
Kojima Snubbing Xbox Is Microsoft's Fault Alone

GGG writes that while it is disappointing for Xbox only owners that Hideo Kojima's next game is a Playstation exclusive that Xbox fans should direct their disappointment towards Microsoft and not Sony or Kojima.

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phoenix_dusk3087d ago

MGSV on Xbone didn't really set the world on fire so it's a no brainer Kojima went for Sony backing just like Ono.

He knows the fanbase is primarily on PS anyway.

I mean unless he wants a Tomb Raider situation.

Eonjay3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

This conversation doesn't need to be had. Its just a way for Microsoft to be forcibly injected in a situation that has NOTHING to do with them. Microsoft wasn't snubbed because Microsoft wasn't a consideration.

edit: lol... as if Xbox is even relevant in Japan. These guys...

never4get3087d ago Show
breakpad3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Kojima is japanese ...Sony is japanese ...if i was the"Kojima" of my country would do the same (i would prefer an indigenous company)10000 times no matter what the deal was being offered by MS

UserNameIsNotTaken3087d ago

I'm a die hard playstation fan and Phil doesn't deserve to be called a failure at his work. He did really well considering that terrible launch.

Eonjay3087d ago


No, I am saying that if I was living in Japan, I would want to partner with a brand that actually mattered in Japan. Like Nintendo, Sony, or even Apple. Xbox isn't relevant in Japan so, thats that. It has nothing to do with Sony being a Japanese company.

Gazondaily3087d ago

Why isn't it money hatting here? There are other factors too ofc but $ (or ¥) consideration surely had a big part to play too no?

Raiden3087d ago Show
BeefCurtains3087d ago

This is sad news for X1 gamers... Nuff said.

Eonjay3087d ago


Yes of course. Games cost millions to make.

IIFloodyII3087d ago


Money-hatting for me, is just paying for a game already in-development (I doubt KojiPro's new game was) for multiple platforms, to only come to one of them, not a 3rd party studio making a game exclusively on one platform, like Bloodborne, Scalebound, Quantum Break, Bayo 2 and many others for example, as they wouldn't have been made without the platform holder's help/$$$$.

Kribwalker3087d ago Show
donthate3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

This is just pure nationalism, just like a lot of the old time developers are flocking to the PS4.

Even if the Kojima sells poorly on Xbox platform, the porting cost (a fraction of the development cost) alone would still be profitable and to increase your fanbase over time.

It is unfortunate, but I expect nothing less from Japanese developers.

AngelicIceDiamond3087d ago

So this some how backlashes towards MS and everyone should be mad at them, for what reason eaxctly?

This is Kojima's celebration of being let go and seeking freedom reigns and Sony was the best choice and this is indeed a celebration for Kojima and Sony. But to find an excuse to throw mud at MS for no reason is pretty childish.

Lets congratulate Kojima and Sony but leave MS outta this considering they have nothing to with this. The only thing this means imo is that maybe MS will snag bigger names in the future and motivate them further.

BattleAxe3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Playstation is the right fit for Kojima, but I believe that Phil Spencer will see the need to make a move to counter the Kojima announcement.

Edit: @ Raiden

You have a good point, as the Japanese are loyal to all of their national companies. Even when you look at the automotive sector, how many Chevrolets do you see in Japan? The Japanese, for better or worse, are a very protectionist country. Nevermind Xbox, they don't even like buying American agriculture or cattle products.

DarXyde3087d ago


Kojima is very much a fan of western culture. He's perhaps the most Americanized Japanese person, ever lol.

I'm pretty sure it's more of "I like Sony" than "I don't like Microsoft" or "Japan first".

Fatdrinkofwater3087d ago

This has nothing to do with microsoft or xbox. Its kojimas first game ever with his new company he needs help funding the project so partnering with sony is only logical. Theyve got the biggest install base, the most powerful console and are based on his home country.

Just like respawn needed backing for their first game with titanfall and bungie with activision so does kojima with sony.

But yeah trust the fanboys to throw shit at MS like a bunch of monkeys.

Griever3087d ago

Xbox is just designed with the western audience in mind. Similarly most of its exclusives are designed to appeal to western audiences as well. The way the characters (both male and female) look and behave, the way the games play and the stories (or lack thereof) are designed according to western audiences. As a result, the Xbox and its games dont sell in the east.

