
Mike Ybarra Responds to Jim Ryan's Statement About Backward Compatability

“Disagree. We want gamers to play the best games of the past, current, and future. It's what gamers have asked for.

Palomeski2535d ago

Sony doesn't like free backwards. However Ps3 games in PS Now (44.99$ every 3 months) seems a really good idea. Nice.

AspiringProGenji2535d ago (Edited 2535d ago )

It is a good idea for TVs, PCs, and other devices that aren't gaming consoles. That is the point of it, not BC.

Besides Jim didn't say he didn't like BC. He just said that that feature is not used very much. And he is right. Beenike this since the PS3 last gen too. Nothing but am overhyped feature, but still cool

Neonridr2535d ago

well only the launch PS3's offered BC. They removed that feature afterwards, so hard to say nobody was using it. Considering the bulk of their customers didn't have a launch PS3.

uptownsoul2535d ago (Edited 2535d ago )

Well the new study shows that 1.5% of all time spent on Xbox One content is 360/back compat games (source: https://cdn.arstechnica.net... ) ...So while I believe it is better to have back compat than not have it, it is a diminishing asset.

darthv722535d ago (Edited 2535d ago )

And yet how does Ryan know it would not be used? I know I'd use it as I still use it on my bc ps3.

Truth is he has no idea and can only repeat the current narrative from the top. And that narrative is... no to bc.

Kavorklestein2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

@uptown soul
It may SEEM diminshing, but for the ones who buy or get some classics on 360 BC and enjoy em, or just like to have em in case they ever wanna replay it, or just like to collect games.. that is more than 1.5 percent. Surely their percentage is meant compared based on time played only. There's still a 1.5 bare minimum profit increase no matter what! So how is having BC, and having options not beneficial?
It's buulding and enhancing Xbox's widespread value over time! It's important to not set your sights short, and believe there only one way of perceiving all the factors that determine value and write things off so much... especially when there is profits, value and good basic worth to just about everything on the market today. Things are always evolving in the tech world, so I always wonder when people will realize that the drama and the overly negative points
or comments about gaming on a different box or device is un needed.. and it adds nothing of worth, and instead adds nothing but petty immaturity to an otherwise peaceful and simple world of fun, being twisted and used the wrong way, by crowds of jerks and pathetic haters.

Over time in my life I have realized preference is not meant to be a reason to bash really anything haha... or anyone LoL

81BX2534d ago

You are looking at a portion... as in 930k users not all

Saranya2534d ago

Jim said "that that feature is not used very much" but that's just options for who want to play old games.

Liqu1d2534d ago

@darthv72 Ryan would have access to statistics showing how much BC is used.

uptownsoul2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

@Kavorklestein - "It may SEEM diminshing, but for the ones who buy or get some classics on 360 BC and enjoy em, or just like to have em in case they ever wanna replay it, or just like to collect games.." -- It doesn't SEEM diminishing, it IS diminishing. Back Compat is a diminishing asset because the need (and/or want) to play 7th gen games diminishes as more and more 8th gen games populate the gaming landscape. [That is unless you believe people bought 8th gen consoles to primarily play 7th gen games]

@81BX - "You are looking at a portion... as in 930k users not all" -- Its called a survey. A survey by definition uses a sample size. And 930k is a far larger sample size than all but a few surveys

freshslicepizza2534d ago

@Liqu1d1h ago
"Ryan would have access to statistics showing how much BC is used."

Then why doesn't he provide his own statistics on how much it was used on the PS3 when they supported it?

Aenea2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )


Of course it would be used, it just wouldn't be used so much that it would've been cost effective...
That's the thing, the Cell in the PS3 isn't that easy to emulate on PS4's hardware so it would take quite a bit of time and money to get it working. Or they could've chosen a hardware solution and either make the console more expensive from the start or eat some profits which would mean they would have had less to invest in other areas...

I would use it if it were added, well, I think I would like to use it, but since I've already way too many unplayed games as it is it would just add to the pile that is my backlog and not sure that I would actually use it... Still would love to have the ability to do so whenever it would strike my fancy....

shiva12534d ago

Dont care which device. When i own the game i should be able to play it and not pay again for it. Weather its 3 gens old or irrelevant game after 10yrs i own full license of a copy and i have the right to play it when i want and where i want. I dont want to be dictated again and again and hardware should never be a limitation. Be it 5 min or 50 hrs i paid full price for it.

