
The Order: 1886 Full Playthrough Leaks Online and Attracts a Ton of Criticism

Crave Online: "People are unimpressed with the leaked gameplay footage, leading many to believe that one of the PS4’s biggest exclusives could potentially be a flop."

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Nyxus3400d ago

Yeah yeah, we get it, The Order sucks, burn it to the ground. Still getting my copy on day one. ;)

Letthewookiewin3400d ago

Same here. Can't wait till Friday.

nveenio3400d ago

Yes. This is the kind of game I love. I got a ton of criticism for praising games like this, Heavy Rain, The Walking Dead, etc over on YouTube—being told I should just watch movies instead—but the fact that these games are still being made just goes to show that there is a market out there, and I'm not the only player in it.

Crossing my fingers that this is my great start to 2015!

XBLSkull3400d ago

The game has been receiving criticism ever seems people got to start playing it months ago nothing new here. It'll grab a couple 9's from some fanboy sites but I'm sure the meta ends up I a 6.5-7.5 range. That doesn't mean people wont have fun with it though. Ryse took the same flak but it was fun to play through once.

turdburgler10803400d ago

Solid gamefly rental just like ryse.

Prime1573400d ago

Yeah, playing a game vs watching someone play it... it's the same amirite? /s

itBourne3400d ago


Dang, I guess Skyrim is a short ass game too. 2 hours, wtf I want my money back.

AngryTypingGuy3400d ago

I can't wait until Friday! I'm one of those guys who usually explores every inch of a level so it usually takes me longer than the average playthrough time anyway. Not to mention I'll give this game more than one playthrough.

I'm not worried about the length... I just wish the game had co-op! No big deal though. Ready at Dawn's focus for their first time out of the gate on the PS4 is delivering an awesome single player experience and telling a great story. They will deliver and in the process they will have laid the foundation for an amazing franchise that they can build on in the future!

AngryTypingGuy3400d ago

Found a link to this on Reddit. Apparently it helps if you don't do a speed run on Easy :-) Fear not my friends... this is going to be an awesome experience, and Friday can't get here soon enough!


Updated list of GAFer first time completions, including the relevant difficulty levels.

OsirisBlack - 14 hours Hard
Theman2k - 12 hours Hard
Verendus - 10 hours Hard
Periniumlick - 10 hours Hard
Rapier - 9 hours Normal
ReNeGaDe124 - 9 hours Normal
Nbkt - 9 hours Normal

Average is 10 hours 43 minutes.

Unspoken3399d ago (Edited 3399d ago )

Im certainly not going to pay full price for less than 5 hours of game play, no co-op, and no multiplayer. There is no replay value. This is going to hit GameStop used section and eBay in less than a week. Might as well wait instead of wasting money.

People keep comparing this to other games that have had speed runs done through open world games. Sorry but that doesn't even compare as you can actually explore the world, side quests, and various game mechanics such as crafting. When did the Order turn into such a game?

bouzebbal3399d ago (Edited 3399d ago )

haha cool... one more article
being praised or not i am getting my copy friday after work. it has been a long time since i was so excited to pick up a game.
to all the salty haters, i wish you a nice friday evening doing nothing :D
with more powerful hardware, devs will not make games that feel like tetris.. gap between reality and virtual is narrowing down due to motion capture and great voice actings.
Also, most of the games put majority of movies to shame when it comes to story telling. The Order it is!!!!!!!!!!!!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3399d ago
Genuine-User3400d ago

Attracts a ton of criticism from concern trolls and brainless fanboys.

"We need variety in our games. As more and more games become about stats and leveling up endlessly while repeating the same thing over and over (online MP games in general, or something like Destiny) we need games that can rediscover just what it's like to have a tailored experience that takes you on an auteurs journey. Gaming can happily accommodate both, but conversely that doesn't mean that all games must accommodate the tendencies of every single gamer out there. Some games will be for you, some won't, and the less we complain about what other people happen to like, the better." - Neogaf Member

Bansai3400d ago Show
deecee333400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

I don't disagree with the quote above from neogaf, but lumping all online MP games together as "repetitive" isn't really valid IMO. Many online MP games that focus on leveling up have a ton of replay value because playing against human opponents is different every time. A good story-focused single player game can also be an awesome experience that you want to revisit multiple times, too. The Metal Gear games have been like that for me- I've played through the recent games in that series a few times each.

Genuine-User3400d ago

@ decee33

I agree with you.

fanboysmackdown3400d ago

The criticism is about the length and is it worth $60. It's got zero to do with fanboys carving it up. If it's worth $60 to you then great, have a party. But no replay value, too many cutscenes, quick timers, no multiplayer, and very short plus those stupid black bars to stare at means I'm waiting for a big price drop to pick it up. It's called monetary choices, not fanboyism.

MysticStrummer3400d ago

@deecee - "Many online MP games that focus on leveling up have a ton of replay value because playing against human opponents is different every time."

I disagree with that. Most online games have such small maps and player count that the possible strategies are very limited, which results in action that, if not exactly the same, is still more similar than different from match to match.

I do agree with this : "A good story-focused single player game can also be an awesome experience that you want to revisit multiple times"

…except for me it could be the story or the gameplay or both that brings me back for more, aka replay value. If a game is fun, whatever "fun" means to the individual, it has replay value.

@icheerbothconsoles - If you can look at the campaign of hate and fud that has gone on with The Order and not see fanboyism anywhere in there, I think that's pretty bizarre. Look at how Evil Within was received, and see how many negative articles about those black bars you can find. Apart from that, there are tons of single player only games that are outright classics, and until proper reviews start showing up or streams are watchable you can't possibly know if there are too many cutscenes and qt events, or if it's too short.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3400d ago
Saigon3400d ago

So readings this article the guy didn't fgive any justification to why people think this way. To me if your going to state why people feel this way give the reasons. Especially since this is a video of another person experience. I will make my judgement when I get my hands on the game on the 20th.

OldDude3400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

I think the guy above you did a very nice job of pointing it all out. Doesn't excuse yet another poorly written article however.

