
Scorpio rising: Microsoft's plans for Xbox One and the future of video games

Xbox execs Phil Spencer, Mike Ybarra and Shannon Loftis talk about Xbox One S, Scorpio, virtual reality – and why diversity is central to modern gaming.

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Overload2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

What they are saying makes no sense. They say the reason they announced it is because they want developers to think of the vision they can create with Scorpio but then say there is no exclusives and it's really just for 4K, but then go on to say scaling is what developers are use to. Why announce it early then?

That makes no sense.

On top of that, the part about VR exclusives on Scorpio is painful and again makes no absolutely no sense. He pretty much says current systems aren't powerful enough for good VR and then the Guardian calls him out on the "no exclusives on Scorpio stuff" and he just gives a non answer saying we're committed to Xbox One gamers. All while downplaying VR, even though they announced it for Scorpio at E3.

Something is seriously wrong with this whole situation, none of it makes any sense and it honestly comes off as a bunch of lies.

Herbalistic2865d ago

Microsoft can't seem to put out a clear message when it comes to their Xbox brand and what it offers/represents

Bigpappy2865d ago

I kind of understand the anger. You want PS to have the most powerful console, but M$ comes out with a monster and you guys are scrabbling to come up with reasons why is bad, LOL. Should just let Sony know Neo is not powerful enough.

Kingthrash3602865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

The very last company I want to see lead gamers into the future of gaming is MS. They are the least committed company in gaming history.
Atari....all games
Nintendo top priority and biggest money maker...games
Sega....all games
Sony...hardware company whos life is now fully dependant the success of the playsation. ..
MS ...investors hate xbox, windows software is top priority xbox gets barley any support from a company with largely the most money.
They have all this money the the least 1st party studios (and shrinking) why in God's name would I want them ushering in the future of gaming, when gaming isn't their top priority or money maker?

Godmars2902865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )


No, gamers want games. MS talks about giving gamers games but rely on 3rd party.

The PS2 wasn't the most powerful system of its gen, yet went on to sell as it did because it had games. Offered consumer value with DVD movie playback.

Whereas the 360, MS's best try as succeeding with consoles, was touted as "easier to program for" yet still failed to gain the support of the PS3. Likewise despite coming on strong with media support, also have bad examples with the likes of Netflix. Something else the PS3 ran away with. Why? Because of the online initiative which pushed XBL Gold. MS just couldn't give value, they wanted people to keep paying them and that effected everything they did. Lead directly to what happened to the XB1.

Tech52865d ago

Microsoft and Sony's messages are simple with their upgrade consoles - provide more power to display their games. and the developers get to choose on how they use the extra power, be it 60fps, 4k gaming or otherwise. MS and Sony don't know how else to explain themselves because the choice is up to the developers. the developers then explain how they used the hardware, then sony and microsoft say "that's what they did with it". every developer may have a different use of the hardware.

DLConspiracy2864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

I'm fairly sure there is a lot more they cannot talk about right now. It's a long ways away from release.

@king thrash

You talk about companies that are "committed" and then bring up Sega? Don't get me wrong I love my Dreamcast but they gave up on that console and futures consoles after. Also, back when it was just Nintendo and Sega going to battle Nintendo was running the show and was in 1st place. Why would you (yourself) support anything in 2nd place. I just don't see it coming from you. If it's not popular you hate it and are perplexed with its existence. Even if it's making money.

Also as far as companies you want to see leading us into the future. We know that already. It's Playstation.

Kingthrash3602864d ago

What else did Sega do tho? What was Sega #1 priority? Gaming. They failed, yes and I didn't say I would rather have Sega ushering in the future of gaming...I used Sega as an example of a company whos main focus was/is gaming.
MS main focus is not gaming. Sure I'll take all the disagrees I'm getting but nobody here can say why I'm wrong.
It's like we all forgot what MS tried to do to console Gaming 3 years ago. Why trust them now? It's just beyond me.

Godmars2902864d ago


Sega's issue is that they were a once stable #2 against Nintendo, went from concerned to desperate when 3DO Lynx and the PS1 came into a then two console market, and upwards to the Dreamcast made themselves insolvent by choices made. Crapped the Saturn out while crapping on it. Revved up Dreamcast production expecting to only fill near empty back account then the PS2's introduction made sales stall.

Agree with you on MS. They're more about owning the road of the gaming/media market putting up as many tollbooths as they can come up with excuses for. They've always been about services and subscriptions, getting people online and using XBL, paying for Gold, and that's only reflected in the games they want on the Xbox. Nothing they've been directly involved with doesn't have an online component and such heavily influences game design.

