zivtheawesome2546d ago

ps marketing deal is confirmed for another game. sony has an absolute victory this gen.

EdMcGlone2546d ago

XB1 and PC can apparently get the same thing from Ubisoft Club but I'm not sure that means they need to pay for it or what.

naruga2546d ago (Edited 2546d ago )

they just copy pasted ISIS middle east phenomenon in US and just swapped the religion form muslim to christianity ....they didnt even bother to change the colors (just to remind us the ferocity of religion extremists) ....generic, boring , unispired and i can say obnoxiously political to even touch religion themes ....Ubisoft at its best

FunAndGun2546d ago


Sit down with your sensibilities.

Gazondaily2546d ago Show
naruga2546d ago Show
darthv722546d ago

Naruga... that's not Christianity being depicted. It looks that way because of the church and whatnot but in this regard it is more of a cult religion. Like the branch Davidians or Scientology. Basically breaking off a sect from a mainline religion and forming their own will and laws.

There are no crosses depicted but rather some other symbol they are using as the center of their religion.

_-EDMIX-_2545d ago


Why so sensitive bud?

ISIS isn't the first religious extremist group bud, they are not the only religious group.

smh. The ignorance in your post is just amazing. You seriously telling me you didn't know other religious extremist groups existed before ISIS and in the United States ?

rainslacker2545d ago

Marketing deals are paid for. The console maker pays for a percentage of marketing, and they get the rights to plaster their logo over the trailers, and show it off at things like E3.

MagicBeanz2545d ago


You must be real fun at parties.

Sono4212545d ago

wait no switch version?!? what?! how could this be?! I thought the switch 3rd party support was picking up steam? That's what the Nintendo fanatics say anyway.. are you telling me they aren't reliable?!

_-EDMIX-_2545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

@Naruga- Your PM bud.

"i dont live in US , im from Europe however i know many friends that lived and worked in some states in US ...and i find that you exagerrating a lot depicting the situation in your country....the brutality that the game shows isa direct copy of what happens right now in Syria , a country in civil war and in the limits to transition to failed state situation, cannnot even be compared with some pussy extremist troublemakers that live in US...middle east is a whole different league in terms of violence ...

However we r not here to anylise global geopolitical themes wer just here because we like games and that is what we should discuss ..So my opinion about Ubi is just that...cannot even htink a prototype scenario plot and just copy real life situation with below the average quality games , trying to intrigue us only with idiotic edgy themes...i didnt enjoy even fing gmae from them as the majority if not all are a boring mess"

----------------------------- ---------------

"i dont live in US"

Ummmm then you don't know what your talking about bud, you don't even live in the US, I do.

" i find that you exagerrating " ?? You mean "exaggerating" and no.

What I'm telling you is a FACT, you can look it up and I'll welcome a rebuttal.

MOST terrorist attacks in America are NOT done by ISIS, most are not even done by foreigners, they are done by AMERICANS!

'cannot even htink a prototype scenario plot and just copy real life situation"

That doesn't mean they can't think of one bud, simply means they want to focus on a real life concept. I mean, how many games have focused on American born terrorist groups?

"below the average" No bud, that is like saying something like American History X is "below the average" because its from a real concept vs fantasy, as if because they can't think of something fake, they must be "below the average" for referencing real concepts.

That has nothing to do with if you like the team or not, you are attacking them about using a real concept when that is irrelevant to the quality of the game. Sure, the game can be crap, but that doesn't mean it was crap for using a real life concept.

Simply means it was crap

Why PM me just to block me when you start to see that what I'm telling you is indeed fact? MOST attacks on America are not done by ISIS, they are done by American born groups. The fact that you don't want to even continue FURTHER shows that you don't know what you are talking about, heck by your own admittance you are not even an American and live somewhere else... You can't just attack your way through a point bud.

Bring facts. If you can't handle FACTS, you have no place trying to dispute them with hearsay. I'm sure you know many friends....bring some links and facts bud. You should have NEVER been assuming that USA doesn't have any cults or terrorist groups etc that ISIS needed to be "copy pasted" etc.

The KKK has a higher American Body count then ISIS bud. You don't need your "friends" in America to show you that is a fact. Google is free bud. Ignorance is a choice.

Man legit stated "Friends" in response to factual events in a country HE DOESN'T"T LIVE IN!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2545d ago
freshslicepizza2546d ago

The victory where it matters most will be this, PC>Scorpio>PS4Pro>PS4 >Xbox One

Nyxus2546d ago

Not in terms of sales.

