
Far Cry Vengeance Will Always Be The Worst In The Series (We Hope)

If you haven't been keeping up to date with Far Cry Primal's reviews, although many reviewers have nice comments to make about it, unfortunately, it isn't getting as much praise as recent titles in the series. However, 2006's Far Cry Vengeance will always (we hope) be the worst in the series.

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itsjustexuma3023d ago

Writers involved in making the Far Cry are really talented and pretty sure they have hundreds of ideas just like GTA writer and Assassin's Creed series have

isa_scout3022d ago

Was Vengeance the one where you could mutate and go into beast mode? I hated that one. It's actually the only Far Cry game I didn't play through to completion.

esmittystud1013022d ago

Whenever they start promoting a new Far Cry game after Primal of course, it will be: "Far Cry is getting back to its roots."

We know its coming. It comes from every developer after these times. I'm not saying Primal is a flop. I'm sure it will sell some games. But look at what Ubisoft if doing with the Assassin's Creed series and now the Watch Dogs series.

When I thougt about it, Ubisoft games is a big part of my collection. I have alot of them to be honost: AC: Synidicate, Watch Dogs, AC: Black Flag, Far Cry 4, Trials Fusion, Child of Light, Valiant Hearts: The Great War, Grow Home, Zombie U, Rayman Legends (X1 & PS Vita).

I just think Ubisoft stepped back and saw that there on average 70 something ratings for most of there newer games, is having a hard time being in the same conversation with the big wig games on consoles now. The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Fallout 4.....the list goes on.

Its hard putting a Ubisoft game title next to those and not relizing the huge differences between them.

I liked all the Ubisoft games I have. I think there good in there own way. But next to the big boys. Ubisoft has some work ahead of them.

isa_scout3022d ago

I'd like to meet the guy that decided that taking away the players arsenal and vehicles was a good idea. They could've done so many things better with this game...really disappointed.
I was talking to a friend on PSN and we came up with a much better story. What if the game took place in 300BC instead, and centered around the Mayans? The aliens(I know this didn't really happen) that helped the Mayans build their temples and Pyramids could be annihilating the Mayans and it was up to a Mayan rebel to save his people. They could've had their ancient look with a more futuristic vibe as well. Imagine a game set in 300BC with alien weaponry...Sounds a lot better than what we got. Granted I'm only a handful of hours into the game, but I just don't see a game where I'm using sticks and a bow holding my attention for 20+ hours.

esmittystud1013022d ago

I couldn't agree more bud. My first thoughts when I first saw this game. Ubisoft liked throwing sticks and stones so much they made a game out of it. LOL. The story you have in mind would have deffinalty been more interesting than what they have now.

Don't be too sure that the Mayans didn't work with the Aliens though. You never know, right? LOL.

I just think with all the survival games coming out this year and early next year:

- ARK: Survival Evolved
- WiLd
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- Scalebound

Far Cry Primal just didn't appeal to me compaired to these other games. I'm only going by videos online as well.


Far Cry Villains To Appear In A New Comic

This is interesting news for comic and Far Cry fans as something new in the universe for the game is always welcome. Villains from popular Far Cry games are transported into prehistoric times by the priestess Batari, who has pulled them from their lives before they've committed their most heinous crimes.

-Foxtrot63d ago

"Villains from popular Far Cry games are transported into prehistoric times by the priestess Batari"

Why do they make every f****** thing goofier and goofier

Watch Dogs become whacky, Assassins Creed jumped the shark, Ghost Recon become less serious now this

Garethvk63d ago

I think it is the trend. They look around and say ok; what can be done that will not infringe upon the next game and this is what happens. I heard rumors of the next Far Cry offering may be in Alaska and there was also an Online offering coming. So we get this to tide us over.


Far Cry's entire source code has leaked online

Far Cry's source code has popped up online. Entitled "Far Cry 1.34 Complete", the game's entire source code was uploade…

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Which Far Cry Should I Start With? - A Beginner's Guide 2023

If you’re new to this long-running franchise, we’ve got you covered.

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masterfox448d ago

Farcry 3 and literally thats it! lol

GamingSinceForever446d ago (Edited 446d ago )

I recently tried 3 for the first time but the frame rate was a turnoff.

I liked 5 and 6 though.

banger88446d ago

If you have a Series X or S, the Xbox 360 version runs at 60 fps with fps boost. It's a shame the remaster doesn't.

isarai448d ago

2 and 3, pretty much the only ones i really enjoyed. 1 was amazing for the time but aged quite poorly. 4 has the elephant gun, all i can praise from any entry after 3 lol

cooperdnizzle446d ago

Ummmm 3 than stop.

Okay maybe two as well. But yeah probably 3 and then move on.

JEECE446d ago (Edited 446d ago )

Far Cry 2. People constantly rant about games now being too easy, holding your hand, having too many unnecessary RPG-lite leveling features, etc. People specifically complain about open world games being too focused on tons of collectibles and "checkmarks" that just waste time.

Far Cry 2 is an answer to all of those complaints. It was made by Ubisoft before they fell into all the traps discussed above (and before they started inserting towers into their games to defog the map). It has respawning enemies, weapons that degrade, and the collectible diamonds are very useful in the game (which you find in a similar way to the way you find shrines in BOTW with a radar system). The map you have is an in game item you pull out while playing, not a pause menu that is unnecessarily detailed. Also the enemy AI and physics are much better than later entries in the series.

It has a mixed reputation because people at the time said it was too hard, the weapon degradation was annoying, and then respawning enemies were annoying. FC2 came out in 2008, so this was before games like Dark Souls and BOTW had come out and made it cool to like these types of features.

XbladeTeddy445d ago

Far Cry 2, the one with the AI that find you through walls and trees, can one shot you from a mile away and have 100% accuracy? That was frustrating not fun because cheap AI.

JEECE445d ago (Edited 445d ago )

Uhh, I mean, it isn't one of these games where once the enemies have detected you they will magically forget you exist because you walked behind a wall or went into a bush. And yeah the AI isn't stormtrooper level accuracy. Again, these are positives, not negatives to me.

To be fair, I'm really directing this at the people most critical of "Modern Ubisoft" or "Modern Open World" design elements. Like the type of people who fawned all over Elden Ring because it had a clean UI because they are so burnt out by the "checkbox" type of open world design.

If you like those types of games, then a later FC game like 3 and especially 4-5 would be more your style.

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