
Metal Gear Solid Remake Update: Developer Teases “Big News”, “Something Major Is Brewing”

An independent developer has been working on an Unreal Engine 4 remake of the best stealth game ever: 1998's Metal Gear Solid.

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DarkOcelet3041d ago

I think Konami gave him the OK to make the game.

gameseveryday3041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

They also gave the go ahead for Metal Gear remake from 2014 (one in which Hayter was a part of). But then decided to back it off. I think Konami gave this dev the go ahead but I don't know. I think they will take it back if history is anything to go by.

Some heartbreaking reminders:



DarkOcelet3041d ago

Even if they gave him the OK, honestly, MGS without Kojima just wont feel right for me.

And the fact that i would support a $hit company like Konami after what they did will be extremely hard for me to do.

donwel3041d ago

Hm, I'd be inclined to agree. Especially given Konamis recent form.

PizzaSteve3041d ago

Maybe so knowing Konami they thinking it would be a lot cheaper this way.

N83041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

Exactly, I was thinking the same thing a bit ago. It was going way to smoothly. Plus it keeps komani from spending money to make a new one.

born283041d ago

Yea Knowing Konami they will cease all assets after hes done making the game and Remove his name from the box as well xD but seriously fuck you Konami!!!!!!!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3041d ago
ScorpiusX3041d ago

That nice , but would really love to play that one MGS game that was exclusive to PS3 due to it being on blu ray which xbox 360 didn't have . Seeing as how Xbox one use BD would be cool if Konami port it over for that extra cash.

ScorpiusX3041d ago

Think it is , cause everyone kept going on about the BD crap.

sdplisken3041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

That's nice but most of the xbox fanbase doesn't care about metal gear. Just look at mgs5 which sold 3x more on ps
MGS4 will NEVER come to xbox lol keep crying those xbox tears http://www.destructoid.com/...

ScorpiusX3041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

3rd party ,no more prima donna employed , anything can happen even a port . Also WTF is crying anything , as for the fanbase that their problem .

As for your link , did you miss this part in the article ..........Update: To clarify, the GfK Chart reports purely on UK sales. This may not be representative of global sales.]

Criti-Choco3041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )


according to vg charts its even more than that world wide.


3.04 million on ps4 to 0.6 million on Xbone. Thats 5 times the copies on ps4. In fact, the ps3 copy sold as much as the Xbox one version, it really shows that while it can release on another platform, its brand recognition is on sonys platform.

quick edit: I know digital sales are not factored and that VG Chartz isn't always accurate, but its the best representation of these sales you can probably find elsewhere.

Clown_Syndr0me3041d ago

Shame MgS5 was a much worse game. MGS4 was much better.

jeenyus3040d ago

While the fact that MGS4 will not be released on the XB1 is pretty much true, your wording seems to be the one of a 9yr old angry kid... devaluating your statement.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3040d ago
N83041d ago

Buy a ps3, I hope you're not serious

DarXyde3041d ago

There's no salt whatsoever in your comment...

And if we're being realistic, it wasn't just exclusive because of "that BD Crap" that's also in your Xbox. Sony and Kojima have a great working relationship (hence, why only Son's of Liberty made it to Xbox a year later as Substance, which was also on PS2 with a bonus game mode). Snake Eater wouldn't see the Xbox until a generation later.

The game also has a lot of Apple endorsements in it. Put simply, it really wasn't made with an Xbox version in mind. Not only was the game for PlayStation, but it bordered anti Microsoft at times. They could probably port it and remove all of the PlayStation/Apple references, but eh. Can't say many would buy a port on any platform, really. It doesn't at all follow the format the newbies experienced with The Phantom Pain. It's loaded with cutscenes that make no sense if you haven't played all of the others, especially MGS1. And I'm quite certain the cutscenes won't blow over well with casual fans of the series.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3040d ago
NovaCorps3041d ago

and once this is out ppl will say OMG konami best forget kojima etc etc

i wont support that piece of trash called konami
want to know what modern slavery is ? go work for konami

ScorpiusX3041d ago

is this first hand experience or the word of a bitter employee , lets be honest unless you experienced it yourself there no telling who is the liar in the matter .

PocketRave3041d ago

It looks nice but needs work with the character modelling. it would be nice if he releases all files so other people (including me) can add to it.

gameseveryday3041d ago

It will be amazing if Hayter comes on board :)

jeromeface3041d ago

Hopefully he can just use the sound files from the original. Problem solved.

Kreisen3041d ago (Edited 3041d ago )

Konami is the kinda company to let him develop the remake then take it from him and sell it.

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Agent7575d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle75d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.