
Xbox head rejects Sony’s defense of blocking cross-platform play

Spencer: Player safety is ‘incredibly important to our team’

Big_Game_Hunters2553d ago

One online service had an unprecedented hacking incident and the other one didn't. I'm sure MS cares about security as much as you Sony.

Gazondaily2553d ago



It was obvious to anyone with half a brain that Jim Ryan's excuse was utterly moronic. He got shut down immediately after when the interviewer quite rightly pointed to the glaringly obvious point that NINTENDO were allowing this feature.

Sony's arrogance hurts the players here. Pressure needs to be applied to make them change this backwards stance. Microsoft were once culprits and now it's Sony. It simply needs to change.

naruga2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

No PS4 owner cares about crossplay END of STORY ....the only people who i see crying about this crossplay thing is Xbox Fans !! WTF ....the omission of cross play DOESNT hurt anyone in PS ecosystem ...this is the cold truth no matter how much Xbox higher -ups are hurt about it and Sony knows it...iF Xbox and its audience want so bad to play with PS4 players ...JUST GIT a PS4 !

thekhurg2552d ago

Doesn't hurt anyone. Suck it up buttercup.

ForeverTheGoat2552d ago

lol I'm sure the few commenters in n4g don't speak on the behalf of all PS4 owners

Newmanator2552d ago

@naruga I am a PS4 owner and I care about Cross play. I want to play with my idiot friends who got an Xbox instead

Gazondaily2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

"No PS4 owner cares about crossplay END of STORY"

IF that truly is the csae (which it isn't), all PS4 owners are idiots. Straight up.

You may not have many friends who own other consoles, but many of us do. Unifying online play is absolutely important.

"Doesn't hurt anyone. Suck it up buttercup."


2552d ago
deafdani2552d ago


I'm a PS4 owner. I don't have, and likely will never have, an Xbox One.

I care about cross play.

You're wrong.

DivineHand1252552d ago

@ Shin-Zantetsuken lol you think Microsoft and Nintendo gamers are the ones that are vocal. I game on PC and PS4 and cross platform play is very important. We are not asking for cross platform play just so we can play with randoms on other consoles, but instead we want this feature to play with friends who game on other platforms.

If Sony goes into next the generation with the same kind of thinking then it is quite possible that they will not see the same level as success as they are seeing today given that it is an anti-gamer stance and it would mean that their online service will lack a huge feature when compared to their competitors.

asmith23062552d ago

"Sony's arrogance hurts the players here" - what players?? There's an absolute minuscule amount of players that this will affect. I couldn't care less about cross play. It wouldn't even support voice chat or parties.

2552d ago
freshslicepizza2552d ago

"No PS4 owner cares about crossplay END of STORY ....the only people who i see crying about this crossplay thing is Xbox Fans !! WTF ....the omission of cross play DOESNT hurt anyone in PS ecosystem ...this is the cold truth no matter how much Xbox higher -ups are hurt about it and Sony knows it...iF Xbox and its audience want so bad to play with PS4 players ...JUST GIT a PS4 !"

Are you really that supportive of Sony where you think you can make such claims? I understand you don't like Sony having a black eye on this issue but you are going too far my friend.

Sony should be embarrased at their stance on this and some of you guys are even worse. Phil is acting like a total professional here.

Elimin82552d ago

so I guess next to come will be cross chat? i mean what if I get teamed up with an xbox player? surely we need to communicate some how right? messaging is a chore, just saying.

EatCrow2552d ago


Boy youre getting frustrated. I beg to differ since there are sensible ps4 players who want BC and want crossplay with their friends on other systems. The world does not revolve around what you do.

S2Killinit2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Why would Sony open its install base to MS? Is MS a special boy? Im pretty sure MS denied the same thing to Sony in the last generation. I think MS would be wise to stop spending money on PR campaigns like this one, and use that money to start making games.