You say TV, PC or other devices is good.... Whats wrong with consoles. Are consoles manufactured on mars or are they from other galaxy? Consoles are for gaming right?

rainslacker2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )


Here ya go.


Why does Ryan need to provide it? Found it in less time it took to write this using Google.

Note the reason people aren't playing it as much. According to John Koller, SCEA's director of marketing for the time, there were so many PS3 games to play, that most people weren't buying it to play older games. So, if this is a valid reason, why are MS fans so into the feature? Do they not have enough games to play? Since I know this isn't the case, isn't it likely that MS fans also don't really care about or utilize this feature so much that it actually counters anything Ryan has said.

Or is this one of those things where statements of fact from history don't apply to Xbox users, because of whatever hyperbole one can come up with for making it into a console war thing?

MS said that 50% of their users TRIED BC. Tried. Not used it. Where are the statistics of ongoing use? Did that try just mean booting up a game for a few minutes to check it out? Their statistic was about as useful, and probably as wrapped in PR spin using loose metrics, as their quarterly engagement numbers. Why not demand that MS give these numbers more frequently if the topic at hand is actual usage numbers, as opposed to if it's a good feature or not....because most agree, it's a good feature to have, but most seem to also think it's mostly a superfluous feature that won't get used much or at all.

Anyhow, Note some of the comments in the article....citing that is the reason why Sony was in 3rd place for the gen.

Funny how that wasn't the reason they were in 3rd place(at the time of the article), and how this gen with their closest competitor having the feature, they have sold roughly half as many consoles as Sony.

Maybe it's time to just accept the fact that while BC is a coveted and often requested feature, it actually isn't that big of a deal to most, and has no real bearing on console sales. Maybe at the start of this gen, but it didn't help Sony or Nintendo at the start of last gen, nor did not having it hinder Sony, or MS really, at the start of this gen. It doesn't seem to be affecting Switch sales either.

My thoughts....BC is a nice feature to have that the vast majority don't actually use or care about.


I think you don't know how software licensing works. You don't have the right to play it where you want. You have the right to play it on the hardware or OS that it was originally intended. You still have that right. If you want to play PS3 games, keep or buy a PS3. I'd imagine if you had the games, you had the system....so what happened to it? There was no doctrine that stipulates you are free to play your games indefinately anywhere you want. If that were the case, why can't you play your PS3 games on the X1? Why can't OGXbox games run on the Switch? Why can't Switch games run on the Vita?

On PC, you are allowed to use software on the OS, and it isn't hardware dependant beyond the dependencies of the OS. Consoles aren't the same. Having BC on PS2 and early PS3's, as well as some on Nintendo consoles was an appreciated feature, but not one you were entitled to.

Ten, twenty, thirty years from now, if you want to play your older games, you are free to. Just get hardware that is approved to play it.

darthv722534d ago

@liqu1d... Ryan doesnt know when im playing ps1 or ps2 games on my ps3. Honestly they can only guess as to its use because they pulled the plug on it after a short time on the market to save costs.

Dont think that demand for the 20, 60 and 80gb units did not go up after that. In fact, the hw bc models still hold their value.

Bruh2534d ago


You realize the author himself on that study sited to take the data with a grain of salt right? Game usage relies on a constant internet connection, meaning if I'm offline or my game has no internet based functionality, it doesn't track the time. I think the massive boost in the sales of BC titles such as BOP2 and Red Dead, show thats its quite appreciated by the Xbox user base.

Death2534d ago


Sony yanked PSNow from TV's and Bluray players (other devices) to play these PS3 games you need a PS4 or PC. PC was recently added, it's clear what the target platform is. If you want to play PS3 games on PS4, you have to pay.


According to you link, Sony polled people on the primary reason they were interested in a PS3. 80-90% said it was to play PS3 games, so they yanked b/c.

