
Jak and Daxter PS2 Classics Coming to PS4 Later This Year

Experience the incredible exploits of Jak and Daxter as the duo sets out to explore ancient lands while they try to unravel the mysteries of the Precursors. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, Jak II, Jak 3, and Jak X: Combat Racing will be available on PS4 via download on the PS Store later this year.

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Nyxus2625d ago

Wow, this came out of nowhere! Awesome games, even Jak X is a lot of fun.

rivaldoo7772625d ago

Sucker punch is making it !!!

I hope. . .

Nitrowolf22625d ago (Edited 2625d ago )

I really want 4 to happen, come on Sony Jak and Daxter has become the new Crash game in a sense of wanting a new one lol

nucky642625d ago

jak 4, demon souls 2 and a new syphon filter!

2625d ago
bouzebbal2625d ago

we have the same collection on PS3 and vita, except Jak-X.
don't see the point of re-re-releasing this, tbh.
i'm skipping..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2625d ago
Deep-throat2625d ago

Do those emulated games support 16:9 aspect ratio?

Nyxus2625d ago

They're 1080p, so yes.

InactiveUser2625d ago (Edited 2625d ago )

1080p has nothing to do with aspect ratio. It could still be 4:3, 1440x1080.. p just means progressive scan (the lines are refreshed in order 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) and opposed to i, interlaced (the lines being refreshed alternating odds and evens 1, 3, 5, etc. then 2, 4, 6, etc. and repeat).

GTA:San Andreas emulated on PS4 is supposedly just 1280 x 896 according to DigitalFoundry. The PS3 remasters are likely still the definitive versions besides Jak X:Combat Racing, which I'm pretty sure wasn't remastered with the 3 main titles. GTA:SA is apparently best on PS4 emulation, because the PS3 remaster has no anti-aliasing, no haze effect masking the ugly bits, and no orange glow to the atmosphere. I don't think the Jak remasters had issues like this.. just saying if you're a Jak fan and want the best version, compare these PS4 emulated PS2 versions with the PS3 remastered versions.

XanderZane2625d ago

So wait a minute, this isn't a remastered collectors edition of all 4 games for $49.99 on the PS4? We literally have to rebuy each game separately and there is no changes to the games at all? Not really excited for this. They could have done much, much better.

VincentCastle2625d ago

it's going to be 15 each i guess, like all the other ones. Plus. ps2 classics go on sale so many times, i bought rogue galaxy, dark cloud 2, dark cloud and arc the lad for about 5 pounds each.

TheUndertaker852624d ago (Edited 2624d ago )

@VincentCastle: That'd still leave you shafted.

$15 each multiplied by four titles is $60
Remasters tend to go for $40 - $50 then include enhancements. PS2 Classics aren't enhanced.

XanderZane2624d ago

You did the same thing I did. I got both Dark Cloud games for like $8 each and Rogue Galaxy for the same price. I couldn't resist, even though I own Rogue Galaxy and the first Dark Cloud. Unfortunately those games are buried in a footlocker in my basement.

The reason I mentioned Jax & Daxter Remaster collection is because we are getting Crash Remastered Collection and we already got Uncharted Trilogy Collection. So why not do the same for Jax & Daxter?

nogoodusernamesleft2625d ago

this is amazing decade old games are awesome but there is 1 requirement, it needed the Sony logo stamped on it somewhere

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2624d ago
MilkMan2625d ago

Please bring parts 1,2,3 and the Jax X
I loved these games.

BlaqMagiq12625d ago

Uh... they're all in the description.

MilkMan2625d ago

Only saw the trailer but thanks.

Orionsangel2625d ago

If you own Jak & Daxter on PS3 shouldn't we get it free on PS4? The Game Journey did that and it was awesome of them! I don't wanna rebuy a game I already bought.

Liqu1d2625d ago

Not the same situation. Journey PS4 was a port of the PS3 version, J&D PS2 Classics are just emulated PS2 games whereas the PS3 collection was a remaster.

Orionsangel2625d ago

I thought it was HD remastered for PS3?

andrewsquall2625d ago

Yeah its pretty obvious it won't be free for us in this situation. Even when Rockstars games were all brought over (by Rockstar) to the "PS2 HD Classics for PS4" range, it didn't matter if you already purchased the DIGITAL "PS2 Classics for PS3" versions of these games. You still had to pay for them again.

_-EDMIX-_2625d ago

You don't have to pay for anything you don't want to and to my understanding when did the PlayStation 3 versions of those games run 1080p 60 frames and have trophies? Because that doesn't sound like the same thing so I don't know where this "again" is coming from.

