
World War 2 shooters are due a comeback

World War II shooters were so ubiquitous during the ‘noughties’ that they’re practically taboo today. If someone in marketing suggested one now, they’d get their P45 delivered on the end of a bayonet.

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PhoenixUp3085d ago

Wolfenstein: The New Order was a great callback to WWII games.

However in the bigger picture we aren't going to see a huge comeback for the genre because it's fairly limited in scope compared to what devs can accomplish with a modern or futuristic shooter.

Tobsesan3085d ago

I just dont want to see this "modern warfare" games anymore. It feels like everyone makes the same game...

PhoenixUp3085d ago

That was the same complaint about the glut of WWII shooters we got in the past. Modern and futuristic shooters in comparison are open to much more variety

PurpHerbison3084d ago

Except there was a lot of variety back then. If you wanted a current relevant WW2 shooter, you had choices. If you wanted a current relevant futuristic shooter.. you had choices. The biggest issue with today is we lack those quality choices.

Jmanzare3084d ago

I would love to go back to "modern warfare" the futuristic stuff bothers me

crazychris41243085d ago (Edited 3085d ago )

I would love games set between WW2 and the end of the cold war. Less Insta-death gadget gimmicks and more skill based kills.

I hope someone tries to make a new game out of the BF 1982 concept. Game built around skill, teamwork, communication and very little tech is what I'm dying to play.

Vegamyster3085d ago

If you have a PC check out Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm, pretty much exactly what you described.

Also Rising Storm 2 Vietnam will hopefully come out some time this year.


Chapter113085d ago

How about exploring other wars? World War II is still boring and overdone.

Perjoss3085d ago

Why does it either have to be ww2 or modern warfare? Lets have some decent games based on the veitnam war or how about some decent shooters with a western setting, people loved red dead redemption. More sci-fi and cyberpunk settings wouldn't hurt either.

iceman063084d ago

Very true. I got really, really played out with the WWII shooters. There were more wars, with interesting conflicts and stories. Let's explore some of them. Plus, as you said, why not take it to the far future instead of 20-30 years from now?

Perjoss3084d ago

I don't hate the WW2 setting, but if they do revisit it I'd like something with a hard hitting story instead of focusing mainly on the action and shooting. As mentioned in one of the other comments a Band of Brothers style game would be awesome.

People form strong friendships in times of war and I find this to be a huge missed opportunity in war games. I'd like to see a game focus on that and have the death of a single squad mate be a huge impactful moment in the game.

I could be very wrong but I think Kojima would tell a great story based in WW2 in a band of brother style, with some great slow and impactful dialogue scenes during downtime, something like this:


iceman063084d ago

I don't hate them either. I just think that there are other wars and stories to tell. But, if they were to revisit, I do like your idea of making it a more "hard hitting" story. Loss is a part of war. Hell, the very act of killing is a major adjustment for most soldiers. Yet, it's rarely explored. Like you, I have gotten a bit tired of the FOCUS being strictly the action and body count.

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Gears of War: E-Day Will Be Linear, Features 100x More Environment & Character Details Than Gears 5

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Sciurus_vulgaris8h ago

I hope the game launches with a good number of unlockable characters. Gears 5, likely to due to PvE classes initially being tied to specific characters, lacked a variety of unlockable characters during its early seasons.

Jin_Sakai7h ago

If anyone knows how to push Unreal Engine 5 it’s these guys. I’m sure the game will look amazing.

rlow14h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Not a surprised, it’s Gears and going back to its roots is why I’m so hyped for the game. I’m hoping for a prequel trilogy. I think two years out with the launch of the next gen Xbox.


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just_looken4m ago

Year 6 yet the pc version still crashes



5yrs to 3 months still crashing


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