
Father Uses His Son In A Video Game Experiment, The Results Are Surprising

"Kids these days have it all; HD television, PS4, Xbox One, high-end PC's and games that are slowly but surely blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

If you were born after the year 2000 then the chances are that you've missed out on some of the greatest games ever created, the titles that redefined what it meant to 'play', the games that us older folks will cherish forever. Well, most of them, there's still a special rung in hell for those who developed and released Superman 64.

One man thought all of this and decided to have himself a little experiment, using his son as the main instrument of the investigation." The Games Cabin

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PoSTedUP3456d ago

cool. was gonna do this with my kid, not as an experiment but because i owe it to them as a gamer.

oldest gaming experience: toe jam n earl when i was 3-4 ('93-'94)
ive been playing more retro than anything the past year or so, including pinball.

3456d ago Replies(5)
Angeljuice3455d ago

First gaming experience for me was on a pong clone in 1979 (aged 6-7).
I feel lucky that I have experienced the entire history of gaming in my lifetime, from it's very humble niche beginnings to the multi-billion dollar industry that exists today.

darthv723455d ago

You and me both. More younger players should go back further than they remember if they were born in the mid 80 to 90.

Lots of simplistic yet fun and creative games in the first few generations.

lipton1013455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

I was born in 88 so I got a good taste of the gens myself. i do call bs on his conclusion though. I grew up legitimately with all of those games but I was never hooked until I played Turok on N64. Next Xmas I got ff7 and a ps1. To this day I'm a shooter / adventure / rpg gamer first. Platformers that echo of yesteryear just don't do it for me.

PoSTedUP3455d ago

i played a bunch on the atari but just for the hell of it. i have to go back and catch up, but i feel like i barely have enough time to experience everything from my Own generation, im still running into new amazing games to this day.

@lipton- me too, and turok was my crack, still play it (3-4 months ago). i cant say about the conclusion, except that everyone is different. i have an appreciation for all games and love every genre, if i told you i have a favorite i would be lying (well socom II is fav game of all time) but i dont favor the shooter genre over the others. thats how it is with me i guess.

TheMeatPuppet0073455d ago

I agree as well, I was born in 1980 and my dad had a 2600 and a system called an Intellevision(I think that's how it's spelled) and I played the crap out of Donkey Kong, Astrosmash, and Nightstalker! Wonderful gaming era!

Angeljuice3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )


My dad used to rent an intellivision system (by Mattel) from our local video store every other weekend.
"Tanks" was my favourite game on the system (real name Armor Battle) and it was so exciting when he brought it home. My sisters and I couldn't wait to play.

I still have my original wood-effect Atari 2600 (though I must admit I haven't played with it in a while).

Here's a link to Armor Combat; https://www.youtube.com/wat...
(the player is useless but you get the idea)

Morpheuzpr3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

Born in 77 here. Been playing since the atari days. but my addiction were the arcades those days. God knows how much money I spent playing Kung Fu, Shaolin Road, TMNT, and of coarse SFII. But when it comes to consoles nothing gives me that nostalgia feeling like remembering the first time I saw Ninja Gaiden 2's box art at my local Woolworth's, ohhh and the first time I saw MK2 arcade. I remember none of my friends believed me and though I was lying when I told them that a guy called Kung Lao split Rayden in half with its hat. Ahhh those were the days I tell you.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3455d ago
kayoss3455d ago

I've never even beaten Rygar. That game to me was very difficult so im very impressed. Next up for Eliot... Battle toads and Silver Surfer.

CorndogBurglar3455d ago

I beat Silver Surfer...once.

One time. I owned that game for my entire childhood and only beat it once.

Same with Mike Tyson. I only beat him once.

But you know what? I remember doing it, and i'm happy with that, lol.

Battletoads? No way. Never even came close to beating that.

raptorjacob3455d ago

I loved battletoads. I don't think I ever beat a nes game

Kidmyst3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

My 4 year old plays on my SNES and really likes it, I haven't hooked up the NES, n64 or any Sega systems though yet. But he really enjoys Zelda a link to the past, DK Country and Super Mario. Fun to see these games again. I have all my old systems so these will get relived again. He's played pacman via some of the plug and play games too. Atari 2600 games even.

3-4-53455d ago

I started on Atari 2600 when I was 3 years old in 1988.

Got a NES Christmas 1990, and nothing was ever the same.

I'm really appreciative of the fact that I've been able to experience video games through the generations as I have.

It's almost the full spectrum of gaming from the early years to today.

* Best thing about getting a NES in 1990, was all the games my friends already had that I got to borrow, and all the games available to rent.

So for me 1990 was the year of the NES...that was when Nintendo was new to me. I'd played it the year before but it was MINE now.

Even though it released earlier, to me, 1990 was still NES years.