4Sh0w2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

I prefer Xbox but I could care less about cross play with ps4....still I don't speak for all Xbox fans. Regardless of whether you like it or not Sony is being arrogant because they are the sales leader but their fans still deserve consumer friendly policies Sony this gen has definitely made some clearly anti-consumer decisions, if it were Microsoft the outrage would be unbearable but hey its Sony. So like I said back when they denied EA Access if Sony fans want to stick their heads in the sand, go ahead, they will just continue to make Sony think whatever they do their fanbase will bend over and take it, sure enough it's happening again, lol and their excuse is just as ridiculous as it was then.

DragonKnight2552d ago

While I agree that Sony are in the wrong here, and that their attitude is in stark contrast to the stance they had last gen with games like FFXIV, I don't find it hard to understand why they have this attitude now.

Sony was shown what happens when you are open. Hackers take advantage, and Xbox gamers then never shut up about the fallout. Sony's reputation took a huge hit with that hack and as the first comment in this string proves, they will never be allowed to live it down.

If you're a business, ask yourself what you think would make more sense. Leave yourself open to this AGAIN, or prevent your userbase from not being able to game online for a month?

2552d ago
ZeroX98762552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )


I care and I'm a proud PS4 owner since the official launch date!

I got a great gaming PC also and will probably buy a switch before the end of the year.

FIRST, there's no cross chat available between networks (aka rocket league), so "safety" isn't a concern. it just makes the available pool of players larger. brings the competitive crowd to a new level also, since you capture every platform there is.

We all know why Sony doesn't make the move, it's the same as why Apple won't release iMessage on Android. Since you need a PS4 to play with your friends, your friends will buy a PS4 eventually. If crossplay is enabled, then it's up to the gamers to choose whichever hardware they prefer, since online play would be available to all.
Loss in sales for Sony

I've always been a PC gamer first, so maybe that's why I'm more open to it.

Eiyuuou2552d ago

Don't spout nonsense like "no PS4 player cares".

I'd like crossplay. A larger player base for online games can only be advantageous.

Sircolby452552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

I am a PS4 owner and I want crossplay. I would actually say a VERY large amount of the PS4 user base wants crossplay due to so many coming over from the Xbox side. A lot of them would like to be able to play with their old Xbox friends. To say no PS4 owner cares about crossplay is completely wrong and quite frankly an ignorant statement to make. On top of that I am sure there are plenty of die hard PS4 fans that also have Xbox/PC friends that they would like to play with. I personally use both PS4 and PC and would like to play with the same people regardless of which platform I choose for any given game. I also have friends that play on Xbox.

sonarus2552d ago

Why is crossplay such a big deal of a sudden. If Microsoft is so all about cross play then they should go ahead and crossplay with Nintendo. Crossplay won't happen not enough incentive for the companies to deal with the hassle.

It may seem like Microsoft is all about cross play but till I actually see them doing it I won't believe it. Getting two companies like Sony and Microsoft to agree to terms on cross play just seems like such a long shot.

Kidmyst2552d ago

@Naruga True, it's hard to play cross play when we are playing new exclusives not the games we beat 5 years ago. Other consoles don't even have the same games.

Kamuze2552d ago

Steam cross play for the win

segamaniaco2552d ago

Last gen sony wanted that, did you critisize microsoft for blocking that?

Skull5212552d ago

Of course Sony doesn't want cross play. If Sony players got there asses handed to them over and over playing against the more skilled Xbox community they'd probably sell their PS4's...

segamaniaco2552d ago

If there is one PS4 player in the session (with pc players), the xbox and switch players wont be able to join in

And there is a lot of ps4 owners playing RL right now

2552d ago
+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
DivineHand1252552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Cross platform play needs to happen. I see this as the next push to online gaming.

zerocarnage2552d ago

yes that's true it will be a game changer for consoles.

PhucSeeker2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Yup, while it's not a good step for the leading console manufacturer (Sony) in legal sense ot otherwise, it is the best thing for us users. We would be able to find more MP matches (of course, assuming the devs do a great job in creating the matcher system)

MrFisher212552d ago

And money. Forcing Sony to RENT the servers. Let's not forget this. Lol.

zerocarnage2552d ago

Not really, deals can be struck you know where they all take in a fraction of the cost. I certainly don't think anyone else is going to suffer full cost of servers and if they did would no doubt be entitled to more of a percentage of any potential sales from games or dlc since they're fronting up extra funding and recouping those costs would need to be established first.

