
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review - IGN

Breath of the Wild is an evocative and exhilarating open-world adventure game.

Gazondaily2636d ago

Forget GOTY...this could easily be GOTG!

NOTHING is touching this title this year. Oh man....I'm excited. My delivery got delayed but come Saturday.....shieeeee.

This looks like it will truly be a Masterpiece.

DragonDDark2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

Maybe RDR2 if it releases this year.

Gazondaily2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

Oh yeah actually RDR2 is a good shout.

This is 98 on metacritic atm. Insane. Never thought I'd see a title this gen rated that high

EddieNX 2636d ago

Apparently its like a mic drop compared to the likes of GTA and Skyrim. Never underestimate Nintendo EAD.

2636d ago
Deep-throat2636d ago

GOTGs so far:

The Witcher 3
Bayonetta 2

Why o why2636d ago

Swing a sword, Draw a bow, Link and Aloy have me covered for this genre for early 2017. When is RDR2 coming out? I never got into it but I hear great things about it.

King_Nintendo2636d ago

Zelda will be GOTG and nothing is touching it this whole gen. Only mario odyssey has a chance.


Nevelos2636d ago

Dude just stop it with the nothing touches this title this year, I think that's a shot at PS4 and horizon zero dawn??!! Dude this game is good but come on now, outdated graphics and all goty my ass

Nevelos2636d ago

It's 98 on metacritic, lol please stfu

thekhurg2636d ago

Funny how it's reviewing flawlessly when it has the performance problems that ign showed and talked about.

Other games would get knocked for technical issues like that.

bluefox7552636d ago

A quote from the Switch review on IGN:
"In console mode, The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, seldom makes it all the way to 30fps @ 900p, and it even dips far south of that when when lots of particles or physics objects are on screen at once."

A game that can barely achieve 30fps is hardly a masterpiece.

freshslicepizza2636d ago

be interesting how well this sells on the wii u.

Gazondaily2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )


"A game that can barely achieve 30fps is hardly a masterpiece."

Lmao what?! Talk about reaching there bro. Fps determines masterpiece now?

And how does that explain people calling The Last Guardian a Masterpiece? That game had some terrible frame rate problems but people were calling it that:


madmonkey012636d ago

game of next generation you mean? nothing is touching it really this year, it already has a pretty close competitor for GOTY.

PistolsAtDawn2636d ago

Very possibly, but Mass Effect my provide competition for me

deafdani2635d ago

As mentioned above, Red Dead Redemption would be a strong contender if it actually comes out this year.

And I'd dare say that Super Mario Odyssey could also compete with Zelda BOTW. 3D Mario games have just as good of a track record in review scores as Zelda games.

On the other hand, BOTW is the second highest rated Nintendo game ever made, so far. There's currently 62 reviews on Metacritic and it's got a Metascore of 98, only one point behind Ocarina of Time... although there's a chance that with more reviews, the overall Metascore drops a point or two. Even if that happens, it's still outstanding and the main runner for GOTY this year.

FITgamer2635d ago

Looks like Nintendo might have GOTY this year.

Sm30002635d ago

What does the G mean at the end

Army_of_Darkness2635d ago

Hmm.. Seems like Nintendo exclusives always seem to get a pass for imperfections such as frame rate dips, indie quality graphics and low resolution... Horizon looks much better as an overall package... But that's just me.

Officialxandr2635d ago

Not trying to knock Zelda but nothing? Um, Horizon, Mass Effect, Spiderman, and etc. There's SO many phenomenal games coming out this year.

davand1142635d ago

Damn there hasn't been a game rated this highly is almost 20 years.

davand1142635d ago

@Eddienx aren't they called nintendo epd now?

SourtreeDing2635d ago

Bloodborne 2!! will be annouced anat e3 and comeout later this yr!

IamTylerDurden12635d ago

You've been pumping Zelda like crazy ever since Horizon hit... This is before reviews came out. Also, you really should play it before insinuating that it's game of the millennium.

IamTylerDurden12635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

GTAV PS4/X1 and TLoU Remastered are in the same ballpark Metacritic wise with GTAV being a 97.


