
Old School Vs New School Gamers, Who's Better

I was born in the 80's and grew up playing consoles that if you asked kids these days if they have ever heard of them they would look at you like you were from a different planet. I like to think I grew up in an era where the video game industry was making its biggest gains and it shaped the way the video game industry is today. I will stand by this statement and say that my generation is the BEST gaming generation of all time! BOOOOYA!   Kids these days will not know the struggle of what we all went through. First off we all enjoyed playing outside before we sat down and played games. Yet we logged fewer hours in  gaming and managed to become gods of the gaming world.  As I got older and got into online gaming, we didn't have these lavish download speeds and high-speed internet. We had that lovely 56k modem set up where if someone picked up the phone your connection online was lost! Do you know how many times I raged while I was playing Counter-Strike on PC and my mom would pick

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TwoForce2885d ago

Well, it's depend who better. Old Gamer is much more experience than new gamer aka noob. But for me, I'm a hyprid gamer.

JROCKNXL2885d ago

you could be a new breed of gamer then?? lol

TwoForce2885d ago

I'm enjoy old game and new game.

JROCKNXL2885d ago

but us old gamers are more adaptable to gaming I think.

darthv722884d ago

Funny thing is there is an idea that being old means set in your ways...

In gaming, old means more open to things. Us old timers have experience playing the field and not staying tied down to one company because we know gaming is meant to be enjoyed on all fronts.

New gen gamers seem to be more closed minded, entitled and most of all just rude to other gamers who have a differing pov. No sense of appreciation or respect of the roots of things they take for granted.

2884d ago
raWfodog2884d ago

I also believe us older gamers don't get caught up in graphics debates as much as the younger generation. In general, of course, older gamers tend to be more concerned with gameplay over graphics, especially when you can have fun playing with two white lines batting a square ball back and forth across your screen (Pong for those who don't know). I have seen people criticizing games for having 'last-gen' graphics and I automatically think that they are teenagers or young adults.

nitus102884d ago


Basically, handhelds have predominately been Nintendo since the late 1980's.

As for multiple consoles, there was initially a two horse race with Nintendo and Sega competing from the mid-1980's to the mid-1990's so I am only talking about the NES verses the Sega Master System followed by the SNES versus the Sega MegaDrive (Genesis). It was only with the introduction of the Sony Playstation in December 1994 that we had three seriously competing consoles. Even going into the new minimum after Sega dropped out and Microsoft took over there were only three competing consoles for each generation.

I am aware that other gaming consoles did exist (eg. Neo Geo) however they could not serious compleat due to lack of support from developers.

rainslacker2883d ago

As an older gamer, I think I'm actually more impressed with just how far gaming has come since the old days. I won't state it as an absolute, but I have a greater appreciation for the games that actually have some sort of technical achievement than a lot of the "newer" gamers who often seem to only look at the graphics, or get too much into the marketing hype, and suddenly claim something is revolutionary because of those factors. I'm also more skeptical of the marketing hype...mostly because I've had so much of it disappoint me in the past.

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Segata2884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

Games are easier today. I don't think todays kids would do as well with Mega Man or Alex Kidd or Battletoads. We had to develop lightning fast reactions. We also got maybe 1-3 games in a year so replayed them a lot. I also doubt many kids would invest the time in a game like SMT or Dragon Quest where they are a really slow burn. Minecraft and mobile game don't use much in game design. I can easily play new and old. I don't need a tutorial,most games control similar to their types. I grew up into both.

Oh and that header image is old with PS1 controllers lol

WeAreLegion2884d ago

Today's kids still play those games.

Where do you people come up with this stuff?

mcstorm2884d ago

I agree. I am 32 and have a brother who is 24 and 18 and my 24 year old bro plays classic games with me all the time as I have an Amiga32, Mega drive & N64 to name a few but my brother who is 18 won't play them as he tells me they look pants and he can never win to which he hates. Give him a game like Cod and he loves it and is not bad at it but give him a game like Sensible soccer or the chaos engine and he can't do it.

USMC_POLICE2884d ago

I like both but my heart is always with PS1 and PS2. I think call of duty has ruined the new generation of gamers.

Kiwi662884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

I started gaming in the mid '70s so i'm gonna say old school as some new school gamers are more worried about their kill/death ratio in CoD instead of just enjoying the pastime

2884d ago
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