Until I got a Sega Genesis in 1993.....then that kickstarted a whole new era in gaming.

Man I miss those days.

PoSTedUP3455d ago

nice. same here, very appreciative of how i got to game as a kid.

hammy-down genisis was my first in early 90's, and lived with my cousin and uncle who i had access to their NES and SNES at the same time.

i preferred the SNES over the NES because of super mario, MK and ABC football, the ninja turtles games seemed better to me too, also because of the controller.

also my gamegear was my life at that time, for a few years, till my lil cuzzo dropped it... road rash, madden 95, sonic were some of my faves. i only had a few other games for it.

miss them days too, bro!

sAVAge_bEaST3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

Old school Arcade Kid.

My first system was the Intellivision. Utopia , D&D , MicroSurgen/(nanotech) ,Dig Dug, DK, DK2, Frogger, Pac-Man, SNAFU, Tron, Zaxxon,-
that was my first intro into to the home console's.

then of Course Arcades, from 2 stories, -2 the movie theaters, . to the skate board ,. arcade meet-ups.... /beat downs... roller rinks.. '95 -then straight up R4V3.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3455d ago

I did the same thing. I had a Sega Genesis on a crt tv in my sons room before he turned 2.

Gazondaily3456d ago

This is a wicked idea. Every gamer parent should raise their kids to play games in this order!

traumadisaster3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

Started my kids on a wii, so they love mario. Then moved to kinect and sonic on 360. Recently brought down the ps3 move and they like that.

At 6 and 8 they think happy action theatre is the best game ever made. For me games are $5 too.

I will keep them on those for years, as I game away on a 4k pc and next gen consoles in the man cave, after they go to bed.

lipton1013455d ago

Lol it's crazy being a dad, that's when my gaming gets done as well, after the wife and baby get to sleep. I'm going to dig out my old genesis for my little girl, I think she'll like sonic

traumadisaster3455d ago

It's so cost efficient to let them get more years of fun out of my old consoles.

Bought wii in 2009 on a whim for me, never would have imagined my yet to be born kids would be getting more use out of it than me.

KiwiViper853455d ago

Becoming a dad is what really kicked my habit into high gear.

The wife got into downloading TV series on the laptop so the big TV was always free. So 7pm-12pm is game time, every night, 7pm-4am on weekends.

Can't play my music games anymore tho. I have headphones but the instruments are too noisy. Hoping next gen guitars are whisper quiet.

Clown_Syndr0me3455d ago

Only game my 2 year old likey is Doki Doki Universe because she likes making the man wave lol.
She likes to hold my spare controller though and pretend to play games I'm playing, only do it with the Xbox though as can remove the batteries, otherwise she turns it and presses everything!

Darth Gamer3455d ago

Too funny! I do the exact same thing with my 2 year old. Even funnier though is the fact that she now grabs the controller and removes the battery pack herself and then sits next to me thinking that she is controlling the character on screen. Too cute!

CorndogBurglar3455d ago (Edited 3455d ago )

My 3 year old daughter plays Castle Crashers. Well, she's 4 now, almost 5. But she has been playing it since she was 3. She absolutely loves it. I can't tell you how proud I am of that, lol.

At first she used to ask me to help her through some of the tougher parts, but now its all her. :)

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XDefiant Jump Shotting and Bunny Hopping Nerfs Incoming, Crossplay Improvement Incoming in Patch

The devs have confirmed that XDefiant jump shotting and bunny hopping nerfs are incoming, as well as crossplay improvements and bug fixes.

RhinoGamer882h ago

I really want a SP and MP division 3.


Oh god you can do that over here to? I still have nightmares from bunny hopping in CoD.

anast1h ago

They should keep it and add double and triple jumping.


"Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor - Martyr" has just dropped its "offline" mode

"NeocoreGames are today very happy and  proud to announce that they have just released the "offline" mode for their ARPG "Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr" (the said mode is available right now for PC via Steam)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

Lighter95h ago

That's amazing. This is the wh game that needs a sequel.

banger884h ago

Too bad they haven't given the offline option for the console version. Hopefully it will come in the near future, I picked up the game on sale recently.

anast1h ago

Once the offline mode comes to console, I'll pick it up.

Gameseeker_Frampt55m ago

Writing is hard. The fool that posted this title seems unaware that the words he chose makes it seem like the game has just removed a feature.


"Downward Enhanced Edition" is coming to consoles on June 4th, 2024

"The Montpellier-based (France) indie games publisher Plug In Digital and Rome-based (Italy) indie games developer Caracal Games, are today very delighted and excited to announce that their first-person open-world parkour based platform adventure "Downward", is getting an Enhanced Edition for consoles (PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and the Nintendo Switch) on June 4th, 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.