Inzo2546d ago

All of a sudden graphics matter for Xbox fanboys? In terms of power you are probably right. In terms of presentation and sales? Well lets face it, the Scorpio will always be second bes.... scratch that, as the Switch has made its presence felt, so make that third best. The Scorpio is too late for this gen and too early for next gen.

And btw, we all know thats not where the victory lies.

boing12546d ago

If by victory you mean less profit, then sure.

GTgamer2546d ago Show
Kokyu2546d ago

I keep telling people Scorpio is going to be too expensive to sell in large numbers.

Araragifeels 2546d ago

Take Scorpio and Xbone out since PC can do both job but better.

candystop2546d ago Show
MasterCornholio2546d ago (Edited 2546d ago )

More people will be playing it on the base PS4 than the other platforms. After that the Xbox One version will probably be the most played one followed by PC and then the PS4 Pro and Scorpio.


The power advantage is only temporary though. We saw it last 4 years with PlayStation and who knows how long Xbox will have it. What goes around comes around. That is the truth.

PistolsAtDawn2546d ago (Edited 2546d ago )

I don't know...Scorpio may even prove to be #1 depending on the price...the bang for the buck might actually be greater on Scorpio over computers that cost perhaps 2-3 times more...we'll have to see, but it's a possibility. In order to have a PC that would make a noticeable difference over a more streamlined/optimized Scorpio, it'd have to be a top notch PC.

The thing that keeps getting me about Scorpio is how they said that being designed SPECIFICALLY around DX12...the Scorpio GPU can now perform the same tasks that used to take like a 1000 commands...now in like a dozen or so...whatever they said...I don't specifically remember, but it was impressive.

candystop2546d ago


"The power advantage is only temporary though. We saw it last 4 years with PlayStation and who knows how long Xbox will have it. What goes around comes around. That is the truth."

Really? I mean, that's a no brainer. In the mean time Sony still holds the advantage on the exclusives front which is all that really matters. If MS starts pumping out quality exclusives again then we can finally have some more balanced debates. Scorpio power dominance for 4 years is a pretty long time btw.

Chriscrinkle182546d ago

@pistolsatdawn it's the CPU you're talking about there not the GPU.

Ashlen2546d ago

Wow... and you have the balls to call out other people for their console views... Normally I just ignore you but this is just wow...

ninsigma2546d ago

Guy who condemns console wars calls Scorpio power advantage a "victory". Riiiggghhhhtttt.

Too bad for you, PS4 Pro will deliver an output that is almost indistinguishable from native 4K and will cost less.

Kingcorey132546d ago

Why tho? Because it has more power? Victory for a game machine should be games tho right?

freshslicepizza2546d ago

Interesting how so many now care more about sales than how the game they buy performs.

UKmilitia2546d ago

well im more than happy with how amazing my ps4 pro looks so it be ok.
least scorpio gamers will have 1 game to play next year now.
i will still probably be playing my backlog of amazing excluive games on my ps4 pro

freshslicepizza2545d ago

"well im more than happy with how amazing my ps4 pro looks so it be ok."

Great! It will look good on Pro.

"least scorpio gamers will have 1 game to play next year now.
i will still probably be playing my backlog of amazing excluive games on my ps4 pro"

So is this how it works, somone points out the reality of how each version is likely to stack up and your reaction is to say Scorpio will have 1 game to play next year?

EmperorDalek2545d ago

"All of a sudden graphics matter for Xbox fanboys?"

PlayStation fanboys constantly bitched about having a slightly more powerful console for years, so expect Xbox fans to bite back when they have a considerably more powerful one.

Sales apparently didn't matter last gen, but they do now that PS4 is selling like it is. Who cares? Fanboys switch their stance whenever convenient.

mark_parch2545d ago

there's no way xbox can catch ps4 in sales. ps4 will continue to sell better with a cheaper price, marketing deals on literally every game and some great exclusives but scorpio will have the best console version of multiplats and hopefully after e3 it will have some pretty good console exclusives so i expect xbox to do well but just not as good as ps4

YEP4142545d ago

This is speaking the truth

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 2545d ago
Prince_TFK2546d ago (Edited 2546d ago )

Why do every articles on this site have to be about Sony vs MS? Why cant we just have a normal conversation for once without a Sony fanboy waving their di*k around to boast about "exclusivity" "victory this gen" or other sh*t?

Honestly this is just sad and the insecurity is becoming too real.

rainslacker2545d ago

Why call out Sony fans right below Moldy who was the first person in the thread you're replying to to actually make it into a console war thing.