I love how the fanboys call it a speedrun, it isn't. If he were bypassing a bunch of gameplay that is part of the actual game (engaging enemies or lacations for instance) then it would be a speedrun. Not taking to time to "collect" doesn't make it a speedrun. Collecting is just filler.

To those that say people are just hating on Sony, well if Sony published a game that was 5 hours of actual gameplay and didn't include 3 hours of cutscenes maybe people wouldn't be hating.

Saigon3400d ago


If I am not mistaken I think the play-through was the persons second or third play-through of the game. So the recording in my opinion would be a speed through regardless if everything was completed or not. I remember my self completing Infamous 2; fast the second time through than the first. it happens, mainly because people that do this know what to expect. So it makes the experience easier.

LackTrue4K3400d ago Show
Cha0tik3400d ago

I find these idiots mad funny. These guys read a article and say "Okay, I'm not buying because it can be beaten in 5 hours." Not considering that the person playing wasn't trying to absorb the story or collect any items in game. It speed ran the game. I just read another article that said some one already plat this game but it took him 9 to 10 hours to do so. This is perfect for me as long as the story isn't horrible I won't mind this play time. I mean it's not a RPG so it doesn't need to be 30+ hours.

Dirtnapstor3400d ago

I know, right?! Remember the Ground Zeroes speed run? Stuff like this is pointless and has virtually no merit. There is no point in playing if you're not going to enjoy the ride. Besides, I'm totally suspect of these types of critiques.

Farmassy3400d ago

How do people keep bringing up ground zeros? The game was only 40 dollars and still people complained about the length and called it a glorified demo. I wouldn't compare the two games, it just makes the order look worse.

Also, it wasn't a speed run. He didn't rush through it. He just didn't stop and look at collectibles. It seems like a lot of people are saying, "He got 5 hours out of it but I will get more because I can stop and stare at little statues which will add to the gameplay." If you are happy about that then ok but most people don't consider that a noteable gameplay mechanic.

I'm not saying the order is bad. I think a great 6 hour game is still a great game... but people shouldn't get so defensive about it being short

Dirtnapstor3400d ago

I'm not downplaying GZ. It is awesome. Purely in regards to the speed run that someone did, which never counts in my playbook.

deecee333400d ago



Youtube is full of speedrun videos for thousands of games. Lots of games CAN be beaten in a really short timeframe, but why not soak up the experience, side quests, etc? Doesn't have to be a contest from release day to see who finishes the game first.

Jazz41083400d ago

I really hope it's similar to dishonored that would be a bit for me for sure.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3400d ago
3400d ago Replies(5)
Blaze9293400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

Previews have been saying the same thing about this game for months. Literally MONTHS. What did people really expect?

Y'all just keep thinking it's some kinda conspiracy theory and agenda against Sony exclusives. Last time I checked, everyone was pro-sony this gen right?

If you don't like something, and give reasons why (like many of the YouTube comments in the video) - you either respect it or don't.

But not everyone is "hating". You can't hate on facts.

UnwanteDreamz3400d ago

But you can haye and troll everything Sony and do.

DeadIIIRed3400d ago

Standard gravity being equal to 9.80665 m/s is a fact. Your opinion towards a video game is subjective.

jb2273400d ago


Bravo! Reply of the day right there. Really wish people would just allow others to have their opinions w/o trying to tell them how wrong they are for it.

Servbot413400d ago

On N4G it's always a conspiracy against Sony. Even though every single "hands-on" article from every preview event has been negative, and every single hype article focuses solely on graphics, it "must be those Sony haters bashing the game cuz its a Sony exclusive!" and not gamers who want more out of games outside of 5-hour graphical tech demos.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3400d ago
kenshiro1003400d ago

After Godhand, I'm done letting the media tell me how to spend my money.

Gamers should use their own judgment, not biased journalism.

kstap333400d ago

Agreed. No one should listen to a single source and blindly purchase stuff. Try reading a few to see what common complaints there are, and decide if you agree or not. You're just going to let Sony marketing convince you? That's not a biased opinion? Gimme a break.

jb2273400d ago

Especially from a site like CraveOnline. All of the contributors there are bandwagon jumping morons w/ no opinions of their own...across every single outlet. Outside of one dude that does some music & festival coverage, he's the only decent one there.

RzaDaRazor3400d ago

and you'll be finished with it on Saturday.

InMyOpinion3399d ago

As long as it's a nice experience I'm fine with that. It's not an MMORPG, and I wouldn't want it to be either.

Unspoken3399d ago

Thankfully every game that is longer than a few hours isn't an MMORPG. Unfortunately this game is expensive entertainment. Hope it lives up to the fan hype.

abady-253400d ago

i have the game now
in ksa All shops selling this game now

i Played a few minutes

My opinion of this game is amazing

andibandit3399d ago (Edited 3399d ago )

Then why are you here?, or did you complete it in those "few minutes"?

Visiblemarc3400d ago


What people are unimpressed? Trolls? Most people have been saying how mindblowing it looks.

This culture is seriously getting absurd. On Gaf, some moron said he watched the entire 5:40 minute playthrough and didn't skip a minute. He then went on to say he would never waste his money on such a short game...

Yet he spent 6 hours *watching* a game...where do people find the time to take trolling to a professional level?

As for me, pre-ordered, and I'm optimistic.

LamerTamer3400d ago

How mindblowing it LOOKS, not plays. There is not much play there when it is only 5 hours including tons of cutscenes. Also it doesn't look that great when a quarter of your screen is blocked out with big intrusive black bars.

Yes he spent 6 hours watching a game, it is *free* to do so, playing it will cost $60.00. Since it is a lot of cutscenes anyway you aren't missing a whole lot by just watching. That is what you will mostly do even if playing it anyway.

They padded the game with cutscenes to eke out 5-6 hours from it. Something tells me they ripped out half of the game to sell it back to you as DLC.

andibandit3399d ago

"Yet he spent 6 hours *watching* a game"

probably because it looks mindblowing.

Jag-T10003400d ago

So many agrees, so many suckers.

ion6663400d ago

Destiny got me like. Fool me once.....5 to 6 hours confirmed and no new game plus or multiplayer. These guys guys made a psp game full price and everyone thinks it's okay. Ima PlayStation fan all the way too look me up. I have to give Destiny a pass now. The order took its place. Ready at dawn. fuck off. I'm glad I watched it on you tube.

