
Are Tomb Raider and Uncharted Too Similar?

"Curtis and I chat about the Uncharted and Tomb Raider franchises. We ask ourselves if they are too similar." -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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SeanScythe2748d ago

No one is awesome, fun, incredible story, action packed and graphically unmatched. The other is tomb raider....

Aloy-Boyfriend2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

I thought the reboot was awesome, fun, and graphically great. It was trying to hard to be Uncharted when it came to the action and the story was meh, but the gameplay made up for that.

Something doesn't feel right about RoTR to me. The game is just boring. Maybe I'm too spoiled by Uncharted and its charm and action. I'll have to give it another go. I stopped playing after the very first chapter when it launched on PS4.

Also I think I know the "issue" some people have with the shooting in Uncharted 4. In RoTR and the reboot for the matter, the shooting feels too casual with barely any recoil or gun feedback, while in Uncharted you have to hold the right stick to control the gun. Is that what some call "floaty" these days?

Hoffmann2748d ago

The reboot is like Tomb Raider for dummies. Not half as difficult as the games before it.

morganfell2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

Tomb Raider became far more like Uncharted with the reboot. Someone felt that drama was needed to make a great adventure game. This is really what hurt the Uncharted series for me. And note I said for me, as in the way I view the game. Certainly not for most people. They are happy with it. For me it became too serious, too much drama, and too little of the Die Hard 1 John McClane attitude. The difference between Uncharted and Uncharted 4 is as vast as the sea.

Tomb Raider used to be about exploration and amazing puzzles and it sold its soul to head into the same direction that lessened Uncharted for me.

Lennoxb632748d ago


You thought the past Tomb Raiders were difficult?

kraenk122748d ago

The story and especially Lara's character are pretty weak in the game. The gameplay isn't bad though.

2748d ago
Jon_Targaryen2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

You're joking right??? ROTR is awesome in every way of the word. I dont understand what you mean by charm Uncharted gives.. Do you mean Bromances??? ROTR did something better than UC4 and vice versa.

Plus all the UC4 plotholes kinda annoyed me...

bouzebbal2748d ago

speaking for myself only, i really dislikes the TR reboot. I loved running around exploring and solving puzzles in previous episodes it was so rewarding to reach next area.
I think I would have liked it if it was a new series with another name, and that they kept TR as it was.
Every Uncharted episode is a new standard in terms of visual fidelity, storytelling, acting anf of course gameplay that even his majesty Tomb Raider got inspired by it.
Tells a little bit about Uncharted impact on action games in general

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2748d ago
deafdani2748d ago

Fanboy alert, fanboy alert.

SeanScythe2748d ago

How so I own both games. I like Uncharted over tomb raider, the story is way better and characters are far more interesting. Not to mention the gameplay and graphics are polished to the best they can be.

robtion2748d ago

I still want to see a crossover game. Make it happen ND and CD.

Sion86262748d ago

Best Reply ive seen today lol

Orionsangel2748d ago

No, they're both awesome, depending on your taste. One has better story telling and acting. That would be Uncharted. Tomb Raider has better free roaming exploration where Uncharted is short burst of exploration and relies too heavily with sections of the game on rails. I personally enjoy both series. I like some things more about Uncharted and some things better about Tomb Raider. For example I enjoy the Bow and Arrow and hunting in Tomb Raider. You can't get that in Uncharted. I enjoy the humor in Uncharted. Tomb Raider is too serious.

Skuibbles2748d ago

Tomb Raider Trilogy was a great puzzle exploration game. Tomb Raider Reboot and Uncharted are two high-budget block-buster games with no real quality or substance (they're the MCU of video gaming.)

kraenk122748d ago

I assume you haven't played U4 then.

Kurdishcurse2748d ago

agreed. especially Uc. i mean this franchise has the worst enemy variety i have ever seen in a game. you litteraly fight just one thing with different clothes in the whole franchise. excluding the weird gorilla things in uc2 or 3. cant seem to remember since its so forgetable. tomb raider at the very least had wolves and bears for gods sake. uncharted is such a cheap and lazy game with its only saving grace being the acting and story. gameplay is horrible though.

badz1492748d ago

No real quality? Troll alert!