Console wars aren't one sided where only one side is behaving poorly.

Although I will agree it is nice to have a conversation sometimes.

So, in that vein, I hope people enjoy the game. I like what I've seen so far despite not being a huge far cry fan.

starchild2545d ago


Really? You somehow missed the very first comment? That comment had nothing to do with this article. It was nothing more than irrelevant corporate cheerleading.

moldybread's comment was clearly in response to that and I happen to agree with him. When I buy a game I don't care about how much it has sold on each platform or who had advertising rights. The main thing I care about is how it looks and runs. People bringing up sales in that context look silly.

dekke2545d ago

do u see what u just did urself?? MS funnybunny :P

PistolsAtDawn2546d ago (Edited 2546d ago )

Weird how some people see this as a victory when Sony does it, but when MS does it...it's pure evil. Can we please have just one standard? Is it right or wrong? Personally, I get the idea of doing 3rd party deals. Exclusive games are nice, but they aren't actually a large enough chunk of games as a whole to really persuade most gamers...so by being able to tout special exclusives for Multi-plat games, it's a win most of the time for the console and even the developer (which gets additional money to help with the game/marketing). As someone that typically owns all the consoles each gen, this kind of thing never bothers me...and I understand why it's done....although to be honest...for me specifically...I can't think of a single time this gen where a marketing deal actually changed my mind about what console to play a particular game on....however, I do know there are gamers out there that it does matter to.

I see it either way...but honestly, one could make an argument that Sony buying all these 3rd party marketing deals is a sign of panic. Sony had a great string of exclusives during the early year drought this year, but as far as we know right now....they have nothing else for a while...they MAY be doing these 3rd party marketing deals (some at least) to try and minimize the Scorpio affect.

rainslacker2545d ago

Depends on the extent of the deal I guess....at least for me.

A straight up marketing deal with no content exclusivity attached I don't have much problem with. I feel I'd rather the console makers spend money on other things, but I guess these kinds of things work, otherwise they wouldn't still be going on.

The things that lock significant content(not just a gun or skin or something) either permanently or for an a period of time, I find distasteful from any company.

Generally though, I don't go around complaining about it anymore. It is what it is, and all the complaints last gen did nothing to curb these kinds of deals. If they work, the console makers won't care. I don't mind discussing it when the subject comes up, but I'm not going to waste my time railing against it hoping that the outcry will reach the ears of someone who can do something about it, or that when it does, they will care to listen.

I will agree with you on marketing deals not changing my mind though. Never have since their inception. But these deals are for the mass market, not the niche hardcore. They see those logos at the end of the trailers, and it makes an impression.

mark_parch2545d ago

sony also have fifa now as well. they literally have 90% of all everything. whats strange is that at the end of the trailers it says ps4 the best place to play but pretty sure it will be better on scorpio and some pc's so isn't that false advertising

jasonpugh2545d ago

Shame these games usually are short lived and the ps marketing deal won't be enough to hide the superior Scorpio version.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2545d ago
Nyxus2546d ago

"and Scorpio"

The Scorpio plays Xbox One games, so every XB1 game is coming to Scorpio. Just like every PS4 game is coming to PS4 Pro.

EdMcGlone2546d ago (Edited 2546d ago )

The distinction is made by Ubisoft themselves, but yeah you're right.

generic-user-name2546d ago

Proof that Scorpio is actually the next gen Xbox.

Sawce252546d ago

Pretty sure that just means it will be an upgraded version for Scorpio/pspro.

Nyxus2546d ago

Perhaps, but won't they make an upgraded version for PS4 Pro too?

-Foxtrot2546d ago

So why not say

"coming to PS4, PS4 PRO, Xbox One, Scorpio"

Seems like it's a brand new console

rainslacker2545d ago

Maybe they just misspoke?

OTOH, MS is making a pretty big deal of Scorpio right now, so it's more distinguished than Sony's rather laize-faire approach to the PS4P....so maybe they felt the need to single it out.

Who knows. It doesn't really matter.

Bigpappy2545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

It just means that they are planning to fully utilize the Scorpio... whatever that may entail.

Patriot4Life2545d ago

MS should keep the Scorpio name...I mean its a good name and it has a lot of recognition.

2545d ago
alb18992545d ago

When they say Scorpio it is maybe because it will have the Scorpio treatment.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2545d ago
Orejillz2546d ago

I'm actually excited for this Far Cry game even though the last couple were fun but a little meh to me.

leahcim2546d ago

man how I love this saga, another platinum trophy waiting for me.