They or their fans may tout the likes of Cuphead and Ori, but the thing is those titles likely wouldn't exist if MS's console market position were honestly stable. As is its only been outside revenue that's kept the Xbox division afloat.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2864d ago
christocolus2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )


Lmao. Stop spreading FUD bro and you should try reading that article again. Phil never downplayed VR gaming. He says he doesn't believe it to be the future of gaming and still believes traditional console gaming to be the best way to play but for those who enjoy and want VR on Xbox, Scorpio will support VR in high fidelity. Neogaf even has the same article posted on their site with bullet points highlighted and nothing similar to what you just posted was stated by Phil, Shannon or any other xbox exec during the interview.

Here is phils direct quote

“I will say, we’re very focused on console games and what console gamers want, and I see VR as something different,” he says. “Like, other people might try to say, ‘VR is the future of console gaming.’ I’m not saying that. I’m saying if you’re an Xbox One console gamer, we are so focused on making your experience the best experience you’ve ever had with the best lineup of games. We’re not getting distracted.”


This comment on Gaf says it best

“There's nothing in this article about not supporting VR. It seems they just aren't doing another Kinect type situation where their development budget goes into something else at the expense of traditional gaming”

Phil has been quite straightforward regarding his plans for the console.I agree the messaging was mixed up earlier(just after E3) but it's since been cleared up. I think you are trying to make a big deal out of nothing here and I'm actually not surprised. Lol


“Didn't Phil just a few months back say
he had no plans for an Xbox 1.5?”

Well scorpio is more of an Xbox One 4.0. Phil said he didn't want to do a marginal upgrade and as you can see Scorpio is definitely not a marginal upgrade.

Overload2865d ago Show
Sparta072865d ago

" phil has Been straightforward "
No he hasn't.

yeahright22865d ago

Didn't Phil just a few months back say he had no plans for an Xbox 1.5?

TheCommentator2865d ago

@ yeahright

I wouldn't call 6tf a .5 upgrade. I wouldn't call Scorpio an Xbox Two either. What Phil said contextually when he made that statement is that he didn't want the next iteration of the Xbox brand to be an incremental upgrade, which it is not.

Goldby2865d ago

"Phil has been quite straightforward regarding his plans for the console"

I wouldn't agree 100% with that,

He did after all say that he doesn't believe in timed exclusives, we first gave the benifit of the doubt thinking the Tomb Raider sequel deal was made before he stepped into his current position but then to do that again with Dead Rising 4 is another story.

He seems to say things people want to hear and then hope every forgets that after they have either A) purchased the game for Xbox or B)waited long enough for it to not be a "news"

darthv722865d ago Show
Kiwi662865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

Don't waste your time providing the full interview as it will just get ignored in favour of the twisted version because some people prefer to see the "real" version over what was actually said and once again there are going to be articles like there were weeks ago that say people are confused despite it being clarified already so why do people continue posting articles about the same thing again

JasonKCK2865d ago

Let's be honest Phil hasn't been clear to a select group of gamers and nothing more. It's what Fox News does to Obama. Make something simple confusing. Only it's not working.

rainslacker2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

So Phil is still off base, because no one is really saying VR is the future of console gaming. At least no one of consequence outside of forums.

Even Sony considers it a separate platform, and the PC offerings have never made any kind of mention that they seek to supplant traditional ways to play....so who exactly is he talking about that is trying to make the future of console gaming be VR focused or even a central aspect of it? I'm not sure if he's trying to imply Sony now has divided attention and that they want to make the future of consoles into VR, or if he really believes that people are going around saying that VR will be the future of console gaming.

The rest of the quote is OK except his penchant for going with the "best line up of games" mantra, which is highly subjective, and not really being shown off by MS right now on the platform. Their best line up looks much like their "what we've always had", and that isn't diversifying, it's relying too heavily on one thing.

The power of Scorpio isn't mutually related to the quality of their line up, although it could lead to better experiences of the games they do release. MS will need to bring more than they have to really sell the "better line up" PR line, and it hasn't really worked for them the past couple years, so maybe it's time he either deliver that better line up, or find a new marketing slogan.

Other than that, I don't disagree with the rest of your comment, except maybe overstating that it's not an X1.5, when it kind of is because MS has already made it clear that no gamer will be left behind, thus making it an Xbox 1. No matter what number one attributes to it, it's still just an iterative upgrade. If it's not that, then it's a misnamed next gen console with some new paradigms attached. Can't have it both ways where it's something else entirely.

Christopher2865d ago

***I wouldn't call 6tf a .5 upgrade. I wouldn't call Scorpio an Xbox Two either. What Phil said contextually when he made that statement is that he didn't want the next iteration of the Xbox brand to be an incremental upgrade, which it is not.***

I don't get this comment.

