
Why Overwatch is Bound to Succeed

Here is why Overwatch is bound to succeed.

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Former Blizzard CEO reflects on company as Microsoft merger closes

Speaking at SXSW Sydney, Mike Morhaime shared some insight into his departure from Blizzard Entertainment, the company he co-founded.

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boing1209d ago

No kidding. I thought it's John McEnroe.

PapaBop209d ago

“There’s this great Steve Jobs quote I love: If you keep your eye on the profit, you’re going to skimp on the product. But if you keep your eye on the product, the profit will follow, and I really believe that,” Morhaime explained.

I think that basically explains the problem with Blizzard now and clearly goes against high level execs who couldn't give a toss about the games.


Legendary Blizzard Art Director Samwise Didier Retires After 32 Years at The Studio

Samwise Didier, the legendary art director who helped define Blizzard's art style and is even credited with coining the name "Warcraft" is retiring after 32 years.

Gamingsince1981211d ago

Must be something bad happening at MS (going by someone's obscure observation) right guys ? Surely ?

Ristul211d ago

He is fairly young still, so I wonder why he would retire from Blizzard. Maybe a new job, or something behind the scenes.

Abriael211d ago

32 years of career probably means he can retire young and simply dedicate himself to art and music fully.


Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Promises to "Nurture What Has Made Blizzard Unique" Following Acquisition

During BlizzCon 2023, Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer delivered a promising message to Blizzard Entertainment fans.

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XiNatsuDragnel220d ago

I hope so Phil I really hope so.

Obscure_Observer220d ago

I´m not expecting a miracle.

But I´m 100% sure that Blizzard and its games will get a far better treatment under Xbox than they had under Kotick in more than a decade.

Godmars290220d ago

By what basis since MS is of the habit of turning over established IPs to studios other than ones that made them?

And what is Activision at this point other than COD, Diablo and Overwatch?

Obscure_Observer219d ago

"By what basis since MS is of the habit of turning over established IPs to studios other than ones that made them?"

Who cares? If the ones who made it don´t want or can´t make it, what´s the problem?

"And what is Activision at this point other than COD, Diablo and Overwatch?"

That´s exactly the point I´m talking about, dude. I´m expecting for legacy IPs to make a comeback now that ABK is under Xbox, since Kotick couldn´t give a sh!t about those games.

Gamingsince1981220d ago

MS won't fix anything , they never have, why would this time be different ?

DOMination-219d ago

When you look back through the last decade, it's hard to argue with this.

The only studio that has truly flourished were Playground Games and I'd even suggest that since MS acquired them, FH4 & 5 were the worst in the series due to huge issues not being fixed now for 5+ years due to the focus on live service style weekly/monthly updates.

1Victor219d ago

Way too many studios have been gutted by Microsoft to the point of closing or made into a joke as far as I know only bungie was able to break their chains and ran away as fast and far as they could unlike rare and lionheart.
Phil can say whatever he wants but as usual expect half truths, full lies or Ignorance of the situation.

Jin_Sakai220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

Anytime you see “Phil Spencer Promises” you know not to believe it.

XiNatsuDragnel220d ago

Anti-naruto speech but it's true

Vits220d ago

I don't know if that is possible. Most of the folks that made the Blizzard that we loved aren't in the company anymore.

Plague-Doctor27219d ago

Yeah its weird to think but the "Blizzard" we all know and love is from 15+ years ago

TricksterArrow219d ago

Came in to say that. You are completely right. If we go by recent talents, even Jeff Kaplan jumped ship. I know some people NEVER liked Overwatch, but it was in a MUCH better state when he was at the helm. You could see he cared about the project a lot. But care can only lead you to one place only in greedy companies like this... out the door.

isarai220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

You mean like you did with Bungie/343i, Rare, Arkane and Bethesda? Plus like a lot of these legacy studios, almost if not all the vets who made it special are gone

Chevalier219d ago

Head of Tango has left recently too

Lightning77218d ago

He's been trying to retire for sometime now. Hes helped the next creative director John Johanas. High FI was his creation from scratch not Shinji Mikami.

No MS had nothing to do with HIFI before you start.

Lightning77218d ago (Edited 218d ago )

For once in your life I have to give you your flowers. Take a lap, dance in the streets you finally got something right. It took you a million years but you finally did it.