This has to be the biggest line of BS I have seen in quite some time. I'm astounded 100% didn't want a PS3 primarily for PS3 games. Why would they ever have anticipated anyone would PRIMARILY buy a PS3 for PS1 or PS2 games? How many wanted a PS3 primarily for PS3 games and also to play their existing PS2 and PS1 games?

The reason Sony yanked b/c was to reduce costs since they weren't selling consoles like they had hoped. The ship was sinking and they needed to reduce weight. Memory ports, USB ports and b/c were stripped so they could shave $100 off the MSRP and start selling more consoles.

IamTylerDurden12534d ago

Funny how xbox just NEEDS to defend themselves when Sony was referring to the usage they saw on PS3. Insecure.

IamTylerDurden12534d ago


Umm launch PS3 had BC. Surely this is how Ryan knows. Idk xbox nation is so upset?

timotim2534d ago

Yeah...but PS Now is still comprised of 99.9% of previous generation games...the same games Sony is telling you no body wants to play right? So I guess it's OK for them to sell it to consumers but it's no OK for MS to provide it free of charge for those that already bought the titles???

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2534d ago
Bigpappy2535d ago

Yep. No one needs it, but they do think it is a good idea to sell it back to you in the form of remasters or laggy streaming. They know their userbase is that gullible .

2535d ago
SpaceRanger2535d ago


But it's definitely not gullible to hold on to a 2 min trailer for a year on a console that isn't out yet and won't be out for another 5 months. /s

Brave_Losers_Unite2535d ago (Edited 2535d ago )

From Gullible BigFlappy

"But Kinect is still my number one purchase this year. There is so much you can do with that thing. "

"On Monday they made up for Sunday by showning the games and what they are able to offer with Kinect so far (including the starwars exclusive with Lucas.)

"Kinect is all about expanding the market. I think they have found the secret door to that hidden market."

darthv722535d ago

That's the best you got spaceranger???

Bruneblomst2534d ago

Why you say stuff like this,when it so far from the truth? I have use bc maybe 3 times tried psnow for a week and it's not for me. If people like it their should support it, why is people gullible for supporting service they like?

DashArrivals2534d ago

@ Brave_Losers_Unite, that is hilarious ahahaa

Why o why2534d ago

Brave user. . . . . .win

Some people huh

Good find

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

So you'd rather play old games instead of an upgraded remaster? To each his own I guess. I prefer the upgraded remaster myself.

ef-u-22534d ago Show
rainslacker2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

The PS4 user base isn't using PSNow in droves that I'm aware of. So who's gullible?

The remasters....I don't know if you should really use those as examples. All companies are doing it. MS, Nintendo, and Sony could all have the same argument lobbed at them. The year UC:TND collection came out, MS had Halo:MCC as well. Then they had the GeOW remaster. MS had two "remasters"(poorly done one's at that) release just the past couple months alone. I think there was one more, but can't remember off the top of my head.

GOW3 remaster was more a cross gen port than remaster. Same with TLOU. Nothing really wrong with cross gen ports, but sure, because they called it a remaster(or whatever) obviously that means the practice is bad. R&C I wouldn't call a remaster. Same with Crash, although it's more remaster than remake I think. What other remasters were there from Sony itself beyond the Gravity rush Vita port?

Razzer2534d ago

Why did MS bother with MCC again?

TKCMuzzer2534d ago

How are they selling it back to you? If you still own the game, physical or digital you can still play it on the console you bought it for, if you buy it again it's completely your own decision. You like many are twisting it to suit your argument.....if you still own the game you can still play it on the console you bought it for, you are NOT being forced to buy it again, it is YOUR choice and YOUR choice alone.
Gullible - ignoring the fact that a console you bought has no proper support from its manufacture, then kissing their butts when they allow you to play SOME of your old games on your current hardware, still not providing you with new software, then getting excited about a new console they are making, yet still NOT providing software for the current machine you own and accepting that as ok.

I agree, Sony may not offer BC and yes maybe it should have been in there from the start to appeal to all but the exception to the rule is, they counter act that by fully supporting the PS4 with software, after all, that is why we all buy current hardware, lets not lose sight of that glaring fact.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2534d ago
2535d ago Replies(8)
Kribwalker2535d ago

It's funny. Everyone that thinks backwards compatibility is something no one uses should look at last months NPD where black ops made the top 10.....