Azzanation3400d ago

Your statement is the problem with gaming. If The Order is a bad game you will still support it. Gaming has become more about supporting brands then quality of games. You should be fighting against the problems that might plagued this game so companies wont continue with their trend.

Ie Black Bars

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3399d ago

Do you not see the problem with your statement?

You obviously haven't played it so how would anyone know if it's a good game or bad game without playing it?

Just before Dying Light came out, I saw a few of the early streams and my first thought was that the attack mechanics look stiff and clunky.

Got the game 2 days later, PLAYED IT. And ALL of the negative thoughts I has in my head completely disappeared.

I was wrong about the gameplay mechanics, I was wrong about the attack mechanics, and I was wrong to even judge ANYTHING relating to gameplay by watching someone else play it.

DAY ONE. And i'll be posting "laughing at you gifs" for all of the people making negative comments about a game that they never had any intention of ever playing in the first place.

Azzanation3399d ago (Edited 3399d ago )


That's not my point. Games can be surprising however supporting the bad games in the industry does not help the gaming community. We all supported Indies, so Indies become the new thing this gen, We all supported remastered, now instead of brand new games we get remastered games not even 1 year old.

If a game has faults eg - Black Bars, and all it offers is negative feedback, why support it? Why except it? Because by allowing games to do this will mean more games will offer it in the future.

In other words, if you support a bad game, that becomes the companies focus. Companies wont learn. I have no idea if The Order will be a good or bad game however if it was bad I wouldn't give them $1. That way there next game will be different and possibly better.

Games are selling off brand power now instead of quality. Look at Destiny because of the brand. Now we are expecting a Destiny 2 and more DLC in games.

spacedelete3400d ago

i just watched the whole game on YouTube and the game is laughably short. there are actual chapters that areliterally cutscenes and nothing else. i'm laughing so hard at anyone who spends full price on the Order.

Visiblemarc3400d ago

You spent over 5 hours watching someone play a game.

That is not a good use of time.

Like, outside of this discussion and all the trolling...

That's just a lot of time you could have used doing something else.

Hell, you could have bought the game at $60, played it week one and traded it for $35, or sold it for $50....that is a way better idea.

bigodon3400d ago

guess what!? me too
just waiting, here will be not availiable at midnight (suck timezones) and i will can only take a quick look at 6 am

but, i'm ready than never
let the haters hate, today i got a stupid xbot quoting a tweet of mine to pessino, first i laugh, then block it


ion6663400d ago

Dude I'm no xbot. I hate Xbox. Please don't get the game It is bland. Like the gameplay. The plot is like binoculars, you can see it coming from a mile away.

showtimefolks3400d ago

Keep crying the game will do well sales wise

It's called a damp speed run, for love of gaming some beat skyrIm in 2 hours, yes 2 hours. If the order 1886 is 9 to 12 hours than I am buying it

Also this is nothing new Sony exclusives are held to a higher standard than MS or Nintendo

MS pretty much made same halo,gears,forza and fable last gen yet it was okay. But on the other hand sony had to deliver once in a generation type games multiple times

Keep hating the more articles are made about the order 1886 the better it will do just watch.

And that's coming from someone who only owns an Xbox one right now and plans on getting a ps4 when the order comes out

ShottyGibs3399d ago

Lol.. Yes this game looks so open and full or things to explore.. Unlike Skyrim. /s

Seriously grasping at straws aren't you?

Syntax-Error3400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

The Order is Xbox One's Ryse. I bet sony only players will be biased and not see this. You cant keep up stellar imagines like this for a 12 hour game. The developers always run out of gas. 5.3 hour game = 4.5 hours of gameplay. OrangePowerz is a Sony fanatic and refuses to believe anything anti-sony

Snake Raiser3400d ago

More power to ya! But I'll be curious to check back in a few weeks and see if people regret it.

I have seen this show before. A hyped up new IP fails. On the other hand, I suppose every great series of games had to be a new IP at some point!

I never buy games day 1 (except Metal Gear!), so I'll just lay back and see.

AfroGear3400d ago

Fallout 3 was beat in 70 minutes by the Bethesda Dev team without exploits. A Bethesda QA tester beat Skyrim in 2 hours 17 minutes. Granted, those games are open world, but this shows that games can be beaten rather quickly if you don't spend time doing what the games were created for: spending time in an immersive world, fully enjoying the story and delving into an amazing sense of discovery. Voting with your wallet is important for the industry but please don't add to the nay-saying unless you can speak from experience, then by all means, get the word out there. Either way, no publicity is bad publicity, so in the end I hope this helps sell a game that is looking to be one amazing PS4 exclusive.



joeorc3399d ago (Edited 3399d ago )


The very first fallout for PC could be beat in under 40 min's, and one its not full open world, encounters ware random but repeats in areas that all looked nearly the same because they reused assets.

You could get the water chip in under 30 min's..

And yet to do so was to skip side missions, avoid NPC interactions to give you more in site's to what happened in the fallout world that gave you snippets of information that gives you background hints that came in fallout 2, but some gamers would never know that because they skip game play over gaining more game experience with the game for story background and just as to complete what they say is a short game? Thats like hey no need to tell me the story and background developer i just want you to make a game where i can kill something.

Other than that its just a snore fest to me...
Now there are many saying just as well made it only a movie..the ironic thing is if the order: 1886 gets a Multi-player DLC people will complain, why was that not put on with the rest of the game even if the d@mn DLC would be free...or if they charge more for the DLC ..Oh' boy look out than...LMAO

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3399d ago
ic3fir33400d ago


5h30 leght time, 1h30 is cutscenes and QTE, 4h gameplay only.
Get all secrets more 1h30 -_-

OrangePowerz3400d ago

Cool story bro, now move along with your speed run stats.

Perkel3400d ago

that is not speed run. Dude played normally and cutscenes are not skipable

TheRedButterfly3400d ago

Those aren't speed-run stats and you know it.

Moldiver3400d ago

"Those aren't speed-run stats and you know it."

