
Guerrila Cambridge to close

UK developer to close after 19 years as Sony “makes changes to European studios structure”

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Herbalistic2707d ago

I hope all people affected by this are able to find jobs asap.It always sucks when people work hard and then find out they are being let go due to issues outside of their control.

majiebeast2707d ago

Bleep off Sony this is straight up BS.

UCForce2707d ago

Well, you are not living perfect world for anything. Scalebond cancelled and GC closed. Sometimes, thing never go smoothly in the end.

ninsigma2707d ago

Yeah it sucks. Should have got them to make another Medievil game!

-Foxtrot2707d ago

Should have done MediEvil 3 instead of VR stuff

2707d ago
Gazondaily2707d ago

Not cool Sony.

Good luck to the devs. I'm sure they'll bounce back. Microsoft should snipe them! 😈

majiebeast2707d ago

Well no other studios are getting gutted according to the article update, the only damn bright spot of this MM is safe for now

NukaCola2707d ago

They are beefing up GG main, calm down

Fist4achin2707d ago

I do feel for anyone who loses their job bc that is a situation that really sucks and there is no such thing as a right time on something like that.

However, this studios biggest hit recently was probably Killzone Mercenary and that was on the Vita which hardly anyone owns. Medieval is a fun game, but I can't remember the last one. I wonder just how much latitude they had when they were trying to develop something. They should have thrown some remasters at them.

I hope their staff will find new positions quickly. Either that or I'm sure Sony will recycle them into other studios .

bouzebbal2707d ago

Studio closing hopefully doesn't mean layoffs..
they can relocate

bluefox7552707d ago

I mean, it happens, unless you're a major studio, you're not going to stay open forever. It's unfortunate, but it's the nature of the business.

RookieMonsterLives2707d ago

The studio made one of the best PSVR launch games and now they got the axed. This does not look good for the future of PSVR. Why is Sony not supporting their secondary gaming products like Vita and PSVR? It is like they are relying on third party to do all the work.

What is more concerning is Guerilla Cambridge was supposedly working on a multi-million selling AAA franchise for PS4 according to Shinobi of Neogaf back in 2014. It could potentially be another Killzone or Socom.

Angeljuice2707d ago

Expect more UK studios to close because of Brexit.
Who wants to invest in developers based in a country with such an uncertain future?

IamTylerDurden12707d ago


No... the past two games from GC were fantastic. Killzone Mercenary and Rigs. Rigs is arguably the best GAME on VR right now, especially on PS4 Pro with the massive winter update.

2707d ago
Deadpooled2707d ago

Angeljuice playing the 'Brexit' card!

Irishguy952707d ago

This studio got shafted to **** by Sony. Not because of the closure, but because they were forced to make a Vita game and a VR game. This studio, got throw into Sonys 'failed experiments' group. Whereas Amsterdam GG got basically gifted whatever they wanted. High budget high support.

Even when they've only made 2 good games so far they still landed Horizon. Medieval in its time > Killzone. Until this studio got shitted out of the gutter.

Outside_ofthe_Box2707d ago

Aw man. Was really hoping that these guys would make the next Killzone game. Looks like there will never be another KZ game on same level as KZ2.

Letthewookiewin2707d ago

Sony will take care of these people.

hellothere19772707d ago

you paying the bills? in fact, did you or any of your friends pay full price for guerilla cambridges games to support the developers? no? then STFU.

_-EDMIX-_2707d ago

If RIGS didn't perform the way they wanted to I could understand how they were able to make the tough decision.

That sucks because I was definitely Holding Out for them working on the Killzone series.

I hope they all find work

_-EDMIX-_2707d ago

I'm pretty positive some of those developers that were the best of that team likely got transferred over to Guerilla Games.

Mystogan2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

I love how when MS fucks up. Everybody agrees they did and gives them shit. But when sony fucks up its mostly, "welp, shit happens"

nveenio2707d ago

If anyone is to blame, it's us. If we didn't have such high demands, games would be cheaper to make, and it would be easier for studios to turn tidy profits.