Majin-vegeta2535d ago

Well when your system is a barren wasteland with no.worthwhile games.And you throw in one of the best games from last gen of course people are gonna eat it up

moegooner882535d ago

Wow, facts aren't sitting well with you, are they ? How surprising. Not

Kribwalker2535d ago


There's facts moegooner. BO2 was top 10 in aprils NPD.

It's not a barren wasteland. I've been able to buy any multiplat game available which makes up most of a consoles game base. Calling it a barren wasteland is nothing but trolling

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2534d ago

Let's put those backwards compatible games into context kribwalker. Of all the games announced for backwards compatibility how many have made the NPD rankings?
Also, don't you find it odd that an old Xbox 360 game from 2012, that wasn't enhanced or upgraded in any way, was the top selling Xbox One game in April 2017?

Kribwalker2534d ago

It wasn't the best selling game, other games sold more (ghost recon wildlands for one) but black ops 2 had more then 240,000 votes to go into backwards compatibility so there was a lot of people waiting for it. RDR was one that also shot up the amazon charts really far when it became backwards compatible.

dilbig52534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

That has nothing to do with BC as a whole. That just shows the power of Black Ops and the suckiness of Infinite Warfare. I guess people can't say BC is free anymore.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2534d ago
-Foxtrot2535d ago

" It's what gamers have asked for"

I'm not defending Jim but is this guy serious?

They've hardly listened to gamers for years, especially their own fanbase. It's like people at Microsoft wait in the shadows for Sony to say or do something they think they can easily latch onto and play them down.


Kribwalker2535d ago

It was one of the most requested features when they were taking requests for OS additions

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2534d ago


Out of the 30 million or so Xbox One owners, how many of them actually asked for backwards compatibility? Let begin the discussion there with facts instead of speculation and conjecture.

rainslacker2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

If Sony asked me, or I was so interested of offer unsolicited feature requests(which I did for PS4 at the start of the gen), it would be to have BC on the system.

The OS additions, or other feature requests hold no interest for me, or they are already available.

Given that the systems are about the games, and that Sony has a long lineage of great games to play on their system, it seems obvious that BC would be one of the most requested features, particularly since the groups that would make any requests are going to be gamers who are more invested in playing more games.

What else is there to request? user name changes? An app which is either already there or likely coming? Heck, I'd be more prone to asking Sony to support YouTube on the Vita again over BC on the console itself, because that's a feature I actually did like on the portable. But BC, while I wouldn't mind having it, is far from a critical feature that would deter me from buying a system, nor would it's inclusion make me run out and buy a system.

I'd be one that would use the feature more than most, yet I still don't even care that much. Maybe it's because I grew up through many generations where BC was never considered to be something we were entitled to, nor was it a common feature. People came to expect it because Sony offered it for 2 generations, then a bit in a third. While it was a great feature, and a positive for the systems, it really wasn't a selling point which moved consoles, and eventually, it became a feature that went underutilized.

But at this point, the topic seems to be if it's right that Sony has it or not, whereas the original comments made the topic the necessity of having it, and just how much the feature was used.

AngelicIceDiamond2534d ago

E3 in several days and Sony and MS are already at it lol.

Mr-Dude2534d ago

As much as I like Playstation... If the PS5 doesn't play PS4 games, I will go to PC and buy the PS5 used for exclusives only. There is no excuse Sony

DashArrivals2534d ago

He said hardly anyone uses BC. AND HE'S RIGHT.
Enough said.

Quatron2534d ago

It's a shit idea. I tried it, can't even get off the start menu.

Xx_Pistol_xX2534d ago

Yeah Sony would rather put that money into new games.

IamTylerDurden12534d ago

Moving forward both PlayStation and xbox will be backwards compatible due x86 architecture. It will be a moot point moving forward.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2534d ago
notyonka2535d ago

Indeed. He's right and Ryan's words about bc are pure nonsense

murderlo2535d ago

The BC has been a great Microsoft move that will be better with Scorpio. It hurts Sony, of course.

Nyxus2535d ago

How? They have a lead of over 30 million consoles sold.

murderlo2535d ago

That advantage can be lost in a generation. And BC can help it.