It is no wonder that Kojima went with the company which can appeal to both the east and the west. He also always had a fondness and long standing relationship with Playstation. MS or Xbox's only fault is that they have been unable to gain popularity in the east. Although the reason for that is their inability to understand the cultural differences between east and west and adjust to them with their exclusive games.

KwietStorm_BLM3087d ago

Exactly, Eonjay. This is just starting a fire for the sake of hearing fanboys squeal.

Utalkin2me3087d ago


Well all things considering he had to due well to try to win people back that horrific pre launch. It was so bad literally anybody could have came in there and gave the same PR speeches.

LeCreuset3087d ago

Some of you crack me up with your projection and entitled attitudes.

@donthate (See my point about projection above)

Japanese developer cuts deal with a Japanese company, and this is reason to imply the Japanese are prejudiced? You lack the self awareness to realize your ridiculous reaction exposes your own spoiled, entitled expectations of supremacy. You don't bat an eye at Japanese doing business with Americans, but let Japanese do business with Japanese and suddenly "it is unfortunate."


Many Americans don't even like buying American agricultural and cattle products. I recommend a documentary called "Life and Debt" if you want to become informed on just one reason other nations may be resistant to having American exports pushed on them.

It's like none of you even read the article, which already debunked the arguments you're trying to make. Japan is pretty Americanized. We did have a heavy presence there—an occupation if you will—following this little dust up called WWII. You may have heard.

Why o why3087d ago

'But yeah trust the fanboys to throw shit at MS like a bunch of monkeys.'

To be fair, your gripe should be with the author for writing this article.

@ The guy calling Phil Phail.... c'mon now.

This is a pro sony move not an anti ms move like the guy above who used the term 'injected' He's bang on with that one.... It was just to create a story using misdirection

Sevir3087d ago

People act like MS was snubbed, just about every publisher lined up to court Koji, as everyone knew the polite he was in. The PlayStation Partnership was simply the culmination of 20 years of MGS on PS platforms... The games had their most popular life cycles and reception on PS platforms so it made sense to partner with Sony, and given Sony's current dominance these negotiations are a tad easier... If Kojima wanted to work with MS, he'd have chosen to work with them, that's not to say he won't work with them in the future... It's just what it boils down to... Same situation with platinum working and have really close relationship with MS...

BlackWolf123087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Sorry guys, but if you think Kojima went to Sony because they are both Japanese, that's not only racist, but incredibly stupid.

Square Enix is a Japanese company, yet they took Tomb Raider to Microsoft, a US company.

On the flip side, if the "Kojima of the US" went to Microsoft solely because of them being a US company, that would be a bad business decision.

Automatic793086d ago (Edited 3086d ago )

Well said Eonjay it seems that every chance a random fanboy has they include Xbox in there agenda spilled rants.

I give credit to Sony for making this deal and what ever game it turns out to be I will support it.

Including Phil or the Xbox team in this conversation is pointless just like the article. Which makes baseless or unsubstantial assumptions.

I stand by my statement 2016 is going to be fantastic for gamers. We will talk about the future when we get there.

To Kojima good luck on your new project can't wait to give it a run.

3086d ago
whitesoxfalife19763086d ago

i agree with ya Eonjay, he came home to sony As a
Gamer first Im am very happy he chose where he wanted to go and not the other way around, yes Tho I am a gamer first I chose to be an xbox only consumer back in 03 but that doesn't deteriorate on what this man had/have accomplished as a dev. My first metal gear exp was on ninty then but ps1 was the first to different things like using that second controller on the mantis that shit was AWESOME!!!!!! Cant wait to see what he cook up for us GAMERS in the upcoming years. I understand making his first game for Sony as an exclusive doesn't bother me at all, to me it only just makes sense. so again as a GAMER this is an awesome change for him and he deserves it.

miyamoto3086d ago

It's all about TRUST.

Kojima didn't talk about his former employer, Konami, but described why Sony was the right partner for his next game. "I feel like this is an environment where I will be able to make something and feel comfortable," Kojima said. "And I believe that's the environment I need right now."