I'm only being a little sarcastic. I'm sure there's some truth to that.

rainslacker2707d ago

It says right in the article, that the studio was redundant. As in, it was just there and making games that they could make through their other studios. This is probably part of their larger restructuring efforts, where some of their studios are becoming part of Sony WWS. Some people will have to be laid off, because some positions don't need to be filled in WWS, but others will be moved to different studios.

It's cheaper to manage one's studios this way, because it means less waste on multiple people doing the same job.

I doubt the close had anything to do with their output. They were a capable studio, and as far as I know, they weren't losing money on it.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 2707d ago
UCForce2707d ago

I have to agree with you.

GamerGT2707d ago

Hopefully some of those employees can go over and help Hideo Kojimas crew. They might have some experience with the DECIMA engine.

2707d ago
Genuine-User2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

"PlayStation has pledged to "where possible... try to reallocate people onto other projects" and assist staff by speaking to local developers about recruitment prospects. Fortunately, Cambridge is something of a hotbed of UK deveopers, with the likes of Frontier, Ninja Theory, Jagex and more based nearby."

Best of luck to the team. Killzone Mercenary is still the best FPS on a handheld.

Edit: Good news:

Cloud Imperium Games - Star Citizen

Mike Bithell - Thomas Was Alone, Volume

UCForce2707d ago

I'm glad to hear that.

RedPill862707d ago

Wouldn't want any of these workers to go near Star Citizen. That game is a lie and they're just stealing money at this point. The game isn't coming out, not functioning anyways.

_-EDMIX-_2707d ago

Okay well that's good to hear that they're transferring a lot of developers to other teams.

Ragthorn2707d ago


I see, you're one of those people that still call it a lie even after all of the footage they have shown up to this point. AND releasing their development schedule. I have been patiently waiting since 2013, and I have never been any happier for the game. I wish for the best of it, as it is one of the most daring games to ever be in the works. That game is so open about its development, but people still cannot appreciate it. I hope that these workers do go and join Cloud Imperium there as well as find jobs elsewhere. Killzone Mercenary is THE BEST handheld FPS. And they haven't been given another chance to create another sadly.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2707d ago
loadstone0072707d ago

I don't think it's really out of their control. The projects GC were in charge of were abysmal.

ShadowWolf7122707d ago

RIGS was a hit, Killzone Mercenaries is considered one of the best Vita titles...

Totally abysmal.

Christopher2707d ago

I think the problem is that they were never allowed to make a full console game and instead were limited to a handheld that is being held onto just so no one can say it is dead and VR that is in extremely early stages and not available to play by 98% of the owners.

butchertroll2707d ago

As much as this news is bad, this is the good part :

PlayStation has pledged to "where possible... try to reallocate people onto other projects" and assist staff by speaking to local developers about recruitment prospects.

Hope they will continue to work on something else.

Overload2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

This apparently has something to do with Horizon being their main focus now, according to Shinobi.

Aenea2707d ago

They might actually want to move some of them outside of the UK to, perhaps, Amsterdam?

Besides, Kojima Amsterdam is there as well..........

IamTylerDurden12707d ago

I was hoping this was more of a restructuring, and they will certainly reallocate many talented ppl from GC into other Sony studios. However, this is a sad and unfortunate day for an extremely talented studio that continually makes great games and does it on new, unknown hardware. Rigs and Killzone Mercenary are terrific games, bottom line. They were AAA games on new, difficult to develop for hardware and the both looked and played beautifully. Unfortunately they were likely resource hogs and expensive to make, and for whatever reason they just didn't sell as well as they should've.

Killzone Mercenary is still the most impressive technical game on Vita. I laugh when indie devs claim their 2D game can't run on Vita bc Guerrilla Cambridge was able to get the Killzone 3 engine running beautifully on Vita.

Deadpooled2707d ago

I consider Killzone Mercenary to be not just simply the best handheld FPS ever created, but also one of the best games I've ever played considering something like that was running on a freaking handheld with great controls (even the swipe to melee was great, and the tap back touchpad to run was very effective) and also a superb online (all 6 maps it launched with were awesome, then to make it even better Blood Gracht and Tharsis Depot came on it).