2535d ago
OsafuneKatana2535d ago

BC is not hurting Sony one bit. But lack of games are sure hurting xbox. Enjoy that third position.

Thatguy-3102534d ago

6 teraflop beast to play old ass games LMAO..... Do you guys listen to yourselves?? You guys should be this dedicated in making MS invest on new gaming experiences. Don't worry about what Sony doesn't want to bring to the table. They're doing perfectly find releasing new experiences that the owners are loving. Ps4 is on top because of it and will continue to do so.

2534d ago
DashArrivals2534d ago

BC does nothing LMAO. It's not changing anything

King_Lothric2534d ago

How? Sony is dominating the market as if there is no competition. Explain how is this hurting them.

2pacalypsenow2534d ago

Has it made any difference in the amount of people buying Ps4's over Xbox? If it was, MS would be all over that data.

TKCMuzzer2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

I'm sorry but come on, do you seriously believe what you are saying.Since BC was introduced the PS4 continues to outsell the Xbox One for one solid reason, current generation games, wake up. It will only hurt Sony is MS somehow manage to convince 30 million PS4 owners to join the Scorpio hype train.....that won't happen.
Scorpio is a premium product, the OG PS4 will still continue to outsell Xbox and PS4 Pro, without out the need for BC.

I read your second comment, you really do believe what you are saying............

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2534d ago
LackTrue4K2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

What generation are you talking about???

This current one or the next one coming up?!

Cuz as the last hand full of gens, that Feature hasn't done much for Xbox one.

DashArrivals2534d ago

I see your lips flapping, but total bullcrap is coming out.

Liqu1d2534d ago

He said BC isn't used much and he's right. Show me some figures that state otherwise.

shiva12534d ago

Shut down PS NOW then.

Liqu1d2534d ago

PS Now isn't BC, in fact it will be supporting PS4 games soon. But it's only a matter of time before it is shut down, it won't be missed.

rainslacker2534d ago

Really? At the start of this gen, both Sony and MS fans said that the feature, while nice, was not something that most people used. Ryan said basically the same thing. Former quotes from Sony in the PS3 days said the same thing. MS had to spin some PR to make it seem like it was bigger than it likely was, and since, hasn't given one statistic on the feature. Nintendo didn't include it in the Switch despite having BC for several generations prior. Neither company seems to deem it necessary to start out this gen, when BC would be the most beneficial.

So, given all this, how are Ryan's words pure nonsense? Seems they are exactly what almost everyone believed until it became a console war talking point, and what supplemental data either expressly cited or extrapolated from the moves of console makers seem to imply to be the case.

Imalwaysright2534d ago

it is pure nonsense from a gaming point of view. What kind of gamer says no to more games and sees this in the perspective of those company suits? Sony can say what they want but their actions speak the loudest. PS4 not having BC is benefitial for their coffers as they get to sell remasters. There IS demand for the ability to play games from previous generations on the PS4 otherwise Sony wouldn't waste resources into making PS2 and PS3 remasters. It would be like throwing money into the wind and anyone here believes that Sony is that incompetent?

Why o why2534d ago


Sony not having it is definitely a cash grab in my eyes, I've stated this a number of times but shouldn't some of the commenters pointing the finger at sony use some of that energy questioning ms's lack of current gen output..those also fall into the more games category. Guess its down to personal preference and gamers shouldn't have to choose between current support vs bc in a perfect world. I would appreciate bc but I didn't use it much last gen on my fatty because I wanted new and improved. Im not even saying people dont use it either just that its not as revered as some act

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2534d ago
KingKionic 2535d ago

Xbox backwards compatibility contributed to over 100 million hours of gameplay time.


This was back in July 2016.

Mike Ybarra would definitely be combative considering many xbox users enjoy playing those games on the xbox live platform,taking pics and game clips as well.

Goldby2535d ago

100 Million hours over 25 million players is just over 4 hours each.

Thats not even a full 360 campaign

Neonridr2535d ago

well.. Call of Duty Ghosts campaign was shorter.. :P

2534d ago
Goldby2533d ago


Thats only 40 minutes a week since BC started. or roughly 32 hours of per player

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2533d ago
SpaceRanger2535d ago

100 million hours cumulatively at the time (July 2016) since launching BC?

