
US PlayStation Store Offers Mega Sale On Sony Santa Monica And Ubisoft Games

US PlayStation Store is offering a mega sale this week on games published by Sony Santa Monica and Ubisoft.

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zivtheawesome2588d ago

the order for 3.99 sounds pretty good. i gotta check this one out.

C-H-E-F2588d ago

Yeah, I just bought it again when they had it at 4.99, I bought it because my wife didn't watch me play through it when I got it on launch. If you love the underworld movies you'll love this game for sure. Everyone that complained about the game ruined what could've been a great series. overall i'd give an 8/10.

nX2588d ago

Yes it's worth at least 20$ imo, one of the few games I would call "overhated".

captainexplosion2588d ago

You're wife sounds like a lucky lady. She gets to watch you play a video game.

C-H-E-F2588d ago


She prefer to watch me play games instead of playing them, perhaps you should try finding a female of your own..?

S2Killinit2588d ago

That is a rediculous price for that game. You wont be dissapointed.

Legion212588d ago

Definitely a must buy at that price

2588d ago
SonyWarrior2587d ago

its a pretty cool game it starts off slow i thought it was like heavy rain at first but its not it just has a lot of seamless cutscenes that have good flow between gameplay and has a good story.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2587d ago
LordofYogurt2588d ago

Now is your chance to pick up The Order 1886, it's a fantastic game at that price. 4 bucks is nothing for the great story it provides

Chumdiddy2588d ago

Ubisoft sale is garbage but I may easily spend $20+ on the SSM sale.

Consider that tons of *actual games are priced $2-5 and a couple great ones $5-10 and Linger In Shadows is not even a game and it's $2-3. Linger in Shadow is like a tech demo that lasts 15 mins. You can grab it or grab most any GOW title, any Twisted Metal title, The Order, etc for the same price.

Nice sale.

Servbot412588d ago

Ubisoft can't even get sales right.

GuruStarr782588d ago

I jumped on Twisted Metal Black. My favorite all time Twisted Metal game.

Sam Fisher2588d ago

Ill correct you, it was the best twisted metal period

SonyWarrior2587d ago

linger in the shadows is garbage lol i remember back when that came out i bought it just because it was like the first game to have trophies and i wanted some trophies

S2Killinit2588d ago

Good sale. Lots of big options in there.

OldGuyStillGaming2588d ago

I miss playing Fat Princess
That game was a blast to play

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Twisted Metal Retro Review – Nothing Short Of Iconic

Everyone knows Twisted Metal... I mean literally everyone! Whether it is simply a childhood classic for you, or one of the worst, mind-corrupting disgraces to entertainment you can think of, you've at least heard of this iconic title.

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The Order: 1886 pushed visuals hard in 2015 - And still looks stunning today

Digital Foundry : Released in February 2015, The Order: 1886 was a stunning PlayStation 4 game at the cutting-edge of rendering technology, with visuals that still hold up today. The game's release pre-dated in-depth Digital Foundry coverage, something we're looking to address with this new video! Ready at Dawn's game never received a sequel and never received a PS4 Pro upgrade, but thanks to developments with exploited, older firmware PS5 consoles, we can now show you the game running locked at 60 frames per second.

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VenomUK306d ago

The gameplay was bland and extremely frustrating at times with unnecessary QTE combat at points. But the world and the lore and the characters and the story were fantastic. I’ve always wanted a sequel. I still hope Sony will surprise us one day.

shadowT307d ago

Sony missed the opportunity to acquire Ready at Dawn Studios.

Tacoboto307d ago

But... Sony didn't want Ready at Dawn. Clearly

mkis007306d ago

I'm guessing had 1886 turned out more positively they would have.

RaidenBlack307d ago

And let's not forget,
Ready At Dawn showcased The Order 1886 running on PC at 60fps at SIGGRAPH 2015

isarai307d ago

I still stand by my theory that this game just released at the wrong time. Almost every outlet spent a lot of time in their reviews ragging on the game for not being an online experience, everyone was in the Destiny hype train and at the time they wanted EVERY game to follow suit, bashing any game that didn't. If this were released after everyone realized how much that wasn't future, people would've appreciated it more. I loved it, and I'm always disappointed that we'll never get a sequel

Tacoboto307d ago

That doesn't seem to be true about outlets complaining on the lack of online. The review summaries on Metacritic are very consistent: Amazing graphics, but shallow gameplay and a very short length with little reason to return.

Here's an example of how *little* time IGN spent talking about multiplayer:

"With no multiplayer, and no reason to revisit the short and stunted single-player campaign once it’s been completed, there just isn’t a lot to it."