2707d ago
n1kki62707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

It does suck, but this is common place in game development. It's actually not that all uncommon for development position in general to have high turnover with a large chance of elimination. Either way it still sucks for those affected and hopefully they find employment soon. Also with noting
"PlayStation has pledged to "where possible... try to reallocate people onto other projects" and assist staff by speaking to local developers about recruitment prospects. Fortunately, Cambridge is something of a hotbed of UK deveopers, with the likes of Frontier, Ninja Theory, Jagex and more based nearby."

XanderZane2707d ago

Damni it. My MediEvil sequel. I really was hoping. Let's see how the N4G universe takes this news. Let's see if they are as harsh as the Scalebound cancellation.
Like the Scalebound cancellation, THIS SUCKS. 19 years under Sony's umbrella and then poof, you're done. Really hate this. I agree with Herbalistic, that hopefully these talented developers are able to find new jobs quickly. We all kow it's a business and every day something like this happens somewhere in the world. Wish them the best of luck.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2707d ago
UCForce2707d ago

"Sigh" Scalebond cancelled and GC closed. Thing is never looking good for video game Industry. I hope Platinum Games and other of GC staff will find a way.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2707d ago

Platinum Games are fine. From here on out expect games from only Japanese Publishers from them.

UCForce2707d ago

Platinum Games are fine, but their latest game Scalebond is cancelled that cause them greatly for the fan. GC are also closed which it is very sad.

Neonridr2707d ago

Platinum still has other projects they are working on though. And they are still operational. The staff that were working on Scalebound will be reappropriated to other projects or put to work on a new one if they have any in the pipeline.

UCForce2707d ago

Well, you are right. But we are not living a perfect world here. Good thing can't last forever.

kevnb2707d ago

or just mostly laid off.

Neonridr2707d ago

@kevnb - unless they hired people specifically for this game and weren't just using internal staff divided into several projects.

The difference is, one studio is closed the other isn't.

NotanotherReboot2707d ago

How could you Sony. Killzone was good on the Vita. Who's next? Sucker Punch? I cannot trust this company anymore now. Medievil was a classic

UCForce2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

And do you think you are living a perfect world ?

Edit : @Septic and @Frinker Even I do blame MS, but not that far like other. You guys do know not everything can please you.

Edit#2 : @Septic I'm not blame the world. I'm try to understand why the company and their decisions. One day, you have to made a choice in the end.

Ceaser98573612707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

since you're living under the rock.. SP is soon to announce their new game... Sony is doing way to fine then MS... GC employees will get allocated to other studios helping out with new projects... Try looking little further instead of loosing shit altogether ... Its not that a game got cancelled ...

EDIT : according to Shinobi SP is working on a New IP .


Fishy Fingers2707d ago

^no just the entire studio.

Exactly which other studios in Cambridge will the staff be relocated too? Sorry you lost your job, but here's another in japan. The wife and kids won't mind will they...?

Gazondaily2707d ago


No one is saying we're living in a perfect world but the exaggerated reaction above aside, you were blaming Microsoft earlier this week for Scalebound and now here blaming the inequity of the world.

Consistency my friend.

bluefox7552707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

@Septic Closing studios, which is a normal practice in the industry, is not the same as shutting down work in the middle of development of a high-profile, AAA title (not a normal practice). The former is a practical, and unfortunately, relatively common thing. The latter is the result of major internal issues. Saying that you should criticize both for "consistency", is ridiculous.

gangsta_red2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )


I think canceling projects would be just as common as say closing down whole studios.

Both are standard in this industry as we read concept games and canceled games almost every other month of what could have been.

So i agree with septic, there should be some consistency.

And what's more "practical", canceling a game before it gets out and bombs and the studii takes a finacial hit, or closing down a whole studio because your games bombed and now jobs are lost?

Kaneki-Ken2707d ago

GG haven't made any profit. Killzone Mercenary was both commercially a failure and in sales and making a VR didn't help the case since VR didn't exploded/became a hot item.

Death2707d ago


It's always sad to see a studio closed, especially a talented studios like GC. It's naïve to believe that Sony is going to give them all jobs in other studios though. If that were the case, then why close the studio in the first place? When closures happen, it is typically due to financial reasons. Hopefully all of those impacted by this closure find new and possibly better opportunities soon.

