
Guitar Hero vs. Rock Band: The Complete Breakdown

via TalkXbox.com- "With only one real full-band music game on the market last holiday, the competition between Guitar Hero III and Rock Band could hardly be called a true match-up. This fall, however, will finally see the two rhythm-based rivals battle it out on even ground, as Activision has brought the Guitar Hero franchise up to speed with Guitar Hero: World Tour's full-band complement. The recent news of peripheral harmony may have taken some of the edge off the prospect of choosing between these two titles, but what about people looking for their first band experience? Last year merely marked the rhythm genre's initial ascendance into the mainstream, so without a doubt more people than ever will be looking to jump in this holiday. That's why we're here, to settle all consumer confusion with a concise breakdown of what these games have to offer, and which is worth your money."

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Erasmus5745d ago

I'm buying Rock Band 2 over World Tour for sure. The gameplay of the Guitar Hero series has just gone to hell after Neversoft took over.

n9com5745d ago

If I had to pick, it would be Rock Band 2, but tbh i'd rather buy a real drum kit and learn to play it for real.

Inzipid5745d ago

This article glosses over GHs difficulty and custom music features in a thinly-veiled puff piece for RB2. Choose what you will, but GH is for music lovers, RB2 is for the 'pick up and play' karaoke set.

Erasmus5745d ago

I think I prefer that "pick up and play" nature myself, its just more accessible. Also keep in mind the real music lovers are playing real instruments.

n9com5745d ago

RB2 will do better overall

sa_nick5745d ago

I don't agree. GH will sell a lot because of it's brand name Harmonix created for it. RB2 sales will be great, but although the game will be superior, it's sales won't match that of GH

n9com5745d ago

all i know is 360 versions will be better ;)


5 Most Outrageous Near Impossible Gaming Achievements

The joy of achievements and trophies. You've got to love them. Here are five of the most outrageous, mischievously difficult, near impossible culprits.

InTheZoneAC2051d ago

Only recognized one game on the list, rock band

Sonicjp2051d ago

If you bought The Stanley Parable on release day you can unlock the "don't play for 5 years" achievement.

McMahonme72051d ago

Yea this one is annoying because it's time-dependent, but not impossible


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Those Were the Days - Legends of Rock

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SpamnJam2964d ago

Nice. I remember so many drunken nights with Guitar Hero and Rock Band. So much fun to be had.