^^This.....Its hilarious to imply that all those early buyers on GAF and REDDIT are suddenly speed runners. Orange powers is having a busy day, I see! lol

TheRedButterfly3400d ago


I've been following speed runs for years. Namely Casmo and Monopoli. Hell, even /I/ have put a little effort into speedrunning over the past few years.

http://imgur.com/ETsUKGn <- Photo of my run as of November 10 2013.
https://www.youtube.com/wat... <- Video of my run as of November 10 2013.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3400d ago
esemce3400d ago

That's just sad, when you think of how much Gears, Resi4 and Uncharted gave us in terms a quality content and replay value.

I think I'll wait for a price drop £50 for this seems wrong, imagine if you bought COD and all it had was it's single player mode.

TrollityTroll3400d ago

Wait, I take it you wrote Uncharted by mistake?
The first game had no multiplayer and can be beat in less than an hour (47 mins is the current best)

I'll assume Resi4 was a type-o as well, no multiplayer and can be beat in less than 2 hours (1 hour 40)

So I'm a bit confused, were those 2 games sad or not?

Neonridr3400d ago

@Trollity - just because a game can be beat that quickly doesn't mean that it's meant to be played that fast. Uncharted is not beatable in 47 minutes playing it normally while exploring everything. That's no excuse for a game to offer 4-5 hours of gameplay including cutscenes and collecting stuff..

TrollityTroll3400d ago

@Neonridr - So I take it you've played The Order "normally" yourself and explored everything thus can definitively confirm its "4-5 hours of gameplay including cutscenes and stuff"?
Just making sure that you can state, first hand, that you've experienced everything that game has to offer, yourself personally, as opposed to going by second hand information?

reko3400d ago Show
Cha0tik3400d ago

Did you even read the comments below that where people were claiming it was 9 to 12 hours if you actually absorb it all instead of speed running. I don't know about you but I actually play games for the story.

Tctczach3400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

He did play the story with all of the cutscenes.... I watched it. But those graphics though. :O
Edit: I dont think he really explored and tried to collect everything. seemed rushed.

chaosx3400d ago

The more i see the numbers about this game the more it becomes clear it was originally designed as a flagship game for PS Now. Its perfectly designed for streaming gameplay.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3400d ago
vega2753400d ago

I watched it on youtube yesterday and as I thought before its not a game I would have been interested in fact it just would have been a complete waste of money. But I will say I see why many people bring up Ryse when discussing this game and I see many reviewer giving it a free pass with the QTE and lengthy cutscenes that cant be skipped (or at least looked that way from the video) and give it good review because its a ps4 exclusive when other games get points deducted for doing the same thing.

I'm glad I sold my ps4 for extra money to get my 4K HDTV as I haven't played it in almost a year and haven't been interested in what they have coming out. Uncharted 4 releases I'll just borrow my friends ps4.

For people buying this game have fun. Im glad im passing on it

3400d ago Replies(1)
Omran3400d ago

Nice story, can we have a happy ending :)

Nekroo913400d ago

Good for you... I bought the ps4 day one and i play it everyday,since i dont watch tv theres no need a 4k tv, altough i also have a 4k monitor to actually play games.

And im happy you dont have a ps4, psn feels alot cleaner without people like you

LifeInNZ3400d ago

Person has opinion that does not agree with yours so you attack the person.

As for PSN feeling cleaner; I recommend you take a look at UStream for an hour and you'll see that degenerates still flock to PSN.

vega2753400d ago ShowReplies(4)
Why o why3400d ago

Miserable people love to moan and complain about things will never consider supporting. Stay Happy

Rachel_Alucard3400d ago

How many immature tagged bubble downs do I need to pass out? Nothing he said in that statement was wrong, that's his god damn opinion you spergs. Calm down and play something else once in a while.

beerzombie3400d ago

"you spergs" sums up allot of people who want only praises for Sony.
I think a 5 hour game that is fun is ok, maybe not 60 dollars. Most people blow money on stuff that you can only use or do one time so this is a game you can play multiple times so you can get your moneys worth out of it. Like owning a blue ray movie.

Utalkin2me3400d ago


Even though you say you don't own a PS4, but somehow you felt the need to come in here and post in a PS4 exclusive article. To me that just shows how jealous you are. All your comment did, was just make you look stupid.

generic-user-name3400d ago


"I watched it on youtube...damn it was good...this is a problem.... I'll make a comment about reviewers giving a free pass to Sony to try and make up for potential high review scores. Maybe if I scream loudly enough about QTE and cutscenes...

Obligatory comment about selling my imaginary PS4, obligatory comment about PS4 not having games that I've been 'interested' in, this way I can pretend that the PS4 doesn't have 2 AAA titles in February and March, just stick my fingers in my ears and go lalalalalalalalalalalala I CAN'T HEAR YOU BLOODBORNE, POWER OF THE CLOUD PROTECT ME!!"

End translation

thereapersson3400d ago

Don't forget, he had to throw in something about 4k because 4k is one of those newfangled troll talking points.

shammgod3400d ago Show

His dumbass didn't own a ps4 before let's be real... Playing at the local GameStop or Walmart booth doesn't count, and putting the controller down because your mom and dad were ready to check out with THEIR 4k TV doesn't count as you selling it bud... You see you just have to see the truth through the lies...😇

bsquwhere3400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

Just curious, for a guy who hated his PS4 and doesn't like any games the system has, why did you click on this article? Do you not have games to play on your X1 on your 4k TV? Also are the ladies impressed with your 4K TV, or that your you've fashioned your parents basement into quite the troll den. BTW I like how several comments were marked as trolling that clearly were not, yet this assclown can make up lies.

TheFanboySlayer3400d ago

Didn't know I would lose a bubble for being sarcastic -_-honestly what vega275 said here is said by 90% of all trolls on this website so thanks to whoever is bubbling down because of trolling.

OB1Biker3400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

I totally agree and I will gladly lose a bubble for saying the guy needs a cookie

Have a cookie

kenshiro1003400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

Good for you. To be honest, you never did like Playstation or Sony so who exactly are YOU fooling?