Angeljuice2707d ago


Guildford is the main centre of UK game development (MM, Hello Games etc.), and is not that far from Cambridge. There are plenty of development companies in the UK (not necessarily Sony owned).

KwietStorm_BLM2707d ago

You can't trust them anymore because they closed a studio? LOL time to step outside and take a look at how life works around you.

Kribwalker2707d ago


You can't seriously tell me cancelling a game because things aren't working out with it is worse then shutting down an entire studio, laying off the employees, selling/moving all of the equipment, probably cancelling the next project these guys were working on, even if it's in pre-production and planning stages, then you really need to give your head a shake. Studios don't just close down all the time. Games are cancelled on a far more common basis then closing a studio right down.

And everyone that says "oh there's a GG in Amsterdam, they'll probably just move there" that's a ridiculous statement. I'm gonna move my entire family, to a new country, that speaks a different language for a job? Really? If I was single, and had no secure responsibility (owning a house etc) then sure, but there would be no way I would make my whole family move, plus all to the associated cost of moving to another country, the work visas, the moving cost, selling my house, buying a new house, my wife having to find a new job, my kids losing all of their friends, and it keeps going.....man, that is some serious ignorance thinking people would just do that.

OB1Biker2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

No, cancelling games just a few months before they are supposed to release after hyping them for years is NOT standard.
Releasing a project in full before closing a studio that has finished the job is more standard.

It's unfortunate but that's what it is. Last year was evolution and many other studios closing. I can think of only one other game cancelled just before it was supposed to release after being part of what you know ever for years, not even naming it. That studio was closed too That's not common at all to cancel so close to supposed release.

2707d ago
gangsta_red2707d ago


I'm laughing that we even have to discuss what is more standard, cancelling a game or shutting down a whole studio.

MagicBeanz2707d ago

Well if you cant trust them for shutting down a developer then you're not going to be able to trust any of them cause Sony isn't the only one who has or will do it.

_-EDMIX-_2707d ago

Errr not really.

Because of the Vita's poor sales along with rigs I could understand how they could make this tough decision.

It's simply about sales.

For the most part Sony only closes Studios after their games perform poorly and to my understanding Infamous Second Son is the best selling infamous

_-EDMIX-_2707d ago

@kirb- that sounds extremely exaggerated.

If you're going to work in the game industry you should always understand that it is a contracted business in which you're going to move around a lot.

I live in Florida and even though I don't have any aspirations to work inside of the game industry if I were to even want to stay in my state , my only choice would actually be Electronic Arts because they have a studio in Jacksonville Florida which would still be difficult for me because I live in South Florida I would basically have to move hours and hours away from my family.

....That's Life.

I would say if anything Montreal Canada would be a great place to live in regards to game development because you have Electronic Arts Ubisoft BioWare in a couple of other Studios up there and which you could sort of Bounce Around.

Of course San Diego, San Francisco California etc as well.

I'm sorry but the issues that you listed have more to do with game development in general then this specific situation.

I have to wonder why anyone would become a game developer considering what you've listed....

Last job to be asking for stability bud.

Kribwalker2707d ago

I'm just stating what has been said. Some people suggested they would just move them to GG in Amsterdam. That's a long way away and has a lot of implications. Moving upstate is a lot less then moving to a different country as some have suggested.

I'm not in the games Industery but I have friends that are, a couple work at EA, one works at Capcom Vancouver, and a guy I've done building for's daughter works at the coalition.
Vancouver would be a good area to live if you were in the industry as there are a lot of game studios out here as well. Housing affordability is another issue altogether here though, lucky I bought a decade ago because pricing has gone through the roof here.

DigitalRaptor2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

@ Frinker

Sucker Punch makes commercially successful games for PlayStation, and is due to announce their long awaited new IP, probably at this year's E3. And it most likely will be awesome, because Sucker Punch is awesome and Sony knows it.

@ Gangsta_red

None of this is a laughing matter. This news is devastating. I think it is Sony's longest-running internal studio. I loved MediEvil and Killzone Mercenary was awesome and showed huge promise that this team could deliver an amazing PS4 Killzone project. RIGS is supposed to be a great VR experience.

