things. Then you get to AAA, which itself shouldn't exist, with half if not more of a budget going to advertising, and that's a whole other mess.

bluefox7552523d ago

It is a shame that people seem to be more worried about 4k than gameplay and narrative now.

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ShwaaMan2524d ago

Colony Wars!!!
Am I the only one that remembers this series, it was fantastic?!

dollison272524d ago

I was going to say that! They have to remake Colony Wars....This game would be sick with modern gameplay and graphics. Throw in a littlw multiplayer and you win even more.

ShwaaMan2524d ago (Edited 2524d ago )

Exactly!!! I'm not even huge on multiplayer but free roam space games with today's graphics and multiplayer/co-op?!!! I've been thinking about this for years

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Agent7575d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle75d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.