
Why 2017 Will Be The Strongest Year Yet For Sony And The PS4 Brand

"It’s no secret that Sony has been dominating this current console generation with the PS4 having sold over 40+ million units already."

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ShadowKnight2834d ago (Edited 2833d ago )

With so many exclusives like Horizon: Zero Dawn, God Of War, Days Gone, Death Standing, Nier, Ace Combat 7, Hellblade, and Detroit I'm not surprised. I hope Spider-Man comes out next year.

Kingthrash3602834d ago (Edited 2834d ago )

Yeah.. neo (updated games and new games running at a higher level) vr (this year but a ton of games will come next year), horizon, persona, ni no kuni, maybe gow, maybe spiderman, detroit, sons of anarchy looking zombie game (forgot name lol), and much more...it's gunna be big for sony.
MS too if scorpio turns out right. Nintendo too if NX turns out right...it's gunna be a big year for gaming as a whole.

ShadowKnight2834d ago (Edited 2833d ago )

Yes, it will be a great year for gaming in 2017 on all consoles including PC. Horizon, Zelda, and Star Citizen!!! :)

S2Killinit2833d ago

"sons of anarchy looking zombie game" lol yeah, Days Gone (:

I'm super excited for it as well.

morganfell2833d ago

As VR gains steam, Sony will be front and center with a ready made plug and play platform. PSVR is going to drive an even bigger year.

freshslicepizza2833d ago

well they are starting to get into the groove of the hardware and developers have had enough time to develop games now.

Bansai2833d ago

I swear I've read the same statements for 2015 and 2016, with full exclusive lists which got pushed and pushed...

GameNameFame2833d ago


Problem is Scorpio really isnt a console.

It has no exclusive games. It can play some of the PC games. Just like Steambox.

Neo has its exclusives.

BattleAxe2833d ago

Yep, every year is going to be Sony's strongest year...... With this whole VR thing that Sony is diving head first into, there's no guarantee that it's going to be anything more than a fad, and I think the same thing of Oculus and Vive. Some people won't be able to afford it, some people will get physically sick from it, and developers might not deliver the games needed for it to succeed.

As far as the exclusive games go, I would be cautious in my excitement. After all, look at No Mans Sky, The Order 1886, DriveClub, Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack. All of these were games that supposed to impress, but they didn't deliver. Out of all the exclusive that are coming up for Sony, I have a feeling that Days Gone and Detroit will disappoint the most.

The Last Guardian and Death Stranding could be good or bad, but I wouldn't get overly excited until we see the final product. I have high hopes for Horizon: Zero Dawn, but Guerrilla Games has no experience with this genre, and Killzone: Shadow Fall fell short in a big way, and it's a game that they should have nailed, especially for a new console launch.

God of War stands the best chance of being a great exclusive game, but if they simply drop Kratos into a new world as a new character, dropping his back-story as the Greek God of War, then I think that will take the series down a few notches in the eyes of the fans. If they do this, then they should have just created a new character all together.

2833d ago
UnHoly_One2833d ago

I'm super excited to see more of Horizon: Zero Dawn.

But I couldn't possibly be less interested in anything else that Sony has in the pipeline.

VR doesn't interest me any more than motion control games did, and I'm sick of the broody depressing stories Sony has been doing lately, so Days Gone doesn't do anything for me.

It's all about Horizon for me. And I have no problem waiting for it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2833d ago
DeeBeers2833d ago

Those games all look very sub par. Luckily multiplat will support playstation through 2017

Majin-vegeta2833d ago

Sub par???Lol Horizon alone looks better and more ambitious than any other IP from the competitors this gen.

Yui_Suzumiya2833d ago (Edited 2833d ago )

Those beers you make are bitter and subpar but you don't see me harping on about that :3

Roronoa04112833d ago

Yah not only will Sonys exclusives be amazing but they will also have the better multiplats in performance and sales so at least you were half right :)

S2Killinit2833d ago (Edited 2833d ago )

come back when xbone has a SINGLE game rated over 89 please.

hells_supernova2833d ago

At least there are games that are exclusive unlike the other box

ger23962833d ago

You again? C'mon bro, get a life.

Cuzzo632833d ago


I think you are in the wrong post... This is the Ps4 section... But I do agree with you... Xbone has nothing but multiplats to strive. Must be great... Glad I of a Ps4

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2833d ago (Edited 2833d ago )


Sony's studios always put out top tier gaming experiences such as Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Infamous SS, Driveclub (Minus the online issues that have been fixed since), and upcoming titles such as Spider - man, Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn. All of these games not only LOOK incredible, the gameplay is great as well.

As for the second part of your comment, for the last 5 months how many multiplatform games have been released? Also, how many of them were actually worth buying? If you're looking for a console that's only going to be supported by MULTIPLATS, you should look elsewhere since Nintendo and Sony will be the only console gaming companies releasing EXCLUSIVES.