That's like saying if Titanic comes out on Blu-ray that they're forcing you to buy it again yet disregarding that your VHS version is not in 1080p.

So why did you ignore the restoration? Do you not understand that such a thing comes at a cost?

TheUndertaker852624d ago (Edited 2624d ago )

The PS2 Classics version was removed from both the PlayStation and Xbox stores. They were replaced by a 720p trophy/achievement product ported from iOS which was ported from the PS2 version then reworked for 720 plus achievements.

The iOS version then went to Xbox Live then finally to PSN. These versions required a purchase even if the PS2 Classics version or Xbox Arcade version were purchased and offered no discount.

What's really happened is this:
People bought the early version which is pretty vanilla PS2 version.
Rockstar then released a "720p" achievement enabled version on iOS. One of the first mobile platforms for the game. People didn't mind buying it because it was upgraded and made to work on mobile where it wasn't before.
Rockstar then removed the early vanilla version from PSN & Xbox Live.
Later Rockstar ported the iOS version containing "720p" and achievements to Xbox Live. People who bought the previous are not entitled to a discount or free download for the replacement.
Rockstar again later ported the iOS version to PS3 containing "720p" and trophies. Same deal. No discount or free download.
Then Rockstar ported it to PS4 containing "1080p" and the same trophies.

This is even in the description of GTA San Andreas on the PlayStation Store:
"This title has been converted from the original PlayStation®2 version to the PS4™ system. Consequently, there may be times where the title plays differently from the PlayStation®2 version, or where some features may not function properly. This version does not support PlayStation®2 peripherals, therefore some functionality may not be available."

SoulMikeY2625d ago

You don't have to rebuy it, play it on what you bought it for. If you want to play it on something new, you buy it on something new.

Please don't start this shit again guys...

TheUndertaker852625d ago (Edited 2625d ago )


Just saying. Sony wanted to champion it at one point. They themselves pointed out that it's lame to pay for a one to one product numerous times.

TheUndertaker852625d ago (Edited 2625d ago )

Doubtful. GTA San Andreas came to PS4 in the same fashion but didn't cross with any other console purchases like the PS2 Classics version or PS3 version.

Most PS2 Classic versions available on PS4 also don't offer a free version on PS4 with a purchase on PS3 nor a discount.

_-EDMIX-_2625d ago

Not necessarily because technically speaking it's not even the same thing to my understanding the PlayStation 4 version is 60 frames 1080p with trophies.

That's like saying if you bought Resident Evil 4 on Playstation 2 you should get resin Evil 4 on Playstation 3 for free and completely ignore the differences.

Do you also expect to get the DVD version for free just because you own the VHS version? So who's paying for the restoration?

TheUndertaker852625d ago (Edited 2625d ago )

You do get the digital version free most times now, even with flat out DVDs offering similar to the same content and quality.

Sony themselves have also offered "free upgrade" after a previous version was made offering increased visuals, support, and even DLC.

Journey did.
Flower did.
Hustle Kings did.
Many others also did.

_-EDMIX-_2625d ago

@TheUn-except none of those are Restorations.

TheUndertaker852625d ago

By the definition of restoration they are.

Product made at its base on an older console then upgraded further for PS4.

I'd also point out that PS2 Classics are only slightly altered products made to run on a newer machine with slight enhancements being performed by the console itself. If those other products don't fall in line with "restoration" while much of the same process goes to the two, one actually requiring more work by far than the other. PS2 Classics are simple. Input into a conversion program that we know exists as it's made in house by Sony for this exact process even dating back to PS3 and how they handled PS2 Classics there as well. I'd bet my last dollar it's much harder, costly, and time consuming to upgrade your product for PS4 than it is to do these Classics. Hell. Sony and other developers have even admitted to this much.

One is spending money and time to upgrade their product to bring it closer to the PS4 age from an older age then not asking for more money while the other lets a program do the work with next to no upgrades from the original version but they want your money and deserve it more? So much so that your only option is to buy at the same price if not more than what you did before merely for it running on PS4?

I'd support the guys offering more and asking for less any day over the guys offering less or more of the same then asking for more.

TheUndertaker852625d ago (Edited 2625d ago )

Hey thanks for the definition but...

Look at C. Says what I did. 🙂 2 also does.

