
Top 5 Fighting Gaming Crossovers That Are Not Super Smash Bros

Carl Williams writes, "In video games, we don’t see too many crossover events. It is probably due to the fact that video game companies are quite litigious with each other. That is a shame, though, as it would be interesting to see more gaming crossover events that are not Super Smash Bros or a Capcom and SNK fighting game. While it was a little bit of work, we have tracked down five awesome gaming crossovers that you have forgotten about."

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Didn’t Expect To See You Here: 5 Influential Fighting Game Guest Characters

Trevor Walker said: Fighting games have always been able to simultaneously experiment and innovate while staying true to their roots in the best of ways. Mechanics change, crossovers take place, and evolution occurs. One of the best examples of all three can be seen in the coveted guest character.

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Dead or Alive 5 - 10 Years of Free-to-Play

Dead or Alive 5 debuted 10 years ago today, ushering in a new era of AAA free-to-play gaming which has since become commonplace.

Glemt616d ago

I really wish "free-to-play" got a different name. Because, yeah, you can play (part of) the game for free, but then they hypercharge you for DLC. Nearly 1000 credits to get all the DLC? Damn.

neutralgamer1992615d ago

Exactly give me a complete bundle

MadLad615d ago

You get the fighting game.
They make you pay for the bikinis and booty shorts.

ApocalypseShadow615d ago

Worse decision ever for the gamer. Over emphasis on fan service nonsense and micro transactions than making a great fighting game.

Use to love the game as a Virtual Fighter offshoot and competitor to VF and Tekken. Won't touch this current incarnation with a 10 foot pole. You know there was something wrong when they tried to charge for hair color.

spicelicka615d ago

I wish it wouldn't be called "fan service" anymore. It's of service to no one, it's just exploiting our perverted nature blatantly, but then again people who fall for it can't really complain.

MadLad615d ago

People complain about the dlc, but you get the actual game.
You're paying to look at their bodies.

Silly gameAr615d ago

I have no problem whatsoever with the fanservice. My problem was the endless, expensive packs of pointless costumes that people loved to buy apparently.

lucian229615d ago

Don't be a cry baby. Go play another game if you don't like fan service. Not every game needs to be woke trash.

DOA only fell because of overpriced dlc

Silly gameAr615d ago

Not every comment needs to bring up woke when there is no wokeness going on. I wish they would ban the word woke from the face of the planet.

lucian229613d ago (Edited 613d ago )

You sound "woke" yourself, crying and wanting more cancel culture. That's the problem with you people, you don't like something and just want to cancel it.

Woke is now a day a synonym for social justice Warrior. It's people who cry that something is offensive and use cancel culture to destroy something they don't like...... Sorry but it applies when people complain about boobs

isarai615d ago (Edited 615d ago )

Do people really not realize there was a full release of this game? I've seen this pop up a few times and it always baffles me that people talk as if DOA5 was only F2P. I still have the Last Round disc that includes all characters, maps and most outfits

HeliosHex615d ago

Truly the best in the series. If you only want one DOA this is the one to get right here.


All-Star Franchises, Underrated Entries - Part Fourteen

Phil writes, "If you've been around SuperPhillip Central for a little while (it's still okay if you haven't, so no harm done), then you know that I like talking about underrated and overlooked games. I've done various series on the subject. However, most of the time, the games mentioned in these articles are from wholly new or overlooked franchises themselves.

There are also a multitude of series that I can think of that have one, two, or a handful of games in it that aren't viewed as highly as the others, whether just or not.

These ideas are where the concept of All-Star Franchises, Underrated Entries comes from, and since our 13th edition, I've come up with six more underrated entries to big-time franchises, some bigger than others."

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