Haru2833d ago

well imo all xbox exclusives are just old recicl3d trash like gears of war 4 for example but to each their own i guess

DeeBeers2833d ago

i dont think people like my comment =(

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2833d ago
NapalmSanctuary2833d ago (Edited 2833d ago )

I'm looking forward to AC7. After Assault Horizon and Infinity, I'm ready to play a real AC game without precanned maneuvers, On rails chase modes, and shitty resource based FTP models. I just wish they would make it so you could turn off high G turns in the options menu. Spider-man looks pretty interesting as well. I think Insomniac have a pretty good chance of knocking that one out the park.

Aenea2833d ago

Cue the Xbox fans who say the PS4 has no exclusives! :D

It's gonna be awesome no doubt!

Also waiting for lots more VR games in 2017!

(ohh! I heard a *pling* from my PS4, BF1 beta installed!)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2833d ago
S2Killinit2834d ago

Because every generation, Playstation systems keep getting better and better, year after year. Always the best electronics investment I make. Really get my money's worth. (as opposed to a 700 dollar smart phone; not even a competition)

Shubhendu_Singh2833d ago

From 2013 to 2016,
the amount and the variety of games PS4 had was unparalleled.
Not to mention games ran a little prettier and PS+ was only 50$.

Amazing how PS4 practically reigned over these 2.5 years, and STILL will up the ante with 2017 potentially being their one of the best year. GG Sony.

Rimeskeem2834d ago

GoW, Spiderman, Horizon, Detroit, Days Gone, Persona 5

Sucker Punch still needs to show something.

TGGJustin2833d ago

If we don't see it this year you'll see Sucker Punch's new game in 2017 for sure. Just don't expect it to be released.

ShadowKnight2833d ago (Edited 2833d ago )

PSX reveal this December. Maybe Naughty Dog will announce the Last of Us 2 or their next game.

rainslacker2833d ago

Man, forgot about Sucker Punch. Was expecting a Spider Man game from them with the rumors.

Geurilla has a second team as well which is supposedly working on something....although some suggest it's another Killzone.

Then of course, ND is working on something else as well...but likely wont see that for a couple years....although could be next year on the reveal.

Japan Studios could have another game in reserve, but we know a few games they are releasing this year and next.

Darkfist_Flames2833d ago

still hope they make one last Infamous game.

OB1Biker2833d ago

Im hoping to see Sucker Punch at PSM introducing Neo

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2833d ago
DarXyde2833d ago

Some fair points in the article. I also appreciate the very minimal discussion of the Xbox One here. It isn't about how it's going to do relative to competition, but what the PS4 offers itself. Plenty of great titles coming in next year. Best part: a lot of them are single player so if I decide to drop Plus, I won't be too greatly affected.

Sony can also kill the momentum going into next year depending on what we hear about the Slim and Neo. The Plus price hike is one notable strike. Let's see how the rest of the year plays out.

game4funz2833d ago

I'm really interested to know what will be releasing.... With release dates... After horizon.

DarXyde2833d ago (Edited 2833d ago )

Had to consult some lists to be sure.

Well, first of all, this year, we'll see God Eater 2, The Last Guardian, Kingdom Hearts II.8, and Gravity Rush 2. If you've played God Eater or Gravity Rush, you'd know they're solid titles. The Last Guardian comes from Team Ico and those games are creative fun that should also be treated as "works of art, experienced". It's the best way I can describe the experience. Kingdom Hearts needs no explanation.

Next year, if you import, Valkyria: Azure Revolution comes out in January if I recall. A month later, Persona 5 releases which is, personally, my most anticipated title of 2017. Horizon also hits that month and, beyond that, titles that are highly unlikely to be delayed include Hellblade, Tales of Berseria, Dragon Quest XI, and Nier. Exclusives aside, there's also Tekken 7 (Tekken VR if you want to treat that as exclusive), Rise of the Tomb Raider, Infinite Warfare, Dark Souls III DLC, Final Fantasy XV, and others that escape me releasing this year. Do I even need to list next year with a potential backlog this big already? In the first month, Resident Evil VII hits, followed by some pretty big exclusive titles in February, as I mentioned.

This, however, does not include anticipated VR titles (i.e., Gran Turismo Sport). Needless to say, it's going to be a very busy next many months.

You may not need a PlayStation to play all of these games, but you'll need a PlayStation to play ALL of these games. Understand what I'm saying?

I realize I didn't directly answer your question. You asked what games after Horizon: Zero Dawn have release dates. I responded to a question you were essentially asking: "how many games do you know for certain are coming out in the foreseeable future with a date?" The truth is, not many...but it doesn't matter. So much is already coming this year. Next year, there are a number of RPGs and RPG hybrids hitting, Horizon among them. Those alone are incredible time sinks. If you're still not getting through Final Fantasy XV, that is.

Lastly, you should know by now that release dates are arbitrary. They basically amount to when they planned for a release but it can be delayed any number of times. You'll probably dispute the quality of the titles I just mentioned. I can say with confidence the vast majority of these games will be well-received. You asked what's coming, so I answered.

So how'd I do? Did I adequately entertain your trolling?

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darthv723d ago

I like the Mega Man one more as it has a better variety of games. Strider, Carrier Airwing, Final fight... The other is all SF. Plus i like that i can pop in any of my evercade carts to play as well.

Garethvk3d ago

As long as it is durable; it's a deal.