
10 Reasons Bloodborne Is Better Than Dark Souls III

It may be the best Dark Souls, but it can't beat Bloodborne.

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madara0sama2964d ago

I enjoyed the hell out of both of the games but in the end I enjoyed Bloodborne better. I think because it's just more faced paced. If BB had DS's pvp then it would be better no doubt imo. In the end it's really based on your preference.

naruga2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

yes i also enjoyed BB (and especially its DLC) a bit more, it intrigued me the whole playthrough... DS3 was a tad less intoxicating (its bosses were not so inspired/challenging) ..although many of the reasons the article refers to are not cons but standard features of medieval themed games (big inventory, slow action etcetc) also i must give DS3 the pro of huge atmospheric vistas and vagueness

nX2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

BB definitely had more quality in it.
Still Dark Souls has magic, pyromancy, miracles, more weapons and content in general... but in the end both would probably get a 9,5/10 from me.

Also I'm pretty sure DS3 would've been veeery different if Bloodborne didn't exist.

mikeslemonade2963d ago

In a direct comparison BB is better. More inventive, better looking, more soul in the game.

BB is game of the generation.

thekhurg2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

The main reason why I like Bloodborne more is because of the weapon diversity. In DS3 I barely feel any difference between the majority of the weapons. Once you remove the 5 or so that are above everything else the other 200 some odd choices are utterly lackluster with most sharing animations between each other.

In Bloodborne, each weapon not only looked unique, but felt unique, performed different than other options, had a larger animation library and just generally felt 'stronger' for some reason. No weapon in DS3 feels as amazing as the Kirkhammer, or Ludwig's Holy Blade.

Aloy-Boyfriend2964d ago

Agree with most of those points. Bloodborne felt fresh to me thanks to the setting, atmosphere, lore, and fast paced gameplay.

DS3 doesn't feel fresh but that is not a bad thing. I'm enjoying it

PurpHerbison2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

BB lore is on a whole different level. I tried to get into DS3 lore and as much as I like DS1, I am finding it rather lackluster in comparison. Excellent execution of Lovecraft themes in BB.

thekhurg2963d ago

The lore in DS3 seems hit and miss to me. A couple of fights make no sense and seem like they're in the game just to exist. Bloodborne boss battles all had a purpose that was defined within the lore of the game.

ThatGuyDart2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

The setting and atmosphere alone in Bloodborne was some of the best I experienced in my recent memory. I know FromSoftware said the Souls series is done but since Sony owns Bloodborne and not them, maybe they can do another collaboration for a sequel.

TheParanoidx2964d ago

I wont be surprised if Bloodborne II is on in its way.

PurpHerbison2964d ago

I've said it before, but Bloodborne 2 would be a forced entry. As much as I loved BB, it was wrapped up by the Old Hunters DLC. However, I would love to see some more unique ideas come to the table.

Eiyuuou2964d ago

It comes down to personal preference in the end. Pretty much al of these points are highly subjective.

theshredded2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

Again with these articles, can't opinions be duplicate articles? Are these articles to piss of Xbox gamers? Like seriously it's just an opinion, are you trying to prove it? To me Dark Souls 3 wipes the floor with Bloodborne since it's much more of a game. It's more open, has much more depth , the community is bigger so there's ton of more support, the game's harder to put down, has much more content whether its equipment, playstyles, mini quests, NPCs so it's much more rewarding and offers more replayability... and finally the game shipped more functional. The loadtimes of Bloodborne put me off at the beginning, made me not want to play the game after dying. People just love to hate. All legit non subjective reasons unlike 8 out of the ten mentioned in the article and don't forget the DS III expansions

ThatGuyDart2964d ago

"Are these articles to piss of Xbox gamers?"

How in anyway would this article piss off Xbox gamers? DSIII is a multiplatform game.

nitus102963d ago

You are quite right the Dark Souls series is multi-platform whereas Bloodborne is exclusive to the PS4.

That said it appears that DS3 is selling approximately three or four to one on the PS4 compared to the XB1. I could understand a two to one ratio since the PS4 is leading the XB1 by approximately that. Read into that what you will.

Not sure what the PC sales are though.

Get_A_Job_Foxtrot2964d ago

Nobody cares about xbox. If they did it would sell well. Also Dark Souls 3 is multiplatform, fool. Stop crying.

Bobafret2964d ago

The unspoken reason all of you lean towards BB is only because it is a Sony exclusive, end of story.

remixx1162964d ago


Sorry dude, not everyone's as childish and petty as you, maybe if you played the game you would see why people enjoy it so much.

Your pathetic dude.

Dragon100k92964d ago

The Xbox isn't selling "badly", PS4 is just selling better. You made yourself seem so immature by how you talked AvaDevine, but it gave me a chuckle. You're just another fanboy with invalid opinions.

t-hall7852964d ago

@Boba I have both consoles and of the two my favorite is the X1.