Yeah, click on a Playstation article, only to say you sold your PS4.

You're hilarious.

vega2753400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

Actually I posted a comment which was my opinion on the game. Rather if I still own the ps4 is irrelevant. Same as many of you do when you decide to go into threads that you hate constantly yet cry foul when it happens back or they dont agree with you fanboys on "SONY IS THE BESTED EVAR"

I had a different opinion than you and the hardcore sony fanboys. If you dont like what I have to say move on. I do the same when many of yoh come into threads to spread your hate. I dont entertain it cause I know your trolling and mods do nothing about it.

Again I sold my ps4. Why does it bother you so much. Because in your world its impossible for someone not to be interested in what sony is releasing. Ive stated many time on what games I wanted for ps4. But most of what out or coming doesnt interest me enough to keep the system and the games I want wont be out til end of year which was why the ps4 was collecting dust. Rather you or anyone believes I had a ps4 and sold it I could careless. Im not here to prove anything to anyone.

The real problem I see here is you guys cant stand anyone talking bad about poor sony or exclusive you care so much about. Its my opinion and many others to not like a game or feel its a waste of money. Deal with it

EDIT: oh and please find anywhere in my comment history where I say I hate sony or the ps4. Maybe your confussion is I prefer the X1 over the ps4. Get your info right next time ok

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3399d ago (Edited 3399d ago )

@ vega275

Oh where do I begin...

So many conundrums, but i'm snowed in so I have time...

1."Actually I posted a comment which was my opinion on the game. Rather if I still own the ps4 is irrelevant."

And yet you felt the need to tell the world that you sold it.

2."If you dont like what I have to say move on."

You posted your opinion, people responded with opinions of their own. That's how debate works right?

3."Again I sold my ps4. Why does it bother you so much. Because in your world its impossible for someone not to be interested in what sony is releasing. Ive stated many time on what games I wanted for ps4. But most of what out or coming doesnt interest me enough to keep the system and the games I want wont be out til end of year which was why the ps4 was collecting dust. Rather you or anyone believes I had a ps4 and sold it I could careless. Im not here to prove anything to anyone."

In comment one you stated that the current status of your PS4 ownership was irrelevant and yet you felt the need to mention it again, right along side the standard "collecting dust" comment for added effect.

4."The real problem I see here is you guys cant stand anyone talking bad about poor sony or exclusive you care so much about."

Your response only shows that you can't handle being criticized for the opinion that you hold. If you're going to post your opinion at least have the balls to accept the fact that people are going to respond to you by saying things you may or may not like and agree with.

5."Its my opinion and many others to not like a game or feel its a waste of money."

A couple of things here. You're entitled to your opinion, but your opinion isn't any more relevant than the opinion of others. What's really annoying people is that you repeatedly said that you sold your PS4 because it was collecting dust, so why on Earth do you care if someone else chooses to waste their hard earned money on a game you have no intention of playing? Concern trolling?

Dude, when you post your opinion understand that your opinion isn't any more relevant than the opinion of someone else who doesn't agree with you. People are going to disagree with you and people are going to respond to your OPINIONS with OPINIONS of their own. Don't get all huffy about it.

PaulKersey3400d ago

You bought a 4K for what? Is there any real content for it yet? Waste of money. Should have waited for a later gen TV.

Mr-Zex3400d ago Show
UnwanteDreamz3400d ago

This site is infested with little kids. No-one cares what you are doing. What was the point of your comment?

DeadIIIRed3400d ago

The guy who sold his console because of limited content choices, purchases an even more expensive 4K HDTV with even more limited content choices.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3399d ago
3400d ago
ic3fir33400d ago

is not a hate, the game sucks, is another Ryse son of rome.
Too hype for nothing.

people have to do hype for games that appear to be good for gameplay, as Bloodborne that deserves more hype than this.
The order is only for the graphics people make hype

DarkOcelet3400d ago

Lol! I didnt know you played the game to know it sucks???

Utalkin2me3400d ago

What sucks is your grammar and punctuation.

NuggetsOfGod3400d ago

Yeah I am not paying $60 for less than day worth of fun.

If costomer reviews are good then I might pick it up @ $30.

This game will be at gamestop used in no time.

LordMaim3400d ago

I would rather have a shorter game that was excellent, than a long game that was awful. Or in the case of Ryse, a short game that is awful.

The point is that some people are going out of their way to post on every story about The Order and try to tear it down for no reason. They don't have any experience with the game, so you have to ask yourself why they do it?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3400d ago
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The Order: 1886 pushed visuals hard in 2015 - And still looks stunning today

Digital Foundry : Released in February 2015, The Order: 1886 was a stunning PlayStation 4 game at the cutting-edge of rendering technology, with visuals that still hold up today. The game's release pre-dated in-depth Digital Foundry coverage, something we're looking to address with this new video! Ready at Dawn's game never received a sequel and never received a PS4 Pro upgrade, but thanks to developments with exploited, older firmware PS5 consoles, we can now show you the game running locked at 60 frames per second.

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VenomUK303d ago

The gameplay was bland and extremely frustrating at times with unnecessary QTE combat at points. But the world and the lore and the characters and the story were fantastic. I’ve always wanted a sequel. I still hope Sony will surprise us one day.

shadowT304d ago

Sony missed the opportunity to acquire Ready at Dawn Studios.

Tacoboto304d ago

But... Sony didn't want Ready at Dawn. Clearly

mkis007303d ago

I'm guessing had 1886 turned out more positively they would have.

RaidenBlack304d ago

And let's not forget,
Ready At Dawn showcased The Order 1886 running on PC at 60fps at SIGGRAPH 2015

isarai304d ago

I still stand by my theory that this game just released at the wrong time. Almost every outlet spent a lot of time in their reviews ragging on the game for not being an online experience, everyone was in the Destiny hype train and at the time they wanted EVERY game to follow suit, bashing any game that didn't. If this were released after everyone realized how much that wasn't future, people would've appreciated it more. I loved it, and I'm always disappointed that we'll never get a sequel

Tacoboto304d ago

That doesn't seem to be true about outlets complaining on the lack of online. The review summaries on Metacritic are very consistent: Amazing graphics, but shallow gameplay and a very short length with little reason to return.

