
Is This Image Proof Of Diablo III?

Kotaku has been inundated with tips today pointing to an image that, in some people's eyes, proves that Blizzard is on the cusp of announcing Diablo III. They may very well be, but that image is sadly no proof at all. Work that was attributed by some to "hackers".

pharmd5825d ago

blizzard sure is building suspense....

iceice1235825d ago

Like people don't have photoshop right? Also, they update once a day, that there is multiple days. WWI ends on Sunday, the announcement is most likely Tomorrow. Wasn't this first found on 4chan anyway? Seriously now...

Charlie26885825d ago

They are building MASSIVE hype...and they better deliver or its gonna be a backlash like we haven't seen in years O.o

yes, like the sort of one that involves people with torches, pitchforks...gasoline and a goggle map with the detailed address of Blizzard HQ XD

alxramos5825d ago

They are just playing with us, and enjoying it...

DeckUKold5825d ago

Hurry up i want it NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!

MK_Red5825d ago

Well, the eyes on Blizzard's page definitly look like Arthas' from Wrath of the Lich King (Sadly). Dammit, I HATE MMOs. I want Diablo 3 NOW!

Kenshin_BATT0USAI5825d ago

I was thinking that too. I'm guessing Wrathe of the lich King release date, but the current battle.net poster thingy reminds me or starcraft with the round symbols in the ice.

Charlie26885825d ago

whose eyes are those depends who do you ask (strangely all the possible faces do match -_-)

Ripten says its SC MM, Kotaku the Lich King thing, Diabloii.net says Diablo 3 and they ALL have the "but, but I makes sense!"

Silellak5825d ago

Which is why Blizzard's marketing department is brilliant.

abczby5825d ago (Edited 5825d ago )

I did not want another sh*tty MMO from Blizzard. World of Warcraft just makes me sick when I hear people speak about it. I hope Blizzard realizes what the community is going to do if it is not Diablo III and a StarCraft MMO, or the already announced Lich King.

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The Greatest Video Game Comeback Stories in Gaming History

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Dirty_Lemons129d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein129d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff2183129d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


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Palitera438d ago

Are you comparing a continuously improved 10+ years old masterpiece with the... beta of an unreleased game?

kevco33437d ago

Heh, yeah. There's no comparison in here! Its a commentary on how III is still very playable over a decade later.


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