
Nintendo Accused Of Cultural Appropriation With Super Mario Odyssey

The latest Super Mario game is being accused of cultural appropriating the Mexican culture, according to a number of users on social media.

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Eliseo6762526d ago

As a Mexican, I would appreciate if white ladies would stop "defending" my culture.

A lot of us believe it's cool for people to learn about traditions we love, sombrero and fiestas at the top of it.

This people have already taken Speedy away from us, they should not take Mario with a Sombrero too.

letsa_go2526d ago

I am also mexican and I hate these damn SJW's getting offended for everyone. I welcome mexican mario and can't wait to play Super Mario Odyssey!

Eonjay2525d ago

I honestly don't know how people have enough spare time to even come up with this stuff.

Critic4l_Strik32525d ago

Another Mexican here. Yes man, I totally agree with you. As soon as I saw the trailer featuring a Mexican setting and Mario wearing a sombrero/poncho, the first thing that came to my mind was.."Here we go, SJWs are gonna start popping up and make a big deal out of it". Honestly I think its cool that Nintendo took some Mexican themes for the game. It will open up interest, appreciation and curiosity to other people about it

dcbronco2525d ago

You have to understand that people would never know something cultural being used if someone didn't point it out. Like how do expect us to get new racist without the quality people who proudly explain what belongs to who. Picking and choosing what you appreciate on your own makes for a world without controversy. No controversy leads to less peace and exploitation. That would lead to people being happy with life and maybe even themselves. Who the hell wants that world. I mean I'd be cool with it but what if the insecure were suddenly not insecure. There'd be anarchy.

TacoTaru2525d ago

It will soon be the case that when little kids play make believe they can only pretend to be themselves.

xwabbit2525d ago


These SJW's have no lives or work so thats y they have this much spare time. Btw SJW's are the most racist people on earth, they see racism everywhere.

2524d ago
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FullmetalRoyale2525d ago

Interesting take. I'm of the mind that if people are never introduced to things, they'll never care about them, or be interested in them. Part of what makes it great to live where I live is the melding of cultures. I think I get what you mean, maybe, about sombreros being a basic thing about the culture. Something recognizable that doesn't exactly define the greater meaning.

dedicatedtogamers2525d ago

What really gets me is that there are official organizations already in place that can certainly speak up if "cultural appropriation" is such a big deal to them.

And yet, silence! I would think that if Mario's use of a sombrero was offensive to that culture, then one of many, many activist and rights groups for that culture would be fully capable of speaking up and raising concern.

EddieNX 2525d ago

The fact they've used Mexican culture is a compliment to its vibrancy and nothing else.

traumadisaster2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

Would you rather the white ladies return to their previous behavior of the 1950s that got them then initial criticism? So now they've grown and changed they're in trouble again, not much of an incentive. Personally I do agree they should stay out of it but at least they're trying to do good unlike the past.

KakashiHotake2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

That's the problem. The best thing they can do is not say anything at all it's not their place to meddle. I'm not Mexican and I'm not racist of any kind, but white people have always been sticking their nose's where it doesn't belong. Gaining trust only to stab people in the back later, then later down the line try an reinvent the wheel and then tell you what is right and wrong. These are all facts not opinions. But the delusion is so strong now that white people do it with good intentions unable to see how other races see it as wrong.

OC_MurphysLaw2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

@kakashiHotake .....this is a truly WTF moment. "The best thing they can do is not say anything at all it's not their place to meddle."?!?!?!? Thankfully most of the world doesn't share your view..

edit: Let me just say, we live in a world where we do absolutely need people to step up and say what is right even when it may not directly affect them. Compassion and empathy to our fellow humans is what makes us strong. That all said...on the topic of Mario in this context I don't see this as being an issue of racism as some seem to imply.

Eliseo6762525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

I would not rather see them return to any 1950s behavior. Not my point, not my intended meaning. I apologize if my english is too difficult for you to understand, I do try.

Everyone has their own issues. Mexico has had trouble mantaining the balance between a known culture that we take pride of, and increasing knowledge of our technological and current culture.