If we're going to begin comparing the 2 scenarios, Guerrilla Cambridge were able to release their project as planned after years of hard work, be proud of it going gold, not be burdened with 4 years of a wasted effort that would be a huge hit on the psyche - and these poor people will still be able to land jobs and are already getting offers. Depressing situation all round, but more bittersweet for GC without a doubt. Scalebound is just brutally messed up of a situation. Kamiya's "dream game" will never see the light of day.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2707d ago
NotanotherReboot2707d ago

No, if we lived in a perfect world Naughty Dog would make Jak and Daxter.

Media Molecule will be next to shut down. Mark my words
They are a UK studio, which already puts a red cross upon their studio.
Their game, Dreams, is getting no hype from consumers.
It will flop and then Sony will pull the plug on them.

deathtok2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )


LBP series has done well and Dreams got a big E3 presentation last year. Marking Media Molecule for death is premature.

Ceaser98573612707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

Fishy Fingers

"Exactly which other studios in Cambridge will the staff be relocated too? Sorry you lost your job, but here's another in japan. The wife and kids won't mind will they..."

LOL!! So you mean only studios in Japan is an option?? Employees has the freedom to choose even which devs and studios they would want to work with.. Its sad when a studio gets shut down but then most employees gets re allocated.. With that talents and energy nobody goes unemployed. Look at Lionhead Studios , Sony reached out to the employees for jobs...


Ceaser98573612707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )


"Media Molecule will be next to shut down. Mark my words "

"It will flop and then Sony will pull the plug on them."

i can understand the trauma post Scale-bound cancellation . I advise you to understand you're no soothsayer and you have NO idea about Media molecule.. If you wanna troll i suggest you to take it else where..

NotanotherReboot2707d ago

I'm not trolling.
Media Molecule didn't have a a presentation at E3 last year.
Their trailer from E3 2015 has a mere 300k views, with many of the comments consisting of people's bewilderment at what type of game it is.
LBP 2 was 5 years ago. Sony's not going to keep a studio afloat based on past successes a generation ago.

UCForce2707d ago

Now you are gone too far with it. You took that prediction way too far.

Fishy Fingers2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )


Clearly I wasn't saying Japan is the only option (as I'm sure you're aware) rather suggesting that life is not as simple as you're suggesting. They work in Cambridge because that's where they have chosen to make their home. To imply they will be simply offered other jobs so everything is gravy is just shallow minded. Locally there is no options for them so while they maybe offered another job in another studio that will likely result in relocating, whether that's 50 miles or 5000 miles is beside the point. If you've ever found yourself in such a position you'd probably have a greater appreciation for how difficult that can be on a social, domestic and professional level.

"Employees has the freedom to choose even which devs and studios they would want to work with"

Sorry but that is finding, applying, interviewing and hopefully acquiring a new job. That is NOT reallocation by Sony. You've contradicted your original post

tyasia02707d ago

Your absolutely trolling and uninformed. First off Guerilla also has a studio in Amsterdam which I'm sure many people are being transitioned to, Secondly about MM you know there are three LBP games the third was on PS3 and PS4 as well as Tearaway

Ceaser98573612707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

Fish fingers

"They work in Cambridge because that's where they have chosen to make their home. "
How can you be so sure of that? There could be many who travels and works with the best. If today they get a good offer why would he/she deny??
Angeljuice has sumed up above.. UK does have good devs too. Not necessary that the employees has to be under Sony and do what Sony says.. They do have the freedom to go anywhere and work with anyone .

fishy fingers

"Sorry but that is finding, applying, interviewing and hopefully acquiring a new job. That is NOT reallocation by Sony. You've contradicted your original post"

Please go through my comment again. I said Sony is very much reallocating employees from GC BUT if the employees wants to part away from Sony they are free to do so and nobody is stopping them from doing so... End of the day nobody goes jobless either they are reallocated by Sony since Sony has a lot of unannounced games and require huge man power to complete those games. OR these employees may want to join another studio and carry on what they do best..

rainslacker2707d ago


People who work in the game industry know that at any time, they could suddenly be without a job. It's just a way of life. There are very few people who expect to have job security.