You are way off. The Last Guardian was a great game that was hammered for its technical flaws, it was deducted major points a much was made about its unstable framerate. It ended up an 82 Metacritic bc of that. Zelda also appears to be a great game with some framerate issues but it seems like very few ppl are calling them (Nintendo/Zelda) on it and even fewer are deducting even a fraction of a point for it. It's a double standard and the framerate/technical aspect of game is part of the criteria it is reviewed on. So while SOME may have called TLG a masterpiece, it was a technically flawed masterpiece and it was rated accordingly.

its_JEFF2635d ago

The drops in frames, and low framerate, should only ding the games score if it's so bad that it affects gameplay. Luckily it only seems to happen when it's in "docked" mode. If the rest of the game is so good that it over comes those technical issues, then it shouldn't affect the score, but of course it's a matter of opinions. Some ppl take that kind of thing into consideration more than others.

So far tho, it's looking like Zelda fans are getting the game they've always wanted... *queue grown men high pitched screams lol

NecoTehSergal2635d ago

I mean....not to burst your bubble....but IGN gave Skyward Sword 10/10 as well....

10/10 is just simply what Zelda gets every fucking time, this isn't extraordinary....this is the score it ALWAYS GETS. NO MATTER WHAT. Zelda, let's be honest here, gets a free pass every time.

Gaming1012635d ago

lol you haven't played the game yet, kid.
I'm just waiting for the 6/10 review from GameCritics for all you dumb fanboys to get your panties in a wad.
Can we please all get GameCritics off Metacritic already?

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 2635d ago
2636d ago
2636d ago Replies(3)
skydragoonityx2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

No surprises here. GOTY candidate for sure. Zelda breath of the wild is king

ShadowKnight2636d ago

I been saying it would get goty since last year!

ShadowKnight2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

Zelda and Horizon is the best games this year!!!!! Friday can't come soon enough

Trez12342636d ago

Best game from the best franchise ever!!

jaymacx2636d ago

This is like a good game of bowling strike after strike. Gamers need to put their bias aside and enjoy this great game.

Big_Game_Hunters2635d ago

PSA I just want to put this here so more people see it
When that low Score comes in, Which it will, be it a 7 or a 6, lets not be clowns and imitate Certain people that attack everyones opinion they don't agree with.

davand1142635d ago

They did the same thing with Horizon someone gave it a 2.5/5 which doesn't make any sense.

sonic9892635d ago

for sudden kids who are masquerading as nintendo fans ( while they are just sony haters ) .
one game " Persona 5 "
wait for it, it will come soon enough

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2635d ago
UCForce2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

Wow ! That's most impressive, Nintendo ! Well done, my friend.

pcz2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

breath of the wild makes horizon dawn look like pacman.

horizon dawn is just a game of the moment, a spectacle of graphics design that will fade in time and reveal what is a mediocre game hidden under its graphical vineer.

breath of the wild is a genre defining, timeless classic of monumental proportions that has become the new template and standard for all gaming.

Inzo2636d ago

Spoken like someone who has never played HZD.

candystop2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

Regardless of if he played it or not, this is Zelda and not even HZD can hold a candle to this game! Excellent reviews and one of those games that let us know that super duper graphics are not the end all be all.

Edit: Pathetic my azz! Nobody said they weren't both great games but this will never fo forgotten....


Bennibop2636d ago

Let's not be this pathetic. Two great games that are launching the same week, it's a great time to be a gamer not a fanboy.

GoodnessGreatness2636d ago

Zelda is good but don't be pathetic. Horizon zero dawn is far from mediocre.

Inzo2636d ago


Clearly you have never read my posts otherwise you would known what my stance was on graphics and gameplay, so enough with the chest beating and take the praise that this game has coming to it. Its a fantastic game by the looks of things but is only one game and an established franchise after all, whereas HZD is a brand new IP not to mention that the PS4 has had several highly rated hits in this year alone.

bluefox7552636d ago

At least HZD can hold 30fps.

notachance2636d ago

now now, BOTW is a masterpiece and it's the single reason I bought Switch day 1, but let's not be this pathetic and downplaying HZD just because you're hyped on Zelda.

Both are great games and people should've play both if they can, no reason to shit on the other if you can only play one of them.

guyman2636d ago

"horizon dawn is just a game of the moment, a spectacle of graphics design that will fade in time and reveal what is a mediocre game hidden under its graphical vineer"

yet it sits on 88 on metacritic and plays incredibly well, but i doubt you've even played it judging from your pathetic attempt at sledging the game.