Coming out directly from Mr. Kojima

Race, nationalism has nothing to do with his decision.
Square Enix is Japanese yet it signed a deal with the ... I mean Microsoft.

2cents3086d ago

Well said Eojay.

Kojima is a Japanese developer and he belongs at home.

It is a shame that he is burning his bridges with team Green, but I really am not surprised Sony have made this move.

Here's hoping for a killer exclusive!

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3086d ago
spicelicka3087d ago

lol that's stupid. Just because MGS has been on PS before doesn't mean Xbox gamers don't like it. I bought MGSV day one on my xbox and I've never owned an MGS game before.

Tomb raider situation would be if he went exclusively with xbox. We're talking about working with both Sony and MS.

Eonjay3087d ago

Actually we are talking about a PlayStation console exclusive. It quite literally has nothing to do with Microsoft. It was a third party deal secured by Brad Douglas (per Adam and Shu on Twitter).

BlackWolf123086d ago

MGS HAS been on Xbox before.

History has shown that Xbox gamers generally do not buy Japanese games. This is just based on historic sales figures of multiplatform games developed by Japanese studios.

Just because YOU bought MGSV, doesn't mean it sold well.

muzikjunkie803086d ago


History has shown that Xbox gamers generally do not buy Japanese games.

thats just nonsense. ninja gaiden, dead or alive, JSRF, blue dragon are just a few jap games i can think of and did very well on the xbox

spicelicka3086d ago


Why does it matter? Every argument ever against third party exclusives has been "more platforms=more sales".

Your argument would only be valid if this was an xbox exclusive.

lodossrage3084d ago (Edited 3084d ago )


Half of those games you mentioned did NOT sell well on Xbox. Blue Dragon didn't even hit 1 million. Jet Set Radio Future didn't even it HALF OF HALF a million.

Ninja Gaiden however did sell and Dead or Alive did decent on XBox. But there is no mistaking those would have sold more on Playstation. Just look at the multiplatform sales of Dead or Alive 5.

Some of you seem to think that just because it came out on Xbox, that it sold well. I don't know how you figured Blue Dragon or JSRF did well at all.

For the most part, BlackWolf12 is right. Japanese games DON'T normally sell well on Xbox. Why do you think they're so barren on the XB1 yet in the early life of the X360 you had some exclusives of them? It's because they DON'T sell well on Xbox

Why do you think that after the first two years, the XBox360 Japanese games support was bare aside from a few majors? It's because the audience wasn't buying them.

Why do you think Namco's Tales team almost went bankrupt after Tales of Vesperia (you know, that tales game that was Xbox exclusive for awhile)? It's because the audience wasn't buying it.

I don't even see how people can question Japanese games selling poorly on Xbox when history is literally all around you

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3084d ago
Phar0ahad33087d ago

The real question is who would want to work with Microsoft ? Phantom dust devs get there dreams thrown to the dirt stepped on and cant afford to keep making games.....indie devs complaining about not getting paid by microsoft for the holidays last year.......hideki kamiya "Are those little shits at microsoft fucking with me ? " for all the world to see ...for gods sakes there the reason why sega died pretty much they have a terrible history and a even worst one with devs microsoft really should just leave the gaming industry but they wont and until they kill it most of you wont open your eyes and realize whats going on .......

LeCreuset3087d ago

Their exclusive deal couldn't even get Tomb Raider over, a AAA sequel in an established franchise with a big publisher behind it.


This guy gets too much hype for creating MGS... OOOHHH WOW, HE IS THE BEST THING EVER... idiots. Many more developers, producers and writers who deserve more credit than him!

rainslacker3086d ago

Care to name some of these unsung heroes and how their works compare to MGS importance as a franchise over the years, or how these developers are somehow as influential as Kojima is overall?

I think this latter part is something a lot of people don't realize about him. Gamers pay attention to him mostly due to MGS, but some that have been around longer know and have played his other games as well. He is also listened to by industry people, respected by other developers, and has been influential to many game developers because of his passion for perfection.

Or are you just spewing hyperbole and wasting everyone's time?

KiwiViper853087d ago

Im not too stressed. By the time this game releases I'll most likely own a PS4 anyway...