If it's not an incremental upgrade, then it is a new generation console.

If it's not a new generation console, then it is an incremental upgrade.

You can't have it both ways at once.

TheCommentator2865d ago

Chris, it is possible. It's simply a more powerful Xbox One.

•Scorpio has been talked about by MS as part of the Xbox One family of consoles, so it's not the Xbox Two.
•It's also kind of hard to call a system with nearly five times more processing power a .5 console, or an incremental upgrade.

LastcenuryRob2864d ago

Well said, but haters are going to hate.

yeahright22864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

So the scorpio, based on the replies here, it's so powerful that I should consider it an xbox 4, so the quote of Phil saying no interest in xbox 1.5 doesn't apply. while another says it's too powerful to be considered a 1.5 but not powerful enough to be considered an xbox 2.
Ask yourselves, if it was Shu saying he had no interest in a PS4.5, then announced PS scorpio, would you have the same opinion? I'd wager not.

yeahright22864d ago

@ the commentator:
"Chris, it is possible. It's simply a more powerful Xbox One.

•Scorpio has been talked about by MS as part of the Xbox One family of consoles, so it's not the Xbox Two.
•It's also kind of hard to call a system with nearly five times more processing power a .5 console, or an incremental upgrade. "

Not to be a douche, but I think you should look up the meaning of the word incremental. "it's simply a more powerful xbox one" is in fact, an incremental upgrade. You can't have your cake an eat it too. Either it's an incremental upgrade or it's a next gen system. Look, Phil lied, not the first time someone representing a business has done so. I think you guys just put him up on a little too high of a pedestal. Even when he blatantly says that he has no interest in a mid gen upgrade then announces a mid gen upgrade, you guys still can't just say "yeah Phil screwed up".

Bobafret2864d ago

Actually, Xbox 4.0 is a great name. It sounds like an upgrade and would effectively discard with multiple names for each new generation.

yeahright22864d ago

@boba it is pretty catchy. "xbox four point O" just rolls right off the tongue. Plus it'd be their 4th console, so stars aligned and all that. Only draw back is the same reason why they avoid using sequential numbers when naming their consoles, can't have an Xbox 3 sitting next to a ps4, sends a bad message to casuals. Shame though, sounds awesome.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2864d ago
2865d ago Replies(1)
BossBattle2865d ago

It makes sense to me since I'm a future purchaser.

Lighter92865d ago Show
XanderZane2865d ago

Makes sense to me to. The only people it doesn't seem to make sense to are the gamers who have no intentions on ever buying anything XBox in their entire life. Of course it won't make sense to them.

BossBattle2865d ago Show
rainslacker2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

I"m a PS fan, and MS plans make perfect sense to me, and I really don't take much issue with them at all.

The only thing I criticize is the mid gen upgrade, but that criticism I don't hold exclusive to MS.

I do criticize Phil on his quotes though, because I find him to be somewhat misdirecting or misleading in how he presents them as if other companies have different interests, or MS is the only company that has this new way of thinking on how to proceed. At least in the console realm. I also feel he's too dismissive of other technologies where others are ahead of MS on....namely VR. He basically says it's there for those that want it, but we don't really see it as that important. That doesn't instill me with a lot of faith for MS to pursue VR with any fervor and makes it hard for me to understand how they intend to deliver the best experience when they seem to have little interest in the tech.

On top of that, I'm tired of the "Best line up" marketing line, because I feel it's too hyperbolic I'm willing to accept it as a marketing slogan, and not really delve deep into if it's true or not, but for what he's saying here, he's injecting this marketing line into an actual discussion of how MS plans to proceed, and it detracts from what he's trying to say, making the whole thing seem like just some canned marketing response, instead of an insightful look into MS future plans.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2865d ago
Aenea2865d ago

Nah, I do believe there are people at MS's Xbox division who have a clear idea of what they want and how to get there, but lately I really do have this feeling that many people there also don't really know for sure what that is or think they know what it is. They should bring the PR department up to speed on this, hammer it in and let them create a consistent message.

Why do I say this? Because past half year, year (?) I feel they've been having to explain themselves afterwards ("What Phil meant by....") way too many times as things seem to have been unclear.

Though, the VR on Scorpio situation seems a no brainer to me, indeed, no exclusives on Scorpio EXCEPT when it comes to VR games since the regular Xbox One can't do VR.

