
Far Cry 5 a 'White Genocide Simulator'? You're Joking, Right?

COGconnected writes - Since its reveal, Far Cry 5 has been courting controversy with some going as far as calling it a 'White Genocide Simulator'. They HAVE to be joking, right?

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Ashunderfire862544d ago

Nope that genocide is all self inflicted, and nothing to do with other people. Just look at the Meth and Heroin epidemic the media seems to ignore lately.

Sonyslave32544d ago

No one talk about the Meth or Heroin epidemic but I bet it was Mexicans or Arabic or any other color ethic group the media would been all over it.

sinjonezp2543d ago

We have to look beyond the boundaries of this game in particular and focus on the series. Far cry has tackled many different religious, ethnic scenarios. Far cry 2 in Africa Christianity, Far Cry 3 with Vas and his sister and we know how that turned out, Far Cry 4 etc...So this is just the next step in the series. Heck Far Cry 6 could be in Columbia about the drug trade who knows, but I like that the series hasn't been afraid to take risk and become more than a game but a social, religious, experience. maybe I'm on just a bit much but the criticism should be a little more objective and critical.

bluefox7552543d ago

They would never touch Islam.

UnHoly_One2543d ago

Meth and Heroin are not an "epidemic".

They are a choice, made by stupid people.

Goldby2543d ago


but the addiction to meth and heroin are a health issue the States and alot of places refuse to see itthat way, instead, lets throw them in jail and ruin the rest of their lives.

There is a big difference between stupid people and people with addictive personalities.

Krysis2543d ago

@unholy and yours is a comment made by an ignorant person. Study addiction a little and the find a little compassion and tell me those "people" are stupid

DarXyde2543d ago

If you want to tackle addiction, take mental health seriously.

Salooh2543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )

Will you play as a muslim against these extremest (like isis groups) ?. Don't think so. The story of a game or movie is always focusing on making muslims look bad so naturally muslims will hate it because of the bad influence that this product produce, produce hate to normal muslims even if it's not intended because developers don't consider how their product will effect those who play it, don't consider the respect of muslim gamers like they don't exist, they don't promote that respect, they don't try to show the good side which is the majority which if any story involve muslims it should give justice to that. That's why muslims assume the bad intention from the creators. Look at how Tekken handled creating an arabic character, many were against it because they thought they will abuse it but developers listened to their feedback and they won their heart. Consider this if you want to involve muslims in games.

xwabbit2543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )

White lives don't matter bro, they are all evil Satan worshipers for what some of their ancestors did. All white people are born rich with a college degree, they are given everything and work for nothing. They have perfect lives and are racist because we say so and base this on what some white people did years ago but totally ignore the fact that white people where slaves too at one point in history but thats no fun to talk about because it involves Muslims and feelings come first, forget facts.

Exoil2543d ago

@Salooh: They could have us play as a student in events like the student uprising in Teheran? That could be an interesting setting.

AuditorGamer2543d ago

As a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), I would like nothing more than to take lead of a character that destroys an invading cult. My ancestors did so during the Crusades and Viking ages (albeit, we eventually mixed) so this would go hand in hand with history for me! Regardless if the "bad guys" are White. Plus, the setting is going to be awesome! Just think of the wide variety of landscapes throughout the game.

Fact is, way too many White people have died as the result of war (WW1, Napoleonic War, WW2, Vietnam, Bubonic plague, starvation by pig communists in Eastern Europe, etc.) and it shows one common theme: White people are proud, resilient and enduring through hardship. Not bad for a race that is a world minority.

