
Which of this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 7th June 2016

Neil writes "After a disappointing Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale last time round, this week's bargains are now in place. Whilst there aren't a huge amount of discounts for either Xbox One or Xbox 360 owners to get excited about, those looking for a sports title will be more than happy. Whether you should be looking for a sports title right now, when the newer versions will soon be dropping though is completely up to you."

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oKidUKo2924d ago

A pretty dire weekly sale when Fast & Furious Showdown is the best of the bunch.

TechRaptor1081d ago

That's a lot of Fast and Furious games

Relientk771080d ago

I'm looking at the tags for this article and almost wanna report it for tag spam haha

32froshes1080d ago

I totally felt that way when setting it up, haha

CYALTR1080d ago

I really wish they would release a DECENT Fast and the Furious game for consoles. It seems like a natural fit and instant brand awareness. The latest one looks like a train wreck. With all of the F and F money, you'd think they would invest a little of it into a real game.

Amplitude1080d ago

I beat the first game in 2 nights and it was fun. I got stoned as all hell though. Just completely fried. I'm sure it wasn't actually good but I had fun and that's what matters!


I always find getting blipped can get me in the zone on racing games

FPS_D3TH1080d ago

I really wish Driver 1-3 could get remaster/reboot… those games kick the shit out of this fast and furious trash

FPS_D3TH1078d ago (Edited 1078d ago )

Honestly that one was probably my least favorite out of them all.

Edit* actually I just remembered parallel lines… lol

Retroman1080d ago (Edited 1080d ago )

Not a one was good. I rather they make Underground 3 since NFS Underground was based off of Fast and the Furious 1

Fast and the Furious Crossroads was Crap.


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2682d ago