Here's an example of how *little* time IGN spent talking about multiplayer:

"With no multiplayer, and no reason to revisit the short and stunted single-player campaign once it’s been completed, there just isn’t a lot to it."

It's the final sentence. They don't even take the time to say "online multiplayer"

MrChow666304d ago (Edited 304d ago )

"Amazing graphics, but shallow gameplay and a very short length with little reason to return."
You are right, that's what everbody was saying at the time, never heard anything about it not being online.
I've been thinking about trying this game for years, I may get it now that it's dirt cheap, no big loss if it sucks

MrChow666304d ago

Oh, add to that bad enemy AI, I remember that from the reviews, I saw a video of a wherewolf boss fight with a very weak AI

thorstein303d ago

And there we glowing reviews for shorter games. It was one of the times where hating this game was "cool."

CrimsonWing69304d ago

Can you show me the reviews that rag on it for not having an online experience?

I’m not doubting you or anything. I’m just being lazy.

isarai304d ago

Sorry, not multiplayer, open world is what I meant.

Tacoboto304d ago

That's also fake news, isarai. Again, the game was consistently criticized for what it was (Pretty but extremely short, extremely linear, hand-holding, no replayability), not for what it wasn't (multiplayer/open-world)

isarai304d ago

Nope, every review uses the term "linear" several times as if it's some inherently bad attribute. Not fake news at all. Since then there's veen plenty of short and sweet single player linear games that get lots of praise, again after the reality of everything being open world set it and it wasn't as great as everyone thought. But at the launch of the last gen everyone had open world fever, and especially the first couple years "linear" was a con in many games reviewed

Tacoboto304d ago

That's your own contortion assuming criticism of its extremely linear design is suddenly a call for it to have been open world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 304d ago
zumlauf14304d ago

You totally made up a claim regarding an overall review consensus that isn't true. And, instead of just ignoring being called out for it, you respond with "oh actually i ment to say OPEN WORLD". Which literally isn't true either. You can't show us one review that bashed the game for "not being open world". And, somehow the other guy is getting downvoted. Over a bullshit liar.

isarai304d ago

Games were being criticized at that time for any game that wasn't open world or online. So yeah I got one mixed for the other, doesn't change my argument one bit that it would've been received better if it released later. People are agreeing because if you were not riding the "online and open world" hype train at that time, it was blatantly obvious there were biases in play for how games were criticized. Now after all that has happened since people want to say "oh wait these games were actually pretty good" cause they know better now

Rude-ro304d ago

The gameplay was very shallow and when one says repetitive, it is by the very definition for some fights. As in, completely identical but different setting.

The game has amazing potential.
The graphics, the lore, characters…
This could most definitely have been all corrected with a sequel and became a franchise hit…
Still would love to see an attempt.

Ie fantastic premise and moments that shine…
But it had its downfalls that deserved the negative marks.

thorstein303d ago

It was the "game to hate" when it launched. And right here, on this site, we saw people posting stories that were outright fabrications about the game. It was weird. The game launched, it was fun, a really cool game but the hate was too much. And so were the lies.

Minute Man 721303d ago

It was just too short....but I loved every minute of it....double dipped and grabbed the ultimate CE

babadivad303d ago

That isn't true. I remember people talking about how incredibly short it was and the somewhat janky gunplay.

KwietStorm_BLM303d ago

First I'm hearing of this. I don't know what multiplayer has to do with anything. The game was just dull. Amazing graphics, great narrative, great lore, boring gameplay sprinkled in pieces between cutscenes, and lackluster AI and controls.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 303d ago
anast304d ago

People cried this game was too short. No people are crying because games are too long.

isarai304d ago

Pretty sure everyone is complaining about bloated games lately but ok

anast304d ago

Thank you for the ok. I needed that.

RaidenBlack304d ago

Games like Ubisoft open worlds not enjoyable lengthy games like Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate III

anast304d ago

I get it, but people also complain about the main stories being too long or just games being too long in general because they are "adults".

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Ready at Dawn reportedly heavily impacted by latest Meta layoffs

Lone Echo developer Ready at Dawn has reportedly been heavily affected by the latest round of job cuts at Meta Quest.

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-Mika-414d ago

I thought Sony owned them. 1/3 of their studio was laid off including the studio head. Jesus, they were literally acquired by Meta in 2020 and now their whole studio has been gutted. They should have focused on making console games instead of pursuing VR. I kinda wished MS would have bought them in 2018 when they were acquiring smaller studios. They would have been a good acquisition.

IamTylerDurden1414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

Sony never owned them, they were a third or second party at best. They did great work on GoW and 1886 was an IP with potential. Sony imo gave up on a talented studio, intriguing IP, and impressive engine bc they care more about critical reception than they have conviction in talent and Days Gone/Ross and Garvin was another.

Feel bad for RaD. After Sony were visionless cowards and stopped working with RaD they made limited game called Deformers for Gamestop, probably had little funding, then the transition into VR. Luckily their talent shined through and their VR games were well received. Obviously Meta acquired them. Now, the reward for being a good dev with Meta is layoffs. Sucks.

-Mika-414d ago

Yeah, I was looking through their wiki. Ever since the creation of their studio, they worked with Sony and I enjoyed each and every single game they collaborated on. It sucks to see Sony threw away their relationship over just one game. Especially, since the only complaints about The Order was that it was linear and short. Sony really dropped the ball with this studio. They would have been a great asset. Just sad all around, so much potential.

RpgSama414d ago

I mean, it is on them for going over to Meta, did they think that was going to actually work out?

That's like the studios that went with Stadia.

MIDGETonSTILTS17414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

It’s easy to offer support when it isn’t your checkbook…

Sony have not been gutless at all. They let a US studio spend 7 years making a game reflective of Japan’s own history! That was a big deal for Sony to be willing to acknowledge that Sucker Punch, regardless of their origin, was THE best team for that Japanese-centric game.

The risks they let ND make with Part 2 were insane, and 100% not concerned with critical reception; just the game the studio wanted to make.

Pursuing PSVR2 is hardly a venture into critical reception, or an easy market to pioneer.