King Nezz2543d ago

Hasn't there already been games where Hispanics, Asians, and Russians were portrayed as the "bad guys"? Last time I checked, no race is perfect. I'm sure they weren't too thrilled, but it wasn't stopped. So those who are crying foul are those who hold their nose high in the air like they're supreme beings.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2543d ago
kevinsheeks2543d ago

You know I been thinking, what if some third party profits from all of this . . like your right the heroin situation is an epidemic and the masses aren't as privy to it as they should be but than I listen to other minorities and they shrug it off because they feel like "oh well we've been through it too' I'm saying you think it's possibie some third party is setting all this up like a stack of cards to have us battling each other mad at the wrong people meanwhile they profit . . were quick to blame the whites,blacks,Arabs,Indians .. but most of the people affected are regular everyday people I feel like the enemy is beyond race(which if we look at is nothing but a social constrict meant to separate us) they want money and they use conflict to pit us against each other.

Ashunderfire862543d ago

Well the regular everyday people need to get their heads out of the sand, and get conscious! Too many of them are too stuck in their ways, and rather hear their own voice speak over others. Look up the Bacon Rebellion of 1676 an you will understand where this colorism came from. It has no basis in reality, yet these labels of White and Black were Force on us during slavery. The truth is nationality not race which is nothing but a social engineering construct! Our real enemies will always be the rich elites.

medman2543d ago

Hey, don't forget the prescription pill epidemic running rampant in the suburbs.....

Boozehound2543d ago

It's a shame you can't tell a story today without people getting upset.

Summons752543d ago

Yeah. Outrage culture has gotten so bad. If you tie your shoe in public the wrong way you are guaranteed to upset 40 different people for 3 different reasons, commit a crime against some race, and discriminate against the rights of trans or otherkin all while killing animals and hurting a vegan. So annoying when people start crying over the most ridiculous things.

Dspdspes2543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )


Best. Comment. Ever!

Shadyceaser2543d ago

Too right .... I am so sick of it .... The YouTube scares me lately ..... Complaining about this , complain about that .... Oh!! My safe space ... You are in my safe space .... Pluck these cucks out of this time and send them back 15 to 20 years and the little snow flakes will melt.

Exoil2543d ago

You just offended me with your comment

Soc52543d ago

Lol, I know, being uptight is the new fad. Besides it's a fps, aren't all fps's just killing simulators, with a story loosely framed over it. Maybe the real question is why do we like repeatedly performing simulated killing over and over lol, and this comes from someone who just played and loves mad max

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2543d ago
Inzo2543d ago

Well there was a time when games used to be fun.

SaveFerris2543d ago

Don't give up yet Inzo. There are still great games out there and more to come.

Salooh2543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )

As a muslim i would never assume that christians are bunch of extremists like this because i know that people act doesn't represent the source of christianity let a lone major christians.

In fact, I know the vision of the game doesn't try to make them like that, if anything it would support christians by making them against this act by making them heroes in the game. Why? Because that's the nature of respect that developers/film makers usually have when it comes to christianity. Why would you assume otherwise especially if a famous game like far cry would want to sell as much as possible. It's about sales not religion. If painting christianity as bad and stupid would sell than i think many developers would of done that but i don't think it's that time because most people in the world are religious and huge part of it are christians so if we assume the worst, even if developers wanted to offend christians they wouldn't do it for a famous game at this moment.

gums0072543d ago

The correct term for those people are "snowflakes"

2543d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2543d ago
Yi-Long2543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )

This outrage only shows the hypocrisy when it comes to killing huge groups of people; when they are foreign and brown, people just shrug their shoulders and will say "Oh, it's just a game, it isn't about race, don't be silly"...

... but when it's a game where those groups are white Americans, suddenly some of those who defended killing masses of evil foreigners in countless other games, will cry about "White man is once again under attack!", "SJW-pandering", and more of that same nonsense.

Rimeskeem2543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )

It's what happens with the educational system within a country is completely f***ed. Yet, for some reason people would rather have a f***ing wall and relations with Russia than an educated population.

Flag me for off topic, doesnt change the fact it's true, Trump proves my point. Opinions over facts is the f***ing name of the game now. I have my 1st amendment for a reason.

Bobafret2543d ago

Flagged for stupid perhaps.

CaptainObvious8782543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )

It seems TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is turning into an epidemic.