You clearly are triggered by horizon's success as this article has NOTHING to do with horizon.

On topic:

Zelda is looking fantastic. I might consider getting a switch at some point for this but at the moment finances are constrained.

kenwonobi2636d ago

Says that knowing full well Sony is dominating. Therefore it's game will likely get sold more. Therefore it will likely be remembered as a new franchise having a lasting effect. Where is Switch is probably one of Nintendo last console that might not sell well. Zelda while good and memorable will go down a similar path to Dreamcast's Resident Evil Code Name Veronica. A often forgotten gem and ironic.

JEECE2636d ago

Pacman is one of the classic games of all time. I don't see how that's an insult.

ninsigma2636d ago

You can't call something a timeless classic until you see it stand the test of time. So stop talking out your ass and enjoy what looks like a fantastic game.

jaymacx2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

Wow @pcz thats disrespectful. Both games are games to remember for this generation. We will tell our grandkids about this era

CP_Company2636d ago

what standard? that game is boring,childish and uninteresting? thanks,but we don't need those standards.

PistolsAtDawn2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

HZD is a really good game gameply-wise, but the story sucks for it...so while it IS a great game, it's scores are a bit inflated. I'm not done, but so far it's a solid 8.5-9/10. But yes, it looks like Zelda is gonna dominate Horizon

corroios2636d ago

And some say nintendo gamers are diferent. Mediocre the most advanced open world game on the market.Getting huge review, pushing the genre forward.

You know that zelda could be done on the ps3 and that the switch cant even get 30 frames loocked on a cell shaded game. Imagine hzd on the switch, wait you need a couple of them together to try and run it.

Be happy with the wii u game and try not attack some thing that you will never played .

WickedLester2635d ago

Don't sound like an idiot. BOTH games are awesome. Why can't we just leave it at that?

deafdani2635d ago

Have you even played Horizon?

I haven't, but very rarely do new IPs score as well as Horizon did, especially when they're this ambitious. I think all the great scores it's receiving most likely are there for a valid reason.

Trez12342635d ago

HZD is a fantastic game and zelda looks like a masterpiece. Don't attack HDZ because zelda will be better than most games and good games and HDZ for a first attempt from GG deserves the praise it's getting.

BIGBOSS082635d ago

The fact people are even comparing horizon, a new ip against a 30 year old legendary franchise like zelda speaks volumes about how great horizon is so what the hell are you even talking about?

Last_Boss2635d ago

I made sure to downvote you. Get off the bozac!!

nX2635d ago

You guys must be mentally retarded for calling out Horizon. Both have their strengths and weaknesses and Horizon is certainly the more technically impressive title.

georeo2635d ago

It's to early for April fool's bud!

davand1142635d ago

Hzd is a good game. Sure it's not as good as Zelda but that doesn't mean it sucks. HZD i easily top 3 games of the year and will most likely be there at the end of the year.

princejb1342635d ago

You know not everyone is a fan of Zelda right. I actually like horizon. I like Zelda to but I think those games are average at best. But congrats to the Zelda team. I'm sure they'll sell millions.

gammaray132635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

spoken like a true 8 year old that has nothing between the ears...

hiawa232635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

Why even attempt to compare the two? Games can be great without tearing down other games on other platforms

MVGeneral2635d ago

But the switch will still fail.

patchzon2635d ago

LOL, i wonder what you have been smoking before you wrote that comment!

rainslacker2635d ago

So basically, if one games is better than the other, then the lesser game is crap?

Got it. Glad to know. Too bad I already brought Horizon I guess. Sucks to be me. Didn't know I shouldn't be enjoying it.

Too bad I have to wait until I get a switch later this year maybe to partake in the wonder that is BOTW.

OTOH, if BOTW is so amazing that it will make all other games terrible, I better just stay away from it indefinately because I think I'd grow bored of playing BOTW forever until something better comes along.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 2635d ago
pcz2635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

Actually, forgive me... I'm just getting wound up at the comments saying it's a contender for game of the year, up against titles like horizon dawn...