Nintendo taking this approach to us makes me very happy, now more than ever since we lost other cultural icons due to SJWs.

uth112525d ago

@Dlacy - there's a difference between standing up for what is right and being a moral busybody looking for outrage in absolutely everything and trying to force everyone to conform to your views

rainslacker2524d ago (Edited 2524d ago )

@trauma and DLacy

The problem is is that the people we're talking about today, white or otherwise really, have no focus to actually make any kind of discernable difference in the grander scheme of things. Those women from the 1950's spent decades fighting for what they felt was right, and in some ways, that fight is still going on.

These activist now though have no follow through. They find something to be upset about, rail against it, then move on as soon as they grow bored with it. There is no underlying movement. There is no consistency. There is no real reason for them to be fighting a fight that the group they feel is affected isn't even fighting themselves, because that group doesn't find it offensive.

These activist today are making assumptions based on non-facts and their own feelings about what is right and what is just. They don't understand the cultures or people they're fighting for. They don't even know if what they're fighting against is actually a problem. They fight because it makes them feel better for themselves, because they wrongly assume that they are standing up for the little guy, when in fact they are only degrading the little guy because they think they even need to intervene.

These kinds of activist are more about their own ego and making themselves feel good, and base their outlook of their views based on their own misguided assumptions about the world itself. They base their views by stereotyping that which they claim to want to see be free. They base their arguments on the belief that those they defend are somehow oppressed or misrepresented with no actual proof or constructive reason to actually be able to know it's true other.

So, in this case, yes, they should stay out of it, because they aren't even informed enough to have the conversation, much less rally for a remedy to the perceived injustice at hand. People like this do more harm than good. Trump once called some activist, "professional protesters". While Im not one to readily agree with trump on most issues, he was absolutely right that these kinds of people who protest without actual cause(which wasn't those he was trying to dismiss, but the one's we're talking about), do indeed actually make it much harder for real issues to be heard, because people start to tune this nonsense out, or in some cases, like with female representation in gaming, become very defensive to the topic at hand.

There are indeed times when it's right to stand up against something, even if those affected aren't themselves. Any number of child issues. Any number of sexual crime issues. Times when an issue isn't really seen as an issue, if it can be proven as an issue. And some others. This isn't one of those times though, because it's such a non-issue, that if the people being "appropriated" were offended, they are perfectly capable of voicing their disdain directly, and ultimately, they'd be ignored about as much as this woman will be, because it's such a minor thing, and there is a difference between cultural appropriate and just using themes of a culture to represent an idea or experience.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2524d ago
BenRage32525d ago

I too am Mexican. And I've never met a Mexican who gets offended over things like this. Hey SJW's, we're not so weak and sensitive that we need people to speak up for us. Thank you.

davand1142525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

It's weird that white people are always so mad about culture appropriation when the actual races are happy that their culture is being accepted everywhere. If they hate cultural appropriation then they shouldn't listen to most popular music, since black people invented most of it. It's like saying anyone outside of NY can't listen to hip hop or become a rapper because it's our culture. I thought people wanted different cultures to be put in the spotlight more, so others can become curious, learn more about them, and become more accepting of lifestyles that are different from their own. And white people shouldn't get offended on the behalf of other cultures. It makes it seem as though those people aren't able to comprehend when they should be offended and have to be protected. Which is offensive.

DanteVFenris6662525d ago

No white people invented most probably music?

Please tell me symphonic black metal is popular, if not I shake my head at popularity itself.

uth112525d ago


Metal is an outgrowth of rock, and rock is an outgrowth of blues and r&b.

So popular music does own a debt to black musicians

rainslacker2524d ago

They're probably mad about it because they don't actually know what it is, or when it's worth getting upset about.

meganick2525d ago

I know right? It's always white people, women especially, who spout nonsense like this, and it's getting really annoying.

Oschino19072525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

Yep always white people... Smh







Should I keep posting links or have I made my point that skin color has nothing to do with being an intolerant hate monger?

CorndogBurglar2525d ago

You know, its funny. Speedy Gonzalez was Mexican. He wore a sombrero and talked with a heavy spanish accent.

Are there not people in the world like that? I guess I just don't understand why anyone would find it offensive. No one was saying Speedy is how ALL Mexicans act, dress, or talk. And on top of that, Speedy was the hero of the episodes he was in.

