
A Rough Month: Mass Effect Was Xbox One's Second Best Game Of March 2017

GameRevolution: "This became particularly troublesome for Microsoft during March. Despite being one of the three most important months of the year in the gaming industry, the Xbox One was practically devoid of any widely appealing games. In-fact, its top three highest rated titles of the month were Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (75 Metascore), Mass Effect: Andromeda (77 Metascore), and The Inner World (77 Metascore), all of which are multiplatform."

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tyasia02599d ago (Edited 2599d ago )

So, two multi-platforms and a mobile game... ouch

And the sad fact is ME:A and Ghost Recon are not only the biggest games last month they are the biggest games so far this year for XBone.

mikeslemonade2597d ago ShowReplies(6)
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XanderZane2597d ago

They are probably even bigger games on the PS4 with so many more systems sold. Multiplats usually are the best selling games each month. I don't see the problem.

NPD Top 10 games for Feb 2017 - http://www.playstationlifes...

1. For Honor
2. Resident Evil 7 biohazard
3. Grand Theft Auto V
4. NBA 2K17
5. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
6. Rainbow Six Siege
7. Madden NFL 17
8. Battlefield 1
9. Nioh
10. Overwatch

Lime1232597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

I see the problem. PS4 so far this year had 8 80+ metascore exclusives, while Xbox One is waiting it's first (sadly Halo Wars 2 stopped at 79).

Btw Is that Nioh charted in February NPD, and Halo Wars 2 didn't? My god, what is happening with Halo (and Xbox) brand?

XanderZane2596d ago

Forza Horizon 3 had a score of 91. Forza 6, FH2, Gears 4, Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay, Killer Instinct Season 3, etc... all scored over 80 on metacritics. Next time do some research before letting your fanboyism speak.


OffirYehezkel2596d ago

He said this year, learn to read moron.

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skydragoonityx2599d ago

The Xbone gamers deserve better from MS

_-EDMIX-_2597d ago


Based on what they've put out, I just don't see enough reason to own one. Even with them putting games on PC, I don't even see much games I even want to buy from them on PC.

This is pretty bad.

Why o why2597d ago

Scorpio will fix everything ...you must of missed the groundswell . . . . Having the best multiplats will now be the defacto for VICTORY ..........⸮

LordJamar2597d ago

then dont buy one and move on with your life you were never gonna get one stop pretending

nX2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

People thinking that "Scorpio will fix everything" must be mentally retarded. If Microsoft doesn't start releasing worthwhile exclusives you are left with games like Mass Effect Andromeda and Ghost Recon... in 4k, oh wow! Meanwhile people on the other side are playing masterpieces like Horizon and Nioh in 4k as well, which even if upscaled, look better than any games I've seen so far.

JasonKCK2597d ago

The concern coming from Sony fanboys is entertaining to watch

Bathyj2597d ago

@JasonKCK at least you have something then to entertain you.

You know some of us would actually buy an Xbox if we thought it had something different to offer from what we already have. Not everything is a concerned trolling effort. Ive been gaming for nearly 40 years so its not like I grew up on Playstation and thats all Ive ever known or liked.

I miss the days when it felt like it was worth owning a Playstation and an Xbox and a Nintendo because they were all different and all stood out in their own right. Xbox just feels like a weaker PS4 that doesnt play its exclusives.

Thats why I dont have one. It offers me nothing significantly new that I cant play already. And slightly better looking multiplats will not be enough either. When it feels like a console you want to play Microsoft exclusives on again, I will get one.

That, and I am looking at getting a 4k Bluray player. If I can pay a bit extra and get a console as well then I may do that. Im waiting to see if Scorpio is worth it, so price will be a factor. But it will be a bit sad if Im buying it as a movie player first and a games machine second but that may be the reality, until I see MS reverse their trend of letting everyone else make games for them while they churn out the same 3 titles.

_-EDMIX-_2596d ago

@why-did you read my post? Why would a Scorpio fix whether or not I want Microsoft games on PC? I've already made the decision to not purchase an Xbox One and simply just by their games on PC but they haven't even released that many good games for me to even purchase a single game by them this entire generation on PC.


@lord- pretending what? I'm not going to buy an Xbox One or Scorpio Microsoft is an multi-platform publisher they make games on both PC and Xbox One my point is simply that they don't even make good enough games for me to have a single title I even want on PC as of right now.

@jason- concerned? Fanboy? You have to understand that I'm a gamer that owns multiple systems anyway and if I own a gaming PC and I own a PlayStation 4 in a publisher is not even really some good enough games for me to buy on PC what's to Fanboy about? I already own a system that is receiving Microsoft games and they're not even making good enough games for me to have a single one that I'm considering to buy on PC. ..