Bloodborne is better dude. It is.

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InTheLab2964d ago

"Much more open"

It's not. They are very similar.

"More depth"

Sword arts or transforming weapons...you're kidding right?

"Mini quests"...lol sure dude

DS= Onion bro : I'm stupid and stuck. Help
BB= Little girl: have you seen my father


Giant hurling spears: eat s#$%
*makes piece *
Giant: ok we good bro

The rest is nonsense...

thekhurg2963d ago

DS= Onion bro : I'm stupid and stuck. Help
BB= Little girl: have you seen my father


MasterCornholio2964d ago

"Are these articles to piss of Xbox gamers?"

Its just an article talking about 2 from software games. I'm sorry if it bothers you that you can't play Bloodborne on Xbox but the objective of the article is to compare the two games not to trash Xbox One owners.

DLConspiracy2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

If anything PS gamers get pissed off by this. Especially those always comparing anythjng sony does to ANYTHING else. A lot of people have never played any of from softwares games until this gen. It's blown up big this gen. People are gonna typically go with the game they first tried from the developer. I personally love both series. I love the artistic direction BB took but I feel like it's still newer. It could get even better but both are rock solid games,

Vanfernal2964d ago

By how offended you are, you prove you're an Xbox fan, hence I seriously doubt you played Bloodborne. Almost every aspect of Bloodborne had more effort put to it, from world design, atmosphere, and story (which is almost non existent in DS3 compared to the other Souls games). There's a lot of objective reasons to think that Bloodborne is better and it has nothing to do with it being exclusive. It's just a matter of taste.

Clown_Syndr0me2964d ago

I'm an Xbox gamer. My PS barely gets used, but does this piss me off? He'll no, I have a copy of Bloodborne I can play on my Ps4 whenever I like - and as soon as I'm done with DS3 that's exactly what I will do.
If console exclusives annoy someone, then maybe they should invest in more than one Console?

Dragon100k92964d ago

While you're not wrong clown, some people just don't have the money to afford multiple consoles. I'm happy with my gaming pc rig, especially with how Direct X12 is looking.

thekhurg2963d ago

Actually - based on announced sales the Bloodborne community was larger during its launch window than DS3 currently is.

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Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


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CrimsonWing6913d ago

How about sequels instead of just replaying the same games with better performance and fidelity?

I would’ve taken a Dead Space 4 over Dead Space 1 Remake, especially knowing the sales on 1 Remake killed anything for the future.

xHeavYx12d ago

I agree, but there are some games that would really benefit from the new tech though, like the first 2 InFamous games. Some of the old Tenchu games (for us old people)

darthv7213d ago

No remasters needed... things can be upgraded with post release patches and DLC. There should be more new games or at least sequels that people have been asking for. Give me Bloodborne 2 over a remaster any day.

anast13d ago

I agree. But, sadly, at this point, I would day 1 a Bloodborne remake or remaster.

neutralgamer199212d ago

There are many new games being released monthly so there is space for remakes and remasters

MinnesotaFatts12d ago

You say that, but the only way I can get 60fps on Bloodborne is with a cracked console.

D0nkeyBoi13d ago

This is the most boring console generation yet. I can only ever find new games on Steam. PS5 and especially Xbox are boring right now. Less more remakes please.

anast13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I enjoy renting a new janky CRPGs on PC from time to time. But, I've been playing new games on the PS5 since it came out, and a lot of those games people want to come to PC because the game selection sucks over there.

Fishy Fingers13d ago

PC game selection sucks?

Come on bro, its cool to like your console but but no need for the obvious passive aggressive comments. PC and Nintendo are basically the only platforms with exclusives these days. PC is getting all the big console (PS5/XB) games sooner or later.

anast12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

All the CRPGs I care to play/rent have come to console for the most part. No need to use my gaming PC much these days. Now, those old games are severely overpriced on console which would be a point to argue.

slayernz12d ago

what you on about mate???? lol, i never said anything about AAA only being on console, i replied to original post from donkey saying heaps of games out there, ....just chill out bud

slayernz13d ago

think you should open your eyes mate, there are a ton of games to play, i havent played a so called 'AAA' game in about a year, been having way too much fun with indies

anast12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

I play Indies on console. My eyes are open. You might need the eye opening if you think only AAA games are on console.

Friendlygamer13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Remasters are interesting for less accessible titles, things like silent hill 4 the room, alundra, viewtiful joe... remastering stuff that's already avaliable is a bit of a waste. I would love a kings field/shadow tower collection

truthBombs13d ago

A simple update or port on more powerful hardware is enough. Improve framerates to 60+ and that's good enough. I would love to play Bloodborne on Steam Deck.

anast13d ago

If they optimized Bloodborne like they did with Doom. I would have that game on every device in the house.

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