
Pokemon GO Incense: How it Works and Best Usage Tips

Tired of not seeing many Pokemon in your area no matter how much walking around you do in Pokemon GO? Well, believe it or not, there’s actually something in the game you can use that will bring the creatures to you! It’s a nifty little item called Incense. In this article we talk about what this item is, what it does, and how to maximize it’s effectiveness.

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Eidolon2878d ago (Edited 2878d ago )

I don't think they drop from PokeStops, maybe the first one you find after reaching that level, but after that it's so rare (200 pokestops + and no drop).. so I'm thinking that first drop from a PokeStop was just a freebie.

Deadpooled2877d ago

You get them from leveling up most of the time.

Pego2878d ago

I have been looking everywhere for incenses without luck. 1 incense costs 80 coins, that's like $1, so yeah, I'll wait for Christmas because my mom doesn't have any money.

MatrixxGT2878d ago

I got an incense the first poke stop I visited but they never dropped afterwards. I get them occasionally when I level up though.

When I'm on the move Pokemon pop up so regularly it's not worth spending money on. I haven't spent a penny on it and don't plan to, but if I did I think the only item worth paying for are egg incubators.

Eidolon2878d ago

More for people trying to pull in the rares, it doesn't necessarily have to be a Pokemon in the area.

HallowedSoul12877d ago

I don't know how that works I had to rares nearby while using a incense and I could not catch them I felt like it wanted me to start trespassing. Pretty sure in Canada the nearby tracking is broken I've never once seen a nearby So annoying not have 3 foot priSos. So annoying just ant one cool pokemon. I'm not gunna waste time catching the same crap ratatas or pidgy over and over.

Eidolon2877d ago (Edited 2877d ago )

I don't think it's pulling the Pokemon near you, it's probably just based on region. I could be at home and it pulls a Pokemon every 5 minutes and sometimes one that wasn't even on the Nearby list. Mostly common ones populate the list at a given time.


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