S2Killinit2865d ago

I agree, except that MS's PR department is more than up to speed. In fact they are doing exactly what they are supposed to which is to confuse the message. I mean, you can't expect them to go up and say:

"We know its only been 3 years since Xbox one but we are making a new console and it will have VR exclusives, but don't worry, because it will be backward compatible."

someone might ask, "wait a minute, are you saying my Xbox one is an obsolete model in that I can't enjoy the same things that newer xbox owners can enjoy? I mean, its only been 3 years, I figured I would get more bang for my buck here, that's why I bought a console".

See the issue.

S2Killinit2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

The reason their messeging is so convoluted is because there are things they would rather not say. For instance they say no exclusives for scorpio but since it will have VR and other xbox ones wont, its a false statement. They play down VR because they are behind schedule and are hustling to offer a VR option, in the meantime they have to act as if VR isnt significant.

The truth is, Scorpio is really the xbox two, with its own exclusives, abd backward compatibility. In fact the whole console industry is moving towards a streamlined transition to new generations where the older "models" will be supported in that manufacturers will allow developers to make games for all current and past consoles (in fact they demand it). But MS is facing a delima: their current gen console are incompatible with VR, which means they are announcing a new console only 3 years after xbox one which will not share VR games with older models. That is why they have to confuse the messege of Scorpio so the xbox one purchesers dont get pissed off. I mean, think about it, wouldnt consumers normally be pissed off if a new console was announced after 3 years?

joeorc2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

Good point let's ask a good Question:
Is VR on the Xbox one Scorpio usable with the Xbox one S?

If that Answer is No...than take notice as soon as Xbox one S releases; the current Xbox one is being phased out.
So the Xbox one S will be the only Xbox one model until the Xbox one Scorpio.

How long after Xbox one Scorpio releases does Microsoft wait to discontinue it's Xbox one S?

Not saying Microsoft would do it that Soon' but one does have to wonder with Microsoft actions , do they really need the Xbox one S after Xbox one scorpio releases.

In my opinion Microsoft has proven time and time again they are a one single console company at a time company.

Think about it..with Microsoft really only strong regions only being the UK and north American regions for their Xbox platform it to me would make sense to stick to that formula due to not being able to grow the Xbox platform past those two regions in significant numbers.

PunisherRevenge2865d ago

Lol....the Scorpio is not the Xbox 2 Microsoft has already clarified this. It is still part of the Xbox one family and ecosystem. Also there is no proof that they are behind schedule. They are not confusing the message its just most people and some on this site are to slow to comprehend what is being said. Then you say people will be pissed after anouncing a new console after three years?....No they won't. Microsoft is giving them a year and a half and by the time Scorpio comes out it will be 4 years. Which is about the same amount of time console cycles use to be. y'all need to stop trying to spread misinformation.

S2Killinit2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

I have one question, do you take everything at face value?

They told you its not xbox two so you take it as that. I just gave you the reason why its really xbox two. But its not the name that matters, its what it actually is, that makes it the next xbox.

The whole point is: MS's contradictory messeging is expected considering the situation they are in. Which in your case seems to have been successful. (Not that its a bad thing)

donthate2865d ago Show
Muzikguy2865d ago

I completely agree with this. When we stand back and look at what's going on this is the picture that I get as well. Unclear messages that cover every angle so you're not getting the people angry except for the ones that are seeing what's going on

jb2272865d ago Show
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2865d ago
christocolus2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )


“Why announce it early then?”

Stop being narrow minded... Carrying devs along isn't the only reason. Would it be fair to have xbox fans shell out cash for Xbox One S in August 2016 and then have MS announce a more powerful upgrade 9 months after? It's basically a matter of choice and carrying their consumers along. xbox fans can make a more calculated deceision. Those interested in scorpio won't have to shell out cash for xbox one S next month. They will just wait for the more powerful upgrade. Those who can't wait for scorpio will buy the Xbox One S and those who can afford both will get both. Is that difficult to understand?

You straight up read an article and tried to twist the comments made by an xbox exec into something else. It is something you do a lot. Phil never downplayed VR and the messaging regarding scorpio has since been cleared up and Xbox fans who are genuinely interested in getting a Scorpio have no issues with it. The messaging has been pretty clear of late.
- Xbox one games will play across Xbx One S and Scorpio.
- Scorpio will support high fidelity VR
- It will deliver 4k gaming but devs have the option to use the power as they see fit.
- It will be forward and backward compatible
-All Xbox One gaming devices will be compatible with Scorpio

It isn't that difficult to understand or do you have an agenda?
what more do you need to know?