Problem has nothing to do with PlayStation Fanboys or Xbox Fanboys and for god sakes my comment is telling you that the games they're releasing are terrible regardless of platform.

I own the PC and they're not making games good enough for me to buy

I'm not entirely sure what that has to do with Sony.

So there was no way I was even slightly going to consider purchasing and Xbox One simply because I don't even have one and game from Microsoft on PC.

So trying to pretend that it's just people who don't own the platform pretending to be concerned is Abit Ludacris When I own a PC.

Sooooooo yes bud, I very much am concerned when I own the platform and they don't even release a single game that's interesting enough for me to even purchase from them.

I think you guys legitimately cannot take it that they're not making good games LMFAO!! 😂😂😂 28514;

Buddy I was happy when Microsoft announced they were bringing all their titles to PC only to realize they begin to cancel all these games left and right and now we're still left here waiting for a reason to buy even one Microsoft game on PC

Scalebound was actually the only game from Microsoft that I was actually looking to purchase on PC now it's back down to zero...

Bathyj2596d ago


"I'm not entirely sure what that has to do with Sony. "

Because everyone who doesnt like the way Microsoft handle their console business and thinks they have been doing a piss poor job since Kinect 1 was announced is a Sony fanboy.

Didnt you know that?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2596d ago
Razzer2597d ago

Exactly. I just wish they would be more vocal about it and let MS know.

GrubsterBeater2597d ago

Their egos won't allow them to. They would rather cover their ears and go lalalalalala, than have to admit that MS is giving them crap in terms of game diversity, quality, quantity, and new IP's. They can't in any way elude to the fact that getting an XBox One may have been a bad decision, so they downplay anything PS, and pump up their lackluster offerings and ignore reality.

The sad thing is that if XBox fans were to voice their outrage and dissatisfaction of the XBox and it's offerings, then MS would probably start to deliver more. Instead, they are okay getting the BARE MINIMUM, and MS says it's the best lineup ever...

We all need to keep MS, PlayStation, and Nintendo's feet to the fire to ensure that we get the best games possible and get as much as possible while retaining quality, variety and risk.

LordJamar2597d ago

@GrubsterBeater you tell so many lies

nX2597d ago

Well said, pretty much what I've been preaching for the past 10 years. Though to me it seems like there is a silent majority of gamers who is fine with the yearly Gears/Halo/Forza/FIFA/CoD releases, which is really sad when you think about all the other games that are being released every month. Playstation always felt like the most complete console but this generation there is not even proper competition anymore.

Bathyj2597d ago

Thats funny because when I think of Xbox fanboys that exactly what I think of. Axel Foley going lalala, Jeffery you are still talking but I am not listening to you. They dont want to hear, they dont want to know. They have their heads in the sand and apparently ignorance is bliss.

They really do owe Playstation fans a debt of gratitude. If not for them complaining the DRM and Games sharing and always on might have gone through. So many XB fanboys tried to tell us, no, thats ok, I dont mind that stuff. It was the PS fans mainly kicking up the stink. Im not saying their motives were pure. I didnt like it because of what it meant for gaming as a whole, but Im sure many were just seizing a weakness and exploiting it for their console war agenda, but regardless of motive, that fact remains they were the vocal opponents. I think if it had been up to XB fans and them only, all that crap would have sailed through. So yeah, a little thanks would be nice if your happy with your XBOne now. Like it or not, PS fans helped shape that and it was better for the industry too.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2597d ago
yeahright22597d ago

I'll also agree to this. It gets worrisome when just one company pulls this far ahead. I love my PS4, don't get me wrong, but this was the same stew brewing that caused the PS3 launch.

Rude-ro2597d ago

The PS3 was battled due to their architecture not because they were successful.
Everyone under the sun that was involved in pc did not like sonys architecture design thus going against the majority of hardware developers. It was a whole other battle that many gamers missed or was not aware of.
Sony was trying to develope new ways of computing and trying to fight piracy through that designs of hardware... something Microsoft could not allow to happen.

What a consumer should worry about is a company that does not produce products in their own business... i.e. Monopolizing the market to be in the market. Just like Sony got shutdown hardware wise for the ps3.