I just don't get it.

uth112525d ago

Part of the "logic" of these SJWs is that every representation of a culture or gender is somehow making a statement about the entire group.

fr0sty2525d ago

These people don't understand what cultural appropriation is.

rainslacker2524d ago

Obviously, you aren't aware that you are incapable of defending yourself and are even more oblivious that you should be outraged by this. /s


There are so many cool things in so many different cultures. While I likely wouldn't suddenly change my entire lifestyle to be more like them, I find no harm in taking the good things which I feel would be beneficial for myself, my life, or my family. I feel it enriches me, and those around me to always be open to new things.

NecoTehSergal2524d ago

Not only that but Mario has had a Mexican-set of clothing / style in one of the older games. Nintendo is just using nostalgia of old outfits from Mario's history in a 3D game and for the modern time.

2524d ago
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FallenAngel19842526d ago

That's not even Mario's first time wearing a Mexican outfit

But I guess we live in an age where everything can offend anyone

Veneno2525d ago

It's not offensive, but they can do better.

annoyedgamer2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

It will stay as it is.

Veneno2525d ago

Lol the dude with the Swastika is now an SJW?

Veneno2525d ago

Hahaha what happened? You're no longer a Nazi all of the sudden? What a conversion!

GrubsterBeater2525d ago


Let me guess, Trump is a Nazi too because the Washington Post told you?

People like you are why Europe is falling apart, and why Sweden is becoming the rape capital of the world.

Go protest some free speech somewhere with the rest of you Liberals while calling people Nazis because they don't think like you do.

2525d ago
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babadivad2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

Leave it to the actual Mexicans to be offended. I don't hear white people arguing against black cultural appropriation. Where are the SJWs on this issue?? No where, because they are the one's doing the appropriation. Don't throw stones in a glass house. Until I hear Mexicans being upset at this, I'll keep it moving.

-Foxtrot2526d ago

As a hat-elite I'm offended of him chucking his around like it's a cummy tissue.

SoulMikeY2525d ago

Often don't agree with your shit, but "cummy tissue" got me. Then my nosey ass co worker over here, "wHaT aRe YoU lAuGhInG aT?" haha

LoveSpuds2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

I don't see any problem with people of different cultures, genders and sexual orientations showing each other respect and being sympathetic to each other. Having said that, how on earth anyone, Mexican or otherwise, could be offended by this Mario title is utterly beyond me. Nobody is viewing Mario in a sombreo as anything other than a positive thing, they are not making a value judgement about the country or its people.

I am a proud Welshman, if Nintendo want to give Mario a suit based on Leeks, sheep, daffodils or any other Welsh stereotypes I would love it. I fell in love with Drippy in Nino Kuni within 10 seconds of hearing him speak! :)

frostypants2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

The problem with the whole "cultural appropriation" outrage is that it isn't even about respectfully embracing another culture. It's basically about getting outraged if anyone not from that culture dares to do anything reflective of said culture. ANY incorporation of another culture is offensive to these types. It goes so far as to border on unintentional bigotry.

You hung one of those Native American dream catcher things in your car? "OMG CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, you monster!"

LoveSpuds2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

The thing to remember is that the Internet and social media is nothing but a massive echo chamber and the reality is that just one or two people might raise these issues and that in reality, hardly anyone is actually upset by these issues.

Me, personally, I find the vitriol levelled against people who do feel offended just as distasteful. It's unfair to judge someone who feels offended by their heritage, race, sex, gender or anything else misrepresented in some way, just as much as it's unfair for those same people, within reason, to expect others to change their feelings on that same issue.

babadivad2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

People don't even know what "Cultural Appropriation" is. Mario wearing a pancho and sombrero is NOT cultural appropriation. If Mario called the sombrero something other than it is, then it would be cultural appropriation. If you recognize the origins of the culture, you are OK.

When someone wears Bantu Knots and calls it mini-buns. That's cultural appropriation. You are denying the origin of the hair style. Unless this is what Nintendo is doing, then there shouldn't be a problem here.

LoveSpuds2525d ago (Edited 2525d ago )

Oops, double post.

Aenea2525d ago

What? What about the Italians then! Sjeesh....

annoyedgamer2525d ago

Italians are European, according to the SJW doctrine you can't appropriate "white" culture.