This game is a contender for greatest game of all time, so it's a discredit to Breath of wild to put it up against horizon dawn.. HD may be a good game, but let's put things into the correct perspective- breath of the wild is monumental and all the other things I said in my previous reply

WickedLester2635d ago

"but let's put things into the correct perspective-"

I'm still waiting for you to do that.

gammaray132635d ago

Zelda is for 10 year olds with graphics that look 10 yeras old, your a dreamer as Horizon easily destroys this garbage

ninsigma2635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

You're getting wound up because people are saying zelda is a game of the year contender and is in the top 2 best games of the year?? Wow. Just wow.

And HZD is a fantastic game. Brings to life the staling open world genre. Zelda games are good (especially wind Waker. Fantastic game) but they are way over hyped by the Nintendo fan Base as these Godly games but in reality they generally don't stand the test of time. New one looks brilliant and reviewers seem to think that's the case. So be happy about that rather than trying to drag down an unrelated game for absolutely no reason at all. You must have been really frightened of HZD before zelda reviews came out.

Nes_Daze2635d ago

It's funny because Nintendo really doesn't have any new great ideas, it's showed terribly with the WiiU and now it will show with the Switch, it will most likely be their last console, they should go the way of Sega and release one great cartoony game in three years like this. After Zelda and Mario, what else is there?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2635d ago
VforVideogames2635d ago

there's a score you don't see on other "superior" consoles.

Inzo2635d ago

Consistency is the key word here, Zelda has probably the highest meta score ever but what about Nintendo's other games? I can can tell you this, Sony’s games consistently score between high 80's to mid 90's, a better exclusive average than any other gaming platform.

Nyxus2636d ago

Q1 of 2017 is just insane...

Next_gen_20152635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )


davand1142635d ago

It might be the best quarter in gaming history

acekaze2636d ago

This is one of those moments I am happy to have a Wii U

Kosic2636d ago

Hopefully this doesn't play like the leaked released hacked version. Heard it takes forever to load, and while out in the world the game can just pause to load graphics and content. But unsure if it's down to the hack (loadiine) or the game file.

acekaze2636d ago

I went check the youtube comparison, its already out, and its great, the WII U version is identical to the switch with the main diference being the slight longer loads + 720p instead the 900p, still way better than I was expecting on fps, both versions have slight decrease of Fps on grassy areas but nothing game breaking but dont take my word for it, go peak yourself for the comparison and relieve your mind like I did mine.

kevnb2636d ago

I dont think anybody is playing breath of the wild on loadiine, and if they are they really should update their methods.

pcz2636d ago

the only moment.

xeno is worth a mention though

Kosic2636d ago

@kevnb Nintendo leaked the files for breath of the wild via their eshop and it was cracked to work on loadiine. But heard it's not that stable with long load times, and random load periods through play. But it has to be loadiine causing the issue.

kevnb2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

why wouldn't people just install it to a usb hard drive? Works so much better.

EddieNX 2636d ago

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the best game of all time

remixx1162636d ago

Lol that's a bold title but.....eh I can dig it, wonder if gamestop near me gonna have a 9pm release for it.

davand1142635d ago

If you have a preorder from gamestop I heard that if you don't pick it up by saturday afternoon they will sell your preorder.

2636d ago
EddieNX 2636d ago

I'm afraid we have to have metacritic have the last say

madmonkey012636d ago

@crotaaa, Ninetendo are held to a lower reviewing standard.

PistolsAtDawn2636d ago

No way...TLoU was a very good game, but it's WILDLY over-rated

2635d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2635d ago
EddieNX 2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

I'm just going on the basis of the metascore, that's fair enough isn't it? A compiled score from journalists.

game4funz2636d ago

Even if you're going by meta critic you should know that it's only credible when it's convenient to some people here

jaymacx2636d ago

@EddieNX If we died tomorrow that argument would be (arguably) true lol

CP_Company2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

you wanted to say best overrated game of all time.
those reviews ignoring all the negatives and bad things,

madmonkey01,you are right.

PistolsAtDawn2636d ago

As of right now it does have a solid claim for that.

TheGamez1002636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

We'll have to wait til everybody actually gets to play this game to see if thats even true. Definitely will be one of the best games ever made though.

acekaze2635d ago

@madmonkey01 @CP_Company Actually nintendo are held against all other consoles, giving it a much higher bar to achiev since nintendo consoles are weaker than their counterparts , pay in mind this game is being released and constantly compared to Horizon Zero Dawn, which is aparently a great game, and still feels lacking next to zelda, This is nothing short of an amazing feat when you compare what both consoles can do, I know I have them both.