Its quite obvious that many here making the most noise about the messaging aren't even xbox or MS fans. Lol

j15reed2865d ago

That is the main reason Xbox needs to keep clarifying and you see so many of these articles, because people act like what they are saying is hard to comprehend. On the exclusives for the new systems I can understand if they are not 100% confident on that front because at the end of the day it will be up to the developers.

gangsta_red2865d ago

Seems pretty straightforward to me. And even still...who cares, we here to play games...video games. So funny to read comments that suggest there's some kind of conspiracy going on.

rainslacker2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

Just as an aside, because I do believe Overload went too far in his comment, isn't it out of the ordinary that MS seems to have to keep clarifying themselves? I mean, I know rival fan boys can twist words and whatever at any given quote, but most of what I've seen before clarifications is usually using their words in the context in which they seem to be made.....and yes, i'm willing to admit the extreme interpretations do exist, but lets keep it more general for the purpose of discussion.

This isn't a new thing with the Scorpio, but has been going on with MS since before this gen started. They seem to announce one thing, and then have to clarify it for their message to make sense. not that the clarification is much different than the original, but it brings added information for it to actually relate to the consumer. I find it hard to believe that it's fan boys confusing the message for the vast majority. It seems much more logical that MS is just not delivering their message right the first time.

I mean, with their BC announcement, they were crystal clear on how it would work at the announcement. There was no FUD going around, and the only fan boy arguments were on how it didn't matter or some other such nonsense. Nothing about the actual implementation or MS intentions with it were misconstrued. Whereas with many of their other messages, their context has to be guessed at. If context can be misconstrued so easily, so often, then it's more logical that MS is sending their message poorly, and that's why they need to clarify.

When it comes to the Xbox fans, I see them making their own assumptions based on these same quotes you claim Sony fan boys are misrepresenting, because some of those assumptions can't be extrapolated as 100% accurate based on the quote that was made.

What it boils down to is this.

If MS message is so clear, why are they going to such great lengths to clarify everything to the Sony fan boys? I have never seen any other company do such a thing. It's not like Sony comes in and corrects Xbox fan boys FUD when it comes up. If the Xbox fans are so clear on the message, shouldn't the bulk of the media also be clear on the message and relay it properly? So who is MS trying to convince or clear things up for?

mhunterjr2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

I don't think it's lies... More people are just too stupid to use common sense.

The Xbox one does not have the horsepower to run VR. The Scorpio does. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that the Xbox one won't be able run VR games that the Scorpio will. THIS doesn't mean that Games will be exclusive to Scorpio, just that VR functionality will be. Don't expect ANY games that are Scorpio VR-Only.

As far as announcing early, isn't it better than announcing later? That way developers can plan to have dynamic scaling in their pipeline. Why should any consumer ever complain about getting information in advance?

krypt19832865d ago Show
donthate2865d ago


I don't think there is much "sense" there, regardless of what MS says to some fanatical people.

To everyone else it is clear as daylight. MS has prepared for both backwards and forwards compatibility, and prepared themselves to benefit from PC market and themselves support PC market to gamers delight. This is shown by the fact of the Xbox One's OS design with VM, it is again shown with Xbox 360 BC and it is shown again with Xbox roadmap.

qwerty6762865d ago

@overload You're literally trying to make this more confusing then it actually is. They announced it early for a couple reasons.

First, it already leaked, so they would have had to dodge questions and use pr spin for the next year in every interview.

Second, now that it's public and not internet speculation there's no more worrying about "which devs are going to spill the beans and which aren't" now you can just talk freely to all instead of a few "trusted" devs who you know aren't going to leak your specs. This means more scorpio speced games will come out sooner and be better optimized.

Third, think if they announce the xbox one s this year and then next year announce another system? People would be pretty pissed i'd say. Microsoft is announcing another system just a year later. This way it gives people choice so they aren't upset when the scorpio because Microsoft told people up front.

Fourth, the ps4 neo was probaby going to be announced this year and microsoft didn't want sony to steal away even more market/mindshare with new hardware. At least this way when neo is launched the scorpio will be directly compared to it and people might hold off for that instead.

omegaheat2865d ago Show
Christopher2865d ago

Q: Why announce it?
A: To build hype.

Mission accomplished.

Q: Are VR exclusives on Scorpio painful?
A: No more or less so than VR exclusives on PS4.

No issue detected.

Q: Does this come off as a bunch of lies?
A: No, just a poorly presented initial message that MS is known for. But, no lies.

It's not like we're dealing with "we can't flip a switch" level of comments here, or anything close to it.

Godmars2902865d ago

Its advertising: it doesn't have to make sense. It just has to appear to have sold product.

game4funz2864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

No lies no confusion. Its all in your head.
VR isnt really possible very well with current systems and that is no lie. At least not without sacrificing certain parts of a game. That is most likely the reason ps neo is coming out.

