
Sony's New PlayStation Plus Ads Sneak in a Shoutout to Nintendo's GameCube

Today Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe released a new series of ads for its premium subscription service PlayStation Plus, showing a bunch of gamers as they talk about their experiences, mostly with online gaming.

Yet, there's an interesting little Easter egg.

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FallenAngel19842723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

Well if she's going to talk about what started her hobby with gaming of course they're going to visualize the console

Kashima2723d ago

I started with Nintendo Famicom.

MRMagoo1232723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

I started with asteroids at the arcades and frogger on a table top machine at a milk bar

Goldby2723d ago

i started with chasing my thumbs.

still havent gotten that platinum

MyDietEqualsGames2721d ago

I started with stick and ball.

Atmus2721d ago

I started with tuging my moms hair

Why o why2721d ago

I know you're an old skooler.....famicom🖒&# 128402;

bluefox7552721d ago (Edited 2721d ago )

"There's definitely that stereotype with most online gamers being men"
That's because they ARE mostly men, lol. If she really plays online, she would know this. That doesn't mean women aren't allowed to play, or aren't welcome, but they are definitely a minority in online games (at least outside of mobile gaming). And that's OKAY!!

MyDietEqualsGames2721d ago

That is changing fast, man. Lotta females game now. I'm seeing females do BL4 runs on Bloodborne too. Girls are rising up dude. I'm pleasantly shocked at what I've seen'em do this past year alone, SWJ and 3rd wave feminist BS aside. I've been impressed.

bluefox7552721d ago (Edited 2721d ago )

There are definitely more than there used to be, no one can deny that. But I'm not sure if it'll ever be anything close to 50/50, would be cool though. Most men I know would love it if their wife or girlfriend would take an interest in gaming.

thejigisup2721d ago

But why are you impressed?

rocketpanda2721d ago

Definitely not MOST at least in the US. You might want to check the ESA survery they do every year on gaming demographics in the US. It points out the demographics well, with 2016 showing that in the US, 41% of the market are female. That is a massive portion. It doesn't matter if it's online or offline, console, pc or mobile. Gaming is gaming not matter how much people think mobile gaming is anything but that. I wonder why most guys don't hear girls in online games, because they pretty much become dicks and can't believe a girl is playing online with them.

Lukejrl2720d ago

Agree with most of what you said.

The point I disagree with is where you say Gaming is Gaming regardless , and correct me if i am wrong about what you are saying :) , of any criteria. There are different degrees.

For instance you can drive a car everyday, but you are not a car enthusiast. Driving a car everyday does not make you memorize makes and models, features and other criteria. A Car enthusiast knows alot about cars and car culture. Another example is a person who watches a movie is not a Movie Buff. A Movie buff loves movies and film culture.

Similarly a person who plays a game is not autmatically someone who, in my understanding, is a Gamer. I view the word Gamer to similar to Car-nut or Movie Buff, something like that. A person can play candy crush or forza or madden but have no interest in any other game. Can you really say they are a gaming enthusiast? Can you really say they get excited about the culture?

OB1Biker2721d ago (Edited 2721d ago )

Maybe girls don't have the same childish urge as boys to show off that theyr around?
'That doesn't mean women aren't allowed to play, or aren't welcome, but they are definitely a minority in online games (at least outside of mobile gaming). And that's OKAY!!'
They d appreciate .Maybe. Or maybe they'd think 'okayyyy dude. Thanks /s ' and sigh XD

Liqu1d2721d ago

There are definitely girls that have the urge to show off that they're around.

Doomster19712721d ago

I started with Pong. I loved that game.


Shadow Of The Erdtree Renews The Awe And Adventure Of Elden Ring - GameSpot

Tamoor Hussain - "Shadow of the Erdtree is more of the same Elden Ring gameplay you know with new weapons, items, and areas to enjoy. But that is something that no other game has offered and no other developer has delivered. If Shadow of the Erdtree's quality as a whole is consistent with what I played, From Software is on the cusp of reaffirming Elden Ring as one of the greatest open-world games ever made."

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"We are the competitors of GTA 6, Forza, The Crew," says TDU: Solar Crown

Amaar writes: "Our recent interview with TDU: Solar Crown's game director reveals their ambitions to compete with titans in the gaming industry."

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anast1h ago

So far, it doesn't look like it.

Jingsing27m ago

Only a competitor if your game works fully offline and isn't some service.


This exciting Fortnite feature has just been delayed

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