
Does resolution really matter?

Eurogamer - This one took us by surprise. A study undertaken by US pollmeisters Nielsen revealed this week that "better resolution" is the top reason people bought PlayStation 4 over its competition. It's a remarkable, perhaps even unbelievable result, and one we wanted to dig into more deeply, so we contacted the director of Nielsen Games, Nicole Pike, asking about the size and make-up of the sample and how respondents were directed into giving their answers.

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dolphin223382d ago (Edited 3382d ago )

This tripe written by Richard Leadbetter just reads like one gigantic love letter to Microsoft, attempting to gloss over and shift the goalposts, pertaining to the Xbox One's graphical shortcomings in relation to the Ps4.

This odious website blasted Sony's Ps3 for an entire generation regarding any smidgeon of inferiority against the Xbox 360, but now when Sony has a clear graphical resolution edge, lets sweep it under the rug and shift the agenda onto framerate. Then when they lose in both resolution and framerate, as was the case a week or so back with Evolve, they deny Sony the win and call it an even draw, because with yet more goalpost shifting they say the overall game experience is best enjoyed using on the Xbox live service.

With hypocrisy like this, it is no wonder that long overdue serious questions are only now, starting to be raised over the ethics, standards and corruption within certain areas of game journalism, even though if has been well known about and has existed for years.

Bigpappy3382d ago

Before you run off with your predictable blabber, may me you should ask yourself a few easy questions:

What is the best looking games on PS4 right now? Is that the order? What is the resolution of the order?

yewles13382d ago

"What is the best looking games on PS4 right now? Is that the order? What is the resolution of the order?"

You wanna' compare that to The Evil Within? On XBOX ONE even?


Back on topic: I would like to thank Richard Leadbetter for helping me make an important decision today... I'm sticking to 7th gen and eventually going retro.

dolphin223382d ago (Edited 3382d ago )

As predicted, my entire point went flying right over your head Pappy and much like the author of this article, you are also trying to downplay the impact that resolution plays, in order to suit your agenda, as this is an area in which your console of choice has struggled.

I am well aware that other factors come into play during game development in order to strike a balance between resolution and framerate.

I'm merely illustrating the point that Leadbetter is attempting to obfuscate matters by shifting the focus away from resolution and onto other areas such as framerate and game experience.

Reading between the lines, i come to the conclusion that he and his website have a deliberate agenda doing this so as to rob and downplay any advantages that Sony have in this area.

If i listened to your inane claptrap i would replace my 4k television in my living room for my old 720p that is currently residing in the attic.

joab7773381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

Get a PS4 or an xbone. There are great gmes coming this gen. Puck based on whatever reasons you want, bit don't miss out to make a point. For me, PS4 does have the games I want, and my friends play there, so it's a simple choice. Eventually, of there is a can't miss game on xbone, I'll get one.

While many games may look a little better on PS4, it isn't why I bought it, and it isn't why I bought a PS3. Eventually I bought a 360 for games, bit spent most of my time where my friends play.

Games like Bloodborne and Persona will sell systems, but so will Halo. The good news is that they are affordable and will only get cheaper.

Spotie3381d ago

-sigh- The resolution of The Order is 1080p. You WISH it was something less than that, but it isn't.

BitbyDeath3381d ago

The resolution of the order is 1080p, where are you going with this?

Hard8times3381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

The order is 1080p the black are rendered in the picture now try again

ABizzel13381d ago

Yes and No.

Yes when it's a big difference like 720p vs 1080p vs 1440p vs 4k. Resolution is noticeable when stepping up from those resolutions, and the clarity of a game natively rendered at those resolutions look great and makes everything, even the minor details, pop.

Yes, because it shows a sign of evolution technologically. More powerful hardware can produce better graphics and a better resolution, to visually show evolution of hardware.

And finally yes when you're comparing two images. The image with the better resolution has a cleaner image. Fanboys might not like it, but it's simply the truth.

Does it hold you back from enjoying a game simply because it's 720p, absolutely not, and it would be stupid of any console gamer to say otherwise.

Resolution matters, but it's weight on the scale does nothing to tip it.

fr0sty3381d ago

@Bigpappy, I'd still say Driveclub, which is 1080p.

Volkama3381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

If you want to argue console tech-peens then The Order is not 1080p. But in terms of pixel density and image quality (which is the real discussion), the stuff that is within the letterbox is essentially 1080p.

Ryse is a better case study for the "does resolution matter?" and "filmic techniques vs resolution" topic, because we can use the PC version to see how it looks at any number of resolutions. The verdict is that increasing the resolution makes a real and positive difference. The game looks great on the One, but at 4k it looks flat-out better.

It would be interesting to see what could be achieved with a standard definition game on current hardware though, if an engine/game was truly made for that target.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3381d ago
Bigpappy3382d ago

Not at all. Forget Xbox for a second. You can have much more beautiful games at a slightly lower resolution if the GPU limits graphical features at the higher resolution.