He spoke candidly about Retiring but decided not but left Bethesda. 👏 👏. I'm happy for you for getting something right It won't happen ever again buy hey I give props this time.

It's 20 and 1 you finally got one over me.

Lightning77218d ago

I wasn't talking you I was talking to Israi about his comment kiddo. I heard a rumor awhile ago about him retiring but it was him leaving instead. In my head I thought "retirement" a slight mess up done by my own hand. Like I said, pat yourself on the back. It's a small win leaving vs Retirement but hey it's facts and I don't argue facts. You should be proud.

Lightning77218d ago

343 got gutted because of bad management and slow and uninspired season releases (now they're releasing one of the best seasons yet) similar to BUNGIE recently. Redfall had nothing to do with MS. People leave all the time doesn't mean anything. With that logic Connie Booty and Jim Ryan being gone is bad management. Again with your logic Sony layoffs and downsizing recently is bad management also?

isarai218d ago (Edited 218d ago )

You must have a fetish for being wrong bro, that's the only explanation I can think of for how you act around here 🤣

Chevalier218d ago (Edited 218d ago )


"He's been trying to retire for sometime now."

Oh really?! Just wanted to throw in an idiotic comment as usual. Wrong again as usual too. He's not retiring at all.


So how do you like your crow to be served?! Studio wasn't allowing him the freedom to do what he wanted to so he left his own studio under Microsoft to do what he wants to. Damn it only took 5 seconds to prove you wrong again.

Here Shinji Mikami in his own words:

“Now that I've broken the spell of non-competition on myself,” he wrote, “I guess I should get to work.”

Yeah definitely sounds like someone retiring right?! He's only making new games.

Lightning77218d ago

"Oh really?! Just wanted to throw in an idiotic comment as usual."

As usual!? I'm not you don't ever compare me to you kiddo.

He left earlier this year yes he retired from Tango at Bethesda, BETHESDA Show me where I said he was exiting the game industry? Please show me.

Gee what do you know it only took me 5 minutes to correct you as always. You throughim false things I Never said and made yourself look dumb as always kiddo.

You'll never win anything against me you and I both know that, you're not smart enough, never ever will be so back to bridge you go.

"Damn it only took 5 seconds to prove you wrong again."

I would love to see this where have you ever proved me wrong go ahead and tell me.

Chevalier218d ago (Edited 218d ago )


"Show me where I said he was exiting "

The part where you deflected and made it seem like he was retiring. Hence you're idiotic and wrong. He's doing no such thing. He didn't 'retire' from Bethesda, he F'n left which isn't the same. Lol.

Leaving a company is NOT retiring stupid. Because by that idiotic logic for example I retired when I left my last job. I did no such thing. I moved onto a better higher paying job. I didn't 'retire'.

So again wrong. You're doing mental gymnastics trying to backtrack right now when you were straight up wrong like usual.


"“I am writing today to let you know that studio head Shinji Mikami has decided to leave Tango Gameworks in the coming months,”

But yeah okay. Where anywhere does the word 'retire' show up. Bethesda even wished him well on whatever he planned to do. What happened is there was speculation he was retiring which you assumed to be true without researching (no surprise there of course). So again you're wrong.


"Mikami departs Tango at age 57, which naturally leads to questions surrounding his possible retirement. The Evil Within director has spoken pretty candidly in the past about retiring but has maintained over the last few years that he wants to direct one final game before he hangs up his hat. "

Lightning77218d ago

Nice way of saying that I'm right since you can't point out how I'm wrong nor have a counter argument but go ahead and entertain me on how I'm "wrong" though.

Chevalier218d ago

"he retired from Tango at Bethesda"

I knew were dumb and you might have difficulty with English, but, 'retiring' is NOT the same as just up and leaving. By your stupid logic when you switched jobs you 'retired'.

Here's the Oxford definition to dumb it down for you:

"to leave your job and stop working"

Mikami left Bethesda. He didn't stop working because he's still making games. He paused because of a non-compete which is not the same as retiring. So again you are wrong.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 218d ago
LordoftheCritics220d ago

I don't think you can manufacture talent.

Old Blizzard died a long time ago.

jznrpg220d ago

Blizzard has been garbage for a long time now. Same with Activision. Good luck with that.

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