
Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey Review [RPG Site]

RPG Site reviews the new iOS, PS4 and Vita indie Japanese-style RPG Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey and finds it lacking, but has high hopes for future updates.


Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey Review | TSA

It’s not every day that a JRPG is built from the ground up specifically for mobile platforms. In fact, aside from ports from Square Enix’s library, the number of recognisable JRPGs on the platform could be counted on one hand. Unfortunately, while Kobojo’s efforts are admirable to bring the genre to mobile, Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey has several key issues that make it hard to recommend.

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FTLmaster3085d ago

The art style looks amazing - still gonna pick this up!


Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey PlayStation Experience 2015 Trailer

Kobojo has released a new trailer at PlayStation Experience for its upcoming fantasy role-playing game Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey for PS Vita and PS4.

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breakpad3088d ago (Edited 3088d ago )

Excellent art and visuals ...this deserved better production and attention from Sony imo ...in order to become a canonical AAA game ,with fully 3d world and a contemporary graphics engine

FTLmaster3088d ago

This game looks awesome, super pumped!


JRPGs Need Not Come from Japan

“Japanese role-playing game” has become something of a misnomer. It refers to a certain type of RPG, typically characterised by a bright, cartoony aesthetic; a focus on linear, character-driven stories, often with themes of saving the world, good-versus-evil, and coming of age; and battles that generally take place on a separate screen, usually with a party of multiple player-controlled characters, and that are often (but not always) turn-based.

There was a time when such games came almost exclusively from Japan, thus the moniker “Japanese RPG” (or JRPG) caught on, to differentiate between Western RPGs and their darker, more realistic looks, open worlds, and more focus on a player-defined character.

FallenAngel19843112d ago

The discussion of the distinction between JRPGs and WRPGs is a very interesting topic, partly because how interchangeable they can become based on the region that the developers reside in.

This video does a great job explaining this topic.

3112d ago Replies(1)
SegaGamer3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

But Japan does it better in my opinion.