That is the only point I am trying to make here. Resolution is only better if it can also allow for all other graphical features to stay intact. In other words, resolutions is only one feature of many that determine how nice a game will look.

It is people like you that try and over emphasize the importance of resolution to suite your agenda. And when developers start thinking that this is what gamers really see a buying point, you end up with games that could have been a lot better looking and play better to boot.

nucky643381d ago

man, you're missing the point of what dolphin is trying to say.

Ashlen3381d ago

Well, the PS4 has consistently had both higher resolutions and better textures and lighting and as well as particle effects.

So where does that put your agenda?

The PS4 has a better memory architecture and more powerful GPU nothing is going to change that.


fr0sty3381d ago

Resolution NEVER allows ALL graphics features to stay intact. You ALWAYS have to make a sacrifice of hitting your target resolution or going lower and being able to throw more at the screen. That is a major part of game development, deciding where you want to settle for the look you're trying to achieve.

For instance, Driveclub is currently the king of racing game graphics. However, they could have halved the resolution and doubled the frame rate (well, it doesn't scale perfectly like that, as there could be other bottlenecks, but i'm going to simplify it for the sake of this example). Or they could have halved the resolution and included better anti-aliasing or anisotropic filtering. There is always going to be something you could have done that gets cut in order to hit any resolution.

Death3381d ago

Dolphin is pretty much saying the only reason resolution is important today is because last gen Sony was teased when the Xbox had higher res and more stable frame rates. What he is missing is the fact Sony called the Xbox360 the "Xbox 1.5" which setup some pretty unrealistic expectations for the PS3. When the PS3 which was labeled a "super computer" struggled to output the same quality of the Xbox 1.5, people were pretty quick to point this out.

Fast forward to today and some PlayStation fans are still pointing out these unseen differences trying to convince people native resolution is somehow more important than it really is. At the end or the day if knowing the 1080p image on your screen is native and not using the hardware upscaler makes the game more fun, kudos to you.

N4g_null3381d ago

Great point death. The 4k response was not called for since the ps4 is not really compatible with it and every console can be up scaled and processed on the fly on those tvs. I love me some tv tech! So if you can afford a 4k why not get a titan z to go all out? Just a question because it's hard to follow your logic. The ps4 and xbone both struggle as if these are clones of last gen machines. The difference is so small it's like fighting over who has the bigger imaginary bank account.

The point of the article may have actually been this is stupid because the graphics actually arn't too much better. Just a little. I don't know maybe I'm spoiled by real gpus in pcs.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3381d ago
DevilOgreFish3381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

"Does resolution really matter?"

As a console gamer, i think making a good game matters. as a PC gamer hell yeah, 4k, 1440p ftw!

Roccetarius3381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

Quite wrong actually. Making a good game matters to both, but one is more capable than the others.

fr0sty3381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

I've always had a super powerful PC, as I do video production, but you always get console level graphics just cleaner and sharper. It isn't until the end of the generation where you start to see games where "that just couldn't even be done on any console"... tesselation and other DX11/12 features were what separated the last gen consoles from this gen, in addition to raw power. It'll be a little while before PC's are offering features like that which just can't be done on consoles even at lower resolution.

That's why I never saw the point in it. My PC is big and loud, not in the best spot for gaming, so it spends the majority of its time rendering video, CGI, or video projection mapping. I just don't see enough of a benefit to endure those inconveniences.

N4g_null3381d ago

Frosty you know they make wireless hdmi right? You also know that cell phones are going to pass these current consoles gpu output right? You also know we have video cards that can actually do real time realistic volumetric gas and fire Sims on the video card? We are way over 3 teraflops man.... the ps4 is like 1.5ish. I don't know about you but we are doing 4k depth maps in real time on 3 4k monitors with all ssd.

I'm sure some one will come along and use the full power of the high end cards sooner or later in vr. Yet to say console render better is pretty fanboy - ish and missleading.

If these consoles would have hit 3 teraflops like devs where asking for seriously we would have stuff closer to transformers the movie in real time. Any bump is good but the hype about power is tiring because they just are not that powerful. The magic of RISC cpus are gone also. We just have basic pc kit in these consoles with no exotic os tweaking them. The next gen should be better though.

Yet these consoles are about games... we should be talking about that. HD is still a hit or miss subject.

miyamoto3381d ago

So glad that I am not the only one who have seen through the mask of anti-PlayStation sites like Eurogamer, Digital Foundry, Polygon, Kotaku, Venture Beat, The Verge, IGN (exept for the PlayStation Team of Greg Miller), Gamespot, etc.
They are yapping all this bs for the last days as the truth-informed gamers and YouTubers are taking over.