CP_Company2635d ago

lacking what? gameplay? voice acting? mature? horrible performance or tragic graphics?
but hey,compare this franchise with huge fanbase against totally new IP.wow.

acekaze2635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

@CP_Company A quote from Metro:

"Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda. You also have a bow in Breath Of The Wild, but you have to account for how arrows arc through the air, rather than it just acting like a low-tech sniper rifle. Boomerangs have to be caught manually on their return and the best way to defeat the skeletons that appear at night is to chop off their head and punt it into a river, like a goalkeeper trying to make a clearance.
This is just the first five hours, and we still haven’t even mentioned the stealth (there’s an onscreen indicator to show how much sound you’re making) or the horse-riding where you have to catch horses yourself and tame them (by praising them when they do what you tell them). You can have five horses at a time that you keep in a stable, and each has their own unique stats and can be individually named."

Edit : ( http://metro.co.uk/2017/02/...

rainslacker2635d ago

That's not really what I've noticed. I've noticed that Nintendo games seem to get any problems glossed over, to which I can only assume is because Nintendo tends to have the weaker hardware so it's given a pass on performance issues.

Nintendo games are generally pretty good though, and I have no doubt that BOTW is a great game.

2635d ago
C_Ali882635d ago

Lol butthurt N4g is going wild.... Hahahaha

Dragonscale2635d ago

Very subjective. So no game in the future will ever be better? Thats one hell of a crystal ball you've got there. I can also think of a few past and current titles better tbh. Best zelda game of all time more like.

nommers2635d ago

lol this is going to be funny

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2635d ago
Show all comments (298)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the anti-Breath of the Wild

Polygon: "To get back to the way Ocarina made us feel, it was necessary to reject almost everything about it."

LG_Fox_Brazil149d ago

Ocarina of Time changed my life forever, such a masterpiece

Zeldafan64149d ago

Hard to believe it's 25 years old already.

Cacabunga149d ago

The feeling this game gave me the first time i had my hands on it is indescribable.. i still get the chill from that day..
botw is like a spin off of the series.. it’s fun but with many flaws and the most important which is Zelda formula isn’t there..

FinalFantasyFanatic148d ago

I can't even remember how many times I played through OoT, I finished that game, and collected everything so many times.

Vits149d ago

I generally agree with the author here. However, if I had to point out a single game as the 'anti-Breath of the Wild,' that would be Majora's Mask. Pretty much everything in that game is interconnected, relies on something that the player must have done previously, is timed, and can be considered a puzzle in itself.

gold_drake148d ago

but still considered the best of the seties.

i would have liked botw to be more like ocarina.

franwex148d ago (Edited 148d ago )

25 years from today whatever Zelda is out people would too be looking fondly at Breath of the Wild.

Ah the more simple times of the 2020s.

babadivad148d ago (Edited 148d ago )

It isn't...


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Black Friday deals 2023 - save 15% on Link's latest adventure

The best prices we've found this Black Friday for Zelda Tears of the Kingdom as well as the previous game, Breath of the Wild.

Read Full Story >>

Nintendo not thinking about older Zelda games, "difficult to say" if classic style will return

The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma has again commented on the possibility of revisiting the style of past entries in the series – but there are no plans as of now. Speaking with RTL Nieuws, Aonuma said that games like Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom were possible because of what came before them.

Read Full Story >>
GoodGuy09322d ago

Which is very sad. I still wish we could get a zelda like twilight princess, the dark tone and theme in the traditional style. But times have changed and the masses prefer open world sandbox. Smh. Perhaps we can get a proper hd remake of ocarina of time some day.

CDbiggen288d ago

I played 100 hours of Tears of the Kingdom, enjoyed it, but ready for a game like that next.

kythlyn322d ago

If they can bounce between 2D and 3D Mario games, they can bounce between classic and modern Zelda games too. I thought this was a given when the Switch combined a handheld with a primary console.

Inverno322d ago

Then this is where I part ways. I won't disagree with anyone who says that the old formula was getting stale. And I do think BoTW in a few ways was a step in the right direction, but there's way too much good that was left with the old formula in the transition.

CrimsonWing69322d ago

I want it to. I’m sorry, but these new Zelda games I just can’t get into.

Duke19322d ago

Well that sucks. I still love the classic formula WAY more than the Hyrule Engineering Simulator

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