The area around Cambridge is pretty dense with game development studios. May not be with Sony, but they won't have to relocate if they don't want to. If they like working with Sony, and are willing to relocate, then they will relocate.

Relocation, I might also point out, is not an uncommon way of life within the game industry either. There are very few places where game development is centralized. Maybe 4-5 places in the world where there is a plethora of developers for which to apply. But even then, it's not uncommon to relocate to another area if oppurtunity presents itself.

That being said, having been on the receiving end of suddenly be without a job, it certainly is unsettling and annoying. but you learn to expect it, and plan for it. But the devs at this studio have proven they can deliver quality games, and work on diverse software and hardware, so they probably won't have much problem getting a job, regardless of if they relocate or not.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2707d ago
stuna12707d ago

If people pay attention every year around the slow periods in game releases there are studio closures. For the most part a lot of these smaller studio's are able to be absorbed internally. The bigger studio's employee's are relocated to other studio's. Although a hassle and a burden I don't think it all gloom and doom in instances such as this, especially if you have solid titles and experience under your belt.

OB1Biker2707d ago

At least they delivered their project on full and nothing was cancelled. Possibly moving on to work with other studios

rainslacker2707d ago

I'm not sure Sony has any studios close to this one that would make an easy commute for the employees, so that does mean actual relocation. Some may be willing, others won't. The area itself is pretty dense with game developers, so the options are there.

It is a hassle, and a burden, but it's kind of part of the job. There is no real job security in game development....which is a big reason why a lot of people stop doing it after a while as stability becomes more important to their life as they get older.

But you are right, I'd imagine the full time employees from there aren't going to have much trouble finding a job. They have proven they can deliver good games on diverse hardware. That's highly valued in the gaming industry.

OB1Biker2707d ago

I was hoping Sony put GC on another PSVR game that's a shame. Maybe the dev can work with the other studio specially created for VR? Can't remember the name.
At least nothing was cancelled and they delivered their project on full.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2707d ago
SaveFerris2707d ago

That sucks. I hope the employees can find work soon.

Also, why hasn't Sony revived the MediEvil franchise? I'm sure a lot of PS fans would like to see a reboot. If Crash does well, then I hope Sony will look at this one as well.

DragoonsScaleLegends2707d ago

This decreases the chance of a MediEvil reboot even more. :(

Deep-throat2707d ago

Yeah. Sony forced their studios to create VR games ASAP.


UCForce2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

This is why I don't take your opinion anymore. You aren't living a perfect world here. Everything can be unpredictable.

Edit : Scalebond cancelled and GC closed. Company made mistakes in the end, Deep Thoart.

Deep-throat2707d ago


No hate, bro.

You can't deny it. Sony have a bad history; they forced their devs to create PSP games, Move/3D games in the past. How many of them have failed...?

UCForce2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

I already told you. Not everything is perfect between Sony and Microsoft.

Edit : @Frinker Because the thing is, you realize that both side have flaw. They both made mistakes.

Death2707d ago

I wouldn't necessarily say these are mistakes on Sony of Microsoft's part. It's simply business. As fans we don't always see the things that happen on the back side of gaming. All developers do what they do because they get paid. If the products created can't sustain a healthy business, then studios are closed or projects are cancelled. Neither Sony or Microsoft can invest into studios/games without a return on the investment for too long. When it gets to that point it is just bad business.

EpicZinger2707d ago Show
guyman2707d ago Show
Eonjay2707d ago

Sony created a new studio just for VR. Do we know of any announced projects that were cancelled?

Germany72707d ago Show
Stogz2707d ago Show
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2707d ago
ninsigma2707d ago

Well that's not a good start to the year. Bad news for Playstation too it seems. Sucks big time! I wonder did rigs put them under or was this a long time coming??

Death2707d ago

It would be unfair to believe Rigs would sell more than it has. PSVR is a new platform with a relatively small user base. I would hope there is much more to this than Rigs. Many times the developers themselves have other plans and the closure is amicable. As gamers we rarely know since it is between the developers and platform holders.

2707d ago
ShadowWolf7122707d ago

It's part of restructuring the teams in Europe. Hence why many of the employees will find work on projects with other studios. Those they don't have a place for, they're helping get interviews with other studios.