Skuibbles2747d ago

No I haven't played UC4 but that's beside the point. TR reboot came out before UC4, so if it's truly similar, then it'd be based on the first 3 installations. And both have no real substance to them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2747d ago
2748d ago
2748d ago
xTim_Kutta2748d ago

Well said buddy. TR is a joke.

deafdani2748d ago

And it's okay that you prefer one franchise to the other (I love the Uncharted games as well), but your post sort of implied that Tomb Raider sucks.

Kurdishcurse2748d ago

too bad both are a boring and cheap slog. but u know whats a fact? that without tomb raider, there would be no Uc. and facts dont change depending on how many dislikes this comment gets. unlike your insecure and naive comment.

Trekster_Gamer2748d ago


Spoken like a blind dumb ass fanboy

Tsar4ever012747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

I know THIS much, The TR reboot is Definitely inspired off the UC franchise. But also, it can be said that allot, if not all of the Uncharted series general "play mechanics" were influenced off the older TR series off Ps1/Ps2 era, with also some inspirations of "story telling" borrowed from movies like "Indiana Jones" and "Romancing the Stone".

But keeping simple, but stupid. UC and TR reboot has allot of general similarities

XanderZane2747d ago

Actually, both of them are awesome, fun and have a decent story. UC4 is probably physical better and more detailed, but both games aren't the same. They have differences, which make it worth owning both.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2747d ago
Thatguy-3102748d ago

Right now yes if Tomb raider stuck to its roots then that wouldn't be the case.

robtion2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

Both great franchises. I think there is room for both. It's kind of like saying are Battlefield and CoD too similar just because they are both in the military fps genre.

UltraNova2748d ago

BF and COD are far far more different than Uncharted and TR is right now. Crystal Dynamics made a more serious Uncharted clone with some added hunting elements and arcady shooting mechanics.

Can both exist as is? Yeah probably. Would it benefit TR to go back to its exploration and puzzle solving roots? Yes it would greatly.

I will get RotTR eventually because I've played every single TR game ever made and I m a big fun of the series. This is exactly why I dont like their new direction. They took something unique and made it into a clone, a worse quality one.

ThePope2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )


The ONLY way TR and UC are the same is that they are both 3rd person, and involve treasure hunting, and have a cinematic story. TR has passed UC in every way. Its an open world game with environment puzzles, weapon upgrades, and actual tombs to explore that offer even more puzzles, and crafting. UC has not one of those things. Yes they both have cover based systems, so do lots of games, and they both have....pistols? I mean seriously outside of the first two things I mentioned they couldn't be more different.

Whats sad to me is I think a lot of the comments on here wouldn't exist if the game didn't come out first on X1. I have both systems and have played every UC game and both the TR reboots. This last UC game was by far the weakest in the series (and by far the best graphics). So I can only assume it gets all the praise it does because of the graphics, nostalgia, or because people want to be able to say LOOK WHAT MY SYSTEM HAS!!! We should be asking for far more from ND and the UC series than a prettier game we played 10 years ago.

-Foxtrot2748d ago

I'll say it before you know who jumps in

Tomb Raider (original games) and even the second reboot (Legends/Underworld) felt like they were their own thing.

If you take away how old the games were along with the ancient graphics, old controls and pointy titties then you still had a fantastic third person platform-puzzle game with shooting elements. It was challenging as you had to watch your step the entire way looking out for deadly predators, booby traps and a variety of potential deathly hazards. The small wrong move while jumping a massive gap could end up killing you while being a few inches to the right could stop a massive boulder from rolling over you.

Uncharted was also a platforming game and he was a treasure hunter...however he was more of a thief. Those two things are the only things which really link the original Tomb Raider games and Uncharted together. Uncharted was more about bringing gamers a cinematic experience like those found in big action films which is why ND looked at something like Indiana Jones or the Mummy for inspiration. To say the original Tomb Raider games and Uncharted are exactly the same or that Tomb Raider has always been like what Uncharted has given us don't have a clue what they are talking about.

