
40 Classic Xbox Games That Deserve to Be on the Xbox One

These games would make the Xbox One library even better.

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Why o why3073d ago (Edited 3073d ago )

Crimson skies for 1

Snoopy flying ace


BuildTheWall3073d ago

I would like to at least have Crimson Skies , both Otogi games & Phantom Dust remastered editions & for Xbox One.

mark_parch3073d ago

some great games on that list. starwars knights of the old republic, enclave, jade empire, amped, nba street, vice city.

BuildTheWall3073d ago

Was playing Jade Empire & KOTOR earlier this week. Last week I had Amped , Otogi , Otogi 2 & Phantom Dust out. Probably spent around 30 hours last week on the Otogi games & 15 hours on Phantom Dust. Not sure how much time I spent on Amped.

3073d ago Replies(1)

7 Deserving Games That Never Got Backward Compatibility

Backward compatibility works for many games on newer consoles, but titles such as The Simpsons: Hit and Run have been left out.


Ranking Every The Simpsons Game From Worst to Best

Cultured Vultures: While the number one entry might be a foregone conclusion for some, let’s see if we can surprise you with our look at every Simpsons game ranked from worst to best.

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Stuart5756128d ago

The Simpsons Arcade was awesome

VenomUK128d ago

I never knew there are TWENTY-EIGHT Simpsons games!

Stuart5756128d ago

Its crazy when you look at ALL the games they made. Same with Assassins Creed, when you count in all the handheld and mobile games there are three times what you may have thought. Some of it shovelware though. I completed Simpsons Arcade recently at a local retro gaming arcade, awesome, I really felt like a 90's kid all over again, except my back was hurting!!


The Simpsons: Hit & Run Devs Don’t Understand Why the Game Never Got a Sequel

In an interview with MinnMax, the team behind The Simpsons: Hit & Run revealed they were shocked that the game didn't get a sequel.

XiNatsuDragnel199d ago

Same I want a hit and run 2 fr make it

VenomUK199d ago

I wish the guy that recreated the game with updated graphics made a deal with the publisher and released it,! It would be win, win for everyone.

Snookies12199d ago

It's okay, I don't understand it either. One of the few games I went out of my way to go for 100% on.

-Foxtrot199d ago

I loved this game as a kid, probably the best Simpsons game they made and the fact they decided to not continue it is baffling. Probably more baffling that they aren't doing a remake or something considering the popularity.

The only thing I didn't really like about it was how everything was timed, some missions like racing Skinner to the school I understood as you were trying to give Lisa her science project she forgot but there were others where it was only telling you to get to a location (no urgency) yet it was still timed.

I just wanted to take my time and appreciate the game more, mess around and try different ways of going about things so hopefully if there ever is a sequel they will look into it. Just felt I was rushing through the story.