
Rumour: Destiny 2 is heading to PC, and starts from scratch

It will be a whole new experience, and might make you leave your old characters behind.

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Goldby2809d ago

but but. bungie said we can take our characters past destiny 1. false adverts. LETS SUE THEM for that on top of no trading smh

dericb112809d ago

Why cant you still keep your character if they restart the game. Restarting the game and character transfers are completely different things.

Gh05t2809d ago

Because they are letting you know BEFORE you spend your money that plans changed with new game... See how that works.

Sevir2809d ago

Ok so this is confirmed! Bungie just launhed ROI and we know D2 is in development and untrack for release next year!, but ZERO details have released. As far as things are concerned Destiny's current system was based arounded the limitations of 512mb of ram... So that engine now that the PS3/XB360 has been dropped leaves the game to be overhauled in a major way using greater memory pools and a chance for some really awesome innovations for the franchise going forward... The system may be overhauled in its current form, but I still think the base structure of its pillars will stand, open world, looting, crucible, tight fps combat gearing up, etc... I say we just wait until we see whats going on when they announce it! They've got story threads to pick up on from both the Taken King and ROI to delve directly into, characters to make more meaningful and more lore to talk about.

It'd be criminal to just say screw it and throw out everything, They can certainly build on what it is and find away to make your progression have a meaningful starting point without throwing away your character from Year one.

in anycase, this just means Destiny 2 will be a bigger and better game especially with how much the game has improved since TTK till now. Bring on D2

godfire212809d ago

You will most likely get something based on the dedication you had for your previous character or you will most likely lose a good number of people who played destiny and did everything.

regardless, the fact they plan to make it a more lively game is very appealing and i feel bad for the pc destiny fans, so much cheating is going to happen lol

kevnb2809d ago

they must be more confident this time, publishers know pc gamers wont usually buy a game if it doesnt deliver (battlefront).

jdiggitty2809d ago

It is also part of their contract with Activision that was revealed in the O'donnell lawsuit

Allsystemgamer2809d ago

That's true. Out of all platforms PC players tend to vote with their wallets more.

Rob_Ko2809d ago

can't wait for some info about Destiny 2, I feel it's going to be amazing, and everything Destiny 1 was hyped and fail to achieve.


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