The reboot of Tomb Raider we've got now basically looked at the success of Uncharted and were like "lets do that...except we'll have small open world hubs instead of levels and small RPG elements". They even took small crafting thing from the Last of Us with the reboot sequel...and YES I know crafting wasn't created in the Last of Us it's a gameplay feature which has been around for decades but crafting a bomb in Rise of the Tomb Raider looks and feels like it was ripped from the Last of Us. It's a little transparent when they literally ripped off Uncharted in the first game.

I love Tomb Raider and the rebooted games are high quality games which are very well made but if they decided to slap a new new on those games I probably could enjoy them a lot more because that's what they are, it's a new IP using an old IP name to sell more units.

I really hope they do a third game and after that reboot it again with the original Lara Croft. I'd rather see a survival like games with her origin story in the Himalayas after a plane crash kills her parents and fiancée then what we got. I just don't get how they can sell the new reboot as a "survival" game then have regen health, it's like they were trying to be so much like Uncharted they even threw out of core Tomb Raider mechanic which would have added onto that survival element.

I just want Tomb Raider back...that's all, not RC Cola ̶U̶n̶c̶h̶a̶r̶t̶e̶d̶ Tomb Raider

Deadpooled2748d ago


How do you type words like that?

-Foxtrot2748d ago

Magic. No but seriously I got an add on for Firefox that does it. Can't remember where I got it.

I've never used it and saw the opportunity lol

darthv722748d ago

Well said. i can respect where both series came from / heading. I liked TR since it debuted on Saturn and been a fan ever since. when uncharted debuted, it was TR on a whole nother level. Good stuff either way.

-Foxtrot2748d ago

It was like ND took a genre LIKE Tomb Raider and as you've said took it to a whole other level.

However with the reboot Tomb Raider it's an almost copied and paste job.

That's the difference between the two.

While ND took inspiration from a variety of different things ranging from games and films to create this brand new experience for the gaming industry, Crystal Dynamics just looked at Uncharted and were like "lets do that", it was the main and almost only inspiration for them.

GNCFLYER2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

My thoughts exactly.

The original TR was one of my favs ever. Coming from 2d side scrollers to 3d it was my first. And I absolutely love the series.

Then ND came along and built a better one starring Nathan Drake (initials ND) and Sullivan.

Havent played the latest TR, waiting to open my pro and psvr since it's the ultimate experience.

starchild2748d ago


"While ND took inspiration from a variety of different things ranging from games and films to create this brand new experience for the gaming industry, Crystal Dynamics just looked at Uncharted and were like "lets do that", it was the main and almost only inspiration for them."

What you are saying is completely skewed. Uncharted borrowed quite a bit from Tomb Raider starting with the first game. So much so that it was nicknamed "dude raider". I'm not saying it was a copy, but people could clearly see the similarities and influence.

The Tomb Raider reboots helped to modernized the franchise, but the fact they became more cinematic had more to do with a general trend in gaming rather than anything specific to Uncharted. I do think that Uncharted did a fantastic job in that area and it definitely exerted a certain influence on the entire industry, including Tomb Raider, in terms of the quality of its presentation and cinematic storytelling. But, again, it was something already happening in the industry and a Tomb Raider reboot was almost certainly going to become more cinematic, regardless of whether Uncharted had existed or not. Uncharted just did it better than most and helped to raise the bar.

Tomb Raider and Uncharted have both been influenced by each other and by many other games. It's incredible to me that you can sit there and call Uncharted a "brand new experience" while making it sound like the modern Tomb Raider games are these terrible, highly derivative experiences. That's just so ridiculously biased and divorced from reality that it's hard to take you seriously.

-Foxtrot2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )


It was a new experience. How many cinematic games with full on mo cap acting and fantastic character development have you seen with great acting

It felt like a film and nothing was like it at the time. It was a brand new experience whether you like it or not

I would go on but like usual it sounds like you've spat your dummy out

Oh and hard to take me seriously compared to what you say most of the time. Pot calling kettle black huh

ThePope2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

Well said Starchild!


What Starchily said was articulate and completely spot on. But you did get him with "I would go on but like usual it sounds like you've spat your dummy out " well done you sure showed him!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2747d ago
robtion2748d ago

What did you think of TR: Underworld? Personally I really dug it and completed it a bunch of times. Definitely appreciated the less serious tone.

-Foxtrot2748d ago

I liked it but they had a lot of things I thought they would have improved on from Legends but never did.

