
Carmageddon On PS4: Should You Care?

NowGamer: "With news that the new Carmageddon will hit consoles in 2016, we’ve returned to the PC version to see if it’s worth getting excited about."

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Hoffmann3023d ago

If the game is fun, I care.

Car combat is awesome if its like Twisted Metal 2.

Lonnie183022d ago (Edited 3022d ago )

Twisted Metal Black was my favorite, I'd play this based off of what I saw, looks fun but I don't see any weapon pick-up's?

pyroxxx3022d ago (Edited 3022d ago )

They should have kept Carmageddon's 2 heavy stylized look,..(or color saturation) and music was awesome in original,.. It is probably still kinda fun

Darkfist3022d ago

how about a new Twisted Metal?


Carmageddon: Max Damage Review | Quarter to Three

Tom Chick - "But regardless of any specific issues with this release, Carmageddon remains a classic and a rare example of gameplay as comedy. Who’s to say whether it would have been created if Charles B. Griffith hadn’t written Death Race 2000? But it’s worth noting that there hasn’t been a movie like it, either in the tiny killer car genre or otherwise. And I’m not aware of gameplay in any open-world game that specifically involves hitting pedestrians. Either it simply can’t happen (The Crew), or you just pretend it didn’t happen (Watch Dogs 2), or you acknowledge that anyone driving over pedestrians is a psycho, so have at it if that’s your bag (Grand Theft Auto V). But Carmageddon: Max Damage is unique, hilarious, a little long in the tooth, and a comedy Charles B. Griffith would be proud to have inspired."

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Carmageddon: Max Damage review - TeamVVV

VVV: "Carmageddon: Max Damage retains the series’ crude humour and wanton destruction, but its scrappy presentation and clumsy car handling make this a series that’s still stuck in the past and struggling to stay relevant. If you treat it as a cheap guilty pleasure, it’s possible to overlook its flaws and enjoy the over the top mayhem Carmageddon: Max Damage offers in spades. Otherwise, hardcore fans of the series need only apply."


Carmageddon: Max Damage - PC Performance Analysis

DSOGaming writes: "A lot of PC gamers complained about PC performance issues when Carmageddon: Reincarnation was initially released. Stainless released a number of performance patches in order to improve things and a couple of days ago, the team released a new and upgraded version of Carmageddon: Reincarnation, Carmageddon: Max Damage. Therefore, it’s time now to see how this title performs on the PC platform."

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