
Sony's E3 conference: an artful blend of nostalgia and big business

Eurogamer - Spare a thought for Team Vapourware. Their line-up took quite a beating last night.

The pity party is held, of course, in the saloon bar of the Marie Celeste. Amelia Earhart, the CEO, leans her head against the bar and grimaces. "What's left?" she asks the CFO (Bigfoot). "Half-Life 3?" he offers. "Beyond Good & Evil 2?" A pause. "I have high hopes for that Gravity Rush sequel."

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DarkOcelet3283d ago

This is the best E3 we will ever get. Maybe in 2030 we will get something as epic but until then, i doubt any conference will be better.

JoGam3283d ago

For those who were worry about Sony conference days before the event....I told you it was nothing to worry about. Sony is not playing around.

3283d ago
Khajiit863283d ago

I have been with Sony for all 4 gens..... I have been stupid to worry about PS3 early on and learned my lesson.... Its called PLAYstation for a good reason.

Ron_Danger3283d ago

Sony set the pins on the tee and spiked it out of the park... Touchdown!!!

Sports reference nailed!!

Chuk53283d ago

It's over, E3 is reborn and Sony is at the helm of the industry.

Ristul3283d ago

Yeah, back to the greatness of the Playstation and PS2 era of gaming!

Godmars2903283d ago

Been that since the PS1. Which sadly, lead to the mess surrounding the PS3, which actually started with the PS2. Sony acting like that didn't have any competition while otherwise leading the industry.

Godmars2903283d ago

Come to think of it, think this is the first time they didn't do the sales report they do that always drags things down.

3283d ago Replies(2)

XDefiant Season 1 Launches July 2, New Faction and Content Outlined

XDefiant Season 1 starts on July 2! Not only that, but we even get a new trailer featuring the new faction called "GSK," and more.


The WW1-themed survival horror game “Conscript” is coming to PC and consoles on July 23rd

"The Wakefield-based (England) indie games publisher and developer Team 17 and Melbourne-based (Australia) indie games developer Catchweight Studio, are today super happy and excited to announce that their WW1-themed pixel-art survival horror game “Conscript”, is coming to PC (via Steam)  and consoles (PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) via digital stores on July 23rd, 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


XDefiant Player Count Hits 10 Million in Less Than 2 Weeks; TDM Mode Out in a Couple of Weeks

The XDefiant player count has reached 10 million in less than two weeks, which was more than expected. Team Deathmatch mode incoming soon.

Abear216h ago

Jumped in a had a blast on my first couple matches. I made a difference in the fight despite being level one and both matches were fun. Can’t say the same for The Finals, but this free to play doesn’t even require PS Plus so it scratches the itch for me.