So far every negativity they spew out over the net is backfiring at them. The more hate and misinformation the more PS4 and its games are played by the millions.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3381d ago
dolphin223382d ago (Edited 3382d ago )

Again you are misunderstanding what i am trying to say pappy. I agree with you that games at lesser resolutions can look better in some instances and that it's a balancing act of give and take, compromise, as well as art choices and that lowering the resolution can free up other areas to add more polish and grunt for the developers to get the best out of every system but that is not what i am talking about and well you know it.

The only reason that you keep harping on about this is because your console of choice has struggled to keep up in this regard.

I am referring to the motives and goal post shifting of Richard Leadbetter at Eurogamer and visually impaired gamers such as yourself who have an agenda to downplay Sony while heaping lavish praise upon microsoft.

It begs the question, why are you defending this? Would you not want to get the best visual and gameplay bang for your buck at the highest optimum settings that each system will allow.

The answer lies in the simple fact that you have a part of your lower anatomy shoved so far up the jacksie of the American game manufacturer that it has clouded your judgement.

You bought a console that struggles to attain 1080p for certain titles, therefore you are scrambling to defend Microsoft's 720p - 900p titles and have to find any way to downplay Sony's 1080p offerings.

StrayaKNT3381d ago

Resolution does not matter and its been proven. Gameplay matters.

ltachiUchiha3381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

Well if it doesn't matter then whats the use of enhancing graphics, we mightest will have stuck to atari graphics. Obviously it matters but should that be a reason to stop u from purchasing a game u want to play? Of course not but it does matter to others.

Same can be said about reviews but again that shouldn't stop u from buying or not buying a game based off others opinions but reviews do matter or should I say, they use to matter until the media went hollywood on gamers and now cant be really trusted as a relevant source. Tell me would u trust a stranger with your bank account number, thats exactly how u should look at reviews nowadays because of their shady practices for hits for income.

Edit: For smaller sites I can understand since its a business but it still a big F**k u to gamers who go to game sites for their decision to purchase a game or not & especially to the devs that work hard to give us the best product they can make.

StrayaKNT3381d ago

All im saying is that gameplay should be the first priority before they think about how the game will look. These days they worry about graphics before gameplay which is wrong imo.

ltachiUchiha3381d ago

I can agree with that but I can also add that there is nothing wrong with having better graphics aslong as it doesn't hurt the gameplay, storyline etc etc. Im just saying that graphics may not be as important as gameplay & story imo but it does bring the game to life & gives gamers a more immersive world that makes us pause for a second just to check out the beauty of the world the devs have created.

Rocky53381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

I agree to a certain extent, I'm perfectly fine with 900p + but 720p I draw the line.

When the XB1 was released Devs could use the excuse of its new we didn't have time, but a year & a half later & we're still getting 720p games, something is wrong & I won't accept that.

BF 4/Hardline, PES2015 & MGS are 4 games that run at 720p, they all use deferred renderers, but so does Ryse: Son of Rome.
(Well Ryse uses a deferred render & a forward+ renderer, but that looks so damn good & it's 900p)

In my opinion all games should be 1080p LOCKED 30FPS minimum. There are to many games being released with shocking frame rates & random resolutions.

ajax173381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

I wish developers would focus on framerate first then work the graphics around it. I wish people would shut the hell up about resolution. It doesn't affect gameplay, but framerate does, damn it!

Destiny10803381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

frame rate is a non issue, every ps4 exclusive runs at a rock solid 30 or 60 even third party's like call of duty or running a rock solid 60fps in multiplayer and with dx12 and similar updates to the ps4 in a year are two I would say no games will have issues with frame rates, developers haven't even started to scratch the surface of what the ps4 is capable off

Kiwi663381d ago

Didn't know dx12 was going to be on ps4 as thought that was only for ms products etc which last time i checked aren't on ps4

lsujester3381d ago

He said DX12 and "similar updates to the ps4". He didn't say dx12 was going to the ps4.

Not to say I completely agree with everything he said, framerate is an issue on both consoles to varying degrees.

3381d ago
Roccetarius3381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

Every little bit matters, but those without what they never had will always say otherwise. This site is certainly proof of that.

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"INDIE Live Expo, Japan’s premiere online digital showcase series connecting indie game fans all over the world, highlighted more than 150 games during its Saturday broadcast introducing world premieres, new trailers, and updates during its 10th-ever digital showcase." - INDIE Live Expo.

TGG_overlord3d ago

Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


The DevGAMM conference is returning to Lisbon (Portugal) on November 14th, 2024

"Following a great event in November of last year, DevGAMM Lisbon is coming back to the beautiful and sunny Cascais region to catch up with old friends, connect with game developers from around the world, hear from seasoned professionals, and have a great time all around." - DevGAMM.


Why Indie Games Fail To Keep Their Place In The Spotlight

A look into the sad trajectory of indie games from high successful releases to complete irrelevancy in just a few weeks or months.

shaenoide6d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos6d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb6d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly6d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6386d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly5d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6385d ago

Read the article. Same question.