
Shadow Moses Unreal Engine 4 Remake - Solid Snake Comparison + First Look At Meryl's Model

iRamGamer has released two new images from his upcoming Unreal Engine 4 fan remake of Metal Gear Solid.

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Bimkoblerutso3114d ago (Edited 3114d ago )

First, I don't mean to sound pessimistic here, but this is NEVER going to even come close to a playable version with Konami the way it is.

Second...why does Snake have breasts?

Double_O_Revan3114d ago

If Batman can do it, so can Solid Snake.

Bimkoblerutso3114d ago

If you think about it, it was cold at Shadow Moses, and Snake WAS doing an awful lot of crawling around.

That just makes too much sense.


I'm much more weirded out by the old model! Never realized before how the texture on torso suggest myostatin deficient Blue Bull, yet the poor guy have those slim jims for arms!

Maddens Raiders3114d ago

Yeah but Konami is just lurking in the "shadows" ready to dash this guys dreams like a typhoon.

blackbeld3113d ago

Hahahaha thats so funny man! You made my day. It's surely tactical LOL.

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UNKLE3114d ago (Edited 3114d ago )

if you do heavy lifting chestwork you gonna have big chest. SS always looked like a bodybuilder.

Captain_Wormy3114d ago

How has Konami not gotten wind of this yet?

DarkOcelet3114d ago

I think Konami is waiting until he made good progress and then they will destroy it.

Kaneki-Ken3114d ago

Or or they might take from them and add Fox Engine, then claim they did the game since they said that they started working on Metal Gear Solid VI which is a sequel of TPP which is know as Metal Gear.

twiggytree123114d ago (Edited 3114d ago )

@Captain- I've been wondering the same thing, I'm surprised it's lasted this long.

bunt-custardly3114d ago

He does tread on delicate ground but remember guys it's a fan made recreation (just like fan art I guess) which is not being sold for any profit - or being sold at all. So it's most likely not stepping on any legal toes. He's also not modifying the original software to make this.

Soldierone3114d ago

Very true, however there have been several mods or game creations that were taken down for that very reason. I don't know how they have legal ground to do it, but they do it.

Being Konami, it won't be surprising when it happens.

hoju693114d ago

Why is this in the hottest news everytime there is an update? Artists do this sort of stuff all the time and this quite honestly is not that good at all.

totallysane3113d ago

Jesus dude. Would love to see you come up with something like that and show it. It looks great

hoju693113d ago


Go ahead, tell me I don't know anything about 3D game art.

hoju693113d ago (Edited 3113d ago )

I'm not trying to be a dick about it, just being honest.

Musio833113d ago

You can't compare making a violin to making an entire map, animations, characters by one single person... Maybe you are some kind of jealous because his work is being shared? ;)

iRamGamer3113d ago

Hi guys, as I said before, I know that this is not a professional work YET. I only have around 2/3 months of experience doing these kind of things. I'm glad that my work is being shared by so many online magazines, but at the same time I know that other artists make way better jobs than this every day. But I repeat, I only have 3 months of experience... So let's see what I'm capable to do in one year ;). hoju69 that violin looks amazing!. Kind regards.

hoju693113d ago

Thank you, iRamGamer. Please read the PM I sent you.

big_dom_part_23114d ago (Edited 3114d ago )

*Codec ringing sound*


"This is Konami. Cease and desist, or else....Also, why did you put Peter Andre as Snake cosplay?"

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Agent7575d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle75d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.