
Life is Strange - Mac Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

I am no stranger to episodic games that rely heavily on story and setting to pull a person in. Life is Strange has a lot of similarities to titles from Telltale Games or the King's Quest chapters, but it does enough interesting things of its own to stand out as a unique and generally enjoyable experience.

Immediately the art style really stood out to me. Perhaps in part due to the somewhat lackluster visuals of so many of the Telltale games. While not as distinctive as the style used in Blues & Bullets and not quite as attractive as those found in King's Quest, Life is Strange makes for a visually arresting title due to the quality of its painted visuals.


Life Is Strange Developer Has 5 Unannounced Games In The Pipeline

Life is Strange developer Don't Nod currently has five unannounced games in the pipeline.

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Stonilein74d ago

pls never let the devs cook again

helicoptergirl73d ago

This studio might be spreading themselves too thin.

anast73d ago

It's probably the same game broken into 5 episodes or just repurposed for each story.

ROCKY2873d ago

who gives a shyte - only the 1st one was good - wash rinse and repeat

ROCKY2873d ago

something isn't right with the balance of the force in the game industry
it won't be the crash of 1983 - but there will be some sort of reset !


Life is Strange Achieved 20 Million Players

Today Don't Nod Entertainment announced that the adventure game Life is Strange has achieved a new player count milestone.

gold_drake199d ago

the og is so good

didnt rly like 2 and the new one.

cthulhucultist198d ago

I found all LiS games to be very good.

Especially the first and True Colors.

Before the storm was also amazing as it tied up the story with 1 in a great way and mae you invested with previously unknown character.

I think LiS 2 was the weakest in the series but still a very good game

Knightofelemia198d ago

The game is a good game I enjoyed the first game I double platinumed it on PS3 and PS4. And Life is Strange Before the Storm I also enjoyed if it was on PS3 I would have bought it again because I enjoyed it. Life is Strange 2 for some reason I just can't get into it. And the newer Life is Strange game I have yet to play it.

vTuro24198d ago

This game was quite the experience. I had no idea it was this popular.

badz149198d ago

More than starfield? Must be a huge success. MS should buy these guys

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5 Cozy Fall Games to Get You Into the Autumn Spirit

Clara from GL writes: At long last, the leaves are starting to turn brown, the temperature is starting to cool, the boots are starting to come out of storage, and the pumpkin spice lattes are in everyone’s hands. Fall is here and it’s not a moment too soon.

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