
NBA 2KVR Experience - First Look Gameplay Footage (Direct-Feed PS4 PSVR)

A first look at the gameplay and game modes for NBA 2KVR Experience on PSVR.

ApocalypseShadow2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

Mmmm..I don't know. Looks weak and just an add on to sell NBA 2K. No motion control with move controllers. Or play something multiplayer like horse and the difficulty of making shots with motion control. Or half court 3 on 3.or this game

Just not seeing it. If it's a cash in, I'd rather have home run derby or pitcher challenge with baseball.

XanderZane2747d ago

This is just a cash grab. The game is so lame and way too easy from the looks of it. I got bored just watching. I'd rather play something like this without VR that actually required some real skill to win. I won't be wasting any money on this game.

2747d ago
GryestOfBluSkies2747d ago

any vr title with "experience" in the name should be free. $15 for this is a joke.

mafiahajeri2747d ago

The only way I could enjoy this is if I play it while high, on a serious note for first generation games the psvr isn't doing that bad at all, just wait until ND gets their hands on it!

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NBA 2KVR (PS4) Review – PlayStation LifeStyle

PSLS: "The NBA 2KVR Experience feels more like a proof of concept than a fleshed-out game, and that’s pretty disappointing. Visual Concepts show that they have some good ideas, and could make a more full-fledged offering, but this only touches the edges of what’s possible. It’s more of a tease than anything, which is good for a demo, not a paid product. It’s fun to play for 30 minutes, but don’t expect this to be something that will keep you coming back for more."

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ftwrthtx2729d ago

Disappointing and sounds like typical shovelware

ApocalypseShadow2729d ago

It is shovelware.

On oculus, you got a team trying to put you on the field, rink or court (end of video) https://m.youtube.com/watch...
At least they are trying.

And 2K is having gamers bouncing balls around targets. And NBA 2KVR allows motion control on oculus, but not PSVR. And third, Carnival Games from the same company (Take Two Interactive) allows motion control shooting on PSVR but not NBA 2KVR

Total trash.


Review: NBA 2KVR Experience – PS4/PSVR | Pure PlayStation

Pure PlayStation: I can maybe see hard-core NBA fans finding a modicum of fun here, but even then I think I'm letting my imagination get the best of me. It's a shame that it's turned out this way, really, because with some proper player interaction that didn't induce whiplash, I could actually see this one being a decent little party game

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ApocalypseShadow2746d ago (Edited 2746d ago )

No amount of syrup would make this turd taste good. Pure excrement cash grab with no thought in game mechanics or previous titles showing how it's done. Using L2 and R2 to shoot was a ridiculous move. Carnival games ported over from the Wii may be a lazy port, but at least they got shooting a basketball right. How is this
Any different than this from carnival games

How about multiplayer horse? How about practicing stationary shooting and passing drills? https://m.youtube.com/watch...
Practicing blocking shots in the paint
And you can mix and match different basketball players from different teams on the court.

NBA 2K has always been an awesome series but the VR version need an update with motion control because it's pure manure as it is. To give Vive owners the option but not PSVR owners was BS when it can be done.

2745d ago Replies(1)
kraenk122745d ago

That's a shame...if you can't do it right don't do it at all. Seems like some people just want to exploit big franchises. That Martian VR thing is horrible as well.


Is NBA 2KVR Experience on PS4 a Slam Dunk?

Push Square: "There are times in this industry where the press junket building up to a release is overblown – just take a look at The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV, for example – but NBA 2KVR Experience has gone in the opposite direction. Leaked on Trophy websites over the weekend, the 2K Sports published spin-off is out today – but is it any good?"

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2745d ago