Sony need to take a seat at the table and just listen and at least trial this out. I just do not understand why Sony can't yet everyone else is willing it shows how stubborn they're being and it doesn't look very good on them at all.

ZeroX98762552d ago

Rocketleague is running on Psynet servers. not all games run exclusively on first party servers.

4U2NV2552d ago

I hate it when people say that when ms is probably the most hacked company in the world.

Pure nonsense.

And fyi it was my details that got stolen from Microsoft and when i tried to resolve the matter they tried to make me pay £80 in order to recieve my account back!

So im not falling for that crap. MS services are alot more suscpetible to hacking attacks than sony trust me as an it support tech its ALWAYS a breach of an MS product.

Sircolby452552d ago

This may be the dumbest thing I have read all day. Of course MS products are going to get hacked more than Sony....Sony has a decimal sized percentage of products out there in comparison to MS. Hell what they have out there isn't even entirely their software since most of it is just a modified version of Linux. MS is not more susceptible than anybody else, they are just a much larger target. I pity anyone that has you for a support tech as you obviously don't even understand the basics.

4U2NV2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )


Well then your the dumb one for believing that ms products are safer and less hacked when you have blatantly stated they have more products out there, more opportunities to hack are you really that stupid.


Just yesterday...


I could fill this whole comment page with evidence if you want me to? Whereas all you can bring up is one sony hack that occurred years ago.

x_xavier_x2552d ago

@ 4U2NV

"your the dumb one"


4U2NV2552d ago


Oh I am so sorry about that! I thought I was in an internet chat, not writing a university assignment or applying for a job LOL.

Its the internet you wasteman lol, I can talk however I want to. SInce when was it a necessity to be formal on here?

By the way, was the current reply up to your pedantic standards?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2552d ago
rainslacker2552d ago

Except Ryan's comments were about how they wouldn't have control of the other network to enforce what security measures they deem fit. It's there if you can actually read between the lines of what he's saying.

GamingIVfun2552d ago

I have a Xbox One,I don't play multiplayer games on it, I do play multiplayer on my PS4, PC, and Mario Kart Deluxe 8 on Nintendo Switch. I don't have any friends except my nephew who own an Xbox One (doesn't know how to behave online, he's 28). I really don't think that many people were really clamoring for cross console play( damn the world would be perfect if we just had cross platform gameplay), I'm pretty sure most PC gamers don't really want it. I think most people find most of there online friends online. I understand people wanting it, but if a console you wanted didn't corssplatform play with other consoles

GamingIVfun2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

I have a Xbox One,I don't play multiplayer games on it, I do play multiplayer on my PS4, PC, and Mario Kart Deluxe 8 on Nintendo Switch. I don't have any friends except my nephew who own an Xbox One (doesn't know how to behave online, he's 28). I really don't think that many people were really clamoring for cross console play( damn the world would be perfect if we just had cross platform gameplay) until Microsoft show boated with it, There certainly wasn't this much discussion about it when Sony brought it up a few years back., I'm pretty sure most PC gamers don't really want it. I think most people find most of there online friends online on whatever respective system they play on. I understand people wanting it, but if a console you wanted didn't have cross platform play with other consoles would you not buy it? I mean there is huge community's on all of them.

We don't know the reason why Sony isn't involve with it, but I doubt very seriously that it was given a great deal of thought, and that they are not blatantly trying to be anti consumer. Microsoft and Xbox aren't the saviors of gaming, cross platform play benefits them the most or else they would not offer it. We also have no idea what kind of deal they were trying to make with Sony to begin with.

Bottom line I'm not giving up My PS4 Pro, with it's incredible games line up, because it doesn't have cross platform play with it's competitors.

First post timed out on editing.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
AcidDvl2552d ago

In order to make this true, MS wants other platform holders to allow their user base to be registered on their servers. This makes no sense whatsoever for Sony to have their customers registered and controlled by their rival under the pretense that they all can play together.

What does MS want more? For Sony to pay for their servers and services?

whitesoxfalife19762552d ago

dude you do know We have the best network in the world right. You also know we own minecraft as well. Take ya lame as line somewhere else homi im not for it. Acid

AcidDvl2552d ago


It doesn't make sense for a company to put themselves at the mercy of the rival. Business 101.