BrandanT2525d ago

An extremely liberal girl at my high school argued with me after I said that white people have there own ethnic food.

2525d ago
rdgneoz32483d ago

@BrandanT White people can also say phrases that some other groups can't. Like "Good day, officer" and "Hi Dad."

Seraphim2524d ago (Edited 2524d ago )

the Italians already shot anyone who would say such things about Mario.

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Microsoft's quest for short-term $$$ is doing long-term damage to Windows, Surface, Xbox, and beyond

Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's plans to increase every department's margins.

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Brazz11h ago

"The plan to move Xbox games to other platforms is codenamed "Latitude" internally, and I know there's debate and unease at Microsoft about whether or not this is a good idea. More upcoming Microsoft-owned games slated for PlayStation are already being developed. At least for now, they're potentially obvious games you'd most likely expect. And yes, while it's true Microsoft is a prolific publisher on PlayStation already, it has typically revolved around specific franchises like Minecraft. From what I've heard, Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's mandate to increase every department's margins. "

Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware.

Xeofate9h ago

"Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware."

It's for the best.

Quit stringing along xbox fans and screwing over PlayStation owners.

crazyCoconuts4h ago

Take good care of those Xboxes if you have 'em ...

outsider16244h ago

An Xbox game on a Playstation. Never in my years of gaming did i ever thought this was gonna happen.

jznrpg12m ago

It is dying anyway so doesn’t make much of a difference

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 12m ago
gold_drake11h ago

i think it will kill off the xbox brand. windows will be fine.

but there is and would be a chance that xbox might be killed off in the future. if they fail to make the money they put in. imo.

S2Killinit8h ago

They wont kill it, but they will go fully PC while keeping xbox as a brand, and go multiplatform for the most part. They will also work tirelessly to diminish console gaming’s importance.


It would be best if Xbox goes the way of Sega, just make and publish games. I know I myself will not support them at all with buying games from them, you all can. 🙃

ChasterMies3h ago

The Xbox brand will live for the games. I don’t expect Microsoft to entirely drop out of gaming hardware. They make Surface tablets and laptops. They’ll make Xbox branded hardware for those that want it.

shadowT10h ago

"Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation"

Forza and Starfield next?

Skuletor8h ago

Starfield would be no surprise and there's the rumor that it will come to Playstation after the Shattered Space DLC, Forza (along with Halo and Gears of War) I find less likely but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually end up on PlayStation too, especially if Xbox give up on hardware and go the Sega route.

shinoff21838h ago

Not to worried about forza. I'd rather see others like what inxile and obsidian are working on. Starfield sounds like it needs more time in the oven so let it cook first imo. If starfield and it's a small if does release on ps it'll be in the fall around the time for dlc or right at the dlc and come packaged with it.

-Foxtrot9h ago

In the words of Phil Spencer when he was talking about Nintendo last year

“It's just taking a long time for Microsoft to see that their future exists off of their own hardware"

S2Killinit8h ago

Yup. MS are a cancer to console gaming.

Aloymetal7h ago

I wonder what happened to that dude that was always here posting those court articles with cartoons about MS spending all those billions in studios. He suddenly disappeared, I guess he doesn't like bad news when the green brand is in trouble. No new articles from him as of late...


Yup, and it's only going to keep spreading.

Outside_ofthe_Box5h ago

Phil Spencer's words always comes back to bite him lol

9h agoReplies(7)
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SteelSeries unveil the Arctis Nova 5 with more than 100 game specific audio profiles

The Arctis Nova family of headsets expands today with the introduction of the SteelSeries Arctis Nova 5 series and Nova 5 Companion App.

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Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris1d 2h ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.

Goodguy0110h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Meaning more suits to follow from others if they don't fight as well.

Not a fan of Epic nor fortnite and their micro transactions. But the game is heavily supported and is free to play, all store items are completely cosmetic.

16h ago
Furesis13h ago

I'd fight back too. These are kinda meaningless reasons to fine someone like really for THAT. It's like they just wanted to make money or something.

Sephiroushin3h ago

There is a law for something, but even if its stupid follow it because if you break it you pay for it; if they knew they cant place a “buy now” in NL then just dont do it!