
Bethesda sale currently running at Bundle Stars features the Fallout Bundle for just $20

Bundle Stars are currently running a Bethesda Sale to celebrate the launch of Fallout 4. One of the bundles on sale includes the Fallout Bundle.

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Fallout Anthology Edition Looks Pretty S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

The Fallout Anthology Edition is coming to PC very soon, and is packaged with some very S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

-Foxtrot55d ago

It’s an awful downgrade to the last one they did

They included physical disc back then

ocelot0753d ago

Forgot I ordered this until I got the dispatch email.

FPS_D3TH53d ago

I want the first two games to come to iPhone/android

Friendlygamer53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

I would love the classic fallout games on console. Closest I could find was atom rpg, I liked that one a lot

saint_seya53d ago

I though it was a new Killzone when i saw the image, looks like a hellghast..


Fallout Anthology, Fallout 4, Fallout 4 art book and more discounted

Fallout Anthology has been discounted to $39.99. The PS4 and Xbox One versions of Fallout 4 is also on sale at $39.88 while The Art of Fallout 4 got reduced to $28.06.

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irishyort3005d ago

This is old news.

Yes i have one and it is a great collectors item if you can grab one and you are a fan of fallout. Pity it didnt release and come with 4 however


Fallout 4 is coming out at the wrong time: why Spring would be better for Bethesda

With the huge cachet that Fallout has, the company would likely see a lot more of its Anthology under Christmas trees this year, spurring further sales of its previous titles and warming people up for a Spring release of its latest game.

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Paytaa3136d ago

You can release Fallout 4 at any point in the year and it will still sell loads. If we waited just another few years to hear about Fallout 4 it would have the same type of hype Half Life 3 still gets to this day.

Skyrim was and is still huge and Fallout 4 will do better. Mark my words.

Sureshot3135d ago

"Fallout is.never early or late. it arrives precisely when it means." Gandalf

Black0ut3135d ago

lmao Surshot XD

But yeah, Fallout will sell no matter the month. I've got two freakin' copies pred-ordered for God's sake!

Fallout 4 is gonna sell amazingly come the 10th, just wait and see.

Testfire3135d ago

Lol Sureshot, very good.

@ Blackout, same here. One for me and one for my son.

fulnattybrah3135d ago (Edited 3135d ago )

theres this little game called call of duty... i don't know if you've heard of it, but its going to mop the floor with fallout 4.... lets be real about this.. COD is still the king of the jungle, disagree all you want, but its the truth..

Aloy-Boyfriend3135d ago

Sadly I'll have to agree. COD will top the NPDs nonetheless. The only juggernaut that can take the crown is Grand Theft Auto againts it.

Martingw3135d ago

That's because there are more stupid kids who game, then grown people who actually can see which crappy franchise call of dump is. if you want to play a good wargame, play arma 3.

HaydenJameSmith3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

I disagree... after announcing it at E3 (the most watched event by Gamers all year) and then releasing in the holidays while it's still relevant in peoples minds will make sure it does very well imo.

People get sick of waiting for games that were announced years ago. Games like Fallout, Skyrim, GTA etc. all have legs, there the sort of games that sell all year round as previous installments proved. Games like AC and CoD do really well at launch then that's about it cause they appeal to a core group of fans that will all buy it at launch then wait till next year for the other one.

_-EDMIX-_3135d ago

Agreed. Its a established IP, they don't need a deep marketing campaign to explain what it is like new IPs and fall line up is perfect for its release, spring is JAM PACKED!

I have no idea what crack the writer is smoking. Spring has, Hitman, The Division, Mirrors Edge 2, Deus Ex, Uncharted 4,SFV...soooo we out here smoking METH? That is INSANE yet tell them to jump into the fire of Spring?

Why? Spring has just as big juggernauts if not MORE then what is releasing right now.

They are fine and I don't see gamers NOT buying it this fall due to COD or BF. Both are great titles, but in terms of RPGs..Fallout 4 is running unopposed.

This is the PERFECT TIME to release this title.

FlexLuger3136d ago

This time of the year is perfect. Holidays are coming and that means time off...which means more time to soak in this vast game, uninterrupted by having to go to bed early for work/college

lashes2ashes3136d ago

I completely agree, it should have come out today. Lol

sullynathan3135d ago

Maybe because Bethesda knows that Gamers spend more money in the holiday period so they aren't worried.

Stop forgetting that Skyrim sold 20 million copies. Bethsoft expects the same for Fallout 4 in the long run.

_-EDMIX-_3135d ago

I mean, that is a bit much, I don't think they are expecting 20 million, but they are likely expecting more then 10 million.

Though some expect it to sell more then Skyrim based on pre-orders, I'm not sure that is going to be the case with Fallout 4, unless New Vegas and Fallout 3's used copies converted millions of gamers that is.

It happened with GTA as each entry sold more and more despite not having the history of those sales before hand.

Fallout could have built a far bigger following then is documented.

sullynathan3135d ago (Edited 3135d ago )

GTA had a history of high sales numbers since GTA 3. San Andreas was the first to break the 20 million barrier and GTA 4 while also breaking 20 million couldn't surpass San Andreas' overall numbers.

GTA V did twice of San Andreas numbers but it had a lot to do with clever marketing strategy from R* in which they kind of got people to buy the game twice for last gen and current gen consoles.

Skyrim sold 20 million copies over a 3 year period, so it could be feasible for Fallout 4 to sell that much in that time.

_-EDMIX-_3135d ago

In that time yes, also GTA did have huge sales history, but nothing like GTA SA prior.

GTA III, GTA VC etc with each entry drastically increased in sales after every entry. Though having a history in high sales, it also sold an amount that was always very, very much over what the last did, which makes me consider the series grew with its used versions and the last entries sales where not really indicative of how many actually likely where playing the title.

As the used versions likely grow the real install base larger then what they had listed in sales.

Consider I got GTA III and VC used, but got GTASA, IV and V day 1. Consider I don't show up on those sales data, I got them used.

That might be what could happen with Fallout 4 in terms of it having more fans then the company actually thinks.

I'm not saying it doesn't have a history of doing well, merely it doesn't have one on paper of doing THAT well lol.

Fallout 3 could do 20 million and really have MORE fans not listed.....or could do lessor like 14 million or so, who knows.

Its really hard to tell how many active fans of the series exist due to past sales as lots of those gamers could have sold them, let other borrow it etc.

I mean I hope Fallout 4 does 20 million as its a series that deserves all the praise it gets.

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