"c : a restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition the restoration of a painting"

"2 : something that is restored; especially : a representation or reconstruction of the original form (as of a fossil or a building)"

So yes, the PS4 product is a reconstruction of the PS2 version, the reconstruction being done by a program rather than developer. Just like the titles listed above are reconstructed to work on PS4 rather than the hardware it was originally intended for.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2625d ago
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Pancit_Canton2625d ago

I would be happy for a new Jak & Daxter game. They should do what insomniac did with the Rachet & Clank

Liqu1d2625d ago

I agree. I'm sure there's a studio out there that are willing and capable of handling the IP.

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10 Hardest PS2 Games of All Time

The PS2 still took plenty of inspiration from the arcade, leading to a lot of frustration over ottsels, stunts, and, uh, hands of God.

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Nyxus129d ago

DMC3 was one of the hardest for me.

Chocoburger129d ago

Out of the games on that list, I've beaten:

God of War II (but on PS3)
Jak II


20 Years Ago, Naughty Dog Made a Shocking Open-World Game — And Set a New Precedent

In 2003, nobody expected a "serious" game From Naughty Dog. But that's exactly what we got with Jak II.

Markdn239d ago

Those were the days,. Loved the jak and dexter games.

rokos238d ago

Great game one of the best sequels with a complete 180 of the main character.

Retroman238d ago

Bring back Jak and Daxter please!!

neomahi238d ago

Because they weren't caught up in political crap and Social Engineering, because it was a different time back then, more creative. Now it's about catering to everyone's woke views

DarXyde238d ago

1. Everything is or can be political. Literally everything.

2. It's the game they wanted to make... In case it isn't blaringly obvious, Druckmann based The Last of Us Part II on the Israel-Palestine conflict (which was part of his childhood).

It's not about social engineering. It is about telling a compelling story for Naughty Dog. Just because older games are less overt in their depictions doesn't make it less political.

And please, spare me the conspiracy theories of "social engineering". If we go with a hyper-political game like The Last of Us Part II, the extent of social engineering that occurs are narrative elements that, based on the events of the game, you feel very strongly about. Manipulating your emotions? Yes. But that's a plot device. It's a very divisive game and people have mixed feelings about the presence of characters like Abby and Lev, missing the huge theme in the need to end the cycle of violence. Druck is a bit of a hypocrite with his recent social media activity, but the message of the game and strong narrative elements get overlooked because Ellie is gay and there's a trans character. Calling it woke because it acknowledges women can be the main character, gay people exist, and trans people exist is just ridiculous.

M0chit0238d ago

Great reply 👏🏻 well done @DarXyde


A Look Through the Absolute Best PS2 Games of All Time

Take it down the memory lane with this ultimate list of the best PlayStation 2 games of all time. Just the best of the best right here.

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isarai246d ago

It's so disappointing that to this day, I have not seen a game match what BLACK offers in an FPS.

ApocalypseShadow246d ago

Shame isn't it. I thought we'd be at a point of destructible backgrounds, objects, pyrotechnics etc in shooters. I sold many a copy in the demo unit when I managed a franchise Game Crazy back then. But I stopped playing shooters because they didn't evolve. Heavy weapon. Shoot a wall or glass. Nothing happens. Lol. Except for Killzone 2. I enjoyed that.

But then I woke and remembered it's EA. EA didn't care really. They just wanted to kill competition from Criterion and Burnout. And own Renderware to profit from as many developers used that engine. Only thing was that developers ran as fast as they could away from EA to Unreal Engine and its pop in and Vaseline graphics. Shame on EA. And then they bought Dice for Frostbite. Evil busters.

Anyway, too many PS2 games to count. Some of my personal faves being DMC, Genji, Bujingai, Blood Will Tell, Onimusha, Way of the Samurai, Japanese Berserk, Japanese Macross game that blew away the US Robotech game, RAD, Castlevania Lament of Innocence.... there's just too many. Let me stop. Lol

Cacabunga246d ago

Code Veronica
Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore
The Getaway
Time Crisis 3
Mark of Kri

are some of my all times favorites missing on that list

shinoff2183245d ago

I've always Saud I'm not a fan of fps much , there's been some I really like and thought were really dope. Black falls into that category.

CoNn3rB246d ago

I would love nothing more than a remaster of the Jak series, including Jak X

Flawlessmic246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

The greatest console of all time !!!!

The last console from when gaming was pure, games didn't take 5 years to release, no online only, no half finished games, no mtx.

Ps2 was just banger after banger after banger.

It will always be my favourite.

sagapo245d ago

No Timesplitters in the list??

FinalFantasyFanatic245d ago

This is a really good list, pretty happy with the choices here.