Bathyj3086d ago

Everyones trying to turn this into an East v West thing. I think more is that Kojima is finally going where hes always wanted to.

Hes always preferred Playstation and always had a good relationship with Sony. Making games under the umbrella of a big 3rd party publisher has meant he had to work on multiple platforms, but we see the moment he became the sole decision maker of his own destiny he went exactly where he wanted to be.

Being upset with him is as futile as being upset with someone who prefers Pepsi over Coke.

And making games is certainly a lot easier when only worrying about one fixed platform instead of splitting your team and concentrating on a multiplied set of variables, he can now just worry about the game. As Kojima is an artist, I believe he would prefer this, and if he was going to pick only one platform, it was never really in doubt it could only be PS4.

rainslacker3086d ago

Konami threw him around into so many different projects after MGS4, I'd imagine he was probably getting pretty tired of it. It's hard to make a game when your focus is constantly diverted into other things.

The Fox Engine I believe he took on eagerly, but he created that for the creation of MGS specifically, and it tied into his pursuit of perfection.

Could you imagine constantly saying you didn't want to work on something anymore, obviously wanting to work on something new to keep the creative flowing, only to go into a meeting and being told you had to make another game in the series you didn't want to work on anymore? That'd be kind of a kick in the balls if it were me, and I would have a hard time sticking around a company that did that to me, and then demanded that I go work on other things as well, all while ignoring requests of things I actually wanted to work on.

3086d ago
dcbronco3086d ago

Raiden that has to be one of the most ignorant comments I've seen on this site and this site has tons of those. Japanese people buy tons of American products. They'll buy anything Apple puts out even though they have had better phones for years. IPads. They buy more Jazz than black people. They buy our music and movies. Tons of our weapons. I met a guy whose black that went to Japan on business. He walked around Tokyo to take in the city. The thing he found disturbing was the number of people that constantly stopped him hoping he was a rapper. He was dressed in a shirt and tie but they still hoped he was a rapper and kept asking to take pictures with him.

Your views were true a long time ago. But you need to read more. Every country still has it's kooks, as most of the world does too, but Japan is very different today. They have over 200 flavors of Cheetos. It's not their fault the only exports any country wants of ours is mainly cultural.

nosferatuzodd3086d ago

See this is crap I'm talking about with western journalism
This story has nothing to do with Microsoft yet they're using it to take jabs at them
I'm the first to tell you that I don't like a lot of things Microsoft does but this is just rediculous western journalism at its best..,

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3084d ago
dreadz743087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

What? Would not matter is MS was in lead this gen Hideo is a Sony guy this move was obvious lol

Zeref3087d ago

For real. No Xbox fan was expecting him to join up with Microsoft. It would have been a surprise if he actually went multiplatform. Everybody was expecting him to partner with Sony. Including Xbox fans. Xbox just doesn't have a great relationship with Japanese devs although its improving. But it will never be on Sonys level because... You know, THEY ARE JAPANESE!

G20WLY3087d ago

Okay...so how do we explain away Sony's excellent relationships with American, European or other non-Japanese developers using that 'logic'?

It doesn't work like that. I think you're just downplaying this exceptionally important news for Sony.

ThinkThink3087d ago


Do you really not understand the difference between Japanese and American business? Tradition plays a much more important role in business there than it does in the states. But I agree, hideo and Sony were really the only option. Xbox fans know that. Nobody is downplaying anything.

Zeref3087d ago

How exactly am I downplaying anything? All I'm saying is that Sony has a great relationship with Japanese devs and part of it is because they are Japanese. Microsoft doesnt have a good relationship with japanese devs and part of it is because they are not Japanese. And people barely know what an Xbox is over there.
So its logical a japanese dev would choose Sony over Microsoft.

Why o why3087d ago

DC Bronco Did or at least he was adamant MS were the best fit for Kojima... True *u***** story

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3087d ago
-Foxtrot3087d ago

I know people are going to draw comparisons to Microsofts Tomb Raider deal but games like Tomb Raider and a studio person like Kojima who has made games like Metal Gear Solid and Zone of the Enders are mostly associated to Sony and the Playstation.