Gh05t2552d ago

MS already has 100% of the information of Minecraft users. Remember if they are a MC user they are already a MS customer.

AcidDvl2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )


It will be required to make an Xbox Live account in order to have access to cross play.

What company in their right mind would like their player base having to make a special account for their rival, that then links their PSN account to their Xbox Live account and allows MS to track Sony's player base without repercussion?

whitesoxfalife19762552d ago

@acid but ts not putting them at the mercy as you looking at it like that. So you think that wasn't a good business move on what they did? It's not like nintendo will turn over its online offerings to MS its just signing in for verification. Just like how you sign in using your fb account on certain things online period.

AcidDvl2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )


Yes mate, but that allows MS to track Sony's and Nintendo's customers moves. Allows them to have access to information they wouldn't get otherwise. You give away your name, e-mail, date of birth, IP and a bunch more information to MS, keep in mind that these are Sony's and Nintendo's customers. Basically allows them to have their digital footprint.

This day and age, the internet is full of trackers, just try to install 'Ghostery', an extension on Chrome that allows you to block trackers and spybots, and you'll notice that this site alone has like 11 different ones.

We just can't be that naive, especially when MS has already done this things with Windows 10, which is full of trackers and spybots.

2552d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
King_Lothric2552d ago

And yet, MS was not lame when they refused Sony's proposal for cross play years ago.

Oh the hypocrisy.

whitesoxfalife19762552d ago

dude MS didnt trust sony back then.

AcidDvl2551d ago


Ok, so why should Sony trust MS now?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2553d ago

Come on Sony just like your pride go and enable it.
We are all gamers we should treat each other like one and act like one.

AcidDvl2552d ago

Microsoft wants PSN user to register to Xbox Live and use their servers and their utilities. Do you honestly think that's a fair deal for Sony? To allow their user base to be controlled by their rival? That's 100% illogical.

Microsoft isn't telling the full story...

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2552d ago

Uh Rocket League require no such thing yet it has Crossplay

Stop white knighting Sony

AcidDvl2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )


You can't create parties with people from PC or Xbox. You'll only find them within matches. That cross play exists for years for both Sony and Microsoft. Street Fighter V and FFIX are two examples of such. Street Fighter V on Xbox doesn't not feature cross play neither does FFXIV.

We're talking about allowing MS utilize Sony's database in order to create parties with people from other consoles.
In other words, allowing MS to have access Sony's information, to find people's IP, to allow them to be in the same party through MS servers.
Keep in mind that this is an online service that requires servers to be hosted.

In simpler words, MS wants Sony to let them use their customers.

No one is white knighting. Just do some research, you uneducated fool.

King_Lothric2552d ago

You killed that uneducated fool 😂

rainslacker2552d ago

Pride doesn't seem to have much to do with it. Sony doesnt seem opposed to cross play, just cross play with other consoles. Some say Sony doesn't want to give their competition the upper hand, but Sony also stated a while back that they consider PC gaming their biggest competitor....yet where does Sony allow cross play?

But with those PC implementations, Sony isn't giving up any control of their own network to allow it to happen. In fact, they have their own API, created long before MS was even rejecting the idea last gen, to allow it to happen.

Is it that much of a stretch to think that the reason Sony isn't allowing it now because they don't have the control they want. Or that they have bigger concerns than their pride, like the fact they want to maintain the security and integrity of their network?

MS will want these same things, and likely any cross play with Nintendo or PC is controlled by MS. Nintendo may not have as many pressing conerns with what MS has to offer to make it happen, which is why they accept it. But Sony isn't Nintendo.

While I was ready to give up on this topic, the recent XBL in minecraft thing just furthered my belief that there are stipulations in place among MS and Sony that are preventing this to happen. I can't imagine that Sony is just sitting there doggedly refusing to accept this out of hand because they're being petty or anti-consumer. Sony is gettiing all the heat on this, so obviously it's going to be something they'll have to address, but if the solution isn't acceptable to them, what more can they do but go back to negotiations or give up trying to make it happen?