Unfortunately, there's no cure for stupid.

DrJones2543d ago

Having relations with Russia is bad? You want nuclear war instead?

Inzo2543d ago

Foreign and brown? So Nazi's and Russians dont count because they are just foreign?

silvacrest2543d ago

Pretty much, they are different enough for most people so they wont complain, and constantly being portrayed as the bad guy even in books and movies makes it easier

FITSniper2543d ago

To Silvacrest:

His point was that for a far longer time the enemies in most action games were white. Only more recently were "brown" enemies introduced.

The reason I have some issue with the setting of this game is because it is pushing the idea that the midwest is this extreme place full of crazies. Even Ubisoft was admitting that basically this game is based off the impressions that they got from visiting there. People are of faith, distrust the government (rightfully so), and yes appreciate the 2nd amendment (how terrible of them).

Have there actually been extremist cults that claim the Bible as their source of authority? Sure. And for that reason I'm not entirely against this game. But with the way that more liberal people are today and constantly wanting to demonize Christianity while giving Islam a pass at every turn despite the overwhelming evidence that it is a violent, oppressive religion, yes, this game seems like a continuation of that narrative. You won't see a game based on violence erupting out of a place like Dearborn, MI though. Because the PC police would never allow it.

Cobra9512543d ago

Great post, FITSniper. The timing of this game plot is just too poor to ignore, and the narrative itself smacks of leftist fascism. It will get a lot of hate, and deservedly so.

Bobafret2543d ago

Oh, thise poor wittle brown people. Please GFY.

JayPi32543d ago

I consider myself a very moderate individual but it's lame to see both sides acting so shitty about this game. For years and far cry you've been shooting a variety of people, black, white, asian, cavemen, etc. Now you have to go up against a cast that may be primarily white and suddenly it's an issue?

White genocide simulator? Really? It's a goddamn video game where you're playing an officer of the law who must take down a dangerous religious cult, it doesn't matter if they're black or white, if their corrupt beliefs do more harm then good and break the laws they need to be brought to justice.

I like game like Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors, where you play as asian individuals, usually warlords who mow down tons of soldiers, does this make those games Asian genocide sims?

FITSniper2543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )

For me the color of their skin is not the issue. As another commenter pointed out, we've been shooting people with white skin for 2 decades. It's the other aspects of the story I have issue with.

I might still get the game, probably will be when it's cheaper due to funds and general backlog because I like the two player co-op aspect and I know Far Cry games are generally good games (regardless of the story they're telling). But I still can't help but feel that this game is a shot at conservatives and Christianity directly. If I made a game about Muslims in Dearborn, MI rising up and taking over the town violently, you know PC people would be raising a stink.

However I also realize that this is just a game. That they are, for whatever their reasons, creating a fictional character based on something that hasn't happened. But I don't appreciate their (Ubisoft's) comments that this could actually happen. Yes there have been extremist Christian cults. But they didn't take over towns violently and kill people if they didn't want to join.

Software_Lover2543d ago

I seriously advise you to do some fact checking and some critical thinking. No one is taking over the town violently. They actually hold anti-ISIS rallies, even when fox was reporting it as pro ISIS rallies. Fact check

Now as for the taking over violently, lets use our thinking skills. Dont let Fox or CNN tell you what to think. If people were coming in and violently taking over a town, who would people call? The police who are a part of the town. If evidence was found and they felt as if it was a bigger issue who would they call? Government national guard.

Do you actually believe that the national guard, riot police, etc would be called for a few protesters but they wouldnt be called for a large group violently taking over a US city? Do you actually believe that US citizens would just sit back and let it happen to them IN THAT PART OF THE COUNTRY!!!!

Our news networks learned from the NAZIS how to control the minds of the population. That is why so many NAZI scientist were brought over after the war.