It's not Microsofts fault, the PS has just been around longer and has allowed a number of games on their system, games which have become multiplatform now but at the end of the day some people still think of them as a "Playstation" thing not because of fanboyism but because growing up that's where you knew them from. If I was going to buy games like Tomb Raider, GTA, MGS, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil it would be on the PS...it's just a thing.

It's different if, for example, Gears of War was never sold to Microsoft and instead Epic kept the IP only to make a deal with Sony to release the next game on the PS4 only...that's where you would go "WTF Sony, what's the point the fanbase is on the Xbox".

I don't even think this is Microsofts fault to be honest, why snatch up someone like Kojima where most of his fanbase is on the Playstation. It would be a waste and you'd have another Tomb Raider fiasco on your hands

Godmars2903087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

And I'll be the even less popular opinion than yours by saying look at what's happened when MS has managed such big PR scores. Gaining Square's support for the 360 did nothing for them. In some ways, because Square was moving into an uncreative, over emphasis on graphics slump, that team up hurt Square. Then there's also Kojima's own team up with which likely resulted in Revengence first being shown off too early then practically canceled before being saved by Platinum. And now there's the Tomb Raider exclusivity deal which, at best, has netted MS nothing.

As crazy as it may sound, given MS's past history, unless Kojima either already had an idea he was willing to develop and show off with a team-up or owned the Snake IP, I don't think that they'd be as interested in him. Whereas Sony will either give him time to mill about, or discretely push the Syphon Filter IP his way.

Doubt he's thinking much less working on it at this point. Rather that the franchise would make a perfect fit for any military-porn inclinations he might have post MGS.

DevilishSix3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Your Kojima possibly working on Syphon Filter is an interesting theory.

Update: agreed, I doubt he is as well, but the idea he could work on Syphon Filter and make it so much more is interesting considering his experience in that genre. Bubble up.

lodossrage3087d ago

I agree with Foxtrot fully

I've been telling everyone that same thing.

There is a BIG difference with deals like the Tomb Raider situation as compared to this Kojima thing or Street Fighter 5.

Tomb Raider is a franchise MAINLY tied to Playstation even though it's been almost everywhere. It gets majority of sales from Playstation and it's deeply rooted in Sony's history. And it's been like that since the PS1, you know, before Microsoft even had an Xbox brand. Not to mention Microsoft ONLY paid for the marketing and timed exclusivity, NOT the development.

With Street Fighter 5, Sony is helping with the DEVELOPMENT of this game, not just the marketing and such. So yeah, that being PS4/PC makes sense since they are literally helping fund the DEVELOPMENT of the game.

Just look at Dead Rising 3 as well. Dead Rising is a franchise more at home at Xbox. And Microsoft FUNDED the development for Dead Rising 3. So just like with SF5 and Sony, it made sense for DR3 to be XBox/PC.

I hope I explained the differences in those situations enough so people can stop saying people are being hypocrites by "being ok with on and not the other" (I'm talking about people like software_lover and laChance)

ScaReCrow903087d ago

How is Sony helping with development?
I haven't read an article on that. It needs to say concretely what they're helping with for me to believe they're helping with development.

Marketing is part of a games development.

joeorc3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

ScaReCrow90 + 2m ago
"How is Sony helping with development"

Kojima stated in the video this

Collaboration "with" Sony that is well defined.

col·lab·o·ra&# 183;tion
the action of working with someone to produce or create something.
"he wrote on art and architecture in collaboration with John Betjeman

"Marketing is part of a games development"

Does collaboration sound like that Sony is just only going to be helping with marketing to you?

lodossrage3087d ago


Kojima said it was a collaboration in the video. That means "making with" Sony, as in developing.

And where are you getting this idea that Marketing is part of development? Because it sure as hell is NOT.

pompombrum3087d ago

How is this even being compared to Tomb Raider? If anything, the closest comparison is surely Respawn with Titanfall.

lodossrage3087d ago

It doesn't

But people have been trying to make that comparison on the site here since this announcement became official

Godmars2903087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Yeah. Not seeing how getting "dibs" on one game is the same as partnering with a whole studio much less a well known developer.

joeorc3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

And if people would have looked at the Q/A yes Sony is publishing the game
Yes the game in the console business is only going to be released on the PlayStation 4.