MS is playing a good game by making Sony look bad in this situation, but with the recent minecraft thing, I do think that MS interest is more on the business side and how they can manipulate it. This would be keeping with their typical method of operation.

Sony said they weren't going to disclose any specific reasons because that's what is generally accepted in these kinds of business dealings. Even here, MS isn't directly saying that they will or won't allow it with Sony regardless of terms. And there are always terms. Always.

TripleCs2552d ago

I'm sorry but I have to call a spade a spade..

You know, Sony keeps saying they're for the players but Microsoft is the one that's been showing it. Sony started this generation on fire and were very pro consumer but as this generation went on it seems like Microsoft became more pro consumer than Sony has little by little. I'm especially realizing how arrogant they've become after dealing with their customer service last night. They won't even refund $60 to my debit card for a preorder that my little cousin bought on my PSN account without my permission. Microsoft would've refunded me since they're policies changed and they offer refunds on digital purchases. I don't see why the company that constantly claims they're for the players doesn't.

Sony's policies on things are pure garbage just like they're customer service. Is Sony for the players or are they shareholders only? Because it seem like the latter especially based on Jims comments the other day regarding crossplay.

I sincerely hope Microsoft starts investing HEAVILY into their 1st party and brings the heat to Sony next generation. Sony is dominating in sales and I feel they've gotten too complacent this generation. Sony NEEDS some damn competition to light a fire under them again. They've become so arrogant this gen that it's unbelievable.

UCForce2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Which is I something I agree with you. Like i said before, Microsoft and Nintendo going to make Sony to have a wake up call one day.

Imalwaysright2552d ago

They did it last gen to Sony and Sony did it to MS at the start of this gen with stuff like this


This sort of stuff is exactly why competition is important for us, the consumer.

zerocarnage2552d ago

that wake up call, could come if Nintendo and Microsoft decide to enhance there relationship. That relationship could come in the forms of all sorts is making games together or allowing one n others games in each others console, that would be disastrous for sony. I mean if a fruitful partnership came some where down the line between Microsoft and Nintendo, it could be exactly what Microsoft needs in the form of a solid Japanese developers by there side with ties to other decent Jap Dev teams. Nintendo however could Benifit from services they do not have but Microsoft are willing to let them use, including apps, this would be fantastic for Nintendo switch which doesn't have a subscription service does it but it could do if a deal was struck for the use of Xbox live to let's say Nintendo bring so many of there games on Xbox per year.

All sorts can happen down the line, it's very interesting indeed.

rainslacker2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Hope so. Last wake up call for Sony saw their game output increase in both quantity and quality. I'd like MS and Nintendo to maybe set the alarm earlier.

thekhurg2552d ago

It's easy to pretend you're "for the players" when Sony is beating the shit out of you in sales.

Microsoft denied cross platform last generation because they weren't being outsold 2:1. The option was there, but they were too arrogant to take it. Now that Sony controls the market MS wants in on that action.

sho0ok2552d ago

Dude. Your a hater... Just saying.

Kiwi662552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

And its just as easy to say that you're "for the players" when you're clearly by their own words more "for the shareholders" or was it "for the children" can't remember as they seem to change the reason when you are the market leader

TripleCs2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

I'm not naive as to why Sony is doing this. I know this decision to block crossplay is a business decision based on which company has the sales advantage. I've posted comments myself saying the same thing and my comment isn't just in regard to crossplay either. It's morely about Sony's anti-consumer attitute in general this generation which I don't understand because they claim they're for the players. Khurg you're a PS fan like me but be honest with me and more importantly yourself. Sony is way more complacent this generation compared to how they were last generation and the beginning of this generation. I can't fathom how anyone hasn't noticed this or would even try to refute me on this..

Say what you want about Microsoft and why they're doing this or that. At least they're not saying they're for the players and are showing it through their actions instead unlike Sony who just uses it only to market you.

TripleCs2552d ago

"For the players" is just a marketing meme for Sony. As Jim eluded to the other day, the only "players" that matter to Sony are the shareholders in those company board meetings..

Silly Mammo2552d ago

Tyson Lannister — 'A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep.'