Cobra9512543d ago

Software_Lover, German scientists working for the Nazis were brought over because their tech was way ahead of ours in some fields, like rocketry. We went to the moon on Wernher von Braun's work and knowledge. You don't need a genius like that in the media. All they need is someone who can spin a tale and tell it convincingly over and over--like, you know, a good liar.

Goldby2543d ago


and flood the news with so much BS that for the average joe its difficult to keep tract and they end up ignoring important ones becuase of what ever scandle or salad the pres ate or eight today

FITSniper2543d ago

What fact checking do I need to do? I didn't claim any facts about Dearborn. I just made the statement that if such a game were made, regardless of the reality, it'd be all over the news about how hateful it is.

No I don't believe that. I don't see how that's relevant either. As I said, the game clearly is not set in reality.

And as another said, German scientists were brought over for their scientific backgrounds. Not their ability to train the media how to control people. The Nazi's didn't use any tactic that hadn't been used before. They gave hope and optimism (and hate) to a nation saddled with debt and misery after it's defeat in the previous war. They used that to amass a huge amount of support, turned that support into a war machine, and then started rounding people up. But people by that point were too afraid to speak up or in agreement.

Democrats and Republicans do the same thing in election time. If there's a party that advocates for the death of the other side in America though, it's the left. You don't see people on the right cheering when someone on the left dies tragically or just suddenly(obviously are small exceptions from a minority of people). How often do we see on twitter though even prominent liberals hoping for the death of someone on the right or being happy about when it's happened? Far too often.

iceman062543d ago

IMO, this isn't some "shot" at conservatives and Christianity as much as it is a counter to the idea that fundamentalists and extremists are representative of the whole. Many people accept that as truth with Islam. They conflate the many heinous acts perpetrated by a slew of extreme individuals as the aim of the religion. When the majority of that religion are simply trying to live in peace.
Ubisoft is simply challenging a developing narrative about extremists and judging an entire religion based on the actions of groups of misguided people. It just so happens that these misguided people claim to be Chrisitan. What's interesting to me, and missed in the argument, is that Ubi includes an actual Christian pastor as an ally for you. So, in a sense, they have the room to counter any misperceived messages with some common sense religious philosophy.

Mexxan2543d ago

Are you serious? Surely you jest.
Read history of Christianity and how it was spread. C'mon, do the research. Your last sentence is laughable. Cultish Christianity resulted in genocide on such an immense scale - cultures and nations were obliterated. Now, before you go all sniper on me read up, get in ya fridge so you don't melt, and get back to me with ya friends in tow - it's all good

DarXyde2542d ago

I mean, it might be taking a shot at conservatives. GTA does it pretty fluently with liberals.

Does it matter? Not really. If anything, games like these create caricatures of liberals and conservatives. The sad part is that these caricatures behave an awful lot like extremists from both groups. You have your Rand Paul conservatives and your Bill Mauer liberals that are pretty critical of their own group's ridiculousness. On the other hand, you have your Milo Yiannopolouses and Mark Zuckerbergs.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2542d ago
TWB2543d ago

I think its a combination of many things that have sparked this paranoia. Political views in the recent years, snarky people saying that they can "finally kill some white republicans" and the devs themselves saying that the game will tackle political issues of the current world. Even that seems little tone deaf, since Scientology-like cults have not been that topical recently, so it seems that the game could be a political middle finger of sorts.

I dont care that much either way, because both sides seem to be so polarized that its hard to find a comfortable position anymore.

Im just glad its in America, because at least then the guns and optics will be decent (the sights in 3 and 4 were pretty shitty).

Yo Mama2543d ago


Dude, you're missing the whole point, completely. Those other games weren't about religion. It was good vs bad. The good guy kills the bad guys, generally like most other games. This is the first one that religion plays a part. It's not about skin color. We shoot whites all the fucking time in games. You even said it yourself. Stop being dense.

2543d ago
GameReviewGuy2543d ago

I am actually suprised it took this long for the Far Cry series to be in the U.S. I think it's a nice change and am looking forward to it. Hopefully the enemy leader can be in the same league as Vaas since Vaas was an amazing antagonist.

