
Half Of Xbox One Owners Have Used Backward Compatibility, Says Phil Spencer

GameRevolution: "Microsoft's investment in software-based backward compatibility on the Xbox One has been a crowd-pleaser. Although it's been a great reason to invest in the console, many have argued that it's underutilized. The assumption is that very few Xbox One owners bother to take advantage of the feature. However, that couldn't be farther from the truth."

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Malice-Flare2709d ago

also helps that the XB1 is cheap...

Overload2709d ago ShowReplies(6)
2709d ago Replies(3)
freshslicepizza2709d ago ShowReplies(1)
starchild2709d ago

I think backwards compatibility is a valuable feature for any platform. Good games don't stop being good games just because something newer came out.

I love backwards compatibility on my PC and I play older games all the time intermixed with the newer games. I can understand why Xbox One owners are generally happy about this feature.

If the PS5 ends up having backwards compatibility it will be a very good thing. It's something I'm hoping for. I still have my fat PS3 that plays PS1 and PS2 games and I won't get rid of it. It plays my PS1, PS2 and PS3 games, while I have my Pro for all the PS4 games.

DigitalRaptor2709d ago (Edited 2702d ago )

What Overload said ain't exactly false, is it?

I personally think backwards compatibility is great feature. If you can engineer it and do it well then kudos. I wish all consoles could do it. What this here statistic means is that 50% of people may rather play old games than be interested in new ones, and possibly one of the reasons why there is such a huge gulf between their lineup and that of the main competition.

@ Kribwalker

Yeah, you can play multiplatform games just fine, but didn't you have to wait 10 months for a AAA exclusive retail game of great quality? The previous year it was another 10-month drought, and what bookended that 10-month period was 2 remaster collections. Backwards compatibility might be a great feature, but using it as a filler for "dead times" between releases like Overload said is not great, and should be questioned in all honesty. Any gamer can hook up a cheap 360, or pass the signal through their XB1. BC is no substitute for new, exclusive first-party games - sequels or new IP. MS have done a great job here and should be commended, but the rest is just food for thought.

@ Lenrulesdaworld

Did you not read? I said.... "AAA retail exclusive of great quality". QB was AAA and sold at retail, but not exclusive, and not particularly great. The next candidate would be FH3.... 6 MONTHS LATER, and it's not even exclusive.

The rest of your list was INDIE games that are timed exclusive. I also mentioned that you could play multiplatform games just fine, but I was talking about exclusives and MS has been a complete embarrassment in that regard up until the holidays.

Overload is NOT false. He talked generally, but was referring to exclusive games. When you actually draw closer to these games, that is when you can see where his problem lies. A ton of people might enjoy BC, and I never ever said it was a bad thing, but MS is putting more effort into getting games onto the XB1 via BC than bringing out brand new exclusive games and IPs. That is the same company who said they have spent $1 billion on making exclusive games for the console. $1 BILLION, and where are the receipts in form of the games?

I like BC, but I would rather have a greater experience via a remaster than be too lazy to setup an old console for which I have the games for. PS Now offers that choice, but another choice is to actually play the original console. I would never refuse a better looking, sounding and playing game on a newer console.

@ KillBill

He was talking about exclusive games. In that regard, he's accurate.

You mention preference, but I'm not saying you have to prefer all of them. The difference in quantity and diversity between XB1 and PS4 is staggering. I never hated on BC. I said I like the option, but let's be real - MS is doing more now for BC, than bringing out new exclusive games throughout the 12 months of the year. It's a way for them to make it look like they actually have heaps of new exclusive games coming out, next to PS4 that actually does have that in spades.

A remaster would be better because it's a significantly better looking, sounding and playing version of a game you loved. I would choose that any day.

@ Christocolus

You can forget the whole high-fiving those who live with their heads buried in the sand. What I said actually holds weight. I guess the best way you deal with that knowledge is denying it and tell your friends that those speaking out about it are full of BS. Sorry, but it's not like that at all. Xbox exclusive lineup is meagre.

Lenrulesdaworld2709d ago

no we did not have a drought, as QB released in April, prior to that we had ark, elite dangerous followed by we happy few, everspace as well solace project as a 1st on console for almost the entire year, plus multiplats, Indies, etc. There's a ton of quality titles to play whether 1st or 3rd party, exclusive or timed. The only people who don't know this are the people who don't actually have xbox one but seem to think they know everything about it or people who have xbox one but have few interest in it's games except for 1 or 2 console exclusives. So yeah overload is false & yes people do do enjoy BC, PS gamers would as well if the feature were available on PS4 instead of PSnow. How many would of just played or bought LoU or UC 1,2,3 if it were BC instead of buying the remasters, a ton.

KillBill2709d ago

It is false.

You can't make a blanket statement of there being a lack of games when in fact there are numerous games on the system.

And the amount of games another system has is no merit to quantity of games Xbox One has. Especially seeing that the vast majority of games owned by consumers are multiplatform games. So the addition of one console having more exclusive games that barely effects software purchase rate is moot.