But ..here is the biggie for those that keep trying to say Sony Money hatted this game...its also being released on...

PC! That's right after the PS4 version gets released, Sony the publisher is also releasing this game on PC.

So those that do fret of "owning" a PS4 can freaking relax, you can continue to be more than contentment with
Xbox one + PC & continue to condemn Playstation + Sony & their fans over this.

LeCreuset3087d ago


They've been trying to make the comparison since the TR fiasco. Got to have that false equivalency. They tried with SFV too, though that deal had way more in common with the one Xbox cut with the same company for Dead Rising 3.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3087d ago
lelo2play3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Kojima has a preference for Sony... enough said.

ShadowKnight3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Lol, I think Kojima is a fan of video games

OMGitzThatGuy3087d ago

If that was the case he would let his game be as widely available as possible, not restricting his game to one console. He is just a sonypony end of story.

ShadowKnight3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

@OMG Hey the Tomb Raider deal was kind of similar don't you think?. Now you know how I feel about Nintendo this generation so disappointed that they lost their way. I'm glad I own every console and a PC so I can experience everything. It's the way to go this generation if you can afford it of course. You should have known that Sony was going to publish the game it was already hinted before the announcement. Also looking forward to E3 2016

ScaReCrow903087d ago

Agreed. Just because he partners up with Sony doesn't mean anything.

Heck it might just been he needed backing and who better then a Japanese company like Sony.

LeCreuset3087d ago

"Hey the Tomb Raider deal was kind of similar don't you think?"

Nope. One is a game people were placing pre-orders on for PS, and the other is a title you can't even tell me its name or genre.

rainslacker3086d ago

Eh, he definately has a bit of Sony fan boy in him. I wouldn't say it would be enough to influence this decision, but may help push him closer to it.

Moreso, he seems to have a fascination with technology and new things which he can manipulate to do cool things to impress people. Not sure really how that matters for this gen unless he was making a Vita game, but nonetheless he loves that kind of stuff.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3086d ago
BlackTar1873087d ago

it's so insane to think an article like this can exist.

He's always preferred Sony saying it's MS fault for not landing him is so dumb.

Herbalistic3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Kojima fan base is on the on the Playstation brand. The Xbox consoles doesn't have reach in Japan or Europe..I think the only reason MGS5 hit Xbox One was due to Konami and not Kojima himself.

BeefCurtains3087d ago

But there are plenty of gamers on X1 that are fans as well. And I don't really see how MS reach in Japan has to do with this.

All in all, I'm only saying there are going to be some very disappointed X1 gamers.


G20WLY3087d ago

There's no need for them to be disappointed, they have time to save for a PS4 before his game arrives.

BeefCurtains3087d ago


That's the wrong attitude, obviously that won't work for everyone and it always sucks when a multi platform game goes exclusive. When a game goes exclusive for Sony, its "sucks to be X1 gamers", or they should just buy a Ps4... and when Ms gets an exclusive it's because they're a horrible company with evil plans to take over the world.

WickedLester3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

"All in all, I'm only saying there are going to be some very disappointed X1 gamers."

Then they should've bought a Playstation. Anyone who claims to be such a huge fan of Kojima and his catalogue of titles should know that Playstation has always been his platform of choice. If you're a fan of Kojima, or really any Japanese game development, why on earth are you playing Xbox anyway?

BeefCurtains3087d ago


MGS has been on Xbox for how long now? Close to a DECADE? Plus there's already been (2) MGS releases on X1. So yes, it's a surprise and sad that it's moving away from X1. Don't be so close minded. THis has nothing to do with your stupid petty console war. This has to do with millions of gamers that won't get the next one on teir console of choice "any more".

LeCreuset3087d ago

"That's the wrong attitude, obviously that won't work for everyone and it always sucks when a multi platform game goes exclusive."

I agree with the first part, but where did you get that this is a multi-plat going exclusive? We don't even know the title or genre of this game, and Kojima was still employed by Konami until a day or so ago. Seems like a big assumption to say this game was a multi-plat.

BeefCurtains3086d ago (Edited 3086d ago )


The game series, not the unnamed title, has been multiplat for many years. The next one will be exclusive. No assumption made.