The best example of Sony’s judgement at work is Returnal and Housemarque. That game is great, but not the most renowned game worldwide(although a top 10 of all time for me). I don’t even think it shipped a million units. Bought, Sony saw their talent and innovation, and acquired them despite their sales numbers.

Ready at Dawn and Bend studios were passed over because of their output, and future visions. Ready at Dawn made a very short game, which raises questions about their future. And Bend released a buggy game after a very long time in development. And, it sounds like their only other idea was “Days Gone 2”, and every studio should have multiple creative routes, especially if you want to be owned by a publisher that offers support for those visions.

Not every studio gets selected, and that’s OK. As much as I love Sony’s output, it only seems to work for some. Many will flourish fine without Sony’s structure.

IamTylerDurden1414d ago (Edited 414d ago )


I agree on virtually everything. Sony has taken great risk in many scenarios and certainly aren't gutless overall. However, as a fan, i will voice my opinion when i disagree with their actions. RaD made Daxter, Chains of Olympus, and Ghost of Sparta prior to 1886. All were hugely successful. But to cut and run bc their first AAA didn't receive the reception they had hope was weak. Especially bc The Order was so obviously filled with potential. The engine was worth inheriting. They had a strong relationship and 3 prior successes with them.

Evolution bothered me as well bc imo Sony mismanaged Driveclub and ruined an eventually great IP by pushing it out uncooked, fumbling a ps+ version, and numerous other mistakes a premier publisher should be on top of. Plus, Motorstorm could've been rebooted.

Guerrilla Cambridge as well. KZ Merc and Rigs were actually good. Zipper i understood. Firing some of JP Studios talent i get, but some of them didn't make sense. Gavin Moore for example. Sony is great at cultivating and nurturing talent but they aren't perfect and as a fan, i'll voice my complaints. But obviouslyi love what they are doing with almost every studio currently. Love the new acquisitios as well. Imo the best publisher running. I hold grudges though. Loved me some Evolution and RaD.

sinspirit414d ago

RAD was definitely a missed opportunity. It felt odd they weren't acquired by Sony after all the partnership. The Order seemed just harshly reviewed.

MIDGETonSTILTS17414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

@Edward’s ulcered stomach:

Evolve was the victim of family tragedy, not Sony mismanagement. I’m still dreaming of a Pacific Rift (favorite racing game EVER) remaster, maybe even in VR 🤙

RaD did not demonstrate their chops yet at AAA. What makes them entitled to absorption?

I’m not familiar with the Cambridge studio, but that does suck.

And I think Japan Studios wanted to still cater to the Japanese market, but Sony wanted to fund worldwide marketable games…. AAA games are expensive to make; so you either find your own vision, or remain open to creative input from your financial backers. It sounds like Gavin Moore wasn’t the latter.

fan_of_gaming414d ago

@MIDGETonSTILTS17 I'm not sure why you're saying Bend Studio was passed over, as Sony owns them.

blackblades414d ago

Reception, if your restaurant got a F rating i definitely wouldn't be going there. Your place would definitely get closed and lost of money.

MIDGETonSTILTS17414d ago


Bends wasn’t passed over, their first pick of projects (Days Gone 2) did

IamTylerDurden1413d ago (Edited 413d ago )

I'm not here to protect Sony. They mismanaged Driveclub. How do you as a great pub allow your first major new IP that gen to launch unfinished with broken servers? It didn't have weather and servers were busted for at least the first month. Where is the oversight?

Then the ps+ edition? It was treated like a service almost but it waffled around. The game was eventually great and they cut Evolution. I enjoy DC VR but even that was fumbled.

Sony wildly mismanaged DC and idc if it hurts fanboy's feelings. You lose credibility when u fail to be honest. I love Sony but i'm not here to protect them. That's the prob with gaming culture, ppl adhere to narrativs and agendas, i say what i feel. If i rip Redfall or say Hi Fi was overrated it's bc i believe it. If i praise Gamepass it's bc it deserves it. If i say PS5 has been dry this it's bc imo they have in terms of games. I don't spit fanboy rhetoric just because, i say what i feel.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 413d ago
neutralgamer1992413d ago

Game development is really expensive. Sony funded the order 1886 and RAD blew their chance. You have to have enough self awareness to know that a fully priced AAA game can't be 4-5 hours long

Only if RAD had gone to 15+ hours of gameplay with RPG elements it could have been special. Also co-op would have been great addition too

We can't blame Sony of any publishers for that matter because now a days AAA games cost 80-1000 million to develop

Inverno414d ago

What a waste of talent and potential this studio turned out. Oh what could've been, just another victim of fabricated outrage.

IamTylerDurden1414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

To no fault of their own.

CoO and GoS were two of the best PSP games and The Order was limited but underrated/full of potential. The setting and engine alone were imo enough to green light a more robust sequel. And their VR output has been well received. Not their fault that publishers screw them. They've done enough to prove their ability.

They also made Daxter which i didn't realize. 8/11 career games 80 Meta or above and the other three were the last Echo game (78), The Order which i enjoyed, and dogwater Deformers which was a half funded Gamestop published experiment. RaD is certified imo. Deformers imo is their only bad game. Should've been acquired by Sony a decade ago. Even if Sony refused to pursue The Order further they have VR chops. They have talent.

RaidenBlack414d ago

What's even more depressing ...
Ready at Dawn had a working PC version of Order 1886 ready and showed it off at SIGGRAPH 2015.
* sigh* we'll never get that, nor Order 1887
pity, their proprietary graphics engine was ahead of its time ...

IamTylerDurden1414d ago (Edited 414d ago )


The engine alone was worth inheriting via acquisition. The Order was benchmark visually and an IP with potential. I actually loved the game and felt it was one of the most critically misrepresented titles that gen. It has around 63 Meta if i remember correctly? Deserved 15 points higher imo.

The setting, weapons, and story were enjoyable. Tesla making gadgets, arc rifle, Arthurian lore with vamps/wolves in 1800s London? Awesome. It was ridiculous how critical ppl were of QTEs at the time. The game short but awesome imo.