And when it comes to said exclusives it is the consumer preference on titles that makes even that choice still a non-factor between having a so called lack of games. As a consumer could like or hate every title on a system... it's called preference.

And hating on BC because why...? Why would a game that is remastered to play on PS4 and have to be purchased again to play it on said console a better thing than a game that costs nothing more to play on Xbox One if already owned? Or if not already owned at least given 2 FREE titles each month to play. Or if purchased costs a heck of a lot less than remastered versions of games for PS4. Because it gets counted as a Current Gen game now where BC games for some reason can't be counted as a title played on Xbox One?

It is all a game played by guys that want to beat up on the other console because they have nothing better to do. Got to get that virtual cred for knocking on something they don't own.

Know all systems and at least spout some truth before making blanket statements that just aren't close to being factual, other than from a warped FB perspective.

christocolus2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

@Lenrulesdawoeld and @Killbill

Well said. These people are only looking for negatives and downplaying it as hard as they can cos this feature is great and it puts Xbox in positive light. Nothing more.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2709d ago
Hoffmann2709d ago

Backward compatibility is always great, I wish every gaming platform would have it but I understand that it is sometimes very difficult to do it.

TheBurger292709d ago

Should be easier the way consoles are now.

darthv722709d ago

I just got a One and noticed that I already had 30 games that could be installed from the various GwG releases over the last several months that i took advantage of on my 360. I have yet to try and insert an actual 360 disc in the unit though. I'm enjoying playing Ryse at the moment and will try out the BC soon enough.

whitesoxfalife19762709d ago

nice darth, i love my list of 360 games that i have but im still waiting for one of my favorite series to come over hopefully before the of yr SPLINTERCELL AND CRYSIS AND OK OK METAL GEAR HD COLLECTION....

christocolus2709d ago

Nice. I use it from time to time. I was finally able to continue RDR where I left off.

darthv722709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

I was reading about how to transfer saved games and it requires using the cloud save feature on 360. That will work for me but my son's saves would not be eligible for transfer. He has a silver account while i am gold and one profile cannot access the save data of another (that i know of). It's a shame they did not allow for USB transfers especially since you can use a flashdrive for game saves.

I have not finished alan Wake and that one is in my list of games to install so i might just have to cloud my save game and try out this feature.

christocolus2709d ago

I also used the cloud save feature to pull up my Alan wake saves. It's a pretty nifty feature. resuming where you left off.

gangsta_red2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

If it wasn't for BC I would have never experienced the joy that is Xcom. Now I'm playing Xcom 2 and it's seriously the best game ever.

Angeljuice2709d ago

Xcom has been a firm favourite of mine since its OG PlayStation release.

Xcom 2 is awesome, I've just finished it for the second time and want to play it again. Load times are 3 times shorter now (after updates).

gangsta_red2709d ago

"Load times are 3 times shorter now (after updates)."

I'm on my second play through and the shorter load times blew me away. For real, I used to be able to do house chores in between missions the loading times were so long.

christocolus2709d ago

Agreed. trying to finish the first game now. it's really good.

stokedAF2709d ago

Only half? That's surprising.

Christopher2709d ago

Not really. Majority of people only use their consoles to play the latest games or the like. People like myself with over fifty games to my name on XBO alone (includes BC), are not the norm.

stokedAF2709d ago

I mostly only play new games as well but half of all one users haven't installed a 360 game they had laying around? That's a huge number. Not having many games is even more reason to boot up Red Dead or Skate 3.

Kribwalker2709d ago

I'm sitting with 184 games on my xbox one right now


Mind you I have been DL all the free games as well

game4funz2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

It's not that everyone has older games lying around. I don't.
edit: @stoked
It actually debunks the whole xbox players got the xbox one to play old games idea.
Obviously the majority play newer games.

stokedAF2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

I understand that some don't keep their old stuff and some only play one or two new games every year. But half of the One users don't have (or haven't played) a physical or digital 360 game on their Xbox? That's a substantial claim and it surprised me. It seems even more likely with the less dedicated gamers or a less diverse library of games. I would have guessed 30 percent higher at least.

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The Big Inworld AI Q&A - 'Everyone in Gaming Sees the Potential of Generative AI'

Wccftech interviewed Nathan Yu from Inworld AI to discuss the dynamic NPC tech's applications to games as well as potential issues like costs.

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Xbox President Sarah Bond's Bloomberg Interview Is Corporate Fakery At Its Best

Saad from eXputer: "After Arkane Austin & Tango were shutdown, Xbox President Sarah Bond spoke with Bloomberg in what I believe to be utter corporate fakery."

gold_drake1d 1h ago

im not really surprised by that, shes always been more a "let me talk about something else than what u want to know" kinda gal

Cacabunga17h ago

If what they are doing is that good, what’s the point of hiding the true story?

anast22h ago

She's a caricature of the shareholders.


