
Skyward Sword is the Best Zelda Game

An explanation of why Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game.

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KimikoGaming3066d ago

Depends on what you like in a Zelda game.

If you play Zelda games for the story, Skyward Sword is easily one of the best.

But if you are someone who plays Zelda for the gameplay, Skyward Sword isn't quite as good as the others.

guywazeldatatt3066d ago

how so re-gameplay? I understand motion controls may not be for everyone but I found the gameplay to be superb.

KimikoGaming3066d ago

The motion controls. If it weren't for the motion controls, this would easily be the best Zelda game in terms of gameplay. But I suppose after you get used to the motion controls it isn't as noticeable.

guywazeldatatt3066d ago

I admit the motion controls are not for everyone. I thought they were fantastic and had no problem with them, so I can't speak to that. I know people who did though and it really detracted from their experience.

Bimkoblerutso3066d ago

I thought the gameplay was fine. I would still prefer to sit fairly calmly with a traditional controller, but the motion controls certainly didn't ruin the game or anything.

The real problem I had with the SS was that it was the least adventurous of any Zelda game ever. You are always told exactly where to go and how to proceed (like...to the point of annoyance and even into the end game), you have very little opportunity or incentive to explore, and the world in general just seemed like a step back in "epicness" from the other Zelda games.

RosweeSon3066d ago

Some people just don't like change same with Mario Galaxy thought they were some of the best controls around but apparently it's too hard and awkward?! It's barely any different to the N64 days but oh there's a cable that connects nunchuck to Wii remote other than that it's pretty much the same... Fantastic. Nintendo always get the best out of their tech.

dillydadally3066d ago

I actually didn't really like Skyward Sword. It was way too linear and formulaic. It almost felt like there were levels instead of an open world and each level proceeded the same exact way, with like an open world puzzle and then a dungeon. It felt like little creativity went into the general structure of the game.

I also felt the puzzles weren't near as good as Twilight Princess. Most of SS puzzles were look around until you find the hidden thing in some location you wouldn't think to look. They were more frustrating than puzzles. Twilight had brilliant puzzles.

bouzebbal3065d ago

Gameplay is indeed great and very addictive, except the re centering everytime.
However, in terms on content this zelda is light. The few dungeons there is are very short. There is no challenge in them.

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ShadowKnight3066d ago (Edited 3066d ago )

I actually liked the gameplay in Skyward Sword and didn't have no problem with it. I'll say this the first Zelda on NES, Skyward Sword, and Twilight Princess are my favorite! I also like the music in Skyward Sword.

-Foxtrot3066d ago

SS was the worst main Zelda game ion my opinion

The forced motion controls (not that they were crap...but forced)

The story was alright but no as good as past main Zelda games

The gameplay was repetitive

More linear

Not very open

Alright game but for a MAIN Zelda game it was a letdown in my opinion

dillydadally3066d ago

I agree completely. It was very formulaic and linear and I got tired of doing the same structure of a level over and over again. I also thought the puzzles were subpar compared to past entries. Most of the puzzles felt like they just hid something where you wouldn't think to find it and you had to look around in every direction to find it. They were frustrating.

smashman983065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

YUP YUP AND YUP on every single point you made I loved the wii controller that came with the package but the game was just not a great zelda game

good but not great

nommers3065d ago

Who plays Zelda games for the story? They're mostly plots with some events that happen and characters that are just there. Barring Midna there isn't anyone that develops well.

KimikoGaming3065d ago

People who enjoyed Skyward Sword

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Hoffmann3066d ago

The Legend of Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon Is The Best Zelda Game

ShadowKnight3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

That was a great game too. It's funny you mention that because I was playing it a few days ago. I still think Legend of Zelda was the best IMO


Relientk773066d ago

Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker are my favs

guywazeldatatt3066d ago

Well, the article is about the best, not favorite :P

Relientk773066d ago

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


LegendZelda3066d ago

Oracle of seasons is the best

StormLegend3066d ago

Ocarina of time and Twilight Princess are my favorites.
(IMO) Ocarina is the best Zelda game ever created.

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