And phil has had to come out to clarify stupidity because of certain people blowing things out of proportion and making stuff up. its like if phil says 1+1 is 2 and people go around saying he said 3. Then phil has to come out and say no. you idiots. I said 2.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2864d ago
christocolus2865d ago

“From this summer’s update, PC titles like League of Legends, Dota and XCOM 2 are coming to Xbox Live and will have hubs on the console.”

This is news to me. Are these games coming to console?

OC_MurphysLaw2865d ago

Well...I knew Xcom 2 was coming but League of Legends and Dota are 2 games I had not heard about. I would think both those games would be looking to use the KB/M support MS is rolling out....but then again, maybe they will have gamepad support? Either way... I think a game like League of Legends is long overdue for console. Always struck me as a kind of game that would translate well to console.

onisama2865d ago

yeah i think so and i hope so but i hope i can play my pc account i spent lot on skins and play time i dont want to start from 0

s45gr322864d ago

Is a hub for socialization not the game coming to xbox one lol

s45gr322864d ago

Nope, is basically able to socialize with the communities of those games.

OC_MurphysLaw2864d ago

Yeah, seems like that is actually what League and Dota will be doing but ... I will say something like League seems like it could be good on console.

ScorpiusX2865d ago ShowReplies(3)
joeorc2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

[The seven-year cycle is dead
What’s clear is that the old console model – the seven-year cycle – is dead for Microsoft and Sony. PlayStation Neo will do some of the same stuff as Xbox One S, bringing HDR and 4K compatibility as well as other tweaks – this is all happening halfway through the normal lifespan. Ybarra is unambiguous about where the inspiration for this tick-tock approach comes from]

We know exactly where it comes from...the Media!

Here is the next Part:
[“In the phone market, people are more used to upgrading fast and wanting the latest of everything,” he says. “But with phones, your new apps had better work on that phone and the next one. According to what they’re telling us, the consumer expectation is: games and apps had better work even if I upgrade. We’re looking at the console business and asking how do we provide that choice to users? It resonates with them because other devices are doing that.”]

So let me get this straight, no different than the PC market.. a new hardware comes out ; again development moves to that new hardware and does not continue to take advantage of the previous hardware.

I mean the best example of this is UWP and the standard PC development studios building games and or apps but again does not take advantage of the hardware.

Microsoft's release Xbox one S and discontinue the current Xbox one.

Sony releases Neo and the current PS4 will sit right next to the Neo.

Microsoft discontinued xbox360, Sony still produces the PS3 and continued support for the PS3.

Key point is this claim:

[The seven-year cycle is dead
What’s clear is that the old console model – the seven-year cycle – is dead for Microsoft and Sony]

No look at above at the actions of each company. And you can see which of the two want the 7 year console cycle to go away.
Hint: It is not Sony.
Sony like the ,7 to 10 year support cycle.

Again I see the disagreement, on what the actions of the companies themselves has done.

The xbox360 has now been discontinued, while the PS3 has not..those are indeed facts.

So again the disagreement is of course valid for yourselves, but at least come up with a reason to claim something that is factual is not true.

Manic20142865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

[The seven-year cycle is dead
What’s clear is that the old console model – the seven-year cycle – is dead for Microsoft and Sony]

"No look at above at the actions of each company. And you can see which of the two want the 7 year console cycle to go away.
Hint: It is not Sony.
Sony like the ,7 to 10 year support cycle"

Sure about that? I wouldn't believe every word Sony say's, if they loved the traditional cycle why would they be releasing Neo? As far as I'm concerned the PS4 is not underpowered, I mean look at UC4. Sony's action's says it all, same for MS.

joeorc2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

It is not just about believing every .thing a company says..its going with their actions.
Sony even made it a point and had direct past investment into making a hometheatre playstation Console investment.

PS3 was sold in the Home theatre section in brick and mortar stores while the whole time in its 3rd year it is being sold in the toy section in electronics game console sections.

Sony is making every Playstation living room console starting with the PS3 as a cord cutting cable box and DVR for over the internet live TV streaming.
Here is a real solid point.

Home theatre Playstation investment Has always come after the initial release of its console release. Why would you not expect this to be any different.

4K UHD blu-ray disc playing would of course have to be added..Sony with the PS3 last cycle was lambasted for high price' or Blu-ray was not needed and DVD was good enough..now Microsoft is Using 4k UHD as a selling point for the Xbox one S.

So you do not think Sony who has shown their direct investment's in the past to Home Theatre market to just step a side and let Microsoft be the only one to have a 4k UHD built in player in their console?