The thing I hated about Legends and Underworld is that it tried to tell an on going story. It tried too hard in that department. It related to the first games villain, added a childhood friend like Amanda to give Lara a backstory, made it about her mother so we could try and find/save her. It felt too much.

It was a reboot and I think for the first game they should have just had a more simple story before going all on out on it. It's like they thought it was going to be a trilogy.

I do like the reveal trailer for Underworld though...if that counts for something ha.


robtion2748d ago


Yes I remember that trailer. I think the story was pretty weak but the gameplay was varied(I liked the diving), there was a lot of exploration, and the puzzles were good.

As I said, while I am still a big fan of the reboot I do think it has gone too heavy on the combat. Also not a fan of the new PC Lara. I prefer the fun/sexy Lara of old.

Deadpooled2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )


(Inb4 - No I won't give in, I won't give in
And I will defend, I will defend!

No I won't give in, I won't give in
And I will defend, I will defend
And I will do what I must!
No I won't give in, I won't give in
Until the end, until the end!

(Repeat x1000)

The following match is scheduled for one fall [ONE FALLLLLLL!] Entering the ring weighing in at 240 pounds the GLORIOUS one BOBBYYYY ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! )

The other is Tomb Raider.

demonddel2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

Nope Uncharted is more family friendly Tomb Raider is more hardcore and before you come for my neck Hardcores do love some Uncharted

SouljAx3602748d ago

Well, Tomb Raider is definitely more hardcore than Uncharted. I wouldn't exactly call Uncharted family friendly with all the hundreds of mercenaries Drake has killed.

demonddel2748d ago

It's more simple what I was trying to say something like GTAV and the call of duty games

2748d ago Replies(1)
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Sonic188199d ago (Edited 99d ago )

I do agree that Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness was the worse one 😂 I remember playing some of it and I took it back. That game was just awful in every way. I bought it used at gamestop and glad they had that 7 day return policy for used games 😂

Pyrofire9599d ago

Would it be worth saying why?

ZeekQuattro99d ago

Simple. He's been hating on the Tomb Raider reboots for years. I can't imagine seeing them at the top of a best TR game list let alone being on the list in general sitting well with him because of it.

-Foxtrot99d ago



No no, just pointing out how TR mutated into a generic action adventure game losing the appeal of what it once was when it was more about puzzles and platforming over going Rambo, slaughtering waves of enemies

But hey, continue being a dick and speaking about me like I’m not going to see the comment.

MeatyUrologist99d ago

Foxtrot, I'm curious if you have played the most recent games. Sure the 2013 reboot was hugely focused on combat, but each follow up became less and less about combat to the point where outside of a few large scale story missions I don't even remember combat being a part of shadow of the tomb raider. Shadow was so puzzle focused it actually was a bit much for me and I love the TR puzzles.

I still feel like Rise was the best of the series and I was a huge fan of the originals. To me it struck the perfect balance of exploration, platforming, puzzles, and combat. Not saying your opinion is wrong I'm just curious what you think they should have done different. Games do need to evolve somewhat to stay relevant. Would you prefer small linear jumping platform levels like the original?

RavenWolfx99d ago

I would agree Rise for 1 and the reboot as 2. Shadow is a bit high, though.

Sonic188199d ago (Edited 99d ago )

I think Shadow wasn't even develop by crystal dynamics. I thought it was the worse in the new trilogy

Pyrofire9599d ago

That's right. Shadow was developed by Eidos Montreal who who went and made Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy next. (Great game)
Meanwhile after Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics made Marvels Avengers. (bad game)

MeatyUrologist99d ago

Agrees. First two are correct but Shadow should be around 5-6.

terstomp99d ago

For me, Legend should be alot higher (along with the other two ). Shadow, I enjoyed it, but has too much has fluff, as modern games tend to do. Playing the remastered series, and apart from the controls, is very good.

jznrpg99d ago

I really enjoyed the first 2 games, Legend and the first of the reboots and the rest I didn’t get into so I never finished.

robtion99d ago

Completely subjective list. I really liked Underworld, I preferred Lara's design. That said I loved the horror/uncharted feel of the reboot. I think all the TR games have strengths and weaknesses. None are objectively better in every way.

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