_-EDMIX-_2707d ago

I think it might have been Rigs.

Or Sony most likely just didn't have a purpose for the studio. They might have made a decision internally long ago that they probably weren't going to do another Killzone game, not in a while anyway.

To my understanding they're spreading those developers out amongst other teams, but I do believe some are being let go but I'm not entirely sure.

rainslacker2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

RIGS wasn't such a high budget game that it would likely cause them to lose money. Being one of the premire PSVR launch games, I'd imagine it sold alright and made a return on it's investment.

Likely, it's just as the article said, the studio was redundant. Meaning that it just cost more to run, when it'd be cheaper to simply reallocate their studios and resources into more centralized studios. They did a lot of this last year with their closures, and moved a lot of them into Sony's world wide studios.

GG:Cambridge wasn't a core studio really, although they seemed to be a talented one. They were a "pick up" studio, who worked on projects that Sony wanted to get made. I think Medieval was the only game they actually made from the ground up. Those kinds of studios can all be done with in house teams through centralized studios. Things like SSM, Japan Studios, etc are these kinds of studios. These bigger studios are all part of Sony World Wide Studios, and what is referred to when that term is used. Lots of teams which offers more flexibility, and much cheaper to operate since a lot of the management is shared between games. This reduces costs on the cost of employees, as well as the overhead in managing and operating individual studios, as fixed costs are vastly reduced.

May have been nice to see what they could do if given the freedom to make their own IP's, but it's quite possible that they didn't have the infrastructure at that particular studio to actually support such things.

However, some of my post is assumption and speculation. I respect the work the studio has put out in the past, and I wish them all the best. Always sucks to lose one's job, but it is kind of a harsh reality of the game industry. I'm sure, given their talent, they will land on their feet.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2707d ago
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Konami didn't recover after ditching Kojima, but this Metal Gear revival is its best shot

With Kojima gone, a lot is riding on Konami's revival of Metal Gear.

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Jingsing19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Not really, Konami is basically in name only and like so many other Japanese studios that have come and gone they are just going to be an IP troll and milk that cow until it is dry. Also one of the advertised features is playing the game from a different camera view while everything else remains the same will just result in making the game easier like what happened with Twin Snakes.

Cacabunga14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

If this turns out good and gamers support it we will get the other ones.. i really hope we get MGS original in zanzibar, Peace Walker and Portable Ops remakes after this one.. they are related with naked snake

Portable Ops was sooooooo good and underrated

gold_drake12h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Konami might not be super active in the videogame business anymore, or less, but they still make a ton of money with their collections and pachinko machines.

and their castlevania series on netflix is really successful also.

just_looken10h ago


Your dislikes shows this sites situation

Konami has been doing all of that for years now like there contra games or mgs ports

mgs survive anyone

isarai18h ago

When are people going to learn that all Konami is doing with these games Is licensing them out? They are not trying to revive their game development Branch and they are not the ones developing this. It is studios that came to them and asked to use the license to make a game and they have been doing this pretty much since MGSV

jeromeface16h ago

Remaking all his work reaks of desperation. The only reason they are getting away with it is everyones deep love for the series. If delta is successful (which as of right now it should be), they'll be sure to remake all of them.

Redgrave14h ago

Big shoes to fill, and compared to SH2 - this is as much a 1:1 remake as you can get. You can still see the PS2 bones in the movements and how the cutscenes have the same angles. If anything, I'd have preferred the reverse.... with SH2 being closer to a 1:1 remake but prettier, and have MGS3 have a little more freedom.

Ideally, MGS3 with a MGSV skin in terms of gameplay and freedom of approach. This is more like a high budget remaster than a remake. Having recently replayed the Bluepoint remaster, this is going to be like that same experience but even prettier.

But, as with both MGS3 and SH2, nearly impossible shoes to fill if not outright so. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Such is the legacy of these GOAT titles.

Inverno13h ago

It's a one to one remake, using the same voice recordings too. Not a reimagining, no new content thus far announced, just a straight remake of a game that already exists, but now with prettier graphics. There's no revival, they proved they can't make anything related to MG after Survival. They'll just remake all the games and people will eat it up.

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