
The Best Platform Games Ever (That Aren't Mario)

GamesRadar - Platform games are one of gaming's most enduring staples, and you can't really mention them without talking about Mario. Except I am. Put simply, there's no point in me trying to list the best platform games of all time because, like it or not, Mario titles would take up at least 50% of the entries. The best platform game ever made is probably Super Mario Galaxy 2 (so says our Best Games Ever list list). But let's not argue about that. Let's look at the challengers.

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Relientk773257d ago

This list needs the Spyro the Dragon trilogy (PS1)

Germany73257d ago

Also Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter.

Genuine-User3257d ago (Edited 3257d ago )

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy is the best platfomer 'I' have ever played.

oasdada3256d ago

After uncharted i hope we see a new Jak game from ND.. oh please make it happenn!!

DragoonsScaleLegends3257d ago (Edited 3257d ago )

I would like to say a PS1 game but have you replayed them lately? Going back and playing them they are so outdated as far gameplay goes especially my favorite MediEvil. But crash also plays and feels like crap on PS1 now lol. But yeah I would say Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World still hold up extremely well and are some of the best platformers ever. I wish Sony would allow us to play PS1 games on PS4 similar to how Nintendo allows us to play their classics with a save state function.


We are talking about the original Crash right? I find what makes that game hard to play is not the levels but the outdated gameplay lol. The movement feels horrible and definitely with a d-pad. It makes it hard to judge distances or fall off the edge sometimes. I think the Legend of Dragoon holds up way better.

TWB3257d ago

Yeah, I finished the original Spyro trilogy just recently, didnt really see anything wrong with them, did a glitch run to spice things up a bit for 2 and 3. I would say that Crash would seem to age even less considering it still has quite a lot narrov corridors and its not a 3D platformer like Spyro.

Im planning on playing Croc 2 next but as far as I remember, it feels kinda clunky.

Then my yearly playthrough of Tombi 2

TWB3256d ago

While the first Crash game is clearly dated (for example, the save system), its gameplay is still doable but not quite as refined as later Crash games. Croc 2 has probably worse controls and I still find it completely playable.

Crash 2 and 3 on the other hand hold extremely well IMO.

Same thing with Spyro, the first one has some small flaws around but its still an entertaining game. 2 and 3 are so much more refined and movement feels much better.

OhMyGandhi3256d ago

Jeeze...How did they miss that?

So, Spyro, Jak and Daxter, and Sly Cooper....

NukaCola3257d ago

Going to throw a shout out to BUGS BUNNY: LOST IN TIME on PS1. If any of you played it, you know it's like Super Mario 64 in which you go to to different worlds from a hub land with major and minor collectibles.

I love how each world was a Looney Toon themed land with awesome gameplay, metroidvania style areas to unlock, things to collect, and even set ups where you are literally playing classic shows. It was a surprise find for me as a kid and I think if anyone has the chance to play it, will absolutely love it.

FullmetalRoyale3257d ago

That sounds badass. I had never heard of that to my knowledge.

vikingland13257d ago

Yuke yuke trouble makers,aero the acrobat,heart of darkness were all great but I bet most people never heard of them.

TWB3257d ago

Ohh Heart of Darkness.

Its funny, that game left such an impression on me that I still remembered some of the parts like photos in my mind but I had completely forgotten the name of the game (last year). I even tried to search the demo disc I got like from the Kellogs or something, didnt find it... I just wanted to give it another go because I remembered it being pretty hard.

Then I just happened to stumble accross a top 5 list of forgotten games on this site and it just happened to feature Heart of Darkness. I was thrilled.

Even better was the fact that I happened to find the game from my local used games store for good price (because I thought it would be impossible to find one without turning into Ebay). The store owner even asked if I really wanted the game because I was smiling and he said the game was stupid.

It was great to finaly play and finish it after 10 years. Just dipping my toes on that sweet nostalgia sauce.

PlayableGamez3257d ago

Surprised they didn't put Ori and the Blind Forest.

Cernunnos3256d ago

Agreed, that was a fantastic game.

StrayaKNT3256d ago

Agree that's like the best platformer in 10 years

Angeljuice3257d ago

Jumping Flash is the only platformer I have ever cared for.

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The 7 Best Rare Games: A Pioneering Legacy

Rare has had an astonishing journey since being founded in 1985. But of the 125 titles released to date, which are the 7 best Rare games?

darthv7274d ago

I was always a fan of Cobra Triangle.