AtariFanboy2546d ago

So many people overreacted to this. This is nothing but a small town in Montana that's been taking over by some nut jobs. Also they confirmed a character creator, so everyone getting worked up for nothing.

Kokyu2546d ago

Its been fun watching Reddit, 4chan and N4G people loose their minds though.

Cobra9512545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

Overreaction? That's just as bad as I imagined it: Middle America being made to look like a hotbed of backwoods countryfied religious racist fanatics. When this game comes out, I intend not to buy it.

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

Far Cry debuted on March 23, 2004, meaning that next week, it will have been 20 years since Jack Carver first washed up on the shore of a tropical paradise teeming with hostile mercenaries.

Read Full Story >>
DefenderOfDoom262d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot61d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor61d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos62d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius62d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8861d ago (Edited 61d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

Show all comments (14)

Far Cry 5 Has Surpassed 30 Million Players Worldwide

The 2018 first-person shooter has reached this milestone exactly 5 years after its initial release.

Profchaos412d ago

When you're free on every single service it's eventually going to happen.

Profchaos412d ago

Part of PS plus at the moment

ChasterMies412d ago

Far Cry 5 is “free” if you pay for PS+ Extra.

gangsta_red412d ago

Going to have to try and get back into Far Cry. The formula for Far Cry may be fun, but it gets repetitive very fast.

Demetrius412d ago

Been playing this series since far cry 3 I love the adventuring vibe this series gives off even far cry primal is so good, but experiencing far cry 5 in 60 fps crisp graphics on ps5 for the first time is dope it adds life to it, I wana give far cry 6 a second chance couldn’t get into it at first I wonder if it’s worth it


Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles now

Far Cry 5 Official Twitter: "You've been waiting long enough… Welcome to Hope County! Experience Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles … NOW! Far Cry 5 will also have a FREE WEEKEND from March 23-27 on all consoles & PC. Enjoy!"

banger88426d ago

Damn. I replayed it recently on SX with fps boost, and to achieve that they had to downgrade the resolution. Game played great but looked like ass. Wish I had've waited.

blackblades425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

So you saying fps boost lowers the resolution to achieve 60fps? Cause that culteastwitch was praising in a fanboy cok suking way.

Darkwatchman425d ago

It depends on the game. Some keep Xbox One X resolution. Others drop to base Xbox One resolution and settings.

Knushwood Butt426d ago

Waiting to play this on Extra but have had too much else to play.
So is this a native PS5 version or does the PS4 version run at 60fps on PS5?

Jin_Sakai425d ago

As expected, Far Cry 5 will now run at 60 frames-per-second on PS5,

“as part of a patch that optimises the PS4 game on Sony's new-gen console.”

Knushwood Butt425d ago

Downloading now. I might do a bit of pancake gaming this weekend.

Eidolon425d ago

Not native PS5. But still looked pretty good on PS4 Pro, and at a solid 60fps, definitely a good experience. Sadly games can't break out of PS4 Pro resolutions, for some reason.

LucasRuinedChildhood425d ago

PS4 games can run 2-2.5 times better on PS5. They're basically just changing the framerate cap to take advantage of that. They could actually change the resolution but it might affect the framerate - it's not a native PS5 game so it can't properly take advantage of the hardware. 1620p isn't bad, tbh.

Eidolon425d ago

Was really hoping to read that New Dawn would be upgraded as well. :( Already beat Far Cry 5 + and only like 1 hr into New Dawn.

KeeseToast425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

Pretty nice 👍
Now we’ll only need fps boost for:
Arkham Knight
The Last Guardian
Assassin‘s Creed Unity
Shadow of the Colossus
Gravity Rush 2

Did I forget something?

Welshy425d ago

The worst part about AC Unity is that it *does* run natively at 60fps, but only when running the 1.0 version from the disc. If you allow the game to update, future patches applied a 30fps cap for some reason.

I don't see any reason it would be difficult to just lift the cap that they added.

CML2425d ago

Shadow of the Colossus already runs at 60fps.
Its possible to play The Last Guardian at 60fps with an unpatched disc version too.

Stanjara425d ago

So why not unlock framerate cap on the latest version? Can't be that hard.

CML2425d ago

Probably because the studio doesnt exist anymore. 🥲

LucasRuinedChildhood425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

Absolutely. RDR2 still sells very well so the lack of a next gen version after GTA5 next gen is really annoying.

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