The console itself did very well, just not as good as ps2.
The 360 did well due to third party exclusive games and the one year on the market to allow them to sign these deals and hide behind the fact they were the only new gen hardware on the market. A mistake Sony avoided this gen.

yeahright22597d ago

Sony has been fighting piracy for quite some time, and some of their woes came from the cell processor, yes, all that's true, but I was referring more to the arrogance that came from the PS2's success. The whole, "go get two jobs" thing and "they're sold out, I challenge you to find one"... Things like that aren't best attitude to have, and that's more what I was talking about. that's not the Sony I want to return.

Eonjay2597d ago

This comment will get you shot in the Xbox community. Are you really gonna have your own opinion about what you deserve contrary to what Microsoft has provided for you? Thats just bold sir.

trooper_2597d ago

They do. It's either Gears, Halo, Forza, or multiplats.

Trekster_Gamer2597d ago

Better like Sony???? isn't this the company whose console was hacked and didn't let people know about for months?? is this is this what you're talking about??

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2596d ago
2pacalypsenow2599d ago

Those review scores are not accurate, since usually Xbox and PC don't get as many reviews.

Wildlands would be a 72 and Andromeda a 74 taking all consoles, doesn't make it any better.

Bigpappy2599d ago

I don't get the obsession with review scores. If you want to talk about a game doing badly or doing well, you have to give me sales figures.

Aenea2597d ago

Yeah, an even lower rated game could be outselling these!

Spectre_StatusN72597d ago

Metacritic gives a general consensus.

Razzer2597d ago

Sales numbers don't necessarily mean a game is good.

Bigpappy2597d ago

neither does Metacritic

Razzer2597d ago

It is certainly a better metric than sales numbers.

Utalkin2me2597d ago


Generally yes Metacritic would be the best way to say if a game is good or not. Without using a trolls opinion as fact. Sure people have different taste in games and such. The majority rules, if the majority receives the game well then most likely it is a good game. But there could be a few exceptions.

But you just stated up top " If you want to talk about a game doing badly or doing well, you have to give me sales figures." Trying imply that as fact when thats the worst case scenario. Metacritic would be heads and shoulders above sales figures on letting you know how good a game is.

Bigpappy2597d ago

That's weird to be because I don't go to the site. I never bought a game by using metacritic. I think you all give critics too much power over what you play. I do read reviews, but it is to get a feel for what the game play is like and what the theme of the game is. So clunky controls and bad camera are a no buy for me. Bad animation is not a big issue for me, but collision detection is. I liked the Witcher 2 much better than 3. I think their opened world was not interesting. Can't get myself to go back to finish it. So I'm am a bit of an out wire

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MasterCornholio2597d ago

I'm sure Microsoft will turn things around at the end of the year. We all know that they focus on the holidays.

Raiden2597d ago

There is no turn around, if MS sells say 20mil scorpion minimum between now and 2020 and the same for the X1S It's would be a improvement, not a turnaround, and its a momentum that Sony should be scared of because if MS gets a momentum it will no longer be a one sided market, foundation and infrastructure and a real battle ground will emerge...

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2596d ago (Edited 2596d ago )

Let's say Scorpio does sell 20 million and Xbox One S sells 20 million, a scenario that is highly unlikely. Is the PS4 going to sell less than 15 million between now and 2020? That is the only way Xbox will ever catch up to and surpass the PS4 this generation. What's actually likely to happen is that Microsoft will continue to slowly cut off support for the Xbox One and it will be less likely to surpass 80 million sold through at the end of this generation.

andrewsquall2597d ago

Selling a few more consoles than you did for 9 months of an entire year IS NOT "turning things around" lol.

Raiden2596d ago

I never said they will turn things around, I said momentum, if there show grit and determination using the scorpion as the foundation, there is no way that the on EARTH that the x1 can catch the PS4, but we will have a new gen in 2-3 years time, MS has this time to show the gaming public and introduce some new ips, in the end that's what the gaming public wants, yes you have your fanboys on both sides but most gamers out there just love 💘 games no matter the platform, they are many multiconsole owners out there so as long MS shows determination and intent to it's studios it would be a match, when the new generation starts it's going to be a nick and race between both companies, Nintendo may have a say in the matter too, but the new battle ground is coming.

Raiden2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

I look for to seeing the movement from MS, all they need are good studios in there stables, they don't need to be top devs just create good studios and nurture them into a top class, the scorpion is the beginning, here is where the foundation should be laid for MS future in the gaming environment, to prove that they belong, I still believe that in the past MS never give a 100% but with the scorpion it's a show of intent and the only way to show that is games games games, but this will take some time give or take a 2-3 years to show gamers here is another option, bring new ips, look once people take notice they will buy regardless of device allocation

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