LeCreuset3086d ago

Uh... You do know this isn't a title in the Metal Gear series going exclusive, right?

twiggytree123086d ago

"MGS has been on Xbox for how long now? Close to a DECADE?"
"The game series, not the unnamed title, has been multiplat for many years."

No, not even close. The series started on PS1 and PC, not Xbox.

The complete MGS series is only available on Playstation.

The ONLY metal gear titles that launched multiplatform DAY ONE on Xbox and Playstation is Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and Metal Gear Solid 5 GZ and TPP.

That's it.

MGS2 didn't hit Xbox until almost a year later than Playstation.


MGS3 didn't hit Xbox until almost 7 YEARS and a new Xbox console after it released on Playstation.

Xbox 360

MGS4 on Xbox? Maybe someday.. It's already closing in on a decade since it release on Playstation....

Xbox has almost always gotten the short end of stick with Metal Gear titles because Playstation is the primary platform, that's just the way it is.

Point is, if you're truely a fan of MGS/Kojima you have owned a Playstation.

BeefCurtains3086d ago (Edited 3086d ago )


If you want to school someone on the history of a game, KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

Metal Gear (series), first of all, was first released in 1987. It first released on Xbox was Metal Gear Solid 2 in 2002. Which, by my calculations, is a decade (10 years) plus another 3-4 years depending on the month of release.

So, for the last 14 years, it has been on Xbox. And yes, it's disappointing that it may not get another one.

Nowhere did I say anything about it originating on Xbox. And no you don't need a PlayStation to enjoy his MULTIPLE multiplat titles. But since you made the statement, yes the first MGS I played was on PS1, and then Xbox become my preferred console. Big deal. The point is, if you enjoy gaming you don't care what other people game on.

G20WLY3086d ago

No, my stating that they have time to save for a PS4 is not "the wrong attitude", it's a fact (assuming they have the financial means within the next year or so).

Why the talk of multiplatform games going exclusive? This is a new IP and new series Kojima and Sony are working on.

MS could have made Kojima an offer, nothing stopping them, but we'll never know, as they'll not wish to discuss their losses (as we know since they clammed up and now refuse to discuss Xbone sales).

What I said was clear, but I'll expand on it; if someone is a Kojima fan, they should probably already own a PlayStation and if they don't, they should now buy one and avoid these kinds of disappointments.

You know Naughty Dog were once a modest little studio, but talented and making great games for the time. Sony spotted and nurtured their talent and look at them now (not to deny the their own internal successes of course). Others in the industry have witnessed this, just as us gamers have.

They're a good company to work with for financial gain and developmental success. If you produce, you'll fly; if you slack, they'll cut you loose. Other companies have been known to squander talent, restrict and suffocate it. Now you tell me why Kojima went to Sony...Hint: he's like a Japanese rockstar and is loaded - this is for more than financial gain...

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The 7 Best Hideo Kojima Games Beyond Metal Gear Solid

Hideo Kojima is widely known as a video games auteur, but what are his best games outside the Metal Gear franchise?


Kojima explains why he decided to make a new action-espionage game

During the latest episode of HideoTube, Kojima talked a bit about Physint and the other projects he's currently working on.

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thorstein109d ago

That is a fantastic interview. Physint is a love letter to the fans. What a legend.

YourMommySpoils109d ago

I'm guessing OD will also be coming to PlayStation, as the trailer states for all players lol

RhinoGamer88108d ago

Love to know how much he works on a game. 10% effort --- 90% credit

F0XH0UND922108d ago

Ever see the credits of a Kojima game? The guy is a machine and does so much for his projects.

Trilithon108d ago

hes a decision maker. people don't always agree. but at least he has made a decision. imagine how many execs wanting the main characters outfit to have flowers cause their daughter likes flowers. this the power of being independent. only the real fans breathing down his neck

WelkinCole108d ago

I really really miss MSG. For me its not a PS gen if there is no MSG. So this news is a God send for me.

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Death Stranding 2’s badass ship has got Kojima (and us) very excited

Death Stranding 2’s ship will be a core mechanic in the new PS5 game, as Hideo Kojima reveals key details during a fresh HideoTube episode.

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contra157108d ago (Edited 108d ago )

Give us something new kojima