
Stats Show Nearly 10% of Resident Evil VII Players are Playing in PlayStation VR

"Resident Evil VII: Biohazard launched earlier this week on PS4, Xbox One, and PC along with support for PlayStation VR. Press and players alike have agreed that the game is fantastic in PlayStation VR and maybe the best way to experience the game."

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CyberSentinel2683d ago

I believe it would be higher if stock (PSVR) was more available.

ApocalypseShadow2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

Not only that, also if VR wasn't timed exclusive to PSVR. It's great for us as PlayStation fans. But it would be higher with Vive and Oculus.

Now that Sony is rolling out more headsets worldwide like in the UK, Japan and America, we should see these number go up. Which should be great for Capcom and PSVR install base.

IamTylerDurden12682d ago

That's quite alot considering PlayStation is only one of the three platforms it released on, but the only one you can play it in VR with. Now if they took the percentage of PlayStation gamers playing it in VR it could be up to 3x higher depending on how well it sold on other platforms.

Muzikguy2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

"Stats Show Nearly 10% of Resident Evil VII Players are Playing in PlayStation VR"....
"I believe it would be higher if stock (PSVR) was more available."....

Then you post something about Oculus and Vive. Seems to me neither of those were part of the conversation and your comment doesn't fit without sounding like trolling. How would PSVR players be higher if Vive and Oculus were used? Or maybe I'm missing something...


It's cool if you think the other 2 VR sets would have more of an attachment ratio, but we have to remember too which one has more in consumer's hands. That's PSVR. I do like seeing VR as a medium gaining traction.

2682d ago
ApocalypseShadow2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

The point is muzikguy, is that it would be nice that everyone with a good VR headset could play it in VR. And not just us PlayStation fans.

Anything wrong with that?

Edit: you missed the point. The point is that **WITH** the other headsets, there would be more RE7 VR players. Not more players on PC VR than PSVR. Together, more players as a whole. My first comment seemed easy to understand. At least, I thought it did.

With. Not one more than the other. With.

Mr Pumblechook2682d ago

Impressive. If you consider PSVR as a separate platform from PS4, XBO and PC that only recently launched in October then to capture 10% is a massive achievement. That is actually much higher than I thought.

I think it signifies that if there are triple-a quality full-games then the audience will come out for it, it won't be as big as 2d audience but it will be a sizeable percentage that will increase further as the VR audience grows.

Omeganex99992682d ago


No framerate drops in the game (it uses dynamic resolution to avoid that), this is the only time I've seen someone complaining and sounds like an individual problem. I dare you to find other people complaining about drops. Come on!
Oh, but look at your anti-Sony comments. Like, literally, that's the only kind of comments you make on N4G. Oh, those and pro MS ones:


Everyone should play this game in VR mode. I finally feel comfortable in recommending PSVR.

Utalkin2me2682d ago


Youre a known troll and you post to a blog of one person making a comment about framerate issues? And actually you probably created that account on the blog just to make that post. The game has dynamic resolution, to make sure it keeps a steady framerate. Its a known fact you dont own a PSVR much less a PS4.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2682d ago
ji32002682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

DO YOU RATHER SEE 6 feet life size zombies in front of you or do you want to see same zombies on your tiny 65 inch tv??? you should know the answer and that is the HUGE IMMERSION difference between VR and traditional TV screen. Can Kinect and motion controller or 3dtv gimmick stuff give immersion too?? hahaha you must be kidding me

2682d ago
DragonDDark2682d ago

@bg: well, it's hard to say. Let's just call them infected.

G20WLY2682d ago

Damned impressive. Also demonstrates people will buy fully fledged AAA titles for PSVR. Bring it devs!

Omeganex99992682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

True that. I think Sony was thinking of a soft launch. The demand is higher than they expected...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2682d ago
zivtheawesome2683d ago

interesting, there are about 2,500,000 units of the game sold, which means 250,000 active psvr users which is actually a lot.