You may not see that point; but Sony has shown time and again in the living room where they apply their directions in straight forward terms.. that is pretty straight forward due to their actions.. not just words.

donthate2865d ago

MS discontinues Xbox 360, but introduced BC on XB1.

PS4 doesn't have BC, discontinued BC on PS3 and is pushing PS Now and cutting you out of great services like EA Access. Sony left PS Vita to die, same with PSP Go, and PS TV.

joeorc2865d ago (Edited 2865d ago )

@donthate41m ago
[MS discontinues Xbox 360, but introduced BC on XB1]

And again how does that help the xbox360 maintain its viability longer in the market?
.I mean many in here states how xbox360 was such a success and how the Xbox one is selling faster than the previous Xbox 360..so why discontinue the xbox360 or the 1st xbox one if it stole all that market share and mind share off of Sony system's ? If Both the Xbox 360 and Xbox one is if its selling so well why discontinue such great selling systems?

[PS4 doesn't have BC, discontinued BC on PS3 and is pushing PS Now and cutting you out of great services like EA Access. ]

Let's see' the PS3 ,& its cell processes cannot easily be emulated nor is that chip cheap to add into the PS4 on a hardware level. So at least Sony is still supporting the PS3 even now getting games to the system and will continue to do so.

[Sony left PS Vita to die, same with PSP Go, and PS TV.]

In the region where surprise very few consumers care to support the system. While in japan and asia Sony continue to support the platform And even still new PlayStation Vita games are still released every month. Which Is more than could be said of the xbox 360.

You trying to claim Sony does not support their platforms is very narrow minded about the reality and the reality is still even after the claim PSVita is dead after 4years +, in the west its still being supported , but yet what many gamers in the west that claim Sony just left the PSVita to die..well if getting new games every month is letting the system to die.
What do you want to call the xbox360's support cycle or the very 1st Xbox..

I'm sorry but Microsoft has shown exactly what their support cycle exactly means from their 1st party & 2nd and 3rd for their xbox brand ..at least
We have seen Sony get exclusive games 1st ' 2nd & 3rd party released well after the new system releases into the market..

Now PS4
Sony vs Microsoft's support for each platform there is no contest. between what Microsoft considers support and what Shiny considers support in the game console market.

rainslacker2865d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

The 7 year cycle was never the norm to begin with. A 5-6 year cycle is more typical, with 6 being the longer generations.

Sony saying it will have a 10 year generation back with the PS3, was more about how long they would continue to support the system than it was about how long a cycle should last. They have a proven track record of giving at least 10 years to the PS1 and PS2, and PS3 is quickly approaching that 10 year mark.

I don't think Sony is opposed to shorter cycles if they continue to simply use upgraded components of similar design due to the lowered R&D costs involved, but to say Sony isn't also looking at moving console generations along faster is a bit misrepresentative, because they indeed are doing just that. I do think they will continue to support the OGPS4 longer than MS will support the OGX1 or X1S though....at least from a forced compliance outlook, and that's simply based on how quickly MS drops support for it's consoles, and many of their other products when they have something new they want to push.

It's hard to say if itterative consoles will be a thing going forward though, because for the most part, game design can't keep up, and the wall of graphical improvements will be hit pretty soon to the point where the upgrades are barely noticeable. Outside the 4K bump, we're practically at the point of real time photo-realistic graphics maybe within a few more GPU generations.

As far as MS with the OGXbox, NVidia kind of forced their hand on that one. Granted, they could have had the software support a bit longer, but I would not blame MS for dropping the hardware, because they would of ended up taking a loss or have to raise the price of the system to keep it on the market. Two things that shouldn't be expected of them, nor be accepted with price increase.


To be more fair, we're talking home consoles here. The average life span of handhelds has been 4-5 years. The PSP was supported for longer than any other handheld and still gets updates. The Vita lost it's heavy support in the western markets after 3 or so years, but is still being supported today with software releases and updates, nothing major, but it's there. The PSP Go had no consumer support, and was just a failed experiment to begin with, but to this day it is still perfectly usable and receives the same updates as the PSP does. PSTV lost it's support the same time the Vita did, and and still gets new game support. It was another experiment which didn't really go anywhere.

donthate2864d ago

To be fair, Sony has a track record of "supporting" platforms by letting them die, like PSP Go, PS Vita and PS TV.

LastcenuryRob2864d ago

Money is the only thing that talks and I can guarantee you that the PS3 doesn't make a lot of it these days.

joeorc2864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

But yet its still being sold on the market, now the PS3 also acts a playstation Vue cable TV box and has Still gets new games that are PS3 & Psvita Legacy shared games..
So if it is not making very much money..why keep it around?