"Shareholders" I call them cancer, they are already rich to begin with but need more and more. It's like a disease, with no cure.

__y2jb4h ago

If you have a pension then you are likely to be a shareholder in these big tech companies yourself. To demonize them as 'heartless rich people' shows you have no idea what you're talking about.

anast2h ago(Edited 2h ago)


Of course, it isn't about that. You are attempting to set up a self-righteous strawman to stir up some kind of ignorant mob mentality.

And by the way, most everyone is a touch heartless or we wouldn't be able to consume the products we do knowing very well how they are made. People have to be this way because of self-preservation and convenience.

__y2jb1m ago

@anast please explain to me how what i said is self righteous or a strawman. I simply pointed out that categorizing all shareholders as cancer is ridiculous.

Leeroyw17h ago

I own shares in game companies. I'm not anything near a major share holder. I just want them to make good games and be successful because of that. I think it's the senior management that's the problem. They are the ones that should be making it clear to the shareholders what creates growth and ensures a future of their business. Not this weasle words garbage that she did on the interview. It was horrific. I don't know a shareholder that would be happy with any of them for this.

Profchaos16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Same and I'm not rich by any stretch like most people's I'm just trying to keep my head above water these days most company's shareholders are made up of everyday people it's amazing how companies think we want something but the reality is we don't.

Disney are probably the worse at the moment it's shareholders voted on ending a lot of the crap and outing the current execs the execs turned around and said no we disagree with the shareholder vote


I meant at the rich fucks who have millions in the bank already. They are making so much per year, that if they don't make what they are expecting they go into a panic, when in reality it will not even hurt them at all. Those are greedy assholes.

anast3h ago

"you have a pension then you are likely to be a shareholder"

Pensioners don't make any decisions about anything. Obviously that is not what this is about.

CrimsonWing6921h ago

Yea, it was and it’s insulting that they think we’re dumb enough to fall for this. Look, the truth was you took a gamble on these studios and while they released some games to critical praise and great reception they just aren’t bringing in a ROI. Be transparent, you’re not a politician.

Just tell everyone you spend money on projects big and small and when money isn’t being made you go over the potential of revenue a studio can bring in vs those that can’t and make the hard decision to chop them.

She says this whole thing about “success” doesn’t fit one meaning for each studio. Well yea, a small budget production isn’t going to expect to sell the same as a large budget production.

One thing I wish they did though was let Tango be an independent studio.

TheGamingHounds21h ago

disheartening to see no regard for the human cost of business anymore
the bad decisions and judgements of these CEOs severely impact the frontliners
these fake responses are just salt on wounds

RoadRacer21h ago

imagine havin the audacity to say "we need more games like hifi rush" right after closing the studio that made it lol
followin up with this show of "deflecting every question" was in poor taste

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XCOM 2 Director Says He's Never Seen Such "Horrific Layoffs" In His 25 Years In The Industry

Firaxis veteran Jake Solomon hasn't seen mass layoffs like this in his whole 25-year career.

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CrimsonWing6922h ago

Alot’s changed in 25 years. We have games with $300 mill budgets, people not interested in games other than Fortnite and Minecraft, the older generation of gamers giving up the hobby or dying off, a period of super bad inflation where the industry decided to hike up prices on games, Gamepass harming game sales, GaaS games being pushed left and right with obnoxious monetization and worse looking/playing (Suicide Squad vs Arkham Knight).

The industry is just shite right now. Games ain’t selling, games cost massive amounts, businesses can’t bleed money and this is what happens. Part of it is on them and part of it is on consumers not buying.

Yi-Long11h ago

Consumers ain't buying because of what they're selling; There is no new SSX or Burnout, everything is now Online Required, everything is 'service', etc.

Indies are still delivering the goods, perhaps even better than ever, because those are often the guys and gals who know what they want to make and just make that and hopefully we dig it as well and support it ...

... but when you look at those multi-million budget AAA games, are they improving on what we have had before? Is the new Forza Motorsport better than a Forza Mototsport 4? Is Halo Infinite better than Halo 3? Is Dragon Age 2 such a huge improvement over the first Dragon Age? Etcetc.

Yeah, graphics have gotten better, worlds have gotten better, but I think a gaming generations stands or falls with diversity and experiences, and a few gens ago we had access to whatever we wanted, so if we wanted a boxing game we picked up one of the boxing games, if we wanted snowboarding we'd pick up one of the snowboarding games, if we wanted to do a rythm game we had DJ Hero, or Guitar Hero, or Rockband. If we wanted to sneak around we had Splinter Cell or MGS or whatever.

We had variety and we had options, and that makes or breaks a generation, imo. You're in a foodcourt of games and they're serving all kinds of different cuisines, and so you'd pick and choose whatever you felt like that day.

Right now, you're in a restaurant, and you're only allowed to pick from one menu, and there's a dress-code, and you have to register, and you have to stay in your seat, etc etc.