Muzikguy2682d ago

Going by numbers yes but they never tell the whole story. That many active users could have asterisks of its own. Either way I'm glad to see PSVR doing well

YEP4142682d ago

How is 10% good ???? Vr is a total fail...to be honest PlayStation need Microsoft,and Nintendo /consoles to compete with than PlayStation. VR will soar...rite now not so

Muzikguy2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

10% of people using a $300 peripheral is amazing. Think like a business

Aenea2682d ago

10% of ALL players on X1, PS4 and PC are playing it using PSVR...

I would love to know the percentage of PS4 players using PSVR tho which should be much higher, so yes, I think it's a good percentage especially since it's expensive, hasn't been out that long and can't be bought everywhere as easily...

supes_242682d ago

Lol, not! I absolutely love PSVR. Everyone that has tried it at my place has said nothing but great things. Heck, even my wife who isn't a gamer played it and thought it was amazing. There aren't many full games for it yet but that will come in time. Don't be a sore loser man, we've all been waiting for this since we were kids (if you're born in the 80s) and it's finally here.

kevnb2682d ago

"According to the page 659,080 players across all platforms have joined the family meaning they have played the game. Out of those players 63,270 of them have played it in PlayStation VR which is 9.6% of all players."

Seems pretty clear to me.

gamer78042682d ago

I wonder if they'll have a percentage of those who finish the game on psvr vs those traditionally. That will give a better idea of how the game is enjoyed.

MyDietEqualsGames2682d ago

Everyone finally has their sets out who were the most notables. PSVR, OCCULUS and of course, VIVE.
VR is just taking off and I can already see it doing way better than 3D ever did.

If anything, the growing number of VR games is increasing and eventually, we're going to see the building of the triple AAA VR library, with RE7 as the beginning. I don't usually like talking up products unless they are just games, but hot damn, whether you are on PC or PS4, you have at the very least GOT to try this out on Virtual Reality.

I am not blowing smoke. The next time I get a chance to play it in PSVR, I want to check my heart rate. Lol.

kevnb2681d ago (Edited 2681d ago )

over 800 000 (it was over 600 000 around the time of the article) people didn't go sign up for an optional website, this is everyone who played online.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2681d ago
TheCommentator2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

FYI... Those numbers were sold in, not sold through. Sold in are the units shipped to retailers vs. sold through, or consumer sales, which are necessarily lower. Therefore, an unknown quantity of the 2.5m copies is still on a shelf at a store. Maybe 150-200k PSVR gamers tops are playing in VR.

kevnb2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

Read the article for goodness sake, it's like 63 000 playing psvr and 660 000 total.

CrazedFiend2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

Read the article for goodness sake kevnb. Those numbers don't represent everyone who's playing the game just everyone who's signed up for the site.

kevnb2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

"According to the page 659,080 players across all platforms have joined the family meaning they have played the game. Out of those players 63,270 of them have played it in PlayStation VR which is 9.6% of all players."
Seems pretty clear to me. 63, 270 is 9.6% of all players.

TheCommentator2681d ago (Edited 2681d ago )

kevnb, Why didn't you qoute the next sentences? There's one that says neither the total player count or the total number of VR users is accurate because only people who registered at the site are included You can't expect to be taken seriously when you are selective about what you comprehend from the article and don't bother to re-read it when someone points out your mistake.

Anyways, I would still consider the number of people playing in VR to be very good though since the data gathered from the site is a good average for ALL the people who actually are playing RE7. I would assume that at least half of all PSVR owners have purchased the game to experience it since the game is one of the best VR has to offer right now. Zivtheawesome is right, it is a lot of people playing in VR, I was just pointing out the semantics from the other article (sell in vs. sell through) so the numbers he'd estimated would be more accurate.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2681d ago
kevnb2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

I think your comprehension of what the website is tracking is very poor. This is everyone who played online.

vikingland12682d ago

There are 62,000 active users on PSVR according to another article right here on N4G. The article was put up after this one.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2681d ago
DigitalRaptor2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

Good to hear.

Much excitement going around for Resident Evil 7 VR. This is just the beginning. I hope Capcom's groundbreaking work for this medium inspires others to create experiences that are as good, if not better.