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

Far Cry debuted on March 23, 2004, meaning that next week, it will have been 20 years since Jack Carver first washed up on the shore of a tropical paradise teeming with hostile mercenaries.

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DefenderOfDoom261d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot61d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor61d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos61d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius61d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8861d ago (Edited 61d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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Far Cry 5 Has Surpassed 30 Million Players Worldwide

The 2018 first-person shooter has reached this milestone exactly 5 years after its initial release.

Profchaos411d ago

When you're free on every single service it's eventually going to happen.

Profchaos411d ago

Part of PS plus at the moment

ChasterMies411d ago

Far Cry 5 is “free” if you pay for PS+ Extra.

gangsta_red411d ago

Going to have to try and get back into Far Cry. The formula for Far Cry may be fun, but it gets repetitive very fast.

Demetrius411d ago

Been playing this series since far cry 3 I love the adventuring vibe this series gives off even far cry primal is so good, but experiencing far cry 5 in 60 fps crisp graphics on ps5 for the first time is dope it adds life to it, I wana give far cry 6 a second chance couldn’t get into it at first I wonder if it’s worth it


Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles now

Far Cry 5 Official Twitter: "You've been waiting long enough… Welcome to Hope County! Experience Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles … NOW! Far Cry 5 will also have a FREE WEEKEND from March 23-27 on all consoles & PC. Enjoy!"

banger88425d ago

Damn. I replayed it recently on SX with fps boost, and to achieve that they had to downgrade the resolution. Game played great but looked like ass. Wish I had've waited.

blackblades425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

So you saying fps boost lowers the resolution to achieve 60fps? Cause that culteastwitch was praising in a fanboy cok suking way.

Darkwatchman425d ago

It depends on the game. Some keep Xbox One X resolution. Others drop to base Xbox One resolution and settings.

Knushwood Butt425d ago

Waiting to play this on Extra but have had too much else to play.
So is this a native PS5 version or does the PS4 version run at 60fps on PS5?

Jin_Sakai425d ago

As expected, Far Cry 5 will now run at 60 frames-per-second on PS5,

“as part of a patch that optimises the PS4 game on Sony's new-gen console.”

Knushwood Butt424d ago

Downloading now. I might do a bit of pancake gaming this weekend.

Eidolon424d ago

Not native PS5. But still looked pretty good on PS4 Pro, and at a solid 60fps, definitely a good experience. Sadly games can't break out of PS4 Pro resolutions, for some reason.

LucasRuinedChildhood424d ago

PS4 games can run 2-2.5 times better on PS5. They're basically just changing the framerate cap to take advantage of that. They could actually change the resolution but it might affect the framerate - it's not a native PS5 game so it can't properly take advantage of the hardware. 1620p isn't bad, tbh.

Eidolon424d ago

Was really hoping to read that New Dawn would be upgraded as well. :( Already beat Far Cry 5 + and only like 1 hr into New Dawn.

KeeseToast424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Pretty nice 👍
Now we’ll only need fps boost for:
Arkham Knight
The Last Guardian
Assassin‘s Creed Unity
Shadow of the Colossus
Gravity Rush 2

Did I forget something?

Welshy424d ago

The worst part about AC Unity is that it *does* run natively at 60fps, but only when running the 1.0 version from the disc. If you allow the game to update, future patches applied a 30fps cap for some reason.

I don't see any reason it would be difficult to just lift the cap that they added.

CML2424d ago

Shadow of the Colossus already runs at 60fps.
Its possible to play The Last Guardian at 60fps with an unpatched disc version too.

Stanjara424d ago

So why not unlock framerate cap on the latest version? Can't be that hard.

CML2424d ago

Probably because the studio doesnt exist anymore. 🥲

LucasRuinedChildhood424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Absolutely. RDR2 still sells very well so the lack of a next gen version after GTA5 next gen is really annoying.

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