-Foxtrot414d ago

It is a shame because I'd have taken an Order sequel

The concept and setting was great

They just needed to make it more open and create a longer game

Also maybe try to loosen up the gameplay, like I think this game would have done better in the style of Uncharted rather than the over the shoulder similar to Gears of War. With the Black Water giving them abilities they should have been able to be more nimble, climbing walls and the like.

Shane Kim414d ago

I thought the order was one of the best games on PS4. Intersesting characters, nice gameplay, cool weapons. Shame Sony let IGN fanboys dictate what to incest in.

Chocoburger414d ago

Your autocorrect is quite curious. May want to edit that second-to-last-word. 🤣

Shane Kim414d ago

Lol stupid phone. Now it's too late to do anything about it haha.

BlackTar187414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

Lol auto correct on my phone doesn’t list incest in the correction words. You sir just exposed your pornhub searches lmao

masterfox414d ago

Im actually more surprised that Ready at Dawn devs still exists, I havent hear of them until this article appeared , what have they being doing all this effing time?, at least throw 60 fps patch for the Order.

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The Curious Case of The Order: 1886 - A Retrospective

Ready At Dawn cut their teeth developing spin-offs for PlayStation Portable and porting games to consoles. When they got a chance to establish their own with The Order: 1886, its poor critical reception ostensibly halted their trajectory. Can one middling game really sully one’s reputation in the eyes of Sony?

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moriarty1889770d ago

Wanted a sequel for this game so much. It was left wide open for one with the ending it had.

porkChop770d ago

Sony did file a new trademark a while back, so you never know. Though if I were to guess it would be a reboot rather than a sequel.

REDGUM770d ago

The Order was great from my playthrough and really enjoyed it. The same with Days Gone. Both, amongst others out there, deserve a follow-up. Anyone who actually played through the complete games knows there were hidden gems in and around these 2 games. Too many out there put too much faith in reviewer's opinions instead of thier own and get put off or join the hate bandwagon.
Seriously, gamers need to game & not read or view other people game with added opinions thrown in.
Honestly, if you haven't played either of these 2 games yet, do yourself a favour, pick it or them up, forget anything you know about them & just play it for yourself & create you're own opinions.

Ninver769d ago

I ignored the reviews and went straight to the store to but the game. Thoroughly enjoyed it I might add. If only Sony had the balls to summon enough faith to reboot or give us a sequel. Maybe even a prequel done right and make it a 3 part series. Wasted opportunity for a really different exclusive if you ask me.

barom769d ago

Days Gone is really an exceptional game though it feels like it took a bit of time for it to get interesting.

The Order 1886 was unfortunately not very good. Super beautiful game with beautiful cinematics but felt incomplete and don't really remember much happening at all in the game i.e. it was kind of bland. A sequel where they learned from their mistakes would be very intriguing though and I would have bought it.

monkey602769d ago

I loved Days Gone and I would have loved a sequel.

I didnt like The Order. There was enough there for me to give a sequel a chance if they improved on bits but I'm losing no sleep over the absence of it. I thought the 1st one was genuinely terrible for a multitude of valid reasons.

S2Killinit770d ago

I really enjoyed it. I was hoping for a game in the same world but less linear. With lots of that sweet lore.

YoungKingDoran770d ago

Yeah with the tech sorted and expanding on the existing assets, they could/should have been able to do a trilogy that gen. What happened..

moriarty1889769d ago

Agreed. Such an interesting title just abandoned. Makes no sense. As I said the ending of the game sets up for a sequel perfectly.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 769d ago
porkChop770d ago

Incredible graphics and presentation. Great use of photo mode. A really interesting premise. The actual gunplay felt solid. The game just needed to be longer, and the levels could have been a bit less constrained. More enemy variety as well. At full price it just didn't have the value, at least in my opinion.

I would like to see a sequel or reboot, which I think is more likely. It would need to be a new dev as Ready at Dawn are part of Oculus now

robtion770d ago

I think Bluepoint could do a good job. They have the technical capability if Demon's Souls is anything to go by.

MeatyUrologist770d ago

Agreed. Because of all the bad reviews I waited until the end of last gen to buy it, but was really surprised. The only knocks against it were length and linearity. Really loved the visuals, atmosphere, story, and characters. The gunplay was actually really well done with unique and fun weapons.

You mentioned the photo mode, and this was one of the best examples I have seen. They actually allow you to add filters and modify the visuals in the photo mode, and then apply those to the game. I have never seen that before or since. I really wish more games would allow this. Give the users more control over how the game looks to cater it to their tastes.

uth11770d ago

This was a weird one in that the community hated the game but also demanded a sequel

SonyStyled770d ago

Because it’s literally a 5 hr game, yet had the same quality offering of the other AAA Sony games that are tens to hundreds of hours of gameplay.

I used a walkthrough trophy guide for the platinum to not miss any collectibles in one run, it took 8hrs. I thought it was actually a pretty great game, but always wonder why that level of game development didn’t continue for a 15hr single player campaign.

robtion770d ago

I'm part of the community and I loved it.

I think a lot of the hate was from people who didn't even play it jumping on the bandwagon. Clearly there was the usual hate from xbox fans but also from insecure PC players as the graphics were (still are) phenomenal.
The game is a flawed gem. A new entry on PS5 would have great potential (doubt it will happen though, Sony isn't into risk taking these days).

Eidolon770d ago

All the early hate was a people who haven't played it and were quick to call it a QTE game.

AuraAbjure770d ago

I'm an Xbox fan and I'm planning on getting a PS4 pro one day to play this game along with gravity Rush 2 and others.

coolbeans769d ago

-"I think a lot of the hate was from people who didn't even play it jumping on the bandwagon."

Can we please stop retreating back such tired defenses? It's had a heavily mixed reception ever since critics PLAYED the game back then, and justifiably so. Even trying to rope in "insecure PC players" just shows how shallow this view actually is.

770d ago
Shiore2u770d ago (Edited 770d ago )

Can't ever forget those terribly designed lycan fights.

ClayRules2012769d ago

Ugh, I love this game! But yes, those lycan fights were terribly designed, for real.

Overall though, solid gameplay.

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