There is the fact through playstation Vue, it can with Vue alone the PS3's can even generate a monthly subscription service of PlayStation + or even Playstation Vue by mainly TV watchers that may want to cut their cable TV bill.
Sony now have made the PS3 still viable to keep under the TV even though many developers are mainly developing for the PS4, it still as a system for usage.

That same thing could not be said for the xbox360.

game4funz2864d ago

Xbox 360 released before the ps3.
You want to talk about life cycles but forget when each was released. Yes 360 is over but it also started earlier. it launched in 2005 i think. That would make it a 10 year support cycle. we now have 360 Backward compat which continues to show support for games in those systems.

Dont ask us to look at incomplete set of actions.

Right now
Xbox one has bc, controller lab, xbox slim, xbox scorpio, keyboard and mouse support coming, constant updates to OS. The support is there.

Onto the other side.
Pretty much the same only without Backward compat support for earlier games opting to instead make you pay.
PSvita....no support. In fact only insults thrown at it at ps experience. I've been meaning to get a vita but have been hesitant since you never know with Sony if theyll suddenly pull the plug like with Vita TV.

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2865d ago
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Xbox President Sarah Bond's Bloomberg Interview Is Corporate Fakery At Its Best

Saad from eXputer: "After Arkane Austin & Tango were shutdown, Xbox President Sarah Bond spoke with Bloomberg in what I believe to be utter corporate fakery."

gold_drake1d 16h ago

im not really surprised by that, shes always been more a "let me talk about something else than what u want to know" kinda gal

Cacabunga1d 8h ago

If what they are doing is that good, what’s the point of hiding the true story?

anast1d 13h ago

She's a caricature of the shareholders.

PRIMORDUS1d 11h ago

"Shareholders" I call them cancer, they are already rich to begin with but need more and more. It's like a disease, with no cure.

__y2jb19h ago

If you have a pension then you are likely to be a shareholder in these big tech companies yourself. To demonize them as 'heartless rich people' shows you have no idea what you're talking about.

anast17h ago(Edited 17h ago)


Of course, it isn't about that. You are attempting to set up a self-righteous strawman to stir up some kind of ignorant mob mentality.

And by the way, most everyone is a touch heartless or we wouldn't be able to consume the products we do knowing very well how they are made. People have to be this way because of self-preservation and convenience.

__y2jb15h ago

@anast please explain to me how what i said is self righteous or a strawman. I simply pointed out that categorizing all shareholders as cancer is ridiculous.

Leeroyw1d 8h ago

I own shares in game companies. I'm not anything near a major share holder. I just want them to make good games and be successful because of that. I think it's the senior management that's the problem. They are the ones that should be making it clear to the shareholders what creates growth and ensures a future of their business. Not this weasle words garbage that she did on the interview. It was horrific. I don't know a shareholder that would be happy with any of them for this.

Profchaos1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Same and I'm not rich by any stretch like most people's I'm just trying to keep my head above water these days most company's shareholders are made up of everyday people it's amazing how companies think we want something but the reality is we don't.

Disney are probably the worse at the moment it's shareholders voted on ending a lot of the crap and outing the current execs the execs turned around and said no we disagree with the shareholder vote

PRIMORDUS1d 2h ago

I meant at the rich fucks who have millions in the bank already. They are making so much per year, that if they don't make what they are expecting they go into a panic, when in reality it will not even hurt them at all. Those are greedy assholes.

anast18h ago

"you have a pension then you are likely to be a shareholder"

Pensioners don't make any decisions about anything. Obviously that is not what this is about.

CrimsonWing691d 12h ago

Yea, it was and it’s insulting that they think we’re dumb enough to fall for this. Look, the truth was you took a gamble on these studios and while they released some games to critical praise and great reception they just aren’t bringing in a ROI. Be transparent, you’re not a politician.

Just tell everyone you spend money on projects big and small and when money isn’t being made you go over the potential of revenue a studio can bring in vs those that can’t and make the hard decision to chop them.

She says this whole thing about “success” doesn’t fit one meaning for each studio. Well yea, a small budget production isn’t going to expect to sell the same as a large budget production.

One thing I wish they did though was let Tango be an independent studio.

TheGamingHounds1d 12h ago

disheartening to see no regard for the human cost of business anymore
the bad decisions and judgements of these CEOs severely impact the frontliners
these fake responses are just salt on wounds

RoadRacer1d 12h ago

imagine havin the audacity to say "we need more games like hifi rush" right after closing the studio that made it lol
followin up with this show of "deflecting every question" was in poor taste

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