Right or wrong, Sony is outselling the competition. Why would they do crossplay to help out the competition? It's simply business. Now who know next generation....

zerocarnage2552d ago

It's easy to pretend you're "for the players" when Sony is beating the shit out of you in sales.

Now that was just stupid to say, sales has nothing to do with cross platform and us who want it to happen, we just want to game with other consoles, so take your head out the clouds with comments like that.

whitesoxfalife19762552d ago

thekhurg, here lemme say this MS was still young in the console space but they wasn't naive during that time and plus who was gonna two subscription fees anyway back then.

I've seen sony play the devil's card time and time again. Yall kids who dont know no better....

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
StormLegend2552d ago

Shut up!! let Sony do what they do and focus on making games. Everytime something pops up, Sony doesn't have to apply to it. We all love new features but not everything needs to happen because others ask them.

zerocarnage2552d ago

so your happy Sony holding everyone else back and behaving like the spoilt brat it's behaving like. Sony would have everyone else suffer all because they're not making money from it, shame on them and shame on you for supporting this kind of behaviour that doesn't advance things in this industry when the opportunity arises.

zerocarnage2552d ago

It's what happens when a company takes top spot, they loose any sense of being consumer friendly and feel they have to do very little in the way of being nice or making things better when the opportunity rises. Where as Microsoft fell from the place to be and top spot so they have had to learn all over again what put them there in the first place which was all the consumer friendlyness and listening to it's gamers.

A good king eventually becomes a bad king, if he forgets what put him on the throne in the first place. Never forget it's the people that keep you in power and it is the people that can eventually remove your ass if you carry on ignoring them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2552d ago
2552d ago Replies(1)
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Microsoft to Add Copilot AI to Video Games

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Fishy Fingers21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

F*** AI

"Hey Copilot, what's a good meme to prove I dislike AI".... https://giphy.com/clips/sou...

Einhander197221d ago

Two trillion dollar company that just can't wait to put as many people possible out of work as fast as possible.

It feels like every single thing they do is making gaming worse and destroying the industry.

21d ago
21d ago
21d ago
darthv7220d ago

....you know it takes people to program the AI.... right? It isnt like it is sentient. We haven't reach skynet level of situation or anywhere close to the matrix just yet.

That's next Thursday.

Einhander197220d ago (Edited 20d ago )

It takes a people to program the AI then that AI is used for who knows how many games eliminating countless jobs which only grows as AI is used for more and more game creation functions.

What you're saying is so ridiculously short sighted and truly larking any kind of understanding and foresight.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20d ago
CaptainFaisal20d ago

Why all the hate? Im actually excited about this! Always wanted this kind of immersion, and an AI companion with me all the time helping me out knowing the status of my skills/inventory/progress and giving me tips on the best approach or how to craft something specific is game changing for the industry.

Hate all you want about AI, but this is just the start and I can see the potential already. You wont be complaining in the next 5-10 years about this, but rather complain if a game hasn’t implemented it.

MrDead20d ago

Yes we can't wait for the work of others to be used without the need to pay them so that MS can profit even more from the people they fire.

I_am_Batman20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

There is no chance I'd ever use something like this, especially if it's not part of the core game design, but a layer on top of it. It's way too much handholding. Many games already feel like busy work, because they don't let the player figure things out on their own. Having a real-time interactive guide defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place in my opinion.

If this were to become the standard like you predict, we'll see more and more video games get away with bad design, because people will just be used to ask for help from the AI companion anyway.

Number1TailzFan20d ago

Well Nintendo don't need this with some of their games these days, with invincible characters, items, easy bosses etc.. they do the hand holding built in

helicoptergirl20d ago

Takes "hand holding" in games to a whole new level.

BlackDoomAx19d ago

Because human nature xD Almost every new technology had these kind of comments.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 19d ago
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Microsoft Store Hints At Upcoming Release Of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition On Steam

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OtterX23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

1 major advantage to this will be launching it straight from SteamVR. You have to make a custom shortcut to get it working right now in VR.

UltimateOwnage23d ago

This is good news. It will be much easier to get it installed on my devices without using workarounds.