Imagine if it were 400+ million hours a WEEK not tied to BC (granted my math is correct)...oh wait...


KingKionic 2535d ago (Edited 2535d ago )

Doesnt matter it was over 100 million could of been 150 million doesn't matter.

That was in JULY 2016 and there were only 62 titles in backwards compatibility with the majority being XBLA titles


Its a free feature and many people use it on the platform.

The list has grown to over 380 titles


SpaceRanger2535d ago

So hours played doesn't matter now? Why? Because the numbers don't cater to your agenda now?

Once again, people using Wikipedia as a source to make a point. How old are some of you all?

KingKionic 2535d ago

It was over 100 million was the point. It doesnt matter what metric it was. Its in the millions during the time it launched to July 2016. Its clearly pass that with over 380 titles.

Xbox One Backward Compatibility


Here`s major nelson. How you feel about that?

rainslacker2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

Hours played doesn't matter to this topic, because it doesn't indicate how many people used the feature for a significant amount of time to deem it as a utilized feature....regardless of the metric of when it becomes a significant feature to said person.

As I pointed out above, the vague number can be extrapolated to mean many things, and when put into context, does not show an accurate picture on the demand or overall usage of BC in terms of the individual user. It only shows cumulative hours that the feature has been used, and with a years time between release and actual reporting, it's not that impressive of a number.

It shows that people will use the feature, and how much actual time has been spent playing past gen games, but not nothing else.


Of course the number of hours is going to grow. They can't actually go backwards. There are people who use the feature, but the topic at hand is about how many people would use it to make it a necessary feature. If MS released another statistic, even if it's just the number of hours, then at least we could see if the feature is growing at a pace which is in line with the ongoing inclusion of newer BC titles, and the estimated increase in user base.

SpaceRanger2535d ago

"Its in the millions during the time it launched to July 2016. Its clearly pass that with over 380 titles."

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're wrong again. It's not used that much in comparison to the grand scheme of things. Pretty sad if you ask me, especially since it's touted so much.


Whether it's 62 or 380 titles, it seems to not be that important to the majority of people. Only Xbox PR and the devote that are on this site.

KingKionic 2535d ago

If the numbers were over 100 million its probably double that and more by now in game playtime.

Mike ybarra already responded to that arstechnica article

""Scraping some data off servers gives an inaccurate view of what people do."


SpaceRanger2535d ago

Inaccurate in comparison to what evidence?

Once again @Kionic, you're unfortunately blindly following talk rather than cold hard facts. Data doesn't lie.

Their data is far superior to the simple assumptions that PR will throw out in words. Even if we forget about the BC data for just one second, I'll tell you some more sad news:

That "Beam" streaming service is set to fail within the Xbox brand. Only .71% [not even 1%] use Twitch for streaming...

And even less...the people who bought the Xbox One S for the blu-ray player (another highly touted feature) don't even use it. A mere 1.43%.

This takes nothing away from how much fun you might have playing games on the Xbox One. What it does is silence the bull that has been spewed from the start by primarily fanboys. These features are just not that important to the fanbase.

New Games and Successful services like Netflix are what the Xbox fanbase wants.

DashArrivals2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

MAUs baby MAUS
You should go for a job in the Microsoft PR department. I hear it's a workforce of thousands of Morons. bahahahahahahahaaa

Just enjoy your BC. We don't give a shit

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2534d ago

Instead of talking about hours played how about talking about how many people actually use the feature each month or provide some quarterly or annual usage numbers because announcing something as vague as 100 million hours without mentioning a specific time frame is completely worthless.

rainslacker2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

At a time when it was believed MS moved 20-25 million consoles, that puts BC games at roughly 4-5 hours per user. That is hardly impressive. If the average of new games were roughly 5 hours per user, then the system would be dead.

Now, if we go by MS own report, they said about 50% of all users tried BC. That puts the average up to 8-10 hours per those who tried it. If a console had it's new games play time at 8-10 hours, the system would be dead.

