
EA says Mass Effect remasters are ‘likely’

Following at interview at Gamescom with Game Informer, EA’s Patrick Söderlund has stated that Mass Effect remasters are likely, hopefully with the release of a trilogy collection for the new-gen systems and PC.

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2847d ago Replies(3)
ChrisW2847d ago

So do I... But I really don't like Origin. So I probably won't be getting it.

BlacKJesu52847d ago

I'm looking forward to the collection as I haven't played any and they'd be released together

lociefer2848d ago

ill buy it and play every dlc and side mission, but in my head, in the deep area where lost memories are just waiting to be found; i know the ending of me3 is just waiting for me at the end of the journey.

NarooN2847d ago

Loool that was my first thought. I'd be enjoying the whole journey but then be aware that ME3's ending is the only thing I can truly look forward to. The only way to avoid it being to just stop before you get to it.

cleft52847d ago

The ending wasnt that terrible to begin with. It wasnt what we wanted, people I dont inherently hate the ending.Either one of them.

neutralgamer19922847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

No sir it wasn't terrible but when the promise was all your choices will matter in the end than be given 3 options at the end

Don't make promised you can't keep

But I agree with you I didn't let that affect me in any major way

ChrisW2847d ago

I didn't hate the endings of ME3, but the final scene of the boy and grandpa looking up at the sky left me scratching my head and furrowing my brows. Their conversation made all of what happen seem like it could have been a children's bedtime story, which we all know it wasn't!

KakashiHotake2847d ago

Would't it be cool if as an added bonus they tweak the ending? surprise surprise lol

lociefer2847d ago

don't play with ppls emotions !!!11!

Mr-Dude2847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

Like the indoctrination theory?


Shubhendu_Singh2848d ago

Well I would love it.

But wait till EA remasters it, and still won't put entire DLC's into 60$ pack for that game.
There are still no version of Mass Effect 3 available where you can buy everything in under 60$. STILL.

ironcrow23862847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

So long as they.ll release all 3 and not just one or two like arkham or modern warfare are doing, then i say its about blooming time 😀

showtimefolks2847d ago

Activision could have or should have released modern warfare trilogy HD remaster and charge $60 for all 3 games with combined best 15-20 maps from all 3 games voted by fans

neutralgamer19922847d ago

day one buy ea please make sure all dlc on disk

better frame rate
a lot less loading screens
better graphics

ChrisW2847d ago

You're asking too much of EA to put all the DLC on disk. They'd lose money!

showtimefolks2847d ago

Lol I hope for once we get a full fledged package ea game

Less loading times. Remember those long loadings in mass effect1-2
60 frames per sounds locked
Other bugs and glitches fixed

Release this before the release of new mass effect to get newer fans to the series and get the existing fan base more hyped

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Thanks to their innovative approach to gaming, RPGs like Dark Souls, Final Fantasy VII, and Dragon Quest left a significant impact on the genre.

ApocalypseShadow382d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox381d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast381d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


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554d ago

Mass Effect N7 Day Teaser Decoded, Features Liara and the Geth

The Mass Effect N7 Day teaser has already been decoded, and it features Liara T'Soni talking about The Council, and The Geth can be heard too.

LordoftheCritics582d ago

Better not bring back Shepherd from the dead with some half assed space magic.

Snowb420582d ago

If you get your readiness level high enough in Mass Effect 3, *spoilers* you can see Shepard taking in a breath of air under some rubble. It would depend on whichever ending is canon.

581d ago
Fearmonkey581d ago

.....Search in youtube, mass effect shepard lives

MrVux000581d ago

Where is my ''Indoctrination Theory'' and ''Destroy'' ending gang at?

FPS_D3TH580d ago

I came here to say the indoctrination theory absolutely solidified the ending of this trilogy for me in the best way

Yui_Suzumiya580d ago

Guess you never played it then, lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 580d ago
rlow1581d ago

Yeah I saw that at the end of my play through as well. I think they will bring Shepard back….. or at least a mutant version turned villain. Lol