Muzikguy2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

The horror genre can be reborn with this for sure. I agree with you

Lol @ phantom disagrees

2682d ago
MyDietEqualsGames2682d ago

This fucking game made me scream with the VR on. Lol. I literally at one point felt I couldn't go anywhere and was fucked IRL for a brief moment. Cognitive dissonance?

81BX2682d ago

Lucky! Its a good game.

Elda2682d ago

Better played on the PS4 Pro on a 60inch 4k hdr tv.

Dixiedevil2682d ago

I have a pro on a 65" Bravia and a PSVR. Playing on a TV is by far better looking but just doesnt compair to the experience in VR. If Im playing RE7, I'm playing in VR.

subtenko2682d ago

I dare not play it without VR, it would feel weird....

blady_man2682d ago

Totally agree, its way better to play in vr!! I play both ways and the best way by a mile is in vr!!!

IamTylerDurden12682d ago

It's great in 4K on Pro, but imo it's even better on Pro with PSVR. PSVR is the ultimate way to play RE7, it's just so immersive.

Bibster2682d ago

Doesn't even feel like the same game. Playing it in VR felt like a completely different game and would go as far as saying it was an "Experience". I'd get nervous to play it everytime I put the VR headset on because of how much the it made me jump and how immersive it is. Absolutely loved my first playthrough and now on my second playing with 4K and HDR it doesn't even compare. Yes the graphics look better but that's as far as it goes. Im even going to lend a friend my VR who has played the game normally just because I can't even explain the difference..... It was brilliant.

Yui_Suzumiya2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

My TV is 24 inches.. 1080p / 60hz .. but no hdr and even no Internet .. OG PS4 and no PSVR

jukins2682d ago

Eh I have a 4k hdr samung ks8000 and as good as it looks would still rather play in vr it's so immersive and actually makes me anxious and nervous as if I were really in the game. Even as good as it looks in 4k I'll take the visual hit for immersiveNess any say

Tussin1872682d ago

Just wondering. Have you actually played the game on VR? Or are you just trying to start something? Honest question.

The way you've said it kind of suggest that you've tried it on both to form your opinion. AND I REPEAT, YOUR OPINION.

Elda2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

Yes my opinion is that it is best played on the PS4 Pro on a 4k hdr tv,instead of having a headset strapped to my head for hours.I rather be comfortable though immersion can be great but there's nothing like relaxing on your couch with the sound up from a good sound system playing on a clear 60inch tv enjoying hours of gameplay.

DashArrivals2682d ago

Dude, I respectfully disagree. I have a 75" 4k HDR tv. As soon as I got the game I played in VR. Way better. More scarier by ten fold.

After I finished the VR playthrough, then I played on my TV, it was still great but no where near as scary or immersive.

Trash_Report2682d ago

@elda Heh your stupid reply just proved you've never even played RE7 in PSVR. You don't even feel the headset, it's the point of PSVR, and the surround sound when you have even just the default PSVR ear phones and turning your head looking around, it's way more natural and beats any surround sound system can provide when you are turning your head with an analog stick. When people say PSVR will make you BE in another world, they mean just that.

elda you are just one of those losers knocking something cuz you don't have it, the most pathetic type of a human being.

MatrixxGT2682d ago

Only pathetic loser I see is someone bashing a guy for his preference on how he plays a video game.

If you like VR then good for you but stop forcing the damn thing on people who just don't have any interest in it.

Elda2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

You sound stupid as well,for saying I sound stupid because I rather play videogames on a tv then PSVR,that is my preference & you or anybody else is not going to change it.If you must know my friend has PSVR & RE-7 & last night at his house I tried it & I don't like it or the way the games look.I bought a thousand dollar 4k hdr tv including a PS4 Pro with a slew of games,no need to waste 500 dollars on a headset were games look like crap.You fanatics are just the worst here on this site,putting folks down because their opinion is different from others.If anyone is a loser it's you...find some maturity & grow up...smdh.

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Garethvk73d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta73d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts73d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos73d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts73d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa73d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.