It's the final sentence. They don't even take the time to say "online multiplayer"

MrChow666307d ago (Edited 307d ago )

"Amazing graphics, but shallow gameplay and a very short length with little reason to return."
You are right, that's what everbody was saying at the time, never heard anything about it not being online.
I've been thinking about trying this game for years, I may get it now that it's dirt cheap, no big loss if it sucks

MrChow666307d ago

Oh, add to that bad enemy AI, I remember that from the reviews, I saw a video of a wherewolf boss fight with a very weak AI

thorstein307d ago

And there we glowing reviews for shorter games. It was one of the times where hating this game was "cool."

CrimsonWing69307d ago

Can you show me the reviews that rag on it for not having an online experience?

I’m not doubting you or anything. I’m just being lazy.

isarai307d ago

Sorry, not multiplayer, open world is what I meant.

Tacoboto307d ago

That's also fake news, isarai. Again, the game was consistently criticized for what it was (Pretty but extremely short, extremely linear, hand-holding, no replayability), not for what it wasn't (multiplayer/open-world)

isarai307d ago

Nope, every review uses the term "linear" several times as if it's some inherently bad attribute. Not fake news at all. Since then there's veen plenty of short and sweet single player linear games that get lots of praise, again after the reality of everything being open world set it and it wasn't as great as everyone thought. But at the launch of the last gen everyone had open world fever, and especially the first couple years "linear" was a con in many games reviewed

Tacoboto307d ago

That's your own contortion assuming criticism of its extremely linear design is suddenly a call for it to have been open world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 307d ago
zumlauf14307d ago

You totally made up a claim regarding an overall review consensus that isn't true. And, instead of just ignoring being called out for it, you respond with "oh actually i ment to say OPEN WORLD". Which literally isn't true either. You can't show us one review that bashed the game for "not being open world". And, somehow the other guy is getting downvoted. Over a bullshit liar.

isarai307d ago

Games were being criticized at that time for any game that wasn't open world or online. So yeah I got one mixed for the other, doesn't change my argument one bit that it would've been received better if it released later. People are agreeing because if you were not riding the "online and open world" hype train at that time, it was blatantly obvious there were biases in play for how games were criticized. Now after all that has happened since people want to say "oh wait these games were actually pretty good" cause they know better now

Rude-ro307d ago

The gameplay was very shallow and when one says repetitive, it is by the very definition for some fights. As in, completely identical but different setting.

The game has amazing potential.
The graphics, the lore, characters…
This could most definitely have been all corrected with a sequel and became a franchise hit…
Still would love to see an attempt.

Ie fantastic premise and moments that shine…
But it had its downfalls that deserved the negative marks.

thorstein307d ago

It was the "game to hate" when it launched. And right here, on this site, we saw people posting stories that were outright fabrications about the game. It was weird. The game launched, it was fun, a really cool game but the hate was too much. And so were the lies.

Minute Man 721307d ago

It was just too short....but I loved every minute of it....double dipped and grabbed the ultimate CE

babadivad307d ago

That isn't true. I remember people talking about how incredibly short it was and the somewhat janky gunplay.

KwietStorm_BLM307d ago

First I'm hearing of this. I don't know what multiplayer has to do with anything. The game was just dull. Amazing graphics, great narrative, great lore, boring gameplay sprinkled in pieces between cutscenes, and lackluster AI and controls.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 307d ago
anast307d ago

People cried this game was too short. No people are crying because games are too long.

isarai307d ago

Pretty sure everyone is complaining about bloated games lately but ok

anast307d ago

Thank you for the ok. I needed that.

RaidenBlack307d ago

Games like Ubisoft open worlds not enjoyable lengthy games like Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate III

anast307d ago

I get it, but people also complain about the main stories being too long or just games being too long in general because they are "adults".

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Seven Ways To Reboot The Twisted Metal Games

The WellPlayed crew gathers to pitch an appropriately deranged set of options for the future of Twisted Metal.

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crazyCoconuts326d ago

All I ask for is a new Twisted Metal that allows flat screen & PSVR2 cross play that also supports a wheel.
Would be heaven.

Babadook7325d ago

Wow. I like the idea of VR twisted metal with a wheel.

Rebel_Scum325d ago

They need to get the enemy AI balance right. Thats what made 2 the best in the series. Black was abysmal in that dept.

neomahi325d ago

You don't. Do sequels. If you've gotta reboot, might as well do a new IP. God of War is the only game I can say that did a successful reboot

TiredGamer325d ago (Edited 325d ago )

Isn’t the new GoW just a sequel technically?

I personally think they can leverage the roots of the series. The original TM in 1995 took place on Christmas Eve 2005, and it was the 10th contest in history. Why not “reboot” the franchise by making a prequel of sorts showing the origin story of the series and maybe linking all the future games in a brilliant way. Seems like such an obvious idea to leverage old with the new (kind of look how Doom 2016 did with its lore).

Knightofelemia325d ago

Just make it a good game Twisted Metal has it's fan base.