The 7 Best Sega CD Games and How to Play Them Today

The Sega CD (aka Mega CD) had some classics that still live on today. Here's the 7 best Sega CD games & how to play them on modern consoles.

banger8891d ago (Edited 91d ago )

Series X/S + Dev Mode. It's a shame the retail mode emulators got removed, dev mode looks like a pain in the ass.

Neonridr91d ago

I use the Analogue Mega SG console coupled with a Mega SD everdrive that allows me to play Sega CD games through the cartridge without the need for the CD add-on. Have the 8-bitdo Sega Genesis 6 button wireless controller and it's the closest thing I can get to playing it as it was originally without owning old hardware.

Number1TailzFan91d ago

Final Fight was a great game on the CD, not only on the system but as a fighting game of the time as well. Up there in some ways with Streets of Rage 2 IMO. It's too bad they didn't continue putting the rest of them on there, the music is top notch too.

kevco3391d ago

I bought FF CD as a young teen after having loved the arcade/SNES version (despite the latter being watered down). Loved how immaculate a port it was.

TheBrainZ90d ago

Earthworm Jim is a classic, still have the original somewhere.

OtterX90d ago

There is some wrong information in this article. I just checked for Sonic CD and Shining Force CD on Nintendo Switch eShop (as stated in the article) across 4 different regions, and they are not available.

FinalFantasyFanatic90d ago

I know it's on Steam, but I don't recall seeing either of those games on Switch Eshop, I'm curios as to what region he found them on.

OtterX90d ago

Yea, I checked US, UK, JP and Portugal (my region), not on any of those.

I'd want these handheld, so hopefully I can get a Steam Deck by the end of the year 🙏

ZeekQuattro90d ago

Sega teased big things coming to the Sega Ages line of games but tapped out after about a year. I can't find any evidence that it was added to the Switch. The author must of mistaken it for the Shining Force 1 but even then that's part of the Sega Genesis collection not Ages.

Chocoburger89d ago

Sonic CD is in the Sonic Origins Collection, that's what he meant.

As for Shining Force CD, I don't know if its on the eshop, but it seems unlikely.

OtterX89d ago (Edited 89d ago )

Well I'm really happy you responded with this!

I must have completely missed or forgotten about Sonic Origins. I was just looking at it, and it has the Game Gear titles too on the Plus version! (I had a Game Gear back in the day) Man, especially in handheld, that should be great. I just wishlisted it and will pick it up on the next sale.

Thanks a ton!

Chocoburger89d ago

Glad to have reminded you, but I do recommend checking out reviews on Sonic Origins Collection, while I own it (because I wanted the Japanese exclusive swag that comes with the Deluxe Pack), a lot of people are disappointed by it, and the Game Gear emulation, so some video reviews should help.

A lot of people complained that Sega should have emulated the superior Master System versions of the game, since they run at a higher resolution than the Game Gear ports.

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anast90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

They should release these as is for $100.

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Will There Ever Be A New Rayman Game?

Ubisoft barely have a leg to stand on lately, so do they need to crack open the vaults and return platforming royalty to glory for some goodwill?

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-Foxtrot95d ago

We need Rayman 4, they could make a great platformer game if they wanted. With the open hub levels and the like.

Better than relying on Rabbids and Assassins Creed all the time

Profchaos95d ago

Yeah agree id love a Rayman 2 style 3d platform game over another 2d platformer I know people loved legends but it never gelled with me same as Rayman 1 back in the day on PS it just felt like a average platformer with sonic and Mario offering something better on what was then last gen hardware

Terry_B95d ago

Yes..but I am sure it won't be the Rayman game fans want. Not from the company that is Ubisoft today.

mastershredder95d ago (Edited 95d ago )

Ancel is retired from games. His hoodlum/rabbid team are doing their own thing. It would not be the same if Ubisoft did.

Profchaos95d ago

Probably far more profitable to make low effort Rabbids games aimed at kids over a next Rayman

Chocoburger95d ago

Experience points, skill trees to fill up, level gating, endless menial tasks and side quests, constantly scrounging for resources. Always having to upgrade your gear. A.KA. "The Ubisoft effect".

No thanks, don't ruin Rayman's legacy.

Profchaos95d ago

Sure there will be it'll launch right alongside the next splinter cell

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