Now, if we assume that say 50% of that 50% actually used the feature for any significant time beyond just trying it out for the wow factor(we've all done it on past consoles), then that puts the average play time to 16-20 hours per user who used it to say play a complete game, or large portion of it. If a console had only 16-20 hours per user play that much, the system would be dead.

Since we can pretty safely assume that not even half of that 50% of 50% didn't play a full game using the feature(so <25% if you're keeping up), that puts the average at 32-40 hours of play time. That is pretty respectable overall, but that equates to roughly 4-5 million users who actually used the feature for any significant time in the interim between when the feature was launched(June 2015), and when the report actually came out(July 2016). A full year later, with no actually usage statistics coming since then to indicate if the feature is growing in usage, or if it's hardly used at all.

Jim Ryan never implied that no one would use the feature, but I don't see Mike Ybarra offering up statistics which actually counter Ryan's claim, whereas Sony has gone on record to report PS3 BC numbers, and other console makers have never seem to be that affected by the inclusion or exclusion of the feature itself.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2533d ago
2535d ago Replies(1)
2535d ago
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gold_drake1d 16h ago

im not really surprised by that, shes always been more a "let me talk about something else than what u want to know" kinda gal

Cacabunga1d 8h ago

If what they are doing is that good, what’s the point of hiding the true story?

anast1d 13h ago

She's a caricature of the shareholders.

PRIMORDUS1d 11h ago

"Shareholders" I call them cancer, they are already rich to begin with but need more and more. It's like a disease, with no cure.

__y2jb19h ago

If you have a pension then you are likely to be a shareholder in these big tech companies yourself. To demonize them as 'heartless rich people' shows you have no idea what you're talking about.

anast17h ago(Edited 17h ago)


Of course, it isn't about that. You are attempting to set up a self-righteous strawman to stir up some kind of ignorant mob mentality.

And by the way, most everyone is a touch heartless or we wouldn't be able to consume the products we do knowing very well how they are made. People have to be this way because of self-preservation and convenience.

__y2jb15h ago

@anast please explain to me how what i said is self righteous or a strawman. I simply pointed out that categorizing all shareholders as cancer is ridiculous.

Leeroyw1d 8h ago

I own shares in game companies. I'm not anything near a major share holder. I just want them to make good games and be successful because of that. I think it's the senior management that's the problem. They are the ones that should be making it clear to the shareholders what creates growth and ensures a future of their business. Not this weasle words garbage that she did on the interview. It was horrific. I don't know a shareholder that would be happy with any of them for this.

Profchaos1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Same and I'm not rich by any stretch like most people's I'm just trying to keep my head above water these days most company's shareholders are made up of everyday people it's amazing how companies think we want something but the reality is we don't.

Disney are probably the worse at the moment it's shareholders voted on ending a lot of the crap and outing the current execs the execs turned around and said no we disagree with the shareholder vote

PRIMORDUS1d 2h ago

I meant at the rich fucks who have millions in the bank already. They are making so much per year, that if they don't make what they are expecting they go into a panic, when in reality it will not even hurt them at all. Those are greedy assholes.

anast18h ago

"you have a pension then you are likely to be a shareholder"

Pensioners don't make any decisions about anything. Obviously that is not what this is about.

CrimsonWing691d 12h ago

Yea, it was and it’s insulting that they think we’re dumb enough to fall for this. Look, the truth was you took a gamble on these studios and while they released some games to critical praise and great reception they just aren’t bringing in a ROI. Be transparent, you’re not a politician.

Just tell everyone you spend money on projects big and small and when money isn’t being made you go over the potential of revenue a studio can bring in vs those that can’t and make the hard decision to chop them.

She says this whole thing about “success” doesn’t fit one meaning for each studio. Well yea, a small budget production isn’t going to expect to sell the same as a large budget production.

One thing I wish they did though was let Tango be an independent studio.

TheGamingHounds1d 12h ago

disheartening to see no regard for the human cost of business anymore
the bad decisions and judgements of these CEOs severely impact the frontliners
these fake responses are just salt on wounds

RoadRacer1d 12h ago

imagine havin the audacity to say "we need more games like hifi rush" right after closing the studio that made it